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It must be Fate... /Zero/Pokemon/What?

Enemy Standoo

It must be my work!
Hi everybody! I'm not going to go into a lot of detail on rules and standards, I'm sure you've read all that stuff before and I'm sure you have the same rules yourself.

So just to get it out of the way:

I'm looking for a partner who'll give a good sized reply where they can 2-3 paragraphs. More would be great but I know sometimes you just need something short, especially if it's a fast paced conversation. Good grammar and spelling is big thing but I'm not perfect and I wont jump down your throat or anything.

Let's chat out of character. If it's just the two of us then being able to joke together is what'll really keep this thing alive. Also a biggy! I have work and other things that need doing during the week, I'll try and post often but I can't promise it will be every day. I'll let you know if I'm going to go dark for an extended period of time so don't worry but I wanted to get that out there now since this can be a deal breaker for some.

I'm happy to play multiple characters of any gender and it'd be cool (but not mandatory) if you could too. Let's just give ourselves as many options as we can. I'm open to romance too, big mushy fool that I am. And finally, please add to the story and contribute ideas. Bouncing ideas around is just cool to do and it makes the RP a lot more fun. Plus, who wants to do all the work?

Small note, I don't do canon character. It's just not my thing and I get more enjoyment from OC scenarios.

Those are the big things I can think of now but I'm sure we can learn more about each other once we get going. Now onto the RPs!

Fate/ Zero and Stay/Night: This is just a basic setup idea right now. Set apart from the events of the anime and visual novels, there is a whole new grail war, starring our OC characters! I imagine this one would include some big doubling up as everyone has cool ideas for possible servants (I've got some for a Saber, Archer, Rider and Berserker) so I'll be your servant and you my master as our two characters find themselves thrown together and fighting for the grail. And if you like we can have a second pair with the roles revered running around for maximum drama!

Pokemon: Here we'd be playing two young trainers on their classic pokemon adventure, set in the Kalos region most likely. Just since I've been playing X recently. This one doesn't really have any major plots made, I have the idea of the characters being wannabe gym leaders who are travelling to try and master their type so they can open their own gyms. But I'm open to anything here.

Fairy Tail: and I'm already in one of these! But damn if I don't love this show. I'm good for pretty much anything here so if you'd like adventures in Earthland with me then let's get rolling.

As you can see I'm feeling some anime fun times but it's not limited to just these three or to just animes. Honestly there are too many things I'd like to do here but if you like Hajime No Ippo or Itazura na Kiss (or want to somehow combine those two styles cus that'd be sick!) or Ouran host club, Cowboy Bebop, honestly I could go on for a while.

The point being! If any of these strike your fancy then please drop me a line or PM me.


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