• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Island Radio (closed)


He huffed, rocked back from the onrushing force as he felt his breath momentarily squeezed out of him under Amisi's embrace. He laughed, returning a one-armed hug across her shoulders, amusedly flipping off Jason behind her back as he did so, the other hand far too busy with his pistachios to get involved. He gave a mock gasp over her head in Ally's direction.
"So sensitive. Someone better hand me one of those icepacks for that burn."
But he was quickly distracted as Serena swept by - the snacks had left his fingers before he even realised what was happening, left clutching at empty air.
"Oi!" he called, all joking indignation, making a half-hearted attempt for them back. "Finders keepers, Serena, don't get jealous.."
Kieran reached his hands out to catch them, but instead let out a noise of protest as Joey, this time, intercepted the packet, letting his arms fall. Come onnn.
"Can you guys stop abusing my pistachios? Please?"

He pushed himself off the counter, trying to smooth back his thick blonde waves as he followed the rest of the group into the broadcasting room, victoriously swiping the snacks back out of Joey's outstretched hand as he walked past. Despite having been there before, the room never failed to prompt some form of mild curiosity in him; he wandered across the space, trailing the tips of his fingers across the cold planes and ridges of the narrow filing cabinets, absentmindedly sliding some open and closed as he listened to the surrounding conversation, coming to a stop at the side of the desk beside where Kana stood. There he leant, reaching over and pushing some of the sliders around.

"So what are we talking about on the radio tonight?"

A smile slowly curled up one corner of his mouth as he hummed in thought.
"We should do an anonymous confessional. All our listeners can tell us their deepest, darkest secrets live on air, and relieve their woeful burdens without fear of consequence," he proposed, tossing a pistachio into his mouth, moving on from the sliders to mess with the various dials across the panel. He glanced over to Serena, smile growing, eyes glinting with their dark blue mischief. "You can distort their voices, right?"

The girl nodded, slipping her headphones on to check everything before turning back to her friends, "Yeah, I can distort their voices. It'd definitely make for an interesting night." She said, putting on a commercial as they discussed. There isn't much that people didn't know about each other in this town, most private information was public, things just got around. It made Serena's skin itch, thinking of how many people knew all the problems in her personal life. When people are going through something around here, it's practically front page news.

Serena remembered the day her mother left Clearton, how people spoke of her for leaving her family, how people took a strange sort of pity on them all. She knew most meant well but that didn't mean she wanted the whole town to know everything about her and her family. People talked though, there wasn't anything to be done about it.

Serena swiveled in her chair as Jason let out a loud snort, directed towards Kieran, "Yeah, cause who wouldn't want to tell you all their secrets?" He was being sarcastic of course, as he usually was. She was about to defend the idea, as people would probably call in, not to mention draw more traffic to the radio station, but it'd also be fun to guess whose secret was whose. Which, she realized, made her a bit of a hypocrite, wanting to know other people's secrets but not wanting them to know hers.

Jason could tell the others were eager to put their opinion out there but he spoke quickly, before anyone else had the chance to talk over him. "We can do that," he started, a slightly devious smile making its way onto his face, "but every time a listener tells a secret, one of us have to tell a secret of our own."

He was convinced it'd be more fun this way, almost like a game. Jason didn't have many secrets, and the one's he did have weren't a big deal, just things he figured weren't relevant. He straightened his back against the wall where he was sitting, trying to gauge everyone's reaction, if they would want to participate.

EllaaaEllaaaa EllaaaEllaaaa Plutoni Plutoni SecretRock SecretRock Human__Ramen Human__Ramen uwupolice uwupolice SmolKitten SmolKitten
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Kana Yoshiro
Location: radio station
Mentions: lovedentist lovedentist uwupolice uwupolice Human__Ramen Human__Ramen Plutoni Plutoni

"That sounds fun," Kana said, just as Joey said, "No way." They looked at each other, but Joey didn't seem to have much more to say so Kana continued. "I think I have a few secrets I wouldn't mind sharing." She told them all. It was true. These guys didn't know everything about her, not by design, some things just never came up. They could count as secrets. It would be fun to learn more about each other too.

Kana actually started to get excited about this idea. It would be like party games on those cheesy American TV shows. They were always fun to watch with friends, but now it was like she was in one.

Joseph Rivera
Location: radio station
Mentions: I'd tag you but it's not working ¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯

Leaning against the wall with his arms crossed made Joey feel like he was being a buzzkill, but there was no way he was joining in with this. Secrets are secrets, if he hadn't told them the there was a good reason, and this felt like prying a little too much for his comfort. The others could do what they wanted, he didn't want to stop them from having fun. He didn't really want to hear their secrets either, especially if he wasn't giving anything back.
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“I’ve been pretty good. Just working ya know!” She said smiling back at her

After about twenty minutes they pulled in the the radio station Eerica grabbed the bag of snacks and walked in of course being As dramatic as she can be.

“The snaaaaackkkk master has arrived please hold your applause....on second thought. Don’t hold your applause!” She laughed sitting everything down.

“ omg. I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve seen y’all.” She said wiping fake tears hugging everybody.

“ what’s going on people’s?” She asked leaning against the wall
Logan Orme
Logan walked silently behind her, entering the room just a couple of seconds later. She stayed hovering in the doorway, feeling suddenly very awkward. She couldn't remember the last time she had been here and with everyone. She nervously fiddled with her hands, eyes trained on the floor. Usually she wasn't so nervous or shy, especially not around these people, but she had gotten so used to her solitude that she didn't really know how to react around her friends anymore.​
* click on the stars < 3

  • P O S T
    Amisi followed after her friends, a lively smile continuing to pull at the corner of her lips.
    She was kinda antsy though, she wanted to do something with herself. She was about to implode with excitement at the thought of making more memories with her amazing friends.
    Is she extra? Maybe just a tad bit.

    Amisi hasn't really been around her friends much, cracking down on her swimming and dancing especially. Not only that, but that 'bad time' of the year was rolling around again for her father. Juggling her commitments/dreams and keeping an eye on her papa gave no room for hanging out. She didn't mind however. They weren't a bother, she just had that itch to see her friends.

    "We should do an anonymous confessional. All our listeners can tell us their deepest, darkest secrets live on air, and relieve their woeful burdens without fear of consequence,"
    "We can do that, but every time a listener tells a secret, one of us have to tell a secret of our own."
    She quirked an eyebrow at her friends, exchanging looks between the gang. "Interesting but.." She glanced back to Joey, noting he didn't exactly respond to their proposition.
    "Why not just danceee?" She pouted. "We can do the intrusive secrets later." Amisi nibbled on her lip a bit, a little nervous herself about the whole 'sharing secrets' thing.
    "Or, we can just do both? Some bopping music while a group of you gossip over that mic of yours." The dirty blonde suggested with a slight smirk.

    Hearing the click of the door and the laughter of Erica, she whirled around. "Erica!" She ran towards her as well and embraced her in another friendly passionate hug.
    Amisi's a professional hugger. It's one of her favorite things to do and it wasn't a secret among her friends.
    "They want the speakers to share secrets with us and vice versa." She playfully rolled her eyes. "Butttt, I think we should just dance and sing or something." She nodded, nudging her melanin friend after they pulled away.

    Amisi flicked her turquoise orbs to the awkward and doubting girl at the door. Her features softened a bit and she approached and hugged her as well. "Hey stranger!" Amisi smiled gently, swaying back and forth with her as they hugged. "Welcome back mate, I'm loving the hair by the way!" She cheered, trying not to be over the top with her. The others were maybe sorta used to how excitable she could get, so she didn't want to overwhelm a long-time friend that had a lot on her plate.

    (( eugh. not my best but here ya go :3 ))


coding by: diaphanous
Joseph Rivera
Location: Radio Station
Mentions: uwupolice uwupolice SmolKitten SmolKitten EllaaaEllaaaa EllaaaEllaaaa lovedentist lovedentist Plutoni Plutoni Human__Ramen Human__Ramen

Joey had decided to just wait for the others to decide what they were going to do when the door swung open. He glanced round, smiling as he saw Erica and Logan had finally arrived. He left the others to debate whatever they wanted. If they did decide to do the secret thing, he'd just dance with Amisi or something. He swayed a little as he pushed himself off the wall, his vision dimming as he steadied himself. Maybe dancing wasn't the best idea. He quickly righted himself, fast enough that the others probably didn't notice, and made his way over to the new arrivals, a large grin on his face.

"Snack me," He told Erica, holding out a hand for her to throw whatever she'd brought to him. "As for what's happening, we want to mess with them townfolk and Kieran is very possessive of his nuts." He glanced back at Kieran with a smirk. He then turned to Logan, smiling at her. "Glad to see you're out and about again." He told her. He knew how hard it was to lose a parent. He'd been in a bad place after his father had died, but since Logan was out with them and had the energy to dye her hair, it was a good sign. Still, he knew it might be hard for her and wanted to make her feel welcome. If she couldn't feel welcome among her friends, where could she go? She didn't deserve that.

Kana Yoshiro
Location: Radio Station
Mentions: uwupolice uwupolice SmolKitten SmolKitten EllaaaEllaaaa EllaaaEllaaaa lovedentist lovedentist Plutoni Plutoni Human__Ramen Human__Ramen

The door opening was a shock for Kana, the unexpected noise making her jump. She turned, checking who was there. She half expected Serena's boss to enter, somehow having found out they were there, and to get them in trouble again. Kana's mother didn't mind too much when she got in trouble as long as she hadn't broken anything, but it always left the girl herself feeling dejected and little like a failure. Instead, there was Erica and Logan, two of their group (did Americans call it a clique?). She'd never been particularly close to Logan, Kana being too shy to really reach out when Logan did spend time with them. She'd wanted to, both of them being into skateboarding, but Logan had retreated from any kind of social life before Kana was confident enough in her English to get close to anyone in particular. She waved at the pair, smiling to greet them.

"No offence Amisi, but I think our singing on air might get Serena fired." She called out as Amisi told Logan of her suggestion. She hadn't really heard many of them sing, but she doubted they were all good, her included among that. When she and her old friends had gone to karaoke in Kyoto, she'd never been allowed to sing alone despite the sound proofed rooms. Kana had never been able to figure out if that was because of her singing or her choice of music.
Logan Orme
Logan's face broke into a smile as Amisi hugged her, wrapping her arms around the girl and swaying with her. "Hey Mouse." She grinned, laughing a little out of relief. "And you know me with the spur of the moment decisions." She chuckled, pulling away from the girl and tugging a little at a strand of her dyed hair. She had contemplated cutting it off but hair dye was much less permanent. She laughed a little as she listened to their conversation before turning her attention to Joey. "Miss me Joey?" She teased, sticking her tongue out. It was much easier to fall back into her old self it would seem, easily reverting to her playful self as she realised they didn't hate her for just disappearing.

Her nerves seemed to dissipate as she looked around at everyone, loving the familiarity of it. She had gotten so used to her routine being work and sleep that she had forgotten what it had been like to just chill out, especially with her friends.​

Kieran straightened as Serena confirmed his shot in the dark, stretching his arms out behind his head with, perhaps, just a little satisfaction, side-eying Jason as he spoke.
"You'd be surprised," he mused, knowing full well how much of a meaningless statement it was. But to be fair, he was often up to his knees in gossip at any given moment, and, as everybody tends to find out at some point or other, secrets are gossip's lifeblood. He stalled at his addition, though, if briefly, a small frown flickering across his face. He hadn't considered that twist. But almost as soon his it came his expression smoothed again, shrugging, and he smiled. What secrets did he even have, anyway?

"I'm game. Sharing is caring."

But before Kieran could try and cajole Joey into joining in, the group was finally, loudly, made complete by the two latecomers.
"Erica!" he greeted, returning the hug as he eyed the snacks over her shoulder. He spotted Logan as they parted, sending her a grin and a wave from across the room. "Hey there, Wolverine. Great hair."
He let out a quick burst of laughter at Joey's comment, mimicking his smirk as he flashed an eyebrow at him.
"I mean, you just have to be, considering how high in demand they are right now," he declared in his direction as he went to drag the chair out the corner. "Can't say I blame you.."

He fell back into the seat, now pulled up beside Serena's at the desk, folding one long leg beneath him in some feat of origami.
"Honestly, I'd just show all of you up with my angelic voice, soo.." Kieran hummed, plainly droll in tone, leaning over the back of the seat to survey the group. "So who's down?"

MENTIONS: uwupolice uwupolice | lovedentist lovedentist | SecretRock SecretRock | Human__Ramen Human__Ramen | SmolKitten SmolKitten | EllaaaEllaaaa EllaaaEllaaaa
sorry it's late omgg busy times
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Serena frowned, her eyes focusing on the table in front of her. She was in the same boat as Joey, she didn't want to share anything. She remained lost in thought until two more of her friends walked in the door. She smiled at them both, waving her hand in greeting, before her thoughts immediately went back to the question at hand, Who's down?

What could she even share? Her secrets, if you could even call them that, were personal, no one needed to know that she cried more than she would ever admit, or that she cheated on her last Spanish test, or even about a guy she made out with a month ago at a party. (She knew her friends would be wounded she didn't tell them it happened, but she couldn't bring herself too, knowing how they would react.) She grimaced just thinking about it.

It's not that she didn't trust her friends, she did, with her life, but she didn't fully understand why she felt sick at revealing her own secrets when at least half of them were willing. Serena sighed, running a hand through her hair, "...Fine." She agreed, though definitely reluctant, "But don't expect these to be deep or anything, I'll just tell you all what I had for breakfast this morning."

Jason's foot connected with Joey's, sending a smirk his direction. "C'mon man, it'll be fun." Jason stood up then, making his way towards Serena and Kieran, he reached in between them, pulling the mic to his lips.

"Alright everyone, It's Jason Kaye here and I thought that I could save everyone another hour of boredom, listening to Serena's music. Well, what she claims passes for music." Jason grinned as he felt Serena's hand punch his arm. "Me and my friends have decided to play a game and invite you lovely listeners to join."

Jason was done discussing, he had made the decision for everyone, eager to here what the callers would say. "Here's how it works: You tell us a secret, we tell you a secret." He knew that everyone would know who was in the room, most everyone in the town was aware of the friends, knowing that where one went, they all went.

"And don't worry," he added quickly, "you don't have to tell us your name, Serena'll even distort your voice. She claims she can do that."

At that, Serena turned in her chair, shoving Jason away from the mic. Jason looked around at everyone, shrugging at a few of the faces sent his direction, "You were all taking too long to decide."

Almost immediately the phone started to ring. Jason watched as Serena sighed, pressing a button, then answered the phone.

SmolKitten SmolKitten uwupolice uwupolice SecretRock SecretRock Plutoni Plutoni Human__Ramen Human__Ramen EllaaaEllaaaa EllaaaEllaaaa
* click on the batteries < 3

  • P O S T
    The cheek of Seiji pressed against the Razer keyboard of his computer, a thin and light dribble of drool beginning to coat one of the keys. The screen displayed some audio editing software, - under the name of Sho - hinting to the work he was slaving over.
    The singing of the sleeping man and instrumentals hummed softly from a pair of headphones.

    "I never see you, I never see you
    I never see you anymore~"

    While he was passed out at his desk his phone had been vibrating angrily, causing a pencil to eventually roll off.

    "Baby, can you be a little bit stronger?
    Baby, 'cause I need a little longer."

    Dark brown eyes began to slowly flutter open, his mouth closing from its gaping position. He let out a soft grunt, slowly beginning to straighten up.
    He dragged his slightly calloused hands across his face, fingers brushing against his heavy bags and the drying saliva. He scrunched his nose a bit and wiped that off, looking down to notice it on his expensive, light up keyboard. Seiji chuckled under his breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. He hadn't realized how tired he was, nor could he recall when he passed out.

    He was dead and nothing disturbed him when he was sleeping - he can be a very heavy sleeper.

    The Japanese-Caucasian got up and generously stretched, exaggerating some sounds. Feeling... sorta satisfied, he decided to go the bathroom to take a piss-
    He would've if he hadn't stopped and noticed the blinking light on his phone.
    He quirked an eyebrow and place a head on his desk while the other tapped away at his phone. It appeared that the others were planning to meet up together.. and already had.

    "Shit.." Seiji muttered to himself, removing his hand to pick up his phone and effectively tap away.
    "Yo! Sorry guys.. I uh, passed out when I was messing around with music." Messed around with? More like he had been working on it nearly all week and tearing himself up over it. He more than once wanted to completely scrap it and continuously adjusted it.
    Seiji sighed and nibbled on his thumbnail.
    A part of him wanted to continue to be a recluse and dwell in his dark room filled with junk food wrappers and cans.. He just didn't want to go outside.
    But, the other part desperately wanted to see his friends - he wouldn't say that though. Well, not the desperate part.
    Debate over, he shot back another text saying he was on his way.

    "You're an earthly comfort
    Yet so divine, yet so divine"

    He swiveled his head to the whispers of his music, leaning over to put his music on pause and then saved it.
    Seiji would lose his ever loving mind if he lost all of that progress.

    Now, he lived up to his promise of getting ready and making himself look presentable and well, not like he had stayed in his room for nearly a week - with the exception of school of course.

    He took a peek at himself in the mirror, but didn't look for too long. If he spotted one minuscule thing, he would've combed over and fretted over that flaw until he decided he looked good enough.
    So, he then announced his leave to his parents and hopped into the old Taurus he and his parents bought, leaving.


coding by: diaphanous
Joseph Rivera
Location: Radio Station
Mentions: uwupolice uwupolice lovedentist lovedentist Plutoni Plutoni Human__Ramen Human__Ramen SmolKitten SmolKitten EllaaaEllaaaa EllaaaEllaaaa

Joey rolled his eyes as Jason announced the plan to the masses. Of course he would. It was fair enough, they never would have come to an agreement anyway, but he hoped the matter would have just dropped with the arrival of Logan and Erica. No such luck apparently, so he'd have to deal. And by deal, he meant sit back and watch and comment and try to avoid having to tell the entire town something about himself. His brother would think this was dumb, though his brother never listened to the radio, so thank God for that. Serena seemed to share his sentiment, though she was also agreeing to join in. Maybe he was being too stubborn. He might have some small things he could share..?

He was pulled from his thoughts by the buzz of his phone, ignoring the ringing phone into the station to check whatever the text he'd gotten was. To his surprise, it was from Seiji. He quietly laughed at the message. He couldn't imagine working on something so late he passed out over it. That level of dedication was honestly incredible, though Joey knew he'd never achieve it. He wouldn't be that passionate about most things.

Thought you agreed to stop overworking yourself? He replied, checking his other messages as well. Just in case. Missing something wouldn't be good.

Kana Yoshiro
Location: Radio Station
Mentions: uwupolice uwupolice lovedentist lovedentist Plutoni Plutoni Human__Ramen Human__Ramen SmolKitten SmolKitten EllaaaEllaaaa EllaaaEllaaaa

Bouncing on her toes in excitement, Kana grinned at Jason announced the secret sharing was going ahead. Joey and Serena seemed displeased, but she knew it would be fun. They'd see soon enough. She crossed the room in three strides, moving to hover close to Jason and Serena at the desk. She knew it would be as easy to hear the calls from anywhere in the room, but being closer made her feel more involved. It was odd that proximity could do that. Being near something made you feel like a part of it even if you weren't. She was going to be a part of this though. She insisted.

"Welcome to the air..." She whispered, barely loud enough for herself to hear as Serena answered the phone. Kana didn't know most people in the town well, and knowing some things about them would be fun. It would just be evening thing out, after all. It felt as if they already knew everything about her. They'd probably know a little more by the time the night was out, but oh well.
Serena let out a sigh as she picked up the phone, quickly making sure everything was connected before speaking. "Alright, I can't believe someone actually called," she started, mostly speaking to herself, "but you're on air. Feel free to say whatever you want, your voice will be modified." She paused for a minute before quickly adding, "Please no cursing." She didn't want her boss chewing her out for her impromptu game live on air.

"So I what?" The person on the other line asked, "Tell you a secret?"

Serena nodded, leaning forward to talk into the mic, "A secret, something you want to get off your chest, anything really. You tell us a secret and," the girl smirked in Kieran's direction, patting his knee quickly to make sure he was paying attention, "and Kieran here, will tell you a secret of his own." She leaned back in her chair, waiting for whoever was on the other end to speak. The person's voice sounded garbled, a bit high pitched, but Serena could tell it was a girl. She figured it was probably one of their classmates, considering an adult probably wouldn't be interested in playing a party game like this.

"I figured since it was your idea in the first place, you should get the honor of going first." She said, lowering her voice a bit so the mid wouldn't pick up on it. "I hope you're gonna spill something good." Serena joked, leaning forward again.

The nerves she had felt when Jason had gone ahead and announced to every one listening what was happening subsided a bit as she pushed her turn off at least for a little.

"Alright, well I've been holding this in for ages." The voice said, a bit exasperated. "I literally haven't told anyone. This is perfect though. I've been wanting to tell people, but I was afraid someone would rat me out and like arrest me or something."

Jason raised his eyebrows, wondering what the person who called was about to admit too. "I own sugar gliders!" The voice said, rushed and practically yelling. The person had obviously been holding that in for quite a bit.

"Oh wow, that didn't feel as good as I thought it would." The person mused, "I want to take pictures of them and show my friends. Just imagine the Instagram pictures! But I'm pretty sure they're illegal to own which is super depressing. They're adorable."

Jason chuckled, sharing a few looks with his friends. He thought she was about to admit to some sort of crime. He wondered quickly, whether they were taking good care of the sugar gliders, before shaking his head.

"Uh," He heard Serena start, "Well, I hope you've given them a good home. I'm glad you got that off your chest." She sounded a bit perplexed, as if she too thought the person was gonna admit to a serious crime.

"I hope people bring out better secrets than that." Jason said, aiming his words at his friends next to him. He suddenly wondered what they would divulge to the world, and another thought, what would he say when it inevitably became his turn?

SmolKitten SmolKitten uwupolice uwupolice SecretRock SecretRock Plutoni Plutoni Human__Ramen Human__Ramen EllaaaEllaaaa EllaaaEllaaaa

Kieran leant back a little as Jason reached for the mic, already half-sifting through some of the things he could tell once his turn came as he listened. It was a little strange for him, he realised now, that he had things that he'd actually never said. He was quiet the open person, though perhaps not always in a good way - even he didn't realise that he still kept secrets back. Weird. Not that he'd spill his soul now of all times.
The next category, of course, was the secrets of other people; a small smirk crossed his face, though he immediately put them to the side. Those weren't the terms of the game. He'd also probably get lynched the second he set foot back in school.

So what was left?

Serena's hand on his knee dragged him back into the present.
"Ah, shit.." he muttered, though his lips still curled in half a smile, rocking lightly on his chair as his memory trawl kicked into full gear. No pressure. Not like he hadn't brought it on himself, of course.

He snorted at the mystery girl's confession. He had to agree - with the preface of her worries of being arrested, it seemed rather anticlimactic that it was just about possums. But still, he couldn't help but speculate as to what would happen if someone actually confessed to committing a legitimate offence over the air. But it was his turn now.

He unfolded his legs, rising to place one casual hand on the desk and the other on the mic.
"Well, listeners, thanks to the bravery of our first caller tonight, it's now my turn to spill a secret for your pleasure and my humiliation," he began, voice laced with a smile. "After some soul-searching, I've concluded that, to date, I haven't committed many particularly juicy crimes. Crimes that have gone unpunished, at least, but since my family never listens to the radio, well.. Story time. It's a tame one, don't worry.
"Perhaps two or three years ago, I once went sleepwalking, but not just around the room. No, instead I somehow decided to get completely dressed - socks, shoes, everything - then took a shower with all of it on, and I didn't even wake up while doing it. I actually woke up at around 4am, lying in a bush somewhere near the beach. I remembered to turn off the shower I'd left running when I got back, but what I
didn't realise was that I'd tracked water, then subsequently mud, all through the house, including the ugly Persian rug and my sister's project that she'd left all over it. It got blamed on the dog, of course. And my sister still got detention."

He sighed fondly at the memory.

"So, hope you're happy, because she's going to murder me when she finally finds out. The things I do for you all.." He fell back into his seat, turn over, kicking up his legs once more.

MENTIONS: uwupolice uwupolice | lovedentist lovedentist | SecretRock SecretRock | Human__Ramen Human__Ramen | SmolKitten SmolKitten | EllaaaEllaaaa EllaaaEllaaaa
Kana Yoshiro
Location: Radio station
Mentions: uwupolice uwupolice lovedentist lovedentist Plutoni Plutoni Human__Ramen Human__Ramen SmolKitten SmolKitten EllaaaEllaaaa EllaaaEllaaaa

The excitement of the first call turned to disappointment when it turned out to just be some girl confessing that she had illegal birds. At least, Kana thought Sugar Gliders were probably birds. They didn't sound like they could be much else. Maybe some kind of shoes? They'd be pretty cool shoes with a name like that. In Kana's head, they'd be something like heelies, or maybe some kind of skateboard. Those last two definitely didn't seem like they'd be illegal, though an illegal skateboard would be incredibly badass. The kind of stuff it would have to be able to do to get banned would be amazing. As Kieran approached the mic and thought of what to say, Kana pulled out her phone and googled what Sugar Gliders actually were. She was shocked when pictures of small, hamster-like creatures came up.

She shoved her phone back in her pocket as Kieran began his story, watching with interest. She giggled a little bit at the story, but she really just felt sorry for the sister and the dog. The ugly Persian rug deserved what it got.

Joseph Rivera
Location: Radio station

Mentions: uwupolice uwupolice lovedentist lovedentist Plutoni Plutoni Human__Ramen Human__Ramen SmolKitten SmolKitten EllaaaEllaaaa EllaaaEllaaaa

"This was your idea," Joey reminded Kieran. "If you get murdered, you have no one to blame but yourself." Joey did have to admit, it was fun watching Kieran struggle to come up with something that would get him in too much trouble. He was sure he recognised the voice of the caller too, though he couldn't quite place it. It would probably be easier at school, when he'd hear it again. Until then, he'd just have to guess.
Allegra Sauvagess
At: The Radio Station

Ally's ears perked up as the muffled voices slowly oozed into the break room. After a while of just barely making out the words being thrown at one another, the blonde decided to get up and see what all the fuss was about.
Allegra leaned on the doorway and simply stood there, impressed by how many people could fit in such a small room. Even from here, she felt bothered by the lack of fresh air. Ally also noticed Logan and Erica there, and waved at them with her free hand and a smile. Her other hand still pressed the icepack against her wound. Her fingers were numb by now.
As the athlete listened on to the Irishman's story, she couldn't help but stiffle a laughter. She didn't know why he was broadcasting a secret for everyone to hear, but Ally had a hunch that everyone there would do the same. That aroused her curiosity, and she decided she'd stick around.

Plutoni Plutoni lovedentist lovedentist SmolKitten SmolKitten uwupolice uwupolice EllaaaEllaaaa EllaaaEllaaaa


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