Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

(I swear everyone here has a mental illness... Am I the only one without a mental illness? Maybe I just haven't discovered it yet?)
((Oh, I think I MIGHT have explained that Ishika High was only made when monsters reach teenage years. Technically none of the monsters went to school in the first place))
{uh... sorry? I kinda have other issues... And I went to a collage- oh wait Mikahmia and Aayame are the only characters of mine who have gone to collage. I don't think Ishka high was much of a school.. .what with manly and the murse... just some examples of not being a technically school... and it said to teach a monster to live with humans... not much schooling there.}
Kima walked up to the school with a sneer and looked around. He stood in the middle of the school, exactly where it had happened. He let out a bit of a growl and looked around. "What the hell is the point of being here, the only person who really cared that I existed was Ajax and I heard he got married." There was some hurt in his voice when he said those words, the only person he really wanted to see after all this time was Ajax, but he doubted he would take the time to show up.
{ @paipai900 I am still wanting to intreat with Amia but can you approach her? Carly the girl I wanted to interact with Amia is currently attached to Zephyr so... possibly puppy type girl stuff that little girls most often interact with? Then direct interaction between Amia and Carly?}
((Darky was part of the original rp, Coyo, he's automatically accepted. And okay, so they're just going to see each other or something..?))
{I now feel like the biggest dummy on earth ~Walks into a wall~ Maybe Amia could see the dog...? Or something. Can I go jump off a lake? PLESAE!~}
{Zephyr is Coyoty's soul. He is in wolf form right now but can assume any form of animals and weapong but Coyoty prefers him a gun or dagger or scythe form.}
Chrys, or as he had taken to calling himself again, Leuther, arrived in a jet black Rolls-Royce; having the spirit of luck in your head could be quite advantageous, especially when luck likes to mess with rigged games made by mortals.

Maybe I'll finally find her again... he thought wispily as he found a spot and parked down the street.

Eleutherius Katsaros, formerly known as Chrysos Phaidra, had been anxiously awaiting this day for quite some time. He had dressed up in a black tuxedo with a four leaf clover in his lapel, but his aviator jacket was still in the car. His unruly, curly brown hair could not be styled in any way other than it currently was, and always has been, though currently, his polarized RayBans sat nestled in a nest of curls. Kathroptis was, as always concealed in his black combat boots, after all, he had murdered a nobleman's son and, later, two noblemen. It paid to be prepared. Leuther's currently blue eyes flicked from figure to figure gathered at the entrance until he saw--

"Eona..." he said to himself, quickening his pace towards the group.
(If you want I can have Kima look around for people but I don't see a reason for him to openly look for interaction the way he is now so it would work best if somebody just saw him starring angrily at all the people)
((I see...okay then....? :3))

Amia and Benjamin

Feeling a little intimidated by all the big and strong monsters around her, Amia held her father's hand tightly, hiding behind his leg. The small little girl looked around the front yard, searching for some sort of kid she could play with. Her bright green eyes landed on something fluffy...something cute...something "Puppy!" Amia exclaimed as she immediately let go of her father's hand and rushed over to the wolf, reaching out to pet the soft fur. "Cute!~"

As Amia was about to pet the wolf, familiar arms wrapped around her and pulled her away. "Hey, that's not safe." Benjamin frowned down at his little sister, holding her in his arms, bringing her away from the wolf. Picking Amia up, Benjamin easily flipped the little girl around and rested her on his back. "Father said that we have to be good, remember?"

Amia pouted at her older brother, wanting to pet the wolf. "I want to pet...the puppy..." Instinctively wrapping her arms around Benjamin's neck, Amia suddenly began to hiccup, the first stage of crying. The eight year old wanted to pet the wolf! She saw the other girl riding it! What's so bad about a little pet?

When Benjamin heard his little sister begin to cry, he started to panic. A crying Amia is a big no no because crying children cause trouble. Setting his little sister down, Benjamin quickly began trying to calm her down, offering the girl anything. "I'll buy you a pony! How about a new stuffed toy?" Benjamin was beginning to run out of ideas. "I'll let you play Mario Kart with me!" Nope, that didn't work either. 
((Ajax will probably approach that fine with you? Maybe they could start a scene. Oh, wait, Ajax will probably be very calm considering his children are there.... > :D @DarkAncient))
Kima's attention was drawn to a crying child and a scolding brother. He looked at them for a second in shock. They looked a lot like Ajax accept younger and kind of adorable. He wasn't really thinking when he walked over to them, still in his human form because he figured it was the less intimidating of the two especially with his gaping eye socket in his left hand. "Excuse me do you two go here? And by any chance do you know if a Sphinx has been here recently I'm sort of looking for him I guess." He knew it was a wild guess that these were Ajax's kids but he figured some interaction with children would change the council's mind.
((@TheKaosophile perhaps Eona could see you...? If that's alright. :3))


Sobs turned into little sniffles as Amia was finally allowed to pet the wolf, a look of triumph of her face as she pet it. Much too distracted with the wolf, the eight year old didn't notice that D. grey man at approached she and her brother. Happily petting the wolf, Amia looked up at the girl on the big dog and flashed her a cheerful grin. "Hello!"



Releasing a sigh of exasperation, Benjamin ran a hand through his hair and massaged his temples. Secretly, the older half sphinx brother was a little amused with his little sister's actions, a hint of a smile flashed on his face but was immediately wiped off as a man approached him and his sister. He seemed to be asking about his father, but Benjamin didn't know whether to tell the man the truth or lie. Then again, Benjamin was a smart child. "No," Benjamin stated clearly, a look of annoyance on his face. If only Benjamin knew that was the same look of annoyance Ajax used to have. "We do not go here." The smart sphinx child added in his mind, keeping a straight poker face on.


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