[It Begins] Chaos

Nanzing slowed as he heard Azolan shouting for him, coming to a halt a quarter of a mile into the forest and leaned against the side of the tree as he turned to look at Azolan running towards him.  Being careful with the egg he held close to his chest to keep it warm, he turned his head to look at the egg under the frail sunrays sliding through the canopy of trees.  The egg itself was a forest green with pale green circles on it it.  Nanzing didn't know a lot about the dragons but getting the egg to safety from Zhao and Canren was rather important.  Who knew what those two would do with the egg?   He glanced up at the sky when the egg seemed to stir...or rather the being inside it.   Well...shit, he thought to himself as he stared at the egg in his hands as he settled onto the ground so he wouldn't drop the egg and inadventurely kill the last of the mother dragon's eggs. 

Nanzing wasn't really sure how one went about charming a dragon but he knew they were incredibly loyal to those who had managed to charm one.  If the egg was hatching then it was more important for the teen to take the dragon away.   Knowing Zhao, his foolish older brother would probably try to charm the dragon or sell it.  @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

@ChimpMan, @Lava, @MagicPocket

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Azolan caught up panting a little, the scars in his face burning so he was currently not in the greatest mood." So explain this to me..." He began in seemingly curious tone." The entire village was attacked because one idiot stole a dragon egg and a parent went after him. So than despite what happened you now have the exact same egg in your hands. Seems strange to me thats all and i was wondering... What the hell are you thinking!? Bringing that potential fire breather in your hands!"
Man was Azolan mad.  Nanzing had forgotten what his friend was like when he was upset.  "Well, I originally wanted a closer look at the egg.  I've never seen one up close before," said the teen.   "Then I thought it best to take it away from the village in case the dragon comes back. If Canren or Zhao get hold of it, they'd probably sell it or it might end up back where it was when that stranger had the egg in the first place."  He looked back down at the egg in his hands again, tracing a finger along the shell, the sunlight shining on the dragon egg made it almost sparkle.    Nanzing wasn't sure whether to admit that he hoped he could charm the dragon or not, given Azolan's anger at having taken the egg from the village. Maybe his wish to charm the dragon within was making him susceptible to thinking the egg was moving when it really wasn't...but he was sure he had felt the egg shaking.   

As if to cast doubt on the teen's thoughts, the egg shook again, beginning to grow warm in the teen's hands...though whether this was a sign that it was hatching or because it was being held against Nazing and soaking in the teen's body heat, Nanzing wasn't sure.   He wasn't sure why it was but he didn't want to give up on the egg or let it out of his sight.    Azolan would probably think he was crazy so he didn't say anything about that.    "The egg's really pretty though...like a gemstone with the way the sunlight hits it.  It feels...warm to me," he said hesitatingly before cradling it against his chest and reluctantly getting up.  He had to find somewhere to hide the egg so that his brother or Canren wouldn't get it...nor the hunters who had gone to raid the nest in the first place.     Somehow he knew that it had to be kept warm as well.   In the meantime...Nanzing set the egg on the ground and then took off his shirt, wrapping the egg in it before placing it back where he had been sitting against the tree while he looked around for somewhere to hide the egg where Zhao and Canren wouldn't think to look.     However, he hadn't gotten a few steps before heard a crack which caused him to frown and hurry back to the egg.  That was all he needed was for the egg to end up breaking.    
Azolan was getting more concerned at the way Nanzing was looking at the egg, like he was a man in love or possessed by it. True the egg was pretty as a gem which seemed to draw his attention like something magical. The feeling only made him feel even worse about the egg. "OK, Nanzing, the egg is safe leave it somewhere and let's go." He went to say but saw that Nanzing was to drawn to it to listen, attached to it like it was his own. "Hey! This is not a pet! It is a living developing dragon in there and unless you haven't noticed they tend to breath fire. You can look at me and see the danger of that and it can be a lot worse. So leave it! "
@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @eclipsehowls

Even a significant distance from the village, the antics of the dragon was visible - let alone the roar it let loose earlier. The army recruiters did not have to report it for the Captain to be aware. All they did was corroborate a truth, it made it a fact - the fact that now, the army had something to do besides waiting around. It was most definitely a satisfying turn of events. Dragons made for the most intense of preys to hunt; as the pinnacle natural fire-benders, the flames they bent were the sort that most fire-benders would aspire to replicate or even surpass. The Captain was no different; "We shall move for the village now," he said, as his subordinates fanned out to relay the orders to their respective squads. The army now had an objective, and they began to move, emerging over the hill in the distance. Theirs looked to be a small number initially, but it quickly revealed itself to be far more sizable. Like a swarm of ants, the army made for the village at slow and measured pace. After all, there was still no reason to intervene - at least, until the dragon caused trouble.

And trouble it looked ready to cause; whatever became of Shane, no one will know. Perhaps he was now ashes in a scorched piece of earth, or perhaps he made it into the lake. Whatever the outcome, it was secondary, inconsequential. The dragon realised ultimately that he was but a pointless distraction - it remembered the egg and it returned to the village in a fierce rush. When it came to the point where the egg previously was, it turned upwards into the sky, spreading itself out in the air as it hovered over the village menacingly. It was simultaneously majestic and terrifying, the figure it struck; flames danced around its maw as it scanned the village. However, this time, it was not so patient. It descended on the first house it saw, smashing through the roof into its screaming occupants. They keep screaming as they narrowly avoided death, only to find the dragon's flames. In the distance, the army picked up pace, led by bloodthirsty Captain. "We hurry, let's hunt us a proper dragon," he sneered.
Although he heard Azolan's words, Nanzing didn't heed his old friend's words, seeming as if a man possessed by his thoughts going to the egg as he heard the crack that wrent the immediate air while looking for something else to cover the egg in for warmth until its mother found it.   Little was the teenager to know, that the mother would soon be out of the picture or that the army was closer than Nanzing had thought to the village he called home for as he began unwrapping his shirt from where it concealed the egg, a tremendous roar shook the air and he looked up from where he was crouched on the ground to see the dragon high in the air over it, casting a shadow over the village before it disappeared from view.  Soon the scent of burning wood wafted through the air, people screaming as they began running for their lives from the noble and furious beast that had nothing more to lose with all its eggs gone.  

Nanzing would have taken the egg back to the village for the mother, or told Azolan to go on ahead and he would hopefully catch up, but that seemed impossible now with the ferocious nature of the mother dragon.  Even if he did take it back now, he was likely to be killed, or seriously injured. Hidden within the forest, Nanzing and Azolan were unseen but another crack caused Nanzing to look around him, the snapping of a twig revealed merely a rabbit hopping out of the brush.  It stopped and looked at the two humans before bolting across their path and into the brush beyond. The fourteen-year-old let out a slow exhale of relief that it was just a rabbit. Without realizing what he was doing, he had stood and picked up the egg, still bundled in his shirt, before starting back towards the village...only for the egg to grow warmer than it had been, so that he felt the heat through his hands and nearly dropped it.   Tightening his arms around it, the teenager soon heard the pounding of feet and halted, turning and seeming a small column in the distance on a hill...the same hill...at least he thought...that hid the cabin where his bag, dual swords and Saber were. Although the people were unlikely to see him and Azolan, the teen still froze where he was standing, watching in horror as the small column soon grew large enough to cause the teen's face to pale.   

Well that settled things.   He couldn't go back to the village now and he couldn't leave the egg here in the forest.   If he went back to the village he would be either killed or injured enough that when the army arrived, they might give him to a medic but then he would be enlisted into the army for sure.  If he went back, the dragon within the egg would either be killed by the army or sold.  Somehow, he couldn't bear to think of the unborn dragon growing up in a cage or whatever could hold a dragon captive all its life.   His uncle and his master couldn't do anything against the army after all.  The teen would have to leave the village's fate...his uncle and sister's fate...into the hands of the army.  He spared Azolan a glance, removing one hand to point a finger at the army in the distance, not trusting himself to speak.    Nanzing began walking at a brisk pace towards the cabin that was hidden, his arms shaking, or maybe it was the egg that was shaking.    

Azolan might be furious with him for taking the egg, but even though Nanzing didn't want to be recruited into it, he couldn't deny that the army was strong....well at least when his uncle had been a colonel many years ago.   The egg was coming with them and that was simply that.  It might ruin the friendship between the old friends but Nazing's priority now was protecting the egg...and getting away from the army.  Using the forest to hide himself, though it seemed that the army were more focused on the mother dragon attacking the village, Nanzing managed to make his way towards the cabin and opened the door.   His cat looked up at him and let out a merow, causing the teen to give the cat a sheepish smile.    Setting the egg down, Nanzing grabbed his bag and unwrapped it, shooing Saber away as the cat cautiously approached it.  He pulled his shirt back on and placed Saber within his bag...only to see the egg had a small crack in it.  His curiosity peaked and he pulled it closer to him, tapping a finger on the shell.  Odd that it seemed hollow inside despite knowing there was a pure firebender...a dragon...contained within.   The teenager shook his head and tried to think what to do with the egg now, time was of the essence here. Unless it hatched, his only option was to put the egg in his bag and keep it hidden.  

Nanzing examined his hands but they didn't seem burned at all, something of a relief to the teenager.  Saber merowed again and Nanzing scratched his pet's head as he removed the cat from his bag.  He could carry  Saber perhaps and hide the egg in his bag.  That might work better and he could always figure out how to dispose of the egg shell if the dragon hatched. Nanzing looked up but didn't see Azolan...yet he didn't see any members of the army either storming into the cabin.  Likely they would be more interested in the mother and protecting the village.   At least his uncle would have been concerned about the safety of the village.  Nanzing sighed as he looked around the cabin but he hadn't taken anything out except Saber.  "We might be striking out on our own if Az doesn't catch up.  Though he's probably too infuriated with me at the moment since I kinda took this egg," Nanzing said to the cat.   If Az didn't want to risk his own life thanks to Nanzing's curios stupidity, it would hurt, but he wouldn't begrudge his childhood friend.  

Another crack sounded in the cabin and the teenager looked down at the egg...another crack had appeared in the shell.  "Heh...I think it's hatching," he said out loud to himself and Saber who had stopped trying to get his owner's attention to stare at the egg.   Well if it was, then it certainly solved one problem and made another one, but it wasn't like Nanzing hadn't brought it on himself.   If Azolan passed this way, then it was likely the egg would have fully hatched by then. @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
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Azolan so his friends actions with surprise and confusion, not to mention a little exasperation. Something was wrong with Nanzing, he was possessed by this egg, like he was father to it. Azolan was extremely worried now, Nanzing was meddling with something powerful and what was worse it involved fire, something he wasnt strong against to protect him from it. "Nan... You must..." He went to say but Nanzing turned at a rustle which only appeared to be a rabbit. Azolan sighed and tried to speaks again." Nan...Look.. You must." he went to try again but Nanzing pointed out something behind them. Azolan turned and he cursed at the site of the army. That was exactly what they needed, to be stuck between a rock and hard place. He tried to think quickly for a possible solution.

"Ok, we can..." Azolan went to say but Nanzing was gone into the forest and Azolan let out a cry in frustration. Why can no one listen to him? He let out another groan and rushed after Nanzing trying hard to catch up to him. He wasn't happy about Nanzing having the egg but he was still his friends, and fear or not he was going to help him whatever came of this. "Nan!"He tried to call out before recognising were Nan was going. The cabin and saw the wisdom in it. He finally made it to the Cabin and went to enter.
Nanzing kept his eyes on the egg, not interfering with what was happening, keeping a hand on Saber's back and stroking the cat as both boy and pet stared at the hatching of the green egg as a large crack appeared in the shell.   Saber's ears twitched as there was a pushing against the surface of the egg, the unborn dragon trying to break free of its confinement.  The unborn dragon pushed again, pushing itself against the egg and finally it created a hole big enough to stick the tip of its snout against.  The teen leaned closer to the egg though the hole the infant dragon had created too tiny to see through.  The egg shook more now that an opening had been created for the unborn dragon to breathe through and as Nanzing released Saber to pick up the egg, he could feel the dragon stirring within the egg.  The dragon widened  the hole it created, slowly, bit by bit.  It was exciting and slightly fearful for Nanzing to watch.  What was the dragon going to be like?  Would it hurt itself trying to get out of the egg?  He wasn't sure how to care for a newly hatched dragon, nor what to do if it injured itself in the process.   Although he wanted to help it, something told him the dragon had to make its own way out of the egg on its own.  So he just sat there and continued to watch the process which seemed a long time.  

It was likely the dragon would be hungry after it hatched so the teen rummaged in his backpack, pulling out a roast chicken sandwich for the hatchling to eat.  Perhaps it would sleep after pushing out of its egg.  It was likely to be a tiring event for the dragon within its protective shell.  The dragon pushed against the egg, first its snout and then its head emerged. Slowly the hatchling opened its eyes, its large head revealing a wide flat nose and golden cat-like eyes that were characteristics of its species, two thin forest-green whiskers extending from the sides of its face and white beard hanging from its chin and appearing on its cheeks.   Nanzing was entranced with the sight before him, not even noticing the footsteps outside the door.  One of the dragon's legs managed to get out of the egg next, tiny ivory white claws on its paw, the hatchling gasping for air as it continued its struggle to emerge into the world.  Next were its shoulders, followed by its left front leg.  It lay there gasping as it managed to get halfway out and when it squirmed, the egg fell off Nanzing's lap and onto the ground, splitting the rest of the egg open and the dragon lay before him amidst the pieces of its egg.

Thankfully they were large enough to gather up which the teen did so as he continued keeping an eye on the dragon.  He wasn't sure how big it was, maybe a foot long already, having four short stocky legs with a thin tail whose tip was covered by white fur on either side.  Two pointed ears appeared on its head, a pair of nubs on its head which were undeveloped horns that would appear by the dragon's adolescence, ivory white claws on each of its four paws.  Its wings were forest green like the top of its body, including its legs, the entire body covered in scales.  As the dragon lay there, mucus covering it, exhausted from its ordeal, Nanzing picked up the pieces of egg shell and placed them in his bag.  It had a long neck with a large head and the bottom of its body was pale green...the exact colors of the egg.  Nanzing watched the dragon, moving his hand slowly as he collected the egg pieces, so as not to startle the creature.  This...this was a tiny pure fire bender!  Nanzing was glad to be able to witness a rare event of a dragon hatching though his happiness and awe was replaced by sadness that the dragon would never know its parents and siblings' thanks in part to Nanzing and in part due to Canren and Zhao.  This was slightly tempered by the relief that it was safe and that he had been right to take the dragon to safety.   

The dragon's golden eyes followed Nanzing's movements, it might be newly hatched but its species was intelligent and able to communicate with their humans.  This dragon was no exception in the intelligence compartment.   Saber let out a curious meow at the dragon and its head slowly turned towards the feline, the teen slowly extending his hand out and creating a small flame in his hand, unsure how he was to charm the dragon, before extinguishing the flame.  Nanzing then put the pieces of egg shell into his bag before pulling off a piece of the chicken from his sandwich and slowly extending his hand again towards the dragon.  The dragon watched the movement and then sniffed at the chicken before snatching it out of the human's fingers, Nanzing alternating between feeding the dragon and Saber.  "You're beautiful," Nanzing breathed to the dragon as he fed it. "Hopefully, you'll forgive me for what led to you hatching here than with your mother one day."  @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @eclipsehowls

As the two fire-benders left for the cabin, the Captain set his forces on the dragon. It was by no means the full brunt of the army - with about 50 to 60 fire-benders. However, it was certainly more than sufficient to take on the dragon and limit the damage that could be done to the village. That was the imperative for the moment; the dragon's apoplexy was incinerating the village building by building. Horrifying screams of innocent villagers filled the air, punctuated by the dancing flames and falling buildings. The heat from the village - even from a distance - was searing. "Amazing," the Captain marveled from a distance, watching with awe in his eyes. The dragon rose in the air, bellowing as it launched another torrent of flames at a building. This time, the army had swept into the village. Five fire-benders leaped onto the roof of the buildings, dispelling the dragon's flames with their combined bending. The rest of the fire-benders continued to bend their own flames, tossing it at the dragon. The Captain rolled his eyes as he buried his face in his palms.


He sprinted forward, waving his subordinates to the side as he launched himself into the air. Propelling himself forward, he surged towards the dragon before it could respond. His knife drawn, he latched on to the side of the dragon and began to stab deep into the dragon. Contrary to popular belief, the dragon's scales were nowhere as tough as people would be led to believe. The blade slid into the dragon's flesh easily, drawing blood that rained down on the village. The other fire benders caught on and began to do the same. Like a swarm of bees, they launched themselves at the dragon, stinging it with their knives. It flailed in the air, roaring as it attempted to shake off its assailants. Flames continued to spew from the dragon, in desperate attempt to remove the fire-benders on it. However, their relentless attacks proved to be far more debilitating than the dragon could manage. It floundered in the air before smashing into the village grounds, crushing one more building. The Captain sighed as he hopped off the dragon. 

"Disappointing," he muttered. "That was too easy." He sauntered over to the head of the dragon. Its lifeless eyes stared into emptiness; the Captain shrugged as he gestured at his lackeys. With the dragon down, his job was now to assist in the restoration works. Truly, the boring had just begun. 
Azolan entered and began to lecture Nanzing once more but than he paused when he realised the egg was hatching. He fell silent, not out of fear but curiosity since whatever his misgivings were about Nanzing having the egg and now the hatchling this was still one of the rarest things in nature to watch. A dragon hatching, the birth of a dragon who will once be the true expression of fire bending the focal point of a culture even he was drawn to the spectacle and almost religious significance. Azolan approached quietly and slowly seeing the little lizard dragon come out of it egg and how Nanzing interacted with it with simple awe.

"Well... Wow..." He said simply unsure of what to say both to express his awe and not wanting to do anything to ruin the moment. He could see the love in Nanzings eyes at the creature , the bond forming between the two and knew he could do little to stop and could see it would be worse to stop it now. " Well.. Welcome to motherhood, Nan... Never though i would say that to you..."
Even though the cabin was a good distance from the village, Nanzing could feel the searing heat of the flames as the village began to burn, the walls of the cabin blocking out the screams of the villages and the roars of the dragon.  The heat caused the fourteen-year-old firebender to move away from the walls and even Saber merrowed in discomfort at the heat.   That was the first sign that Nanzing had that something was wrong and took his attention from the hatching of the dragon egg in front of him, even as the heat grew in intensity with the burning flames.  Nanzing ate the bread of the sandwich and the few scraps of meat left over from the sandwich as the dragon began to grow full and Saber was put off from his meal thanks to the heat.   

Bothered by the heat, the teen didn't put his shirt back on, having moved it to the side after setting the egg down before it began to hatch.  Nanzing didn't even look up as the door opened and Azolan began lecturing him before cutting himself off...Nanzing was too focused on watching the dragon who had yet to try walking but at least it was eating without trying to take the teen's fingers off.   Unknown to the teenager, a bond was beginning to form between boy and dragon, though Nanzing was unlikely to discover that until later.   With the death of the dragon though, the heat would likely remain until the fires were put out in the village, only as dark  came would there be relief but night was hours away.   Still, with the army they should probably leave. 

The teen slowly extended a hand to the sleepy dragon, full from its meal of the meat that had been fed to it.  Although the dragon's eyes remained on the boy's hand, it didn't growl or snap its teeth.  Nanzing took that as a sign that it was okay with being touched and let his hand rest lightly on the dragon's head, moving his hand slowly down the dragon's back and feeling the scales beneath his fingers and palm.    It was when Azolan began to speak again that Nanzing blinked and removed his hand from the dragon, looking up to see Azolan standing by him.   When had Azolan gotten here?   Nanzing looked down at the dragon again and back up into Azolan's face.  He wasn't sure about Azolan's thoughts or even what his friend was thinking...was Azolan still his friend despite going against the deserter's orders and risking his life and the village's lives...but when Azolan made a comment about welcoming the teen to motherhood, he couldn't help glaring at Azolan.  "Never imagined any of this either," he said.  @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Azolan could feel the heat too, a heat he was Al to familiar with. His burn scars began to sting like the heat was stabbing tiny needles at the entire exposed area of his scars. He turned to see the village burn looking at it with fear and horror as he wondered whether it could have been prevented if Nanzing took the egg. He took a look at Nanzing. What was he going to do with him? He wanted to tell Nan, he could have been responsible for the further destruction of the village. To admonish him for it and make him learn to consider his actions. However he wondered whether Nan knew already and to tell him again would make things worse rather than make it better.  Also did Azolan really want to ruin what would be one of the most important events of Nanzing life.

"Well, I hope you are ready for this." He said finally trying to consider the right words. "He is going to dependent on you knew now until his adolescents and I doubt there is anyway you can get to of it. Still if anyone can do it or love it as it deserves, I am sure it is you."
Glancing at the dragon as claws tapped on the wooden floor of the cabin, Nanzing was surprised to see the dragon slowly making its way towards the teen.  Azolan stood there in silence, just watching the teen interact with the dragon until finally the adult decided to break the silence by speaking.   He looked out the open door to see flames and smoke from the direction of the village and felt a stab of guilt in his heart about what had happened before dragging his bag forward in front of him.  Nanzing reached out and watched the dragon for any hostility...there was slight tension in the newly hatched dragon's body as its eyes went to Nanzing's hand and he froze.  Allowing the dragon to get used somewhat to his presence would take time, time they didn't have.   But Azolan's words brought Nanzing's attention back to his friend.

"I'm not ready...but I...but it seemed to...I do'nt know," Nanzing said.  How was he supposed to describe how the egg had grown warm in his hands, how had it shook as if to relieve the teenager's doubts while still within its egg, how it seemed like he couldn't...didn't...want to leave the egg to its fate?  Azolan would just think the teen crazy.  "I know it will be a lot of work taking care of the dragon and Saber but I'll do my best to protect the dragon from Zhao and even Lord Osha if needed," said Nanzing.  Something against his hand made him flick his eyes to the dragon whom was sniffing the teen's extended hand before butting its head against his palm.  "I think we can use the village as a distraction to get away from here," said Nanzing as he looked from the dragon to the village and then to Azolan.  He picked up the dragon and set it into his bag and closed it open except for a tiny opening for air before pulling his shirt back on.  He swung his bag onto his shoulders as Saber jumped into Nan's arms.   @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
More officers began to arrive on scene and began to escort the criminals to jail. Back were the Trio was standing an officer was kneeling next to Yin, he pulled out a canteen and moistened a strip of clean cloth before he began wrapping the wound, followed by a few more layers of clean cloth over the top. "This is just until you can see a healer. Its important you keep it covered and warm. The condition your skin is in it won't be able to retain heat and is very prone to infection. And you must see a healer."

Yin gave the officer a polite nod of thanks, but didn't say much. The pain was crippling, but she did her best not to show in on her face. She didn't want the others worrying too much when this was her stupid idea in the first place.

"Don't worry, sir, we will take care of her." Ren said kneeling next to the two of them, he had just finished giving his statement to one of the police officers. Yin was probably in a significant amount of pain, he knew if he was in her position he wouldn't really care about words until he could get relief. He was also didn't have much tolerance for pain either so...For being as young as she was she was very strong. Ren glanced at Han then at Yin and the officer. "We will make sure she sees a healer."

They spoke for her, which was a relief, she didn't have to.  She wanted to get them alone again, but she didn't really know what to say. Part of her childishly thought 'I told them not to follow me, they risked their own lives of their own free will.' but if she'd stopped to think, it would have been obvious they wouldn't have let her go alone.

Meanwhile Han looked at the thugs who were now completely in custody. Enough officers were on the scene now that they knew they couldn't possibly do anything to get away. Don and Han exchanged a glance. "You little punk. When I get out of here there won't be a single nook or cranny in this city where you will be out of my reach. I'll find you." 

"Oh. Did you say something?" Han replied cheekily, getting one last jab at the Don before he and the rest were carried off. In the nonchalant manner he said it, he might have seemed like he didn't care. But truthfully he knew the Don - if he ever got out - was right. Luckily for Han he had already made preparations to leave. "That offer of staying the night still available Ren?"

"Yeah, absolutely!" Ren assured him. He glanced sideways at Don and his crooks. "After all that just happened...I can't wait for all of this to be over." Not to mention it would be good to have company, everything still felt very surreal. He could feel the exhaustion setting in his nerves were still wound up pretty tight. 

Ren and Han talked about their arrangements but Yin knew where she had to go, though she absolutely dreaded seeing her mother's face. "I..." She paused "I'm sorry for my actions. I almost got myself and both of you killed." Her voice was small, mostly because of the pain but partly because of the effort she was making not to give over to the nagging urge to weep. She shuffled her feet and avoided their eyes. it had been an emotional day, and it was a lot for the girl to take in. She never imagined she'd see a day where the cozy little shop she returned to every night would be gone. Worse still, this never would have happened if she hadn't been so reckless. One day, she was going to be powerful enough to stop anyone from hurting the people she cared about. She'd never stop trying until that day.

"It was completely crazy and reckless what you did." Reflected Han though when he said it, it wasn't an angry or disapproving tone but simply a matter of fact one. Ren nodded in agreement. A brief moment of silence followed, then he patted Yin on the head playfully. "But you showed a lot of natural talent! And I suspect you've learned your lesson and won't let something like this happen again, so there's no point in dwelling on it now. Mistakes happen right?" 

"That and I can't be angry much with you until you get better." Ren added then smiled. "I'm just glad you are alive. We got lucky, things could have turned out so much worse." 

Then another thought hit Han. "Hey Yin, where will you go now..?"

"Um, my Aunties husband is a healer, so I will go to him. My... mother is probably staying there."  She bowed her head slightly "Um, T-Thank-you for coming to help me," She forced a smile, but it was very clearly forced. "I'll be okay It isn't far. S-So, I'll be leaving. I'll catch you later" 

Dizzy. I feel very Dizzy Yin thought to herself, wondering if she was going to make it back there. Certainly not in any hurry. But she didn't want to ask them to come. 

Ren watched carefully as Yin stood. He saw her sway and quickly ducked under her good side, supporting an arm around her waist. "You don't have to be a hero anymore, Yin. It's okay to ask for help." From the pallor and expression on her face she didn't look like she would get very far on her own. But the girl was determined. "Let us at least help you get home. I insist." He straightened more and assisted carrying her weight and they began to walk. She directed them to her uncle's home. The house wasn't too far down the street from Yin's mother's tea shop, maybe a few blocks. 

When they arrived at the front step the boys rapped their knuckles on the door frame. They waited. The sound of footsteps grew louder and the door slide open. A man in plain brown robes stood on the other side. His eyes quickly took them in, the dressings up his niece's arm, and her singed clothing. "Oh, my dear!" He took her good hand and ushered her forward. Over his shoulder he called for his wife then turned back to the two boys. "W-what happened? My wife's sister, she told us about the shop, but..."

Ren bowed politely before speaking. "There was an altercation involving a firebender." He described briefly, sharing a sideways glancing at Han. "The police arrived in time to break it up and take the men into custody. Yin was injured pretty badly in the cross fire. We wanted to make sure she got home safe, she needs healing."

"Of course, of course. I appreciate what you've boys, be on your way now. I must get to work immediately if it is as bad as you say it is." Yin's uncle nodded curtly and slide the door shut. Ren suspected the man guessed who the two boys were, if Yin's mother had indeed recapped the day's events for her family. As both of them were with Yin at the shop when the gangsters seemingly followed them there. It wouldn't be too difficult to draw conclusions. 

"Well. That's that..." Ren said to Han after they were locked out, making a face. "My home is on the other side of the Middle Ring. It's a bit of a walk but given our situation is a bit of a welcome at this point. Plenty of space."

Han nodded. "It sure has been a long day."

The walk was quiet as the two older boys reflected upon events that had transpired. The sun had set over the Wall by the time they had arrived. Ren, feeling paranoid, led them in the back through the alley. Once inside he busied himself with lighting a few lanterns, "This is it. It isn't a palace but I don't have much use even if I were to have more room." It was modestly decorated and very clean. The kitchen shared space with the living space, simply decorated with a couple shelves stacked with scrolls, hand-bound leather books, and other interesting subjects of interest he'd collected in the last few years. There was a desk in one corner and in the center of the room a simple rug, a shallow table accompanied by several inviting green cushions. The bedroom was behind a sliding door sharing the wall with the shelves, inside was a dresser and a pallet of blankets where he would sleep. Outside there was a patio with a zen garden, the rocks arranged in ornate patterns. From a cupboard Ren gathered spare blankets and cushions, he unrolled a spare mat and laid everything out on the bedroom floor. "Please make yourself at home. Rarely do I really have guests over, let alone to stay the night. I hope that will be okay." 

"Thanks Ren, I really appreciate all of this." Han gestured to his surroundings while taking a seat. "But don't worry, I'll be out of your hair soon, I don't plan to stay in the city long."

"Its no problem at all." He nodded. "I don't have much in the way of food...I don't *ahem* can't cook. How 'bout a pot of tea?" And just as he began any other day he ended his day just the same. A whistling kettle and a comforting cup of piping tea. Before turning in for the evening he closed and locked all the shutters. After finishing his cup be put everything away then crawled under his blankets and began his attempt at falling asleep.
"Agreed."Azolan said simply walking to the door and kept a look out as Nanzing got ready to leave. "I rather not get involved with the army, we are not on speaking terms." He said as he opened the door for Nanzing and let him pass. He saw the dragon was in the bag and was unsure about if that was wise."You sure you want to keep it in there? One breath of fire, you lose at the very least a good bag."He pointed out. 

(sorry for short post, mind gone blank.)
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(It's fine.)

Nanzing stood once he had put on his dual swords and bag.  The teen shrugged at the question, walking across the cabin and then into the forest outside.  He stood and looked in the direction of the village in silent contemplation for some time before turning back to Azolan as he spoke.  "Hmmm?"  he questioned.  "Oh...yeah...you may be right but I can't really carry him in my arms in case we need to go through a village or town. He seems sleepy at the moment though so I'm hoping he won't set the bag on fire."  Saber settled within the teen's arms, held close to Nanzing's chest, as he began walking in the direction they had been before the mother had shown up at the village.   There was no going back for the teen now.     He would just have to hope his uncle and half-sister and master were safe. 
"Ok, i hope the same." Azolan said insure what to do if Nanzing was harmed by the dragon. He knew Nanzing what want the dragon taken cared of but Azolan knew he wasnt the one to do it with his history. He tried to get the thought of his mind convincing him it wont happen and if it does deal with when it does. More important thing now was where to go next, a question easy when he was alone now complicated with addition of Nanzing and the dragon. He took the map from his pack and tried to figure out were to go. "Whe need to figure out our nect move... Maybe get to the coast and get us of the continent..."He thought out loud.
Nanzing turned so he could look at the map Azolan pulled out and then opened, listening to the suggestion about trying to get to the coast and if so away.  They would need to hijack a ship or sneak aboard one to get off of the coast as Nanzing didn't think his dragon would be old enough to carry them on it over the see by then.  Not until it reached adolescence anyway and that was a long way from now.   Once they got off they would need to figure out where to go...the earth kingdoms maybe on the continent?  One of the nations of the air pirates within the mountains?  The teen shook his head, he was thinking too far ahead.   

"Getting to the coast and then out of Lord Osha's Kingdom would probably be our best bet to avoid the army," said Nanzing as he tried to think aloud.  "If we could avoid the other fire kingdom as well, it would be better.  We don't want to end up in  the rival kingdom and be held as spies or enlisted into the other Lord's army.  Maybe if we try to stay off the roads or only travel on them at night, we might be safe from soldiers and recruiters."  

Nanzing wasn't sure if they could get passage on a ship, posing as refugees when they got to the coast or not.  For now, focus on getting off, he told himself.  When Azolan said he didn't want to risk his life with a dragon, Nanzing nodded before walking off into forest, the plan of leaving the fire kingdom and getting to the coast a starting point and as good a plan as any.   
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The coast was treacherous for the most part. Strong waves rolled up against the shores, receding just as fiercely as it came on. Nearby was a small port, no doubt meant to cater directly to the village. Being a small village, there were correspondingly few ships present. There were, however, several fishing boats docked on the far end - all in various states of disrepair. Only one stood out as acceptable - enough that it should last a full trip without sinking mid-journey. 

The other ships that were docked were mostly merchant ships stopping by before going on further. One was headed to the Northern Water Tribe, another was headed to the Earth Kingdom of Ba Sing Se. The owners of those two ships were rivals, bickering on the docks. It would not be too difficult to stowaway on their ships - they carried not only their goods but also slaves to be sold. They were kept in the brig.

The last ship was a Air Nomad ship. A rare sight, to be sure, for the Air Nomads typically had the advantage of flight with their air bisons. This ship appeared to be intended to ferry a far more significant amount of goods than would be possible for one air bison, or even a few. What manner of goods exactly, no one can say, but the monks aboard looked ready to make for their Air Temple. 
Since the friendship between Azolan and Nanzing had been broken beyond repair with the passage of years and Nanzing's taking of the baby dragon's egg from the village he had grown up in had effectively ruined the chance of remaining friends; he had traveled through forests, over hill and across fields.  At night, if the moon was out to give light to see by, he would take to the roads with Saber walking beside him and the dragon within his arms. The only time he had dared let the baby dragon on the ground to walk it had instead wandered off and he had spent many hours searching for the forest green dragon, not exactly easy when one had to be on the lookout for the army or other villagers as well along with the dragon's scales blending in with the foliage around it.  

The walk to the coast was a long one and the teen had endured quite a few trials getting there; mainly getting food himself, Saber and Nidhug-the name he had given the dragon, camping out in the wilderness, making sure that Nidhug didn't wander off and get lost or captured, and always avoiding any sign of soldiers.   Nidhug seemed to like his name, he at least would perk his head up and come when Nanzing talked to the dragon.  Aside from a brief fight when they had been on the road between Saber and Nidhug, the two animals generally respected each other, something that was a great relief to the teen.  

"Merow?" Saber asked as they finally reached the coastline of what would one day become the fire nation as Nanzing stood on the road, overlooking the busy activity of the small port.   Saber stood next to Nanzing, having walked much of the way, Nidhug hidden within Nanzing's hair that he had grown out with their time on the road, the hood of his traveling cloak up to conceal his face.  Looking out over the port, he could see the sea ahead of him and then turned his gaze to the ships waiting to be loaded and a few boats already out in the harbor.  They were small boats, likely belonging to fishermen who lived within the port, all in bad states of disrepair.   Now he had to decide where he would go.  The air nation where the mountains would surely conceal Nidhug's development and he would have ample room within the skies to fly?  The continent that housed different earth kingdoms...but then there was the problem of deciding which earth kingdom to head towards.   How well would Nidhug be able to hide upon the continent?   

The teen looked down at Saber for a moment before looking back to the coast before him.   As Nidhug poked his head out between Nanzing's hair strands, golden eyes peering around him, he was pushed back into the darkness of the teen's hood.  "Hang on Nidhug," Nanzing said to his dragon.   So far, Nidhug proved capable of understanding human speech though he was uncertain whether Nidhug could communicate telepathically or not with the teenager.   Perhaps he was too young yet to do so.   "Come on Saber," said Nanzing as he started down the road to the coastline where the village and the few ships were in port, the cat following at his side.    

Drawing closer to the coast, he could hear the water lapping at the shore, see the small boats bobbing on the surface of the water at one end of the port, or against the tethers tying them to shore.    There was a lot of activity for such a little village.   Nobody took notice of the teenager who was walking along the coastline, looking occasionally at the merchant ships, the cat trotting along beside the boy as they wove their way through the activity that was mainly centered at the port, though he purchased a few smoked fish, some cheese and bread for his breakfast as he had yet to eat anything to day, having been so close to the coast.  To not arouse any suspicion, the teen bought a few food items for a meal.  He had to decide where he would go to and the water tribes weren't something he had even considered.   He was surprised to see ships from both one of the earth kingdoms, a ship from the northern water tribe and the impressive ship of the air nomad docked at port.  Out of the three, it seemed the air nomad ship was ready to depart while he passed two people arguing with each other.    

He knew he had to pick somewhere to go but how was he supposed to decide on a location to go to?  The most important one to protect was Nidhug, hiding his dragon as the animal grew larger and older.  Nanzing went over his options in his head.  The Northern Water Tribe was far enough away from Lord Osha's kingdom, in the north of the world, but it was cold and he had hadn't been out of his village until Azolan had warned him of the recruiters of Lord Osha going around and taking Nidhug.  Nanzing wasn't sure how Nidhug would do in cold weather or if Nidhug would be viewed as a potential food source, much less how he himself would survive such cold weather.   The air nomad temples were a possiblity.    Within the mountains, they could easily hide and Nidhug would be able to fly without being seen but he had heard of their being pirates in the mountains and they might see Nidhug as a prize to kill or sell to someone else.  The earth kingdoms were a third option, he was certain his uncle had mentioned about there being a desert within the continent.   That much sunlight would be good for training his firebending but was there anywhere within the desert to hide a dragon, a cat and a boy?   He had to make a decision before the ships left and he was stuck upon the coast.  

It was easy to hear the arguing of the two ship captains, both appearing to be the same except for one ship having the symbol of the water tribe on its sails and the different uniforms of the two people.    Through this argument that permeated loudly through the air, Nanzing was able to see that one was heading towards the Northern Water Tribe, the other towards the kingdom of Ba Sing Se on the continent.    The teenager gave another glance down at Saber  whom was taking in the scents of the port, mainly the lingering scent of fish permeating the air,  and decided he might as well head to the earth kingdom where he at least could explore and maybe find a job somewhere to support himself for a time until Nidhug was old enough to ride and fly for long periods of time.     Thus it was that the teen, after shaking his head at the two captains still bickering on the docks, made his way to the ship heading towards the kingdom of Ba Sing Se and into the darkness within.  @Miracleist
Yin listened to her the old healer as he told her how to look after her wound herself as it healed. She nodded when prompted but didn't say much else. He tried to ask her about what happened but she just shrugged and mumbled something about being in a fight. When he'd given up trying to talk to her he desided to send the young girl to bed. She crawlled into a bed in a spare room and fell asleep fairly quickly. She dreampt, like she usually did, of herself as a great hero, but this time what she was doing wasn't noble, it was fuledwith the same anger that had clouded her judgement today. It was a scary dream and she didn't like who she was in it. Yin woke up in the morning sweating and breathing heavy.
She calmed herself and grabbed her ointment. She unbandaged her arm and treated the wound before wrapping it up again. When she went downstairs she saw her mother sitting with her back hunched over the dining room table. The middle aged woman looked up when she heard Yin, but there was no concern in her eyes. "What are YOU doing here?" Yin stood still, her mouth dropped open a little. No one else was in the room but them and the air was as cold as ice. "Whats this?" Her mother took two steps forward and grabbed Yin's wounded arm roughly, causing her to squeal with pain "Moth-" Her mother let go "Mother, I-"

"Don't you know this is all your fault?" She yelled cutting the girl off mid word "You and those... those ruffians, those bender friends of yours starting fights with people..." She shook her head "Then they burned down my tea shop! I bet you're thrilled, you never have to work another day there again!" Yin couldn't speak, she could feel tears welling at her eyes "If you want to die... to leave me like your father then fine, but stay away from me!" Yin shook her head "Mum I'm sorry" She reached out trying des to touch her arm but she was shoved aside "I don't want you here you are dead to me already! Get out! Get out!"

Yin backed away. her auntie had entered the room now but Yin didn't want her to see her cry, so angry she turned and ran for her room. Yin grabbed a bag and started packing it with stuff she'd need. There were spare bedrolls in the wardrobe, and a few spare tops which were made for a male child, but Yin wasn’t really the type to care about that. She couldn’t really care less about what she looked like right now. She couldn’t stop thinking, even after what had happened, how could her mother say that to her? How could she be so cruel? Was the smiling, caring mother she remembered just an illusion? Yin had to get out of this place. She had to find some sort of purpose, and she wasn’t going to find it here.

"Yin?" it was Her aunt.

"I'm leaving for a while..." She said Her Aunt was a different kind of woman than her morther. She was obviously concerned for Yin but she also knew how independent and stubborn she could be "Where do you think you'll go?" Yin shrugged "To another city, maybe." She didn't have much more of a plan than that. "I have cousins I can go to afterall..." She added to make her Aunt feel better "Yin, you don't have to leave... your mother just needs some time to-" Yin sighed and shook her head "Well then I'll give her that time." She didn't look at the womans face while she packed "In that case..." Yin was handed a pouch, it had a decent amount of money in it "Since you lost all your money, you might need this." Yin took the pouch, and almost burst into tears. The sudden kindness after her mothers onslaught was all too much. She pulled her Aunt into a hug and managed through the trembles in her voice to say: "Thank you."

Yin left through the window so she didn't have to see her mother, and headed for the train station. With the money given to her she bought her freedom. Yin had nothing left to do here, if she was going to become strong she needed to leave home. She did worry, as she sat there, if she should be doing this alone but it was just to late to back out now. When the train came she boarded and passed face after face, finally choosing an unoccupied booth. She took a seat and stared out of the window, feeling numb. After a short while, she felt the train judder to life. Yin closed her eyes and slumped against the glass window. Her eyes looked all bloodshot, her hair was an unbrushed mess and her expression was completely blank. This was really happing. She was leaving for the great unknown. What would await her? Only time would tell her that.
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Ren Fo's morning began as it usually did. Sunlight cracked over the Wall and streamed through the slats of the bedroom's shutters slowly filling the room with an increasing warm glow. Even as he sat up he still felt tired, his eyes still heavy. Sleep the night before had not not come easily. Ren turned often in his sleep. He dreamed of fire and rocks flying straight at his head, from which he would immediately awake, his heart beating. It took time once he closed his eyes again and slowed his heartbeat back down. So waking up was a lot more difficult than usual, sleep felt heavy in his eyes and it felt as though he was just finally able to get some quality rest there. His kettle was his first stop, lighting the flame and waiting while it boiled. Ren poured himself a cup then slid the back door open, stepping out into the cool morning air. It was cool now but as the sun rose it would warm up. 

The teenager sipped his tea, and stared at the pattern of stones in the rock garden. After maybe five minutes of contemplation he waved a hand not clutching the cup. He shifted his weight and pivoted his foot. The design dissolved and the colored rocks swirled along the ground. With just his arm he went through a few different motions, the rocks and pebbles corresponded until a new design was formed. By that time he had drained his cup and left the patio to walk back into his home. 

A loud yawn erupted from behind the sofa and with it Han appeared sitting up. He didn't get much sleep and didn't know whether it was from the excitement or anxiety today would bring. Immediately he got to packing his stuff in a rough draw-string bag. As he did he turned to look at Ren entering the room. "Oh hey, mornin'." He said giving Ren a mock salute. "I won't stay in your way for too long, I'll be hitting the road soon. With yesterday's events you're probably going to want to keep your head down for a little while. Some of Don's goons might be on the lookout."

"No kidding," Ren scoffed. "Where will you be going after this?"

"Who knows? Everywhere and anywhere. It sounds reckless I know but I don't really have a plan. All I know is my destiny isn't to stay cooped up in Ba Sing Se for ever." As he spoke, Han's gaze shifted out to the open back door and the blue sky beyond, his eyes widening with a sense of wonder. "Think about it Ren, those goons we handled yesterday, heck they've probably never even seen beyond the city walls. This place, it's all they ever know and all they will ever know, it's who they are, just products of their surroundings. They're practically rooted into the earth itself. But the world is so big, so wondrous! Why cage ourselves when we can fly free and explore a vast and exciting world? Who knows what's waiting for us out there? Besides, we're young we should be making the most of our youth." 

Han stopped himself realizing he was babbling a hundred-million thoughts he had already had before. "That's just what I think anyway." He said quickly to try and play it cool. "It's cool to stay here too." Han added as to not offend whatever Ren's views might be.

Reflecting upon his life and taking Han's words in stride....Ren didn't have much there in the city anyway, no family, and he hadn't really made any friends. He had a job but he didn't have a life there. He thought about the gang of thugs they had encountered and Ren looked away and stared out one of the windows in quiet contemplation. Of course he was scared of them coming after him, though the likelyhood of that a lot smaller than say Han. But he didn't want to make that kind of decision based on fear. And it wasn't like he'd be leaving forever. This was a wonderful opportunity for him, thinking back on it he really enjoyed the travel when he'd go from Omashu back to Si Wong or Si Wong to Ba Sing Se. Then Ren asked himself the question, 'why not?' Because Han was right. He was young and he wanted to see more of the world he lived in.

"I'd like to leave Ba Sing Se with you." Ren said thoughtfully, almost quietly, and nearly surprising himself in the process. He ran an anxious hand through his hair.  He thought for a moment, his mind spinning. "I'll have to pack...and make some preparations."

"Are... you sure? This isn't a decision to make lightly" Han was surprised. It seemed so sudden. For himself he mulled the decision over in his head for months before finally resigning on leaving but Ren seemed to make up his mind in a mere moment. He might have questioned more but in that moment, Ren's eyes told of conviction when he nodded and said, "As long as you're okay with it. It is decided."

Ren went on to say, "I think we should visit Yin before we leave. I want to see if she is alright." 

"Oh yeah, good idea. I've got a few errands to run before I'm completely read so I'll meet you there." With that, Han walked on his way.


He only needed an hour. Ren didn't have many affairs going for him. Packing was light, bedroll, some warmer clothes, box of coins, his teapot--as he couldn't possibly leave without it--and a few choice scrolls depicting earthbending motions that he'd collected--because he obviously had a lot to learn. Ren wasn't very satisfied with his participation yesterday. When he thought about it he felt waves of embarrasment because when it came down to it and they relied on him Ren thought of himself falling quite short of what could have been. Maybe if he was better able to defend himself Yin and Han wouldn't have gotten involved and the young girl wouldn't be scarred and would still have a home to go back to. He felt shame and absolute embarrasment. 

He sat at his desk and wrote only two letters, one to his employer, and a very brief message to an acquaintance in town as he'd rather not, in the possibility of, have someone knocking down his door in search of him thinking he'd been murdered or something. His parents lived in Omashu, neither of them seemed to really cared what he did--neighter to write or to visit--now that he was a tentative adult, the thought to notify them that he would be leaving Ba Sing Se for an undertermined amount of time didn't even strike him. They made him leave the house at an early age, being alone and on his own left him to do a lot of maturing in a very short amount of time during his teen years. Next door he talked to his neighbor, an older gentleman and his wife, and asked him to look over his place while he was gone. He never really owned anything valuable and he practically built the house himself so he wasn't too concerned as to what would happen with the place. Best case scenario he returned to a dusty house and worst case he'd find a new place to live whether he returned to Ba Sing Se or not.

Approximately an hour later that morning the sun was aimed high in the sky, it's rays warm on his cheeks as he stood across the street from the home of Yin's uncle, the healer. Ren's pack sat as a comfortable weight on his back and shoulders. Good thing, as they'd be traveling quite a bit and the pack would only seem to grow heavier the longer they walked. As he was on his way to the spot he passed a little girl who was selling flowers, so he bought several daisies, the girl wrapped them up in some paper and handed it to him. He figured, why not? Ren who was sitting on the bench now looked up an down the street, waiting for Han. And as he did a small seed of doubt planted in his mind. What if he was making a mistake? What if the other teenager didn't come around and decided he didn't want to travel with Ren after all? What then?

Well then Ren would just do as he planned anyhow. He'd made up his mind to travel and he would do it. whether he had company or not. It was time he explored more of the world anyhow. 

Ren was determined on this, however, much to his relief he identified Han's figure walking down the street towards him. "Yo!" Han called out pleasantly. The teenager stood from the bench and went to greet him. "I picked up some flowers for Yin. I thought it might be a nice gesture. I hope she's okay."

"I didn't take you for such a womanizer Ren." Said Han playfully, nudging Ren with his elbow. Ren smirked and rolled his eyes. Then Han's gaze shifted to the house. "Well, lets get going."

Ren nodded in reply and the two boys walked up to the door. As he had the night before Ren struck his knuckles to the wooden door. There was silence until the two could hear a pair of feet. The door slide open and an unfamiliar woman stood in the doorway. "Can I help you?" She asked, eying the two boys. This was probably Yin's auntie. 

Han was used to performing in front of crowds and dealing with the occasional fan, so with his charisma he naturally decided to speak up first without hesitation while offering his biggest and brighest smile. "Good evening! We're here to visit Yin? We're her friends from last night."

Ren offered the woman a smile and held up the daisies as if they were a peace offering. No doubt the family knew the whole story by now and had formed their own opinions of them. The woman didn't seem to buy this and gazed at them with suspision when a woman appeared in the hall behind her, a hand and an arm bandaged up. 

Recognition swelled in her face as the woman who was obviously Yin's mother stared down the two boys. "You--" "Oh hey beautiful!" Han said with a mock wink. Her mouth twisted with contempt. "If you have any decency after what you did you'll get out of here before I send for the police! Get out! Get out!" 

"Where is Yin?" Ren pressed not thrilled with this reception. "If we can't see her, is she doing alright?"

"The hell if I know! I kicked her out! The nerve she had coming back to this place, she's no child of mine!"

Ren's mouth hung slightly agape with shock. If she wasn't there, where the hell was she? The woman started screaming again, something about the police. "Time to go," he muttered to Han and they backed into the street and began down the road, leaving the yelling of the woman behind them. "To the train station, I guess." Ren was even more worried for Yin. "Where do you suppose she would have gone? I'm not even sure where 'I' would even go."

A tinge of worry found its way into Han's voice for a moment. "I'm not too sure but I do hope she's okay. Eh who knows, maybe we'll see her again someday?" Together with their few possessions, youth and optimism, the two boys took their first steps towards their journey starting with the train station.

The station was near the wall of the upper ring and would take them through the lower ring to the outer wall. From there was a short journey to a ferry boat to take them across the sea so that they wouldn't have to cross with the Serpent's Pass. On Ren's journey into the city he'd used the Ferry. It wasn't glamorous but on the horizon he was able to see the jagged ripples of turf that divided the sea. He could just imagine waves relentlessly crashing violently against the sharp rock. Just the thought of it sent a shiver down his spine. 

The boys obtained their boarding passes and climbed the train. The cars were made of stone and sat upon stone rails, at the tail end of the train two muscular looking earthbenders in official looking clothing stood on a low platform ready to push the cars along facilitated by their superb bending. At this time of day the train was busy with commuters. As they stepped into a full train car, Ren pointed to one end where they could try stepping into another car in attempts to grab a seat. The two boys noticed a pretty girl about their age sitting at a window seat. Ren took his turn nudging Han with his elbow. "Guess I'm gonna have to find another use for the flowers." As they passed the girl Ren caught her eye and winked, she let out a small giggle and smiled at the two good looking boys. He would find someone to give them to just yet. Ren with his charming smile and Han being a local celebrity the two could be a force of nature. As the train lurched into motion, the two teenage boys continued from car to car to find a seat.
@ChimpMan @MagicPocket @Lava

The city of Ba Sing Se was a massive one so when the entire city seemed to have shook, its inhabitants were rightfully shocked. That shock, however, lasted mere seconds. Within moments, normality resumed. Then came the second, and the third pulses. Yet for all the shaking, there was no other disturbance to the senses that could help illuminate the nature of this particular anomaly. The citizens and visitors alike paused a little longer - some had already habituated to the sensation, dismissing it. A discussion began among the people, questions about the nature of this unusual occurrence began to characterize the cacophonous banter. "CRAAACK!" It was a peculiar thing to hear, but when people saw the visible crack line running across the floor, they were immediately panicked. People moved away from the apparent faults; some clambered, others leaped away as if from a chasm. The cracks in the floor did not open up, of course, and soon, it was calm again - no more shaking, no more cracks. With great hesitation, citizens and visitors alike returned to their businesses. However, no doubt this strange event would be the subject of conversation for the next few weeks.

Within the Great Earth Tavern, the sprightly old man nodded as he waved away the street urchin that had just whispered into his ears. A smirk crept up his wizened face as he poured himself a drink - a strong one, tough the way he liked it. Looking up from his drink, he toasted the mercenary captain in the corner of the room. The scar-faced captain nodded, holding up his drink. A wordless exchange that spoke volumes; the captain placed a coin on the table and got up to leave. His men followed close after, and their absence was immediately replaced with the presence of other guests. "Drinks are on me today," the old bartender said, his voice booming despite the din in the tavern. The roar of satisfaction could be heard from even a good distance outside.



The two captains would have came to blows were it not for their quick-thinking crews. One distracted the other with a mind-numbing amount of paperwork to be cleared; the other dragged his captain away to address unruly slaves. Either way, a fight on the docks was averted as the two captains returned to their businesses, preparing the ship for departure. The slaves on the ship to Ba Sing Se was largely subdued; they had attempted far too many times to break free to no avail. These slaves were also segregated according to their respective elements. The fire-bending slaves were kept in the coolest part of the ship and constantly doused with water. The water-bending slaves were plainly kept one level below the deck, well away from any water source. The earth-bending slaves were simply trapped in metal cages with metal shackles, each individual could barely move in their pathetic cages. Finally, the air-bending slaves who were simply pinned to the walls of the ship. A rag was tied around their eyes and mouth to disorientate them and prevent even the slightest opportunity to bend the air. They were the most heavily guarded, and being few in number, most had a few guards to one person. These guards delighted in whipping the slaves.

Aside from the slaves, the crew were largely adult men. Most were burly from the amount of physical labor that made up their day and the occasional fights that they engaged in - especially with pesky pirates. A teenager would seem rather out of place on the ship, no doubt. 



It was unusual that there was so much chatter - even after a meditation session. The various junior monks were all huddled about in their own cliques, each one in animated discussion about a certain piece of news. Even the more senior monks were no different, and it was hard to fault any of them. After all, the High Monk Pashang was something of a mythical figure - someone considered so grand, so noble that his presence could even be described as 'divine'. It was an exaggeration, of course - but no one would raise a brow if that description was uttered. Nevertheless, High Monk Pashang was due to visit the air temple. The purpose of the visit was ambiguous at best, but everyone in the temple were scrambling to prepare. The mood was almost festive. 

The two captains would have came to blows were it not for their quick-thinking crews. One distracted the other with a mind-numbing amount of paperwork to be cleared; the other dragged his captain away to address unruly slaves. Either way, a fight on the docks was averted as the two captains returned to their businesses, preparing the ship for departure. The slaves on the ship to Ba Sing Se was largely subdued; they had attempted far too many times to break free to no avail. These slaves were also segregated according to their respective elements. The fire-bending slaves were kept in the coolest part of the ship and constantly doused with water. The water-bending slaves were plainly kept one level below the deck, well away from any water source. The earth-bending slaves were simply trapped in metal cages with metal shackles, each individual could barely move in their pathetic cages. Finally, the air-bending slaves who were simply pinned to the walls of the ship. A rag was tied around their eyes and mouth to disorientate them and prevent even the slightest opportunity to bend the air. They were the most heavily guarded, and being few in number, most had a few guards to one person. These guards delighted in whipping the slaves.

Aside from the slaves, the crew were largely adult men. Most were burly from the amount of physical labor that made up their day and the occasional fights that they engaged in - especially with pesky pirates. A teenager would seem rather out of place on the ship, no doubt. 

Except for the rushing about of crew on top of the ship decks as they got the vessel ready for sail and the faint lapping of water that faded from hearing the further he advanced into the ship, the teenager couldn't hear much else.  The light from the opening he had squeezed through gradually receded, casting him in darkness and he had to traverse carefully the further in he went so as not to fall and injure himself or Nidhug who was still around the teen's shoulders.   As the light receded, he would stop and move his bag off his shoulders, slipping both Nidhug and Saber into the bag for their own safety and to conceal the two companions he had on this journey from being stolen from him.  Having never been on a ship, he was unaware of the potential seasickness that would affect those at the very bottom below the water line or those who had never been upon a ship before.  

The decks of the ship were divided by stairs leading up or down, a hatch within the top deck of the ship allowed air and stairs that led down to the lower levels of the ship, though it was futile for the slaves of each element to escape, being separated into different areas of the ship.  Being unsure if he could enlist as a deckhand upon the ship in return for safe passage, his only other option, probably his best option was to hide among the slaves.  There were bound to be many slaves within each area of the underbelly of the vessel that he could slip in unnoticed among them and be overlooked  by the guards and crew.   If he were to hide among the slaves then hiding among his own people might be his best option but how would he feed Nidhug and Saber if the teen hid among the slaves who might be a mix the two fire kingdoms?  

Another option might be to find somewhere he could wedge himself in, perhaps behind piles of supplies and spend the time on board curled up there.  It would be uncomfortable but he might be better able to feed Saber and Nidhug that way.   At the very least, Saber could catch mice or rats and feed himself that way so then he would just have to focus on feeding Nidhug and himself.   He knew he couldn't let Nidhug wander the ship on his own, who knew what the other slaves or the crew might do if they found a baby dragon on board?  The thought of Nidhug being taken from the teen and sold to one of the Fire Lords or one of the kings of the continent was unsettling to the teenager.   

Thinking on such things the teen would slowly make his way across the vessel and through the bowels and lower decks of the ship until he came to where the firebenders were kept, the cold of the area hitting him as he drew nearer to it.  Saber's fur might protect him from the cold but Nanzing wasn't sure about himself or Nidhug.  How well did scales protect a dragon from cold or did they have some biological ability to raise and lower their body temperature as permitted to stay warm? Perhaps staying with the waterbenders in the bowels of the ship would give him a better chance. But perhaps he would be found out more easily in the bowels of the ship for he didn't know if there were a daily check done or not on the live goods being transported.   Again he made a decision, this one to remain with the firebenders and hope for the best, slipping in among them and hiding his dual-swords and the bag containing Saber and Nidhug was wedged in a small hole in the corner of the ship he'd found, Nanzing positioning himself in front of the hole.  He removed Saber and Nidhug after ascertaining neither could get out and removed some meats for the animals to eat.   With the two busy consuming the meats of their meal, the teenager let out another breath of warm air and waited for the ship to begin sailing, carefully removing the bandages from his wrists where his scars were from the fire.  As long as he didn't move, Saber and Nidhug should hopefully remain warm.  @Miracleist
"Stay still," Jisoo pleaded. "Com'on, do you know how long it took to make this?" She held up the strand woven into a ringlet of flowers. The circle was almost as tall as she was. Everytime she twisted and created a puff of air to float her up high enough Nabee would move his head away. "But you'll look soooo pretty! Mountain flowers are not easy to come by around here." She tried again and the sky bison lazily rolled over on his back, he would have none of it. She sighed and twisted the ring creating a double loop that she instead settled, fixing it over one of her shoulders across her chest. Jisoo Yun was supposed to be using this time to clean out the bison stables but instead she had bribed a younger student and opted for spending some quality time with Nabee. They had gone for a ride, she'd brushed out his fur, and had even tried to jazz him up a bit with a flower crown. She'd have to try again some other day then, Jisoo would decorate him with flowers just yet. "Okay, well it's about time for breakfast, I thought I heard someone say something about a special announcement." she told him, knowing he wouldn't really understand that but enjoying the company of talking to him. She gave him a bit of a push against his side and he rolled back over. They walked to the ledge, Jisoo took up her staff and they both fell off the ledge, leaving clumps of the bison's hair behind--the birds would find it throughout the day and use it to build their nests. Nabee glided down to the platform below, and she opened her glider for a brief moment, long enough to slow her fall. She made sure the bison's food and water troughs were full before giving her own sky bison a kiss on his wet nose. He licked her face, leaving some of her hair sticking up in the wrong direction. Jisoo laughed and waved goodbye. 

This time she ran for the edge and lept, her glider opened and she flew up to the main temple building, it was the largest and most elaborate of the upside down buildings, and where they did most of their worshiping and meditation there. She landed softly and by taking a look around she knew that she had missed something. Younger students were sweeping and dusting, older students were about polishing statues and shrines and putting up paper decorations. Jisoo approached some of her peers, they'd all gotten their tattoos at the same time, and most of them had been good friends since. "What's that look for, Shin?" Jisoo said, an eyebrow raised. Shin regarded her, though a moment ago he looked taken aback. 

"He's visiting and you look like that?" Shin said.

Jisoo looked down at her robes, they were covered in long pale strands of bison hair. "Uh...who exactly?" She replied and with a quick move a rush of air blew the hair off her clothes, satisfied she looked up to receive her answer only to have a few unamused faces covered in the same bison hair staring back. The rest of them shook off the hair on their clothes.

"The High Monk Pashang," Minhua interjected, her voice filled with respect. This took Jisoo by surprise.

"What? Why didn't you just say that?" She began to feel a bit excited. Jisoo had never met High Monk Pashang. Of course he could visit and do whatever he liked but she had to wonder what the purpose of his visit would be.

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