[It Begins] Chaos

Azolan smirked at the sight of Nanzing shocked look as he climbed through the window. "What? A friend cant come in to see another old friend, Nan?" He said in casually trying to make fun of this unusual situation for a brief moment not wanting to just bare down with his news. He looked at Nanzing with surprised, he had hardly changed from the school boy he knew, still the same seemingly shy and nerdy look. He thought back slightly at the dream and part of him wondered again if it was just a memory of Nanzing that came to him in the dream or really was a Nanzing sharing the dream. This momentarily made him forget why he was here.

" You look well, better than me obviously." He said taking a moment to catch his breath from all the running and climbing."Damn... The climb was easier to do when we were teenagers... To answer to your first question, i was recruited to the army."


"I'm still am a teenager," Nanzing  pointed out.   "But you were always the older and more fun loving one when we were kids."  

"Well it isn't every day that someone climbs through the window unless they're trying to rob something," said Tohen.  "Nanzing, where are your manners?  Do you want tea or a scone Azolan?" he asked the young man before him.   

"Sorry Uncle," said Nanzing.     Nanzing moved back further as Azolan climbed through the window and watched with concern as Azolan seemed to get a distant look in his eyes, as if he were remembering something from long ago.   "Better than I would have had my uncle not taken me in," said Nanzing quietly, "and you're always welcome here."  Then he turned to give a sheepish smile to his uncle who just nodded at Nanzing's unspoken apology.  

Nanzing gestured to his bed but the last sentence from his old friend caused him to stare hard at Azolan, the fourteen-year-old blinking his eyes, unsure if he had heard Azolan right.  "You...Lord Osha recruited you for the army?" he stuttered out, not hearing his uncle step further into the room or his uncle's face suddenly growl ashen.   Behind him, Tohen narrowed his eyes at Azolan and shook his head.  Why was Azolan here besides visiting an old friend?  Meanwhile, Nanzing was feeling sorry for his friend having been recruited and thanked his lucky stars that he hadn't been.  The teenager had no wish to join the army or fight against the other fire kingdom, even if he did believe in Lord Osha's rightful place on the throne. 

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@ChimpMan @Lava @MagicPocket

The 'Master' sighed. He had to admit, though it was the logical path that the trio downstairs had taken, it was a disappointing path. It was already disappointing to make the trip down only to see a favorite champion lose. It was even more disappointing to see the new champion shy away from open combat. "Master, shall we return?" The 'Master' sighed a second time - and a third soon after. "How long more till nightfall," he asked. The bodyguard peered out of the window, gauging the time by the position of the sun. "Hours more, sir, perhaps 4 to 5," he said as the 'Master' grinned instinctively.

"Oh well! I guess that means we have time for more exploring isn't it!" 

The bodyguards were expressionless, but inwardly, their groans were loud enough to drown out all other thought. One bodyguard could not stifle his protests. "But Your Maje--" He cut himself off before he could finish. "M-Master, the Min--, I mean your servants need you!" The 'Master' chuckled as he leaned against the windowsill once more. The alley was now empty, with the trio having escaped and the thugs having left in pursuit. The blazing heat of the day bore down on the empty earth - this alley provided little in the way of shelter. The 'Master' would have sighed yet again, but he managed to hold back his compulsion. "I know, I know," he began. His bodyguards bow, smashing the window open with Earth-bending. Broken apart, it formed itself into an earthen flight of stairs that the 'Master' traversed upon. With precise coordination, the bodyguards leaped off the building, closing up the window after them - it would take close inspection to notice that it was hastily re-created. Down in the alley, the bodyguards bended a carriage of earth with the 'Master' within. 

Without even the slightest breath of exertion, they lifted the carriage and away they went - gone as quickly as they had arrived, and no less stealthily. An arena worker glanced into the now-empty room right then, perplexed as he had heard some noise. However, with nothing out of place in sight, he turned and left. No one would be any wiser.
@Peaceswore @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @eclipsehowls

Canren was too far gone in his apoplexy to comprehend the human language by this point. "I HAVE EATEN WORSE THAN YOU, BUT I'LL EAT ANYWAY," Canren roared, ignoring the hunter getting tossed on his back. The other hunters were reasonably surprised at the strength the young man had exhibited, hesitating in their approach as Canren stamped his feet on the ground like a kid throwing a tantrum. They eventually mustered up the courage and the sense to continue their pursuit, only temporarily impeded by the wall of murky water. They heard the young man clearly, but it should be apparent now that they cared little about the consequences when it came from a young person like Shane. Canren scowled, then gasped. "S-STOP HIM, THAT'S WHERE THE DRAGON EGGS ARE!" Suddenly, the hunters found a stronger motivation as their pursuit reignited with a newfound passion.

In a distance, in the kitchen in question, a chef and his cooks were marvelling at the dragon eggs. Already sitting in a stew with other assorted ingredients, the chef was all praises about the apparent texture.  "Wow... This is amazing, I must save this last one for something amazing," the chef nodded to himself sagely as his cooks fawned over him, heaping a myriad flattery on the older man.

Meanwhile, the thunderous sound returned. The villagers, having heard the sound clearly, looked towards the sky. There were no storm clouds in sight, but it sounded like one was coming - and indeed one was, and soon. 
'That guy has issues.'  Shane thought as he kept running at full speed down the road.  'Fall in water and you threaten to eat me, geez if I tried to eat people every time I got wet I would have finished off a village.' As he ran the small metal on his staff jungled in time with his steps.  His clothing billowing in the wind as he kept going full speed, the words from the other long missing his ears as he was zoning them out.  The boy was a cry baby in his eyes and therefore he didn't really care what the other was saying.  He did however notice the ground shake and this made him glance behind him.  When he did his eyes widen at the horde that was following him.  This gave him even more motivation to move a hell of a lot faster.  Looking around he saw another water puddle and with that he stopped for a moment before he got in a swift stance and shot his hands forward.  "Sorry." He said as he made another wall.

After he did this he ran again getting close to the kitchen but came to a halt when he heard the sound.  Looking up at the sky he was quiet.  "........................That's not good.  Either that's a hurricane, or....crap baskets."  He muttered as he ran forward again now entering the kitchen.  When he did he looked around and his eyes widen.  "Oh...oh you guys cooked them already...that's....oh joy.."  He said with a groan leaving him.  This wasn't good, without the eggs in good condition, there was no way to negotiate with an angry dragon, assuming it was coming here.  just as he was about to leave however his eyes landed on the last egg.  When they did he looked back at the chefs.  "Ah excuse me...but um.  I would really really really like to borrow that egg, it hasn't been cooked right?  It would be really great if I could have/barrow/keep it."  He said with a broad smile really hoping that would by some miracle work. 

"I'm still am a teenager," Nanzing  pointed out.   "But you were always the older and more fun loving one when we were kids."  

"Well it isn't every day that someone climbs through the window unless they're trying to rob something," said Tohen.  "Nanzing, where are your manners?  Do you want tea or a scone Azolan?" he asked the young man before him.   

"Sorry Uncle," said Nanzing.     Nanzing moved back further as Azolan climbed through the window and watched with concern as Azolan seemed to get a distant look in his eyes, as if he were remembering something from long ago.   "Better than I would have had my uncle not taken me in," said Nanzing quietly, "and you're always welcome here."  Then he turned to give a sheepish smile to his uncle who just nodded at Nanzing's unspoken apology.  

Nanzing gestured to his bed but the last sentence from his old friend caused him to stare hard at Azolan, the fourteen-year-old blinking his eyes, unsure if he had heard Azolan right.  "You...Lord Osha recruited you for the army?" he stuttered out, not hearing his uncle step further into the room or his uncle's face suddenly growl ashen.   Behind him, Tohen narrowed his eyes at Azolan and shook his head.  Why was Azolan here besides visiting an old friend?  Meanwhile, Nanzing was feeling sorry for his friend having been recruited and thanked his lucky stars that he hadn't been.  The teenager had no wish to join the army or fight against the other fire kingdom, even if he did believe in Lord Osha's rightful place on the throne. 


Azolan chuckled a bit at Nanzing's description of him in the past, he was quite the character in his younger years. Since though military life had turned him more mature and serious, however old habits die hard it seemed if he was climbing into the windows of people houses unannounced. There was a small comfort in that thought, that he not yet the military misery guts he felt like sometimes. 

"No, sir, thanks for the offer." He said to Tohen when he was brought back from his thought and noted Tohen admonishment of his nephew about hospitality. He couldn't have that so he respectfully bowed his head respectfully at the uncle. "I came here unannounced and not through prepare venues, if anything I am the one without manners and I apologise for the imposition." He said respectfully before noting a mood chance after he mentioned the military and soon remembered why he was here and realised how things might look right now.

"Look, I admit I am not here for a social visit that is just a bonus."He said turning and looking at Nanzing with a serious and concerned gaze." They are army recruiters coming this way and I am sure they will be coming to press you into joining. You have to get out of here." 
Nanzing listened to his old friend as Azolan, both the apology for sneaking into the house, and the real reason he was here.   Hearing that there were soldiers on their way to recruit the fourteen-year-old wasn't what Nan wanted to hear at all for his views on the army, despite listening to his uncle's stories, were not something Nanzing wanted for himself.  Granted, the teenager didn't know what he wanted for a career except that he knew he didn't want to be enlisted into the army.   If he was enlisted into the army, the teen knew he wouldn't be able to finish his schooling and would never see his half-sister or uncle again.   Saber, he knew, wouldn't be able to come to the army with him and though he was positive his uncle would take care of the cat....Nanzing shook his head.   

Tohen nodded.  At least the young man before him hadn't lost any manners in the army.   It was something that he had seen happen to a few soldiers, war broke them in more ways than one.  "Nanzing..."  he started only for a frown to crease the old man's face.   Tohen held up a hand for silence from the pair as he walked swiftly towards the window and poked his head out.  From the distance there was the sound like thunder but the old man couldn't see any storm clouds in the sky.    Pulling his head from the window he spoke again to his nephew.    Tohen turned to back to Azolan and Nanzing.  "Nanzing, pack a light bag and take your swords with you." 


"No Nan.   You have no wish to join the army and I don't want to see you broken like so many other young men I met when I was a colonel.  You know how I feel about you being in the army.  Pack quickly before the soldiers come here and take you by force."

Nanzing stared at his uncle before looking to Azolan.  Then he grabbed a bag from his wardrobe and packed up three outfits before retrieving a green shirt and brown pants and his traveling cloak, running into the adjoining bathroom to change.    While his nephew was hurriedly getting ready, Tohen frowned as the sound seemed to come ever closer to the village.  The retired colonel had a bad feeling about this.     "I don't like the feeling of this storm so you two will need to hurry and get out of the village while you can," Tohen said to Azolan.  

The teenager slipped his traveling cloak on after changing from his usual clothes into the ones he sometimes wore when his uncle and him left to go look at the countryside or work on Nanzing's firebending.    He came out of the bathroom to see his uncle standing there calmly with Azolan, his dual swords crossed on his back and his bag over a shoulder.   While changing, Nanzing had been able to hear the sound of a storm coming to the village as well and it sounded like it was going to be a bad one.  Perhaps it would give the two old friends time to get away from the soldiers in the village.   "Take the long road through the countryside," said Tohen as he hugged his nephew.      The teen ran to the window and climbed onto the desk, Saber jumping to the desk from the bed and into an opening in Nanzing's bag,  before crawling out the window, giving his uncle a last look as the teen began climbing down to the ground below.  @ChimpMan  @Miracleist
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"STAY WHERE YOU ARE!" The one yelled. Ren was on the ground, slowly he rose from one knee.  "You don't want to find out what we do to people who…complicate our affairs." Ren swallowed hard. Shit, shit, shit, what the heck was he going to do? He couldn't fight. He never really learned how. He could earthbend but he couldn't fight.  In hindsight, maybe that wasn't so wise.

As if to make matters worse , in the doorway they'd just come, Ren caught the eye of a figure standing just inside the shadow of the building. No. The pit of his stomach felt like it dropped to the dusty alley floor.

It was the little teenaged girl from the tea shop he frequented. No, get out of here! He wanted to scream. He couldn't bring attention to her lest he draw attention to her. But he recognized that expression behind the fear, it was determination. Before he knew what was happening, rock kicked up under the gangsters feet throwing them up and off their feet. Ren didn't need the cue, using the distraction he broke into a run with the girl down the alley. The gangsters recovered fast however. They didn't get far. The tall fat man had grabbed the girl's ankle just as the short muscular man got to his feet and bended the earth that sucked his own feet into the ground. Ren reeled forward, but didn't fall flat due to his legs being entrapped. The short gangster was approaching him shortly followed by the man who was obviously their leader carrying a sickly knife in his hand and Ren was cornered.

Ren tugged at his legs uselessly. "Look, do you want money? I got that, you can have it! Please, just let the girl go."

Before anymore words could be exchanged a new voice joined them. "Hey guys!" He blinked, shocked. It was the Sandy Hurricane. It was Han! Ren was incredulous. He was even more astounded and disappointed to find that Han had even worked for these thugs at one point. Han and the Boss, Don, exchanged words but that didn't seem to help much.

"You remember what we do to rats, don't you, Han?" Don said and raised the knife, walking towards the girl. Sweat beaded on Ren's forehead, his heart beat fast and terrified in his chest.

"Hey, Don!" Han yelled, and a flat disk of earth slammed into the gangster's chest with a heavy painful thud. Ren watched Han throw pouches of sand at the other two cronies but didn't wait to watch what happened next as they exploded in their faces. Instead, Ren exhaled forced his hands down, creating a crater of rubble in the stone around his legs freeing him. He stumbled, shaking out his legs. Han was helping the girl up. With Han and Yin on their feet, and more voices behind them, Ren didn't need to be told twice to get moving. "KILL THEM!" The girl led them through the passageways of alleys like she knew them well but the thugs were still in pursuit.

Ren could hear the bustle of the main street. They would be able to loose them soon, but they needed just a little bit more. He skidded to slow and saw the thugs closing in behind. He planted his feet, his base was sturdy, Ren wouldn't mess up this time. With two sharp movements lifted a heavy wall of rock, filling the width of the alley that rose up to the singles of the buildings on either side. He jumped up and with a kick sent the wall flying down the alley at the pack of thugs. Ren blinked as the heard yelling but didn’t stick around to see what happened of them, he turned on his heel and sprinted off.

"We should slow down know so we look like the rest of the people here." The girl suggested. Ren nodded, breathing heavily joining them again. That was probably a good idea. He cinched the sash around his waist a bit tighter and shrugged the shoulders of his tunic off, letting it fall around his waist casually as he was wearing a shirt underneath. He tried taming his hair a bit all in the effort to be less recognizable in the crowd. All of that would be in vain, of course, if he didn't stop checking over his shoulder. Ren took a couple of deep breaths. Act normal, don't look so paranoid. It was hard walking after what just happened, it felt too slow. Yin suggested they go somewhere to talk. Ren recognized the area and realized quickly that they were going to the tea shop shortly before she offered the idea. He nodded wordlessly in agreement.

Inside the sliding door of the shop the trio took a seat at a table near the back in an out-of-the-way corner. Ren was still wound up with nerves and coming off from the adrenaline rush and tried taking a few more deep breaths to calm down. "Do you always feel like this after a fight?" He asked, addressing Han for the first time. He realized what he said then just as quickly added. "I beg your pardon. Thank you, I owe you my life. I don't want to imagine what might have happened had you--" He looked at Yin also, "Either of you had not stepped in."

Han smiled and laughed waving his hands dismissively at the compliment as he sat across Ren and Yin. "That... that was something else. But don't worry about it. The name's Han and it's a pleasure to meet you both." Said Han, followed by a humble head nod.

Being back at the shop was good, her rapid heart rate slowed down and she could think clearly. It was strange, after having seen Han fight and wishing she could speak with him about his bending that now they were in the same room, and she hadn't said any of the things she was going too. She felt very inadequate next to these two but with the way she held herself it was as if she was the best bender in ba sing se. For a little while she just twilled her thumbs together as they talked and then finally opened her mouth once they'd settled themselves in the back corner "Thank you for coming to our rescue" She told Han as well "I'm Yin." She said and then closed her mouth again. 

"My name is Ren Fo." He said and bowed his head politely. "Who the hell were those guys?"

Almost at the same time as Ren, Yin said 'Who on earth were those guys?' She looked at Ren and added "Jinx" As if it was a serious matter that she get that childish custom in there. She then looked at Han, waiting for him to explain.

Han's cheery composure faultered for the moment. He looked gravely at Ren and Yin. "They go by the name of the Stone Fists. Nasty gang. The guy with the burn across his face goes by the name 'Don', the leader of their 'organization'. Honestly, they were probably the worst of the gangs you could've ran into. They're more of the organized crime-type as opposed to most of the common thugs you find around here, their list of crimes is practically endless." 

"He seemed to know you." Yin said "This 'Don' person." She didn't want to doubt her saviour, after all even if he had done wrong with them in the past he'd made up for it now, and probably wouldn't again. At least she didn't think so looking at the teen. She frowned to herself.

It was a question Han hadn't thought to account for and his eyes told the tale of him being caught off-guard."I'm... going to have to tell you about that one another time. I can only ask that you believe me when I say I'm not like those guys." Han paused for a moment. "But hey, we're all safe and sound now, right? No harm done... though I suppose I can't return back to my apartment now on the account of Mr Don knowing where I live."

Ren made a face as he listened, his brows creasing. Those guys were ready to put them in the ground merely for giving them the slightest greif. His hands were clasped in front of him on the table, he stared down at them. He closed his eyes breifly and looked away, Ren didn't want to imagine what would have happened had they not gotten away from those crooks. It was safe to say that he probably wouldn't be sitting there with the two of them. "Safe..." Ren repeated, trying to convince his still-pounding heart of that fact. "My apartment, it's on the other side of the city. If you need a place to crash, my home is open, it's the least I can do!"

"T-That would be great, thank you!" Said Han gratefully.

"Do you think they will hold a grudge and seek us out Han?" She said worridly. The city was big, but not THAT big especially for an organised gang of deadly men. She was worried about her mothers saftey more than hers. 

"I don't think so Yin." Han turned to look at the front door they entered the teahouse through. "It seems we did enough to lose them."

Yin shook her head and then stood up. "Anyway. I'll get you both Tea if you want it, on the house. Stay here as long as you want. She smiled at them both "Both of you are good benders, soon, I'm going to join those fights." She grinned at Han especially "And you'll lose your first place!"

At that moment, Han could only smile. It was that moment he knew friendships had been made between the three young Earthbender's.

Charming as the young man might be, the chef was unimpressed as he jabbed an accusing finger at the young man. "Who is this fool, get him out of my sight," he shouted, scaring some of the cooks. Those less startled in the back fanned out and encircled Shane. They were right about to close in on the young man when another rumbling sound rocked the building. Everyone froze as they stared at each other, each one vividly aware that this was more than just thunder; yet another roar followed, this time with a more guttural undertone to it. The chef was uncharacteristically silent as well, undoubtedly stunned by what he was hearing. It lingered in the recesses of everyone's minds and was only just climbing up into the surface. They had pushed the thought away, attempting to focus on the present and dismissing any notion of possible retribution. In some ways, it was why the hunters willingly chased Shane. They were right outside the kitchen as well, each one rooted to the ground as they looked skyward. Their anxiety was clear as day, each one expressed in their unique ways.

The shadow loomed over them, its coiled length blotting out some of the sun as it glared down at the villagers below. For a long, uncomfortable moment, there was dead silence until someone finally muttered in disbelief. "A d-d-dragon!" Almost as soon as the word was said, a wave of cacophonous whispers spread until the village was again filled with sounds - this time of subdued chattering. Within the kitchen, the cooks were in a state of panic. "No, heavens!" "We're doomed!" The cooks were scrambling among themselves as they struggled with the dilemma of leaving and appearing to the dragon hovering overhead or staying and await potential death. 

Only the chef was calm, albeit with a scowl on his face. He turned to Shane finally, shifting his finger to the last egg. "You want it? Take if then," only his trembling finger betrayed the fear in him. 

@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @eclipsehowls

With the appearance of the dragon, any and every recruiters in the vicinity had ceased their activities. Even the bravest among them found themselves weighing the pros and the cons of staying and found that there was no compelling reason to remain. Each one found themselves rationalizing their excuses, framing any decision that involved staying as an exercise in futility. After all, they were mere recruiters, low-level soldiers given the subtly unsavory role of bolstering their numbers with words. Were they stronger, perhaps they could make a difference, but if they could, they would not be recruiting. So they vanished, each and every one of them; at least some looked back with some degree of remorse and sympathy.

@ChimpMan @Lava @MagicPocket

As always, the city of Ba Sing Se was a hub location in the region - the to-go destination for merchants and all. Throngs of people flocked around the city center, streaming out into the streets lined with vendors selling goods of all variety. It was a lively sort of noisy, a tapestry of unique threads woven into stirring fabric; there was just so much to be done, so many opportunities ripe for the taking. Most of these were centered around one particular spot near the city center - the Great Earth Tavern. Individuals from all walks of life stepped in and out of the tavern, each one sporting appearances that spoke volumes of their experience - or in some cases, inexperience. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that each and every one of these people came with a singular purpose - opportunity. The bartender of the Great Earth Tavern was well aware. A sprightly old man late in his 80s, he was engaged in animated conversation with various foreign merchants. These merchants clearly took the phrase often touted to visitors seriously - "the spring of information gathers in Great Earth"

Meanwhile, at the city gates, several stately men and women strode into the city. They were fully-armored with the insignia of Omashu distinctly emblazoned on their breastplates. The elaborate design of the insignia was unmistakable, leading the guards at the city gates to let them through with little hesitation. Then again, with such imposing presence, it was not the easiest of tasks to stand in their way. The group of four continued on their way through the street, as the laypeople made way almost instinctively. It was clear where their destination was after all, and everyone stole secret glances as if to grasp even the slightest hint as to the intent of their visit. Omashu had been, for the longest time, the most belligerent of the numerous Earth Kingdoms; however, for all the wars they waged, never once had they waged war against Ba Sing Se. Would this time be any different?
Azolan was surprised buy Tohen reaction and help in helping the two of them escape and leave, he always though of the man as a old traditional patriot type. Still he wasnt going to begrudge help from him and in turn help Nanzing help gather his things to leave as soon as possible. Taking the swords mentioned by Tohen and helped Nanzing pack them before walking out the room for whatever else he needed before hearing Tohen advice and nodding. " I know a few side routes and alternative way we can go through. I will keep your nephew safe, i promise." He said seriously." Dry and muddy on the other hand.."He said with a small smirk.

He heard Nanzing exit ready to go and nodded to him before hearing the mention of the country road. "Maybe but we might need to cut through the forest to be safe." He added before sighing." We will she when we go.. Come on than Nan, lets go." He added before walking out with Nanzing to the outside to the ground and began walking. It wasnt long before stopped dead on his track and a chill going down his spine seeing the dark shape gliding through the air. "No... No... It can be..." He muttered fearfully, not because of the creature that was coming but what the creature could do when if it swooped down upon them.

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In another manor within the village Master Yoza, Nanzing's master was standing outside when as the storm he had his servant watching was accompanied by guttural roars within the sky.  *What has that idiot done now?* he thought as he looked towards the sky.  Master Yoza had never had much hope for the Chief or his son, both lacking discipline and honesty, both too sure of themselves and arrogant.  If that fool of a son had something...the man with dark brown hair tied in a ponytail disappeared back into his manor to pack.   If it were a dragon, then nothing would stop its wrath.  

Nanzing reached the ground and released his hands, dropping the last couple feet.   Landing in a crouched position, he stood and Azolan soon followed down, before they set off for the countryside.   He didn't look back, not seeing his uncle at the window again and watching the pair leave before glancing up at the horizon with a worried expression in his eyes.    Outside the sounds of the festival had stopped and he couldn't help glancing up at the sky again as they walked away from his uncle's estate.  "Things were bad after you went into the army," Nanzing said to break the silence.  "My entire..." he started but trailed off as Azolan stopped speaking...stopped dead in his tracks and looked up at the sky.  Nanzing listened and for the first time realized the sudden silence that had seemed to fall over the village.  What the...?

A roar appeared in the silence and he looked up at sky, trying to detect the...dragon...that was coming.     For a moment, a flash of fear appeared on the teen's face.   He admired and feared dragons, noble creatures and knew they were the original firebenders.  His uncle had always said to treat a dragon with respect and never do anything to bring its wrath and anger upon you.   Not knowing of the danger the village...his uncle and swordmaster were in, Nanzing couldn't imagine why a dragon would be coming to the village.   "We better...we better get moving," Nanzing stammered before heading.  Swallowing nervously, he tugged on Azolan's arm to get his friend moving,  offering a prayer to the spirits to keep his last family safe from what was coming.

(Umm... @ChimpMan?)
Yin walked into the kitchen where her mother was finishing up a cup of tea and placing it on a tray ready to serve. She didn't even look her in the eye as she spoke "Who are those benders you're talking to Yin?" She didn't sound angry, her tone was flat and lifeless "Are they from the arena?" Yin became very interested in her feet all of a sudden as her mother's gaze finally locked on her "N-No. They're just friends." She busied her hands, beginning to prepare the tea she promised them. She filled the teapot full of dry tea leaves then began boiling the water. Her mother left briefly to serve a customer, and Yin was left alone. Why hadn't she been yelled at? This was WAY worse than being yelled at. It was like she no longer cared at all!

When the tea was done she placed the three cups neatly on the tray and carried them out to the far table, passing her mother by as she went to make her way back in. No one saw as a strange man follow her into the kitchen. Yin smiled as she placed the tray in the middle of the table and precisely poured all three. The way she poured tea was almost artistic, her hand rising up, and the stream of warm liquid arching through the open air and falling to collect in the cup.

"Thank you," Ren said graciously, accepting his cup of tea.

"Yes, thank you." Agreed Han.

"Don't mention it." Yin told them with a polite nod of her head. Yin sat back down next to her new friends. They all visibly relaxed now, her tea tended to have that effect.

The warmth of the hot tea in the cup was both inviting and comforting in Ren's hands, he inhaled deeply and allowed himself to calm down finally. He sipped softly and took another deep breath. Hard to believe that, not thirty minutes ago, he was standing in the arena watching Han deflect massive boulders inside the ring. Now here he was sitting across from the guy who, now that Ren was thinking about it, was just a regular teenager like himself. He couldn't be much older or younger than him either. 

"Where did you learn to sand bend like that? Are you from the Si Wong Desert?"

"Yeah. I spent a few years out there living with my uncle who happens to be an airbender. Earthbending isn't too big out there with the lack of earth and all so I learned what I could from sandbenders who passed by and I also learned the principles of airbending from my uncle. The result..." Han made a gesture with his hands which said 'this'. 

Ren nodded, he took a sip and lower the cup from his lips. "Huh. I lived in the desert for--" He paused mid-sentence. "Is that...tea?" It smelled strongly like tea leaves but the fragrance was wrong. Ren pushed away from the table and stood. 

Only moments passed and the quiet din of the teashop was split with a shriek from the back. A woman came running out panic-stricken, "Fire!" In a flash chairs were turning over as patrons rushed for the door. Just as the woman reached for the door she had to jump back. The sliding door crashed down. The two thugs from the alley were standing there on either side of a new face, a man with scars on his arms, jet black hair, and a sneer on his face. Ren could actually smell it now. A haze was filling the shop floor. 

Yin's head turned sharply at the sound of the shriek. That was her mother, she was in the kitchen when the fire started. Yin stood up, a horror stricken expression on her face . The men were all to apparent now and the heat was quickly becoming unbearable. Smoke began to fill the air around them. "MOM!" Yin cried. The woman was clutching at her arm where the fire must have licked her "What's going on Yin? Why are these men in my shop!?" She looked stricken and in pain, and Yin felt like bursting into tears but she didn't. "Get outside mum! Go! It's not safe!" Her mother looked at her incredulously "Yin! You-" Yin cut her off, "Go get help for your arm! I have to stop them!" Yin covered her mouth and nose with her arm, coughing due to the thick smoke that was trying to engulf her little lungs. 

Her mother shook her head and wouldn't move, she was shaking. Yin couldn't leave her like this. Suddenly someone was calling her mothers name "Ai!" They called her mother's name. It was her Aunt, her mother's sister. She swept the woman outside the store and Yin used to opportunity to disappear from sight and go to her friends. She got there in time to catch their conversation.

"There you are, little spider-rat." The short muscular one crooned. "We've been lookin' for you and your friends." His head turned to address Han. The man in the middle flicked his arms and his fists caught fire, tendrils of flame balling around his hands. "Han, join us again. You walk with us now and I'm sure Mr. Don will forgive everything earlier. Don't let these losers drag you down and put your talent to good use."

Yin looked at Han accusingly, daring him to accept them. the look in the little girl's eyes was now dangerous. this. THIS was very personal. "Han..." Her tone was low, like a growl. Ren chimed in after her and Yin continued to stare at him, occasionally flicking her death glare at Don's crownies who'd just ruined her mother's store and Yin's home. Yin's heart was pounding in her chest just like in their last encounter, but this time there was none of the bone chilling fear, her anger blazed as high as the flames spreading around them.

Ren looked at Han anxiously and said quietly, "Don't listen to these guys, Han. They're lying, they want--" his sentence was broken by a brief fit of coughing. "--want to separate us." The smoke from the back was getting thicker. The patrons from the shop had all climbed out the windows. The two men bended walls of rock over the remaining windows, their only other exit through the back of the shop was completely blocked with roaring flames.

This entire time Han had said nothing and for the first time in our story he wasn't smiling. As they took cover behind a turned-over table, he simply stared hard into space. His face an expression of stone. Thinking. If they turned back now and ran for the windows maybe they could make it. However, the trio made a run for it earlier and look where it got them? No- this confrontation was unavoidable and those goons had made it personal. 

"Your time is up Little Han! Too bad I didn't bring weiners to this barbeque but we need to leave anyway." The other thug said.

"Try to distract them!" Ren said urgently. But it was too late for what he had in mind. They instead did something he hadn't expected. The three of them stepped back. The firebender in the middle shot a stream of fire into the shop and the two earthbending thugs closed up the doorway with rock and left them trapped to roast in an earthen oven.

With little hesitatation this time Ren threw his arms up defensively two slabs of the floor peeled from the ground and deflected the attack where it singed the ceiling already turning black from the soot. Ren was coughing again. They had a real problem now and they needed to get out fast. The air was filling with smoke and soon there wouldn't be enough oxygen in the air to breathe.turned with his heel and as if he were lifting an object hoisted slates of rocks from the ground trying to separate them from the flames that were quickly consuming the shop. With a flicking motion of his wrists he moved on to breaking a hole in the wall closest to them for them to escape through.

Reacting quickly Yin stomped her foot aiming to create a crack in the floor below. Stone shot up in a circular formation around the thugs and the wood began to crack and weaken and eventually give way under their feet as the supporting stone beneath it gave way. Yin ran with her friends towards the exit Ren had created in the wall. Something inside her hoped the thugs burned to death in their own trap, for sure they deserved it, but she'd never had a thought quite like that in her life. That was probably one of the largest reactions her bending had ever achieved, however never had she been fueled by such blind rage. 

She did not see if the men had been trapped or not, they didn't have much time too look. Yin half jumped, half fell out of the hole in the wall, coughing and spluttering.

Ren leaped through the new exit after Yin and Han. He felt dizzy from smoke inhalation but stumbled out of the alley into the street. There was no sign of the men. He saw when all that stone and wood collapsed on them but it was impossible to tell where if they were under there still or had managed a way out and fled. Ren bent over, his hands on his knees, and retched followed by a fit of coughing. He looked up and scanned the streets. There were lots of people standing around in the street in shock watching the building billow black clouds of smoke. Ren's eyes flickered across all of them. 

Ren's eyes widened suddenly. There at the end of the street! In the shadow of an alley at the end of the street he saw a flame spark up and lite a pipe. There was no mistaking that scar on his face. Ren watched him turn and head down the alley at the end of the street. 

Yin's mother was huddled up with her sister. She couldn't hear her but her shoulders were shaking violently so it was obvious the middle aged woman was weeping. "This is my fault" Yin muttered under her breath. "Mother will never forgive me for this..." Tears spilled down.

With a bit of a stumble Ren rejoined Han and Yin. "We're not out of the clear yet! Don!--*cough*--I saw him! Down at the end of the street!"

Hearing Ren's voice Yin looked straight down in the direction he was indicating, eyes filled with an angry determination. She didn't say anything to anyone, she just balled her fists and broke into a run in their direction. It was clearly an unwise move but Yin didn't care, she didn't think, she just acted on emotion. Her face was red and the earth cracked around her, as if her own personal earthquake was following her movements. She was going to face Don one on one. She was going to get him back for destroying her home and burning her mother. The others would see her intentions soon enough but she showed no signs of stopping what she was about to do. 

"Yin! Wait!- Ah shit." Said Han, watching the girl storm off in the direction of trouble. In that moment he stopped to think. Truthfully, he probably could've stopped her there and then. But the truth was, Han was pretty pissed himself (albeit not as much as Yin) and the conflict would never end. He wasn't going to let that girl walk into the lion's den by herself. "Ah boy." Mumbled Han.

Ren looked over and shared a look with Han anticipating what was about to happen. Here they go again. But he also wasn't about to hang back, if they needed his help he wanted to be there. The last time he saw Don he was walking down the alley, so he wasn't sure if they even would be able to catch up with them. But he hoped that Han and himself would be able to do something in time. The two of them broke into a run chasing after their new friend.
When the dragon roared louder letting Shane know it was very close, he didn't flinch.  He knew this was happening after all, he had tried to warn about this!  But Noooooo Someone! Had to threaten to eat him rather than listen to reason!   His eyes shifted to the chef as he spoke and he simply smiled in return.  "Sure you don't want me out of your sight?"  He walked to the egg and picked it up carefully.  "Last one..."  He mumbled as he looked at the other dishes that were prepared from the eggs siblings.  Shaking his head he looked over at the chef.  "I would still book it if I were you, I mean..... This dragon is going to be pissed if it learns what you did....when it learns."  His tone was cold as he gave the chef a short glare before heading to the door.  Shane was one who loved meat of all kinds, and he didn't mind people killing animals to eat... But there was a food chain, and people that ignored their place on it would certainly come to regret it later in life. 

Once he exited the building he looked up at the dragon and was quiet for a moment. "................................................................................................ I have zero clue what to do."  Grinning before he started to laugh a lightly mainly to himself.  Confirm dragon is here?  Check.  Get the egg?  Check.  Figure out how to help these people from being burned to death?  "Work in progress."  He rolled his shoulder as he carefully held the egg so he wouldn't risk breaking it.   As long as the egg was visible he knew he would more likely than not be safe from the dragon attack.  Though if the dragon knows where the egg is....then it could easily raze the village without a worry.  "...Damn."  Sighing he put the egg in his sleeve of his clothing where it would be safe and hidden from view.  This at the very least should by him time to see if the men he had seen patrolling earlier would make a plan of an attack. 

Running to the center of the village he came to a halt when he saw a man in armor, a recruit?  What he found odd was the fact that this person wasn't facing the dragon, hell if he didn't know any better the man was retreating?  But that didn't make much sense, he was part of the army, judging by the clothing and location the Fire Nation army.  Despite seeing this man retreat he didn't stop him.  'Scared...makes sense. I'm shaking a bit to.'  His eyes moved to the dragon and he picked up his speed getting closer to the center though he knew that wouldn't be enough to capture the creatures attention. 'Dragons are intelligent beings, with luck it will understand but..... Understanding and having the capability not to go on a slaughter after learning about what happened to its children....... That's another matter.' 

The mere thought of fire caused him not only fear but brought memories of the fire that killed his foster fire. He felt the heat of the flames like he was in them again snd the crackling and falling of debris burned from the fire. Azolan was unfrozen from the spot not from Nanzings tugging at his arm but a sheering pain in his burn scars. He groaned and stumbled back almost falling as he the pain made him woozy. He tried to fight against it and before Nanzing could react, he groaned and took a few steps forward.  "I am fine! I... I am fine. Let's just get moving. "He said taking a deep breath before walking on.

He took Nanzings through the path he took to get to the house, hoping being away from the area of many people would be away from the attention of the dragon. He had drawn his naginata, just in case, his hand shaking in fear as he held it making him frown as it was as if the staff magnified his shaking. "What is a dragon doing here? There hasn't been a dragon in these parts since this place was settled."He thought out load as if the could logic the dragon away.

Nanzing frowned after his friend but dropped Azolan's arm and followed after Azolan as they moved away from his uncle's manor.   Nanzing didn't see his uncle watching them until they were out of sight before disappearing from his nephew's window and going to a room to pack, just like Nanzing's master of the sword was doing at this very moment.   He concentrated on the path ahead of him, occasionally glancing up at the sky to see if the dragon was coming and then glancing around for soldiers.   The teenager wasn't sure what he feared more, a dragon who was wise and to be respected, or the soldiers who Azolan said were coming to recruit the fourteen-year-old.   Nanzing could only shrug as Azolan talked to himself.   "Uncle Tohen and Master Yoza both said a festival is going on for three days," said Nazing.   "But...if there's a dragon here...I wouldn't be surprised if Zhao or Canren had anything to do with it.  Canren's just as arrogant as his father."   It was the first time he had mentioned his half-brother, Zhao, since reuniting with Azolan.   His thoughts then went to his sister, Irsoli.  Aside from his uncle, she was the only real family he had.  Zhao didn't count, even if it would upset Irsoli.    In his bag, Saber was staring out the opening as the feline's master hurried along the path Azolan had taken, being relatively quiet.    
@Peaceswore @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @eclipsehowls

The dragon had lingered in the air for a relatively long while now. It's fierce gaze beheld the village. The inhabitants of the village were transfixed upon the majestic beast with the exception of a few - and these few held the dragon's interest. Like a predator stalking its prey, it suddenly flew off moving towards one of the armored recruiters - a middle-aged man. Gasps and cries of shock rose from the surrounding villagers as they watched the dragon loom large over the man, who had now fallen. "W-wha. No, p-please," he whimpered, clawing back only to have the dragon follow. The dragon leaned in closer, looking closely at the man's belongings. It seemed to be searching for something as it pulled back, turning to look at the other villagers. The recruiter figured it was a good chance to run and he attempted to get up only to be scared back down with a fearsome roar from the dragon. This dragon clearly knew what it was doing; its mouth opened as it breathed fierce flames at the man, just missing him enough that he was only singed, not burned, by the flames. 

"Waarraaah, no, no no!"

The villagers were stunned as they watched, frozen in place. Canren, too, was the same and was already slinking back into the crowd - disappearing into the mass of people. The dragon, however, slowly swept its gaze over at the villagers, meeting the eyes of each individual. It did not speak, but it likely communicated its intent. It sought what belonged to it, and it would have it back.
"Canren and Zhoa? Why would they have anything..." He said at the mention of Nanzing half family before a thought came to mind and he cursed."Dragon hunting... I doubt any dragon is happy with all their kinds being killed of. They always said dragons were intelligent creatures and personally i dont blame them. I would properly would be the same." He thought out loud not really to anyone and sighed. He pushed on trying to not think of the dragon and get himself worked up again. However even in this distance he could feel the fire breathing and shouts of the people reacting to the dragons attack and he paused and groaned at himself.

"We need to go help." He said annoyed at himself for saying it and his want to help people as he turned to look at Nanzing. "Or at lest i am. There is a cabin just behind that hill over there i am sure it is safe to ride this out. Wait for me for a an hour or so otherwise go ahead and leave."

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Following Azolan, it seemed the older male wasn't going to say anything in the quest for being silent yet soon the screams of villagers was accompanied by a loud roar and the heat of fire, despite not being near the village.  Nanzing frowned as he stopped and turned back to the village before Azolan's words about there being a cabin situated on a hill that the teenager could hide in while Azolan planned on going to help out the villagers and came to the conclusion that Nanzing, his uncle and master had missed as the reason for the festival.   Nanzing thought of going back for Irsoli and his uncle but knew he'd just be putting his half-sister in danger and his uncle wouldn't want him coming back.   So he nodded to Azolan and followed his friend's directions as he made for the cabin, running away from Azolan and leaving his friend to his fate.  

As he ran up the hill, he lowered himself to the ground as he got towards the crest and looked down it before glancing up at the sky.   There wasn't any reason to attract a mad dragon's attention or risk recruiters who might be hiding in the countryside.  There was no looming shadow overhead and no signs of tracks that he could see on the ground in front of him, so the teen stood and bolted down the hill, nearly losing his footing on the grass.  He made it safely down though and looked fo the cabin, finally spotting it and ducking inside the door, glad it was unlocked.  The teen then did the next smart thing and ran somewhere away from the windows in case any soldiers passed by overhead, putting a hand into his bag to soothe his frightened cat.

Despite being hidden within the cabin, Nanzing was worried for his Irsoli and his uncle as well as his master.   Master Yoza might not be family but the man was Nanzing's master of the sword and if the elder man died then Nanzing wasn't sure who would teach him.   He didn't really know Azolan's issues with fire, having been a child still...well he still was a child...when Azolan had gone missing but didn't really know or remember the circumstances.  Setting his bag and swords down, the teenager paced the cabin, making sure to stay away from the walls as he tried to think of what to do before coming to a decision.  "Uncle and Irsoli are going to kill me," he muttered to Saber who let out a scared meow.  "Stay here Saber," he said before slipping out the door and running back up the hill, nearly tripping over his feet as he reached the crest and then bolted down like a frightened animal.   As he reached the bottom of the hill, he took off for the village, hoping that he wasn't too late to help Azolan and any sensible firebenders, like uncle, with stopping the rampage of the dragon.  As he ran he couldn't help thinking that they ought to toss Canren to the dragon to appease its wrath.   @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki  @Miracleist
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Azolan was unsure whether to be relieved or suspicious of Nanzing quick acceptance of his order to stay behind, expecting more of an argument. Part of him wanted Nanzing to beg him not to go and throw his life away against something he couldnt hope to face. It didnt happen and so only his own conscious and moral duty guiding him which told him to go and help though he had no idea how to help. He kept his eye in the sky as he approached the village watching for the movement of the dragons. It had already breathed fire sending a chill go up his spine but tried his hardest to push on.

When he reached the place he held his naginata high aiming it at the direction of the dragon. He couldnt do anything to it with it but the action gave him a little bit of comfort. He saw people frozen in place and and figure that wouldnt do. He looked around for people to get to and be safe. There was few options, the nearest was a pair of doors leading to the underside of the bigger buildings and figured it would be their safest bet. He began running towards people calling out to them and shouting at them to go to the door and hide in the basement. He went as far as shoving them if he needed to, hoping to spirits and whatever mystical out there to not have the dragon attack them.
Yin broke into a run when she saw the others behind her "I don't need your help!" she called back angrily speeding up her steps, adreniline and rage spurring her on, pushing her little legs to moved faster than ever before. She reached the end of the alley way by they'd already moved on. She thought she saw a glimpse around the corner of one of them so she turned quickly down the next street. And there they were ahead, it was Don and his crownies. They all looked mighty pleased with themselves. Yin threw up a wall behind her to slow her friends down and ran towards the men. "HEY!" She yelled "YEAH I'M TALKING TO YOU SCARFACE" The men all turned to face her, looking somewhat amused. 

"My oh my, it seems the little birdy has flown a little too far from her nest. Well, what's left of it anyway." On queue, the Don's cronies let out a laugh. With the shorty, the meat-head, the firebender and now Don, that made four. In unison the four men began to slowly walk back to Yin. The alleyway was a straight path with plain wall on either side which presented two options: Run or fight. The Don did a toothy grin. Yes, he wanted Yin right where she was. "I'm gonna' enjoy this." The Don made a gesture for his underling firebender to attack. 

Meanwhile Han and Ren ran side-by-side in rapid pursuit. Yin's words made it clear she wanted no help and if the words weren't clear enough, maybe the wall blocking their way did. But it was clear to them both the girl wasn't thinking straight. Han didn't break his stride when he saw the obstacle in their path. In fact, he sped up his sprint even further, breaking ahead of Ren for a brief moment. When in rage he leaped and impressive leap, extending his lead leg out and creating a flying kick. A kick which sent him through the wall thanks to his own earthbending and created a hole for Ren to follow through. 

Ren slowed as the wall flew up in front of them. But that didn't seem to stop Han. The more talented earthbender kicked a hole through the wall and continued on. Determined, Ren followed and leaped through after the two of them. 

When they came upon the scene it seemed like everyone was in motion. From the corner of his eye Ren noticed citizens stopped in shock and horror. They knew of Don. Just about everyone knew of Don. He was infamous for not being able to be pinned by the law of the city. Those who opposed the Don were dealt his own brand of justice. Most would seemingly disappear. Others would be made an example, such as the young girl here battling amongst the gangster's crew. They knew what was going to happen to the girl, but more importantly they knew what would happen to them if they were to intervene in anyway. Citizens in the streets scattered, shutters on nearby building clattered shut hastily as fireballs and earth flew in all directions.

Flames shot through the air between the mobsters and Yin in a perfectly horizontal line, straight at Yin's face. A quick but cruel attack with the sole purpose of burning her face. Yin put up her arms the earth began to rise in defence but she wasn't as quick as her new friend Han as he came bursting into the scene. Before the attack met its mark, Han jumped off a wall from behind Yin and propelled himself in front of her. Yin might've made an attempt to defend herself, but the Sandy-Hurraicane was there first. Wasting no time and with perfect timing and precision, he stomped on the floor bringing up a thin earth-disk which faced the ball of fire, intercepting the attack. 

Han stood in front of Yin defensively, his face impassive but his eyes showing a feint flicker of anger. He stared at the Don's burn-scarred face and then the others but spoke directly to the firebender. "Zaru it's been a while." He said, acknowledging the firebender with the scarred arms. "Look guys, I understand you're trying to make the scar-look the new trend, but you can't just force it on people." That annoyed the Don. It was taboo to talk about his scars. But Han wanted the man angry and unfocused. "Get them!" Roared the gang leader.

Yin blinked, kind of momentarily dazed. "You coward!" She cried as she got into stance "I bet you are nothing without these men, Don. Is that why you have scars like that?" She pushed her way out from behind Han, standing next to him "Why don't you fight me-"

A barage of rock and flames were already coming her way and Yin was forced to take purely defensive action. She stepped backwards rapidly raising walls of stones to counter those coming towards her with Han and Ren forced to do the same. It seemed they were targeting her quite heavily, after all, she had come first, and she did seem the much weaker target of the two. Yin couldn't make an offensive move or she would be hit. She had to concentrate, her anger was making her attacks more powerful but it would also make them sloppy. She was beginning to come to her senses a little. She felt every attack with her feet, she could feel the ripples in the ground, if she concentrated hard enough she didn't even have to see all of the men with her eyes to be able to locate them. And she had her mind on Don.

It was a daring move for sure, and it was absolutely insane, but the only way this would end was if he was knocked off his pedestal. Yin began moving forward. She faced every attack head on, some of the rocks barely missed hitting her fatally. She mapped out a path in her head, her mind working faster than ever before. A slab of rock flew towards her feet, Yin jumped and used it as a springboard. All the while as she hurtled through the air surprising everyone, stone was gathering around her right fist, forming a gigantic stone glove. She raised the gloved hand like a boxer and crashed right into the chest of Don himself. He fell hard from the impact, which was a win, but suddenly she was in the middle of all of her enemies with no way out fast enough.

"Yin, NO!" Han had saw it happen but just simply wasn't quick enough to stop her, beside him, Ren echoed his cry of shock. Any other time he would've marveled at how a little girl could land a hit on Don but this was no time for that. Instead a cold chill found its way down Han's spine, for he knew what was to come next and was helpless to stop it.

The moment of shock felt by everyone at her managed advance was enough for her to attempt to slam her armoured fist towards his face. The hit never landed, but god she had wanted it to. Even though something like that... could very well have been a grievous, maybe fatal wound.

It was wrong but she didn't have time to ponder this as something hit her full in the stomach and she fell onto her back winded and unable to move. Fire followed and the little girl screamed as the flame burned away her right sleeve. She shuffled backwards, and blindly threw up a half dome shape to devend herself, which was lucky because a rock the size of her head crashed into the wall instead of her face.

It was a brave effort, but maybe all she had done was piss him the hell off.

On her shoulder and chest where she'd copped the flames was the worst pain she had ever felt, by far. The burn was an angry red. She felt woozy, and her body wouldn't allow her to stand. her defencive wall crumbled away slowly. It would soon be soley up to her friends if she didnt get a hold of herself and her pain.

In the moment Yin went down, all of the Don's men shifted their focus solely on her. It was a ruthless battle strategy, to kick the girl while she was down. But the cronies made one fatal error: The attention was off Han and Ren. "Ren, cover me!" Roared Han, his voice strong with conviction. 

"Right!" Ren yelled and did everything he could manage to do just that. If he had been struggling to keeping up besides Han's expertly timed and precise attacks, Ren was positively clumsy on his feet on his own and under the immense pressure of the multiple ruthless opponents. "Shit!" Ren dodged to the side as a rock hurtled towards him. He wasn't quite fast enough and it caught him in the shoulder. He didn't think it broke anything but pain shot down his arm. I'm not a fighter! I'm not a fighter! What the hell am I doing?! What the hell do I do!! The earthbending he learned and studied all those years was always very deliberate focusing on meaning and strength. Combat was so completely different and fast paced. He did very well at that, lifting massive chucks of rock. He knew his forms and was actually pretty strong. Walls. That was one thing he could do and do well.  

Ren threw his arms up. A slab of bricks from the street peeled from the ground and blocked an oncoming attack. For the time being he was doing everything in his power to maintain defense and throwing up walls of brick and stone slabs when they got knocked down. He was dealing with rock and fire from three different directions. Ren already felt overwhelmed, he wasn't even sure if he'd be able to get in any kind of offense if his brain could even come up with anything.

Han ran straight for Yin who was still laying behind her almost destroyed wall. Once he got there, he wasted no time raising up another wall without danger, thanks to Ren's cover fire. "Oh no, no no no." Mumbled Han looking at Yin's burns. This was bad, seriously bad. "Just stay there alright? Don't move!" Said Han trying to hide the panic in his voice, but he suspected she couldn't, even if she wanted to.

Yin's wall was almost down when Han came into her vision, fixing it for her. She forced herself to prop herself up on her good arm, trying to get up but not having much luck. She didn't want to go down like this. "I'm okay. It's-" She winced, trying to sit up "N-Not that bad." Her lie wasn't very convincing. This was bad enough to scar. 
 @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @eclipsehowls

Choosing a leisurely pace as he approached the village centre, Shane was deep in thought about his next steps. Would it be a pleasant conversation, or a toss and run? Dragons were intelligent, but they were just as emotional after all. He too preferred to live to tell the tale - though whether people would believe was up for questioning. "What to do..." he muttered as he came into view of the dragon. The intelligent creature was still calm - for now - looking at the frightened villagers. It's eyes were undoubtedly attracted to one particular with his naginata raised. It began to flap its wings, lifting off the whimpering recruiter as it began to move over to the young man who dared raise a weapon against him. Slit eyes glared down upon the man with condescension, as it began to lower itself threateningly. Then it landed, and the ground shook. The tension in the air was at its peak and many a cold sweat had been broken. The dragon held its firm stare, looking sagely into the man's gaze. Strangely, within its eyes was a glint of respect - this dragon seemed to be impressed by the man's courage.


Shane held up the dragon egg as he called out to the dragon. His eyes met Azolan's and immediately he recognized him. "You!" He cut himself off before looking back at the dragon, already shifted from its relatively calm but threatening demeanor to a full-on aggressive and terrifying. It lifted off the ground, as embers gathered around its mouth. Shane gulped as he held out the egg in front of him... Only to have the dragon lunge forward. "RAAAAAWWWWRRRRRR." No flames followed, only the full volume of a dragon's roar in point blank range - any ordinary person would be temporarily deafened and intimidated. The roar was also the cue for panic to break loose as the villagers began scrambling, it was absolutely chaotic. Canren took the opportunity to blend into the crowd, hoping to escape before the dragon ran on a real rampage. 

"Raaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" Shane shouted, mimicking the dragon's roar. "I CAN SHOUT TOO."

If the dragon was amused, it didn't show it. Embers were still occasionally spat out of its mouth as it watched Shane. Even with Shane and his eccentricity, it was clear that there would be no more pushing the dragon. He was still clueless as to the next course of action. He had hoped the dragon would calm down and follow him - and it happened. However, he had not expected the dragon to be as fierce and swift as it was. He was banking on making a quick getaway as soon as he dropped the egg. He wasn't so sure now. "Hey, I'm going to put this down here..." He said and slowly placed the egg down on the ground. The dragon held it's place - good - Shane took several slow steps back watching the dragon closely. Then, for better or worse, he broke into a sprint in the opposite direction. There was a lake in the direction he ran towards - it would work in his favor as long as he was able to get to it. 

The dragon followed with a gust of wind in its wake. Whether it was the triggering of its predatory instincts, or the intelligent awareness that there was only one egg, no one could really know. Shane seemed to have a comfortable lead as he disappeared down the hill. Suddenly, the village was peaceful again, though the villagers were all hiding, still not daring to even steal a glimpse out at their windows to see that the dragon was now gone.
Once getting to the village, Nanzing could see the villagers, including those who had participated in a dragon hunt frozen in fear, and it was easy to see why for there was the mother dragon...at least Nan assumed it was the mother...who had already blew fire and singed one person's hair.   Nanzing immediately looked for Irsoli, but his half-sister didn't seem to be within the crowd for which the teen let out a breath of relief.    Once he was certain that she wasn't outside within the village, Nanzing tried to get the villagers to move back into their homes and though a few did so, most seemed frozen in fear to move a muscle.    Up ahead, Nanzing could see Azolan trying to move people as well but like Nan, Az seemed to be having no luck at all.   The tension of the villagers as they stood off against the dragon was palpable in the air...both waiting to see who would attack first.

A shout caused Nanzing to turn from where he had picked up a small child and forcefully placed her inside a house, not caring if it was the correct house, as he shut the door behind him.   He wasn't sure what he could do against a dragon, his fire bending skills were still not as developed as a master fire bender and his swordsmanship was lacking...still he figured he had to try something but couldn't think what.  That didn't seem to matter as he didn't have his swords on him, having left them within the cabin that Az had told him about.   A stranger, one that Nanzing had never seen before, was approaching the dragon as it roared at a person trying to escape.  In the confusion with Nanzing helping people, it seemed that Canren, if he had been in the village...and Nanzing didn't doubt the arrogant jerk had been within the village and an active participant, if not organizer, of the dragon hunt had been here...had disappeared with the roar of the dragon as it threatened the stranger with its egg.  That roar sent the village into a panic as people began scrambling and Nanzing was forced to get to the side of the village to avoid getting pushed to the ground.  He didn't see Zhao anywhere in the village which was a shame...else Nanzing might have taken the risk to upset his uncle and sister by punching his older half-brother in the face for the stupidity of endangering their sister and the village to go dragon hunting.   

The figure who appeared in front of the dragon held up an egg and Nanzing watched as the dragon's gaze seemed to focus on the strangely clothed person within this small fire bending village.  What the... but his thought was interrupted as the dragon's roar suddenly pierced the air and Nanzing felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead.   Nazing wasn't about to go near a pissed off dragon who could easily burn the teen alive if it so desired.   There was a shout from the stranger and Nanzing shook his head, disbelief and fear on his face before the person ran off towards the lake with the egg in his hands.    Immediately the dragon flew into the air and took off after the figure that Nanzing turned to watch running away for his life.  Dragons were quick...an angry mother dragon pursuing one who had her...well he wasn't sure what a baby dragon was called...wasn't something he would want to engage with.   Hopefully if the mother got her egg back, she would leave the village alone.     As the dragon left after her quarry, Nanzing leaned against one of the houses and let out the breath he wasn't aware he'd been holding.   The teen slowly made his way to Azolan, his body shaking with fright, as he pushed through the people who were running past him into their homes.   @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Azolan watched the scene unfold with the dragon and the man with a dragon egg, as he was shepherding people away. He shook his head in anger at the man though he was a tad conflicted, Part of him was wondering how much the guy was an idiot for trying to steal dragon eggs and risk the lives of people. Another side of him though was a little impressed, the man managed to do and carried himself well against the dragon though he figure it was partially due to the dragon not really trying.

He was surprised that even after the man returned the egg, the dragon still followed the man and wondered if it was because there was more or the dragon wanted revenge. Either way Azolan was not willing to help, you mess with the dragon you deserve to get burned especially after risking other villages. Not to mention, the less time Azolan dealt with the dragon the better. He turned to get the last of the people and cursed lightly when he saw Nanzing approach him. "Damn it, Nan. I told you to hide! It is dangerous here." He said a little angrily tough that was half the region he was annoyed. He knew Nanzing might want to help the man with the egg and he might have to be dragged along.

@eclipsehowls @Miracleist
Nanzing winched as Azolan seemed angry about him being in the village.    "I wanted to make sure Irsoli was alright and not in danger as a result of the idiots who decided this was a good idea," he defended himself.   He had to go back to the cabin anyway to get his bag and dual-swords, plus Saber was probably frightened of being left alone in the cabin.  The teenager turned to watch the person set the egg down on the ground and then leave, the dragon following behind him.   Seeing the egg lying there on the ground, Nanzing couldn't resist walking towards it to see what it looked like, having never seen a dragon egg up close before.   Picking it up, he held it close to him and then turned, beginning to head back for the cabin to retrieve his belongings.  He still had to get out of the village though the recruiters seemed to have vanished from the scene...the cowards.  The teen set off at a run for the hill that hid the cabin and the forest they  had been traveling through before the dragon attack had interrupted everything, careful of the egg held in his arms.    If it was left here then who knew what might happen to it...and Nanzing had wanted to charm a dragon if he got the chance, though knew he'd have to be found worthy by the noble creature.  He would examine the egg when he got back to the cabin.    
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Things were looking bad. With Yin on the floor badly hurt and Ren pinned down unable to retaliate, the only direction the three young earthbenders were going was down. Han was behind cover besides Yin and began to think of a way out. Yin and Ren weren't fully trained fighters and weren't able to do anything at the moment. So that left one option for Han. "Promise you will stay down okay?" Han said to Yin, looking anxious of her current state.

"W-What's your plan?" Yin asking, ignoring the request on purpose.

"Try not to die I suppose?" Han said with an air of confidence, despite how simplistic it was. Without any warning or hesitation Han flew from their cover and ran straight at their attackers. 

"Woah hey-" Yin protested, but he was gone. Yin stayed down to begin with, trying to collect her thoughts, which was really difficult to do given the pain she was currently in. 

The gang had just noticed Han, but he was running too fast and was too close for them to hit him before he raised the earth beneath his toes creating a lift and propelling him in the air over Don and co. He performed a double front flip and then landed behind them. Immediately they turned around, bewildered but as they did part of Ren's cover fire whacked the tall thug over the head and sent him falling on the floor. The short-fat one immediately turned around to fire back at Ren with his own earth meanwhile Don and the firebender, Zaru, stared down Han. 

This way, Ren now had room to breath and fire back and the gang's attention was away from the direction of Yin, as they were now surrounded on both sides from Ren and Han. It was all well and good except well... Han was now in the open against the Don and his strongest crony; Zaru. "Sup guys?" Han said nonchalant. His tone suggested cockiness and humour but in actuality this was bad for him. Zaru - from what Han could remember from years ago - was the Don's strongest underling. Though Han wouldn't want to admit it, Zaru was probably stronger than him too.

She cursed quietly under her breath and closed her eyes, 'seeing' as best she could using only her seismic sense. She tightened her defence a little, building the wall into a dome shape around her. The attention seemed to be off her so she took the time to push up what was left of her sleeve and have a look at her wound.

Many layers of skin had been burned away, leaving an awful red patch covered in blisters. The wound went from her shoulder to just above her elbow. she had nothing to cover it with, and honestly she had no idea what to do about it except try to put up with it and see if she could help her friend out. She should have known that by running after these guys she'd put them at risk too. Maybe she should have stopped when she heard them chasing. Now Han was alone against the firebender and the scarface. Trying to ignore the pain Yin concentrated on where they were standing. Maybe, if they forgot about her enough, she could give Han an opening. It was the only thing she could really do without being suicidal.

Ren was fighting back with all that he had. Han appeared out of nowhere and distracted them long enough Ren was able to get some good blows in, including a decent rock to the center of the taller thug's back. But his moment didn't last long and the thug's attention was back on Ren. He heaved a wall of bricks in front of him to block an incoming attack then with a few punches and kicks sent a dozen individual bricks flying out at his opponent. Sweat from both exertion and fear dripped down his face. Ren had no idea how long he could keep up with this. They were so outnumbered. And in Yin and Ren's case they were out-skilled.

Earth began to clash with more earth and fire as Han fought off against Don and Zaru at once. For the most part Han was on the defensive, ducking, dodging and diving with his usual stylishness and occasionally sending an attack back. The two aggressors were beginning to get visibly annoyed at hitting nothing. Zaru sent a wave of flames forward which licked nothing but air while Han jumped over them, then the Don near perfectly timed an attack once Han landed, only for Han to raise a disk of earth from the floor and block it. 

"Hault!" Someone screamed. 

The Don snarled and yelled at his men to scatter. 

The fight was suddenly interrupted as great mounds of earth erupted from the ground and a wall spiraled around the two groups encompassing them both. The shadow blocked out the sun and the fighter's hesitated. A group of men appeared at the top of the wall, their faces blocked as they stood against bright sky behind them. Zaru, the firebender, interrupted his flurry of attacks at Han and began firing off balls of fire at the newcomers. A few men dropped into the circle. One man knocked Zaru off his feet. Another man was busy sidestepping an attack while pulling a chunk from the wall, split it apart, and threw it into the taller thug and the shorter thug's frame. A third man was engaged with Don himself. Others watched from the wall above. "Han! Yin!" Ren yelled, he was equally terrified at this point unsure of how to proceed. It was at this point that two more men dropped in.

"This one needs medical attention," The one said as he collapsed the dome and assisted Yin to her feet.

"This way." The other said to Han and Ren and bended an opening in the wall, the man with Yin assisted her, supporting her weight. The man closed it back up after they all exited. Ren got a good look at them now, they looked like Earth Kingdom soldiers however they were wearing the symbol of Ba Sing Se on their uniforms. They must be a part of the city's police force. "You kids did good today. Don and his gang are slippery bastards, we've been tracking their activity relentlessly."

They heard the sound of rock smashing around the other side of the wall. "What will happen to them?" Ren asked, finally able to catch his breath. Relief was finally able to flood him, and in time too as he could feel the exhaustion as the adrenaline began to wear off. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand but left a smudge of dust. 

"Don won't be able to bribe his way out of these kinds of charges. He'll finally get to rot in a jail cell like he deserves." The police officer spit on the ground. "Assault of minors and arson being the most recent transgressions. Young lady, that injury looks severe. Can we help you get medical assistance?"

The ground shook and the huge wall collapsed into the street leaving the pavement rough but without too much rubble laying around. The officers that had assumed position on the top of the wall had jumped to the street and stood at the ready surrounding the figures in the middle. Zaru and the other cronies were pinned to the ground their forearms and lower legs encased in rock holding their bodies to the ground. The Don was trapped in rock, upright but his head lolling from side to side deliriously. He was cursing and threatening the officers of what was to come to them if they didn't release him, that the charges wouldn't stick, and that he would be free soon enough. The officers exchanged unimpressed looks but didn't lower their defensive stances. Don the gangster kingpin was in no position to making such remarks and the police force would be taking extra precautions to make sure the man would never walk the streets again. 
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Nanzing winched as Azolan seemed angry about him being in the village.    "I wanted to make sure Irsoli was alright and not in danger as a result of the idiots who decided this was a good idea," he defended himself.   He had to go back to the cabin anyway to get his bag and dual-swords, plus Saber was probably frightened of being left alone in the cabin.  The teenager turned to watch the person set the egg down on the ground and then leave, the dragon following behind him.   Seeing the egg lying there on the ground, Nanzing couldn't resist walking towards it to see what it looked like, having never seen a dragon egg up close before.   Picking it up, he held it close to him and then turned, beginning to head back for the cabin to retrieve his belongings.  He still had to get out of the village though the recruiters seemed to have vanished from the scene...the cowards.  The teen set off at a run for the hill that hid the cabin and the forest they  had been traveling through before the dragon attack had interrupted everything, careful of the egg held in his arms.    If it was left here then who knew what might happen to it...and Nanzing had wanted to charm a dragon if he got the chance, though knew he'd have to be found worthy by the noble creature.  He would examine the egg when he got back to the cabin.    

Azolan groaned at the the explanation but couldn't do much about it now and there was comfort in having Nanzing close by. The dragon attack had scared him before measure and wanted some sort of support, than again he didn't want to pun Nanzing in danger... He hated this mixed feeling of emotions and wants, this seemed so much simpler in the army dispite it's faults. In any case the attacks seemed to have passed at least for now and people were peeking out from their hide outs. There was no greater relief to not have to fight the dragon, Azolan thought.

That thought instantly disappeared when he saw Nanzing ran off with the leg. His eyes widened and after a brief initial shock rushed after Nanzing as quickly as he quick. "Hey, nan! Wait up! Stop! " he called out hurriedly a bit out of breath.  One near encounter with the dragon was enough for him, he didMt need a baby one and angry parent following him. 

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