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Todo Sawl, Head Chef

"Hahaha, you two are fired up!" Todo looked quite happy that they had a competiitive spirit, but he had hopes today would come to a suitable end with a clear winner in sight. But first, he had to challenge thing... Let them soar and do what they believed best...

"Thank you both for coming, indeed, I cut down the number to just you two, I liked your work and wanted to see more. Your competitive spirit also whets the appetite I say, in the very least is fun.

Lets keep it up, but remain civil naturally." Todo mediated, standing up and patting his belly. "The others I sent with advice, I hope they find their greatness in the world, but also to not walk away empty handed." He walked on over to a table in the keg, eyeing the room.

"Later tonight and tomorrow, we will be having customers in as per usual. But, we'll be abit busier than normal. I've heard were getting a few travellers in so its a great chance!

I want to see how you handle our rushes and how you work together WITH myself. One day will be Nina, the other Inola.

I will be observing and cooking myself as well, it'd be cruel to leave you alone to tend to the hungry flock.

Now, who would like to go today, or tomorrow?

If you want me to decide, just say the word." He looked to be happy with the idea, it would certainly show how these two work WITH him, rather than simply their skill.

"You are free to use anything at your disposal as we work. I will be supporting you, but You will be taking the lion's share of the work.

Unless they ask for speacialities of mine, then, call it a free lesson. We'll set up the board outside each day to set up anything you desire as speacials!"
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 18:00 – Weather: Dawn, gentle breeze
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Todo Shawl Orikanyo Orikanyo


“Well, first come, first serve, right?” She quickly proclaimed, wanting to start first.


“Fine by me. Show me what I'll be beating tomorrow~” The fox replied with a wink.

With that all quickly decided, the big hurdle of having Nina around was still there. She was really bloody short. Can't reach the higher shelves, needs a chair to work on the counter, has to be extra carefully stirring a pot on the fire. Whilst she worked methodically and precise, it was clear the kitchen would need reformatting or adjusting to deal with someone her size, were she to work at her full ability. For now, she just had to ask Todo to step in on multiple occasions.

“By the way, chef.” She'd eventually ask. “Why did you stay here? I'm sure someone with your talents could serve people at much more established places and earn a pretty penny. Is there a reason you prefer this place over any others you might've gone to?”
Todo Sawl

"Here let me-

I'll get that-

Oop, here we are-"

More than willing to help, the pigman was curteous enough to wait for her to ask, not wanting to invalidate her efforts. She seemed the stubborn type and was quite aggressive, he didn't want to be on the recieving side of that. But he is noticing how much they would have to change around here... but, if they get visitors from other halfling folks, they would be woefully under equipped in the dining room too!

Best they do so, lest they drive away new customers.

"Why did I choose this place?" he paused at the question, mostly to think... "I've gone across alot of places, this place needed help and I decided that i'd be the one to give them it. I had ideas on food were new enough that if I had a good group to test it, I could find the taste I've been hunting for." he readies two burgers, laying the spatula down to get that refreshing sizzle. "I'm not made for having my name on everyone's tongue, fame isn't for me... Honestly, I'm terrified of such a thing.

Perhaps one day, if I keep getting people showing up to my door like you all did, i may HAVE to expand. hahaha."
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 18:15 – Weather: Dawn, gentle breeze
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Todo Shawl Orikanyo Orikanyo


“You're terrified of fame..?” That part baffled her. A chef that was revolutionary cuisine not wanting all the fame that came from it? That was a tough one to wrap her head around. “Perhaps it's just a thing for us halflings, but becoming a great chef is one of the most honourable things one can do in life. I'd gladly take any fame I could get.”

She looked at him as he was making the burgers. “On the topic of that, would you mind showing me how you've made those? I get that it's grounding up meat like a sausage and then pan-frying it instead, but that alone sounds like it'd be bland. Do you use herbs and spices, or is it the condiments that make it work? Oh, also, I was wondering, you're frying up a lot of food, but oil is pretty expensive. Doesn't that mean you're having issues making profit without selling it more expensive?”

Now that she was getting a bit more used to the kitchen, she had more time to talk whilst working, so long as she wasn't trying to reach for stuff, at least. “Also, perhaps rather than expanding, you should branch out? I'd imagine sharing some recipes with trusted chefs could easily help you open up restaurants in other places, not just in Ryke, but around the world.”

"Thus far the novelty has kept people coming, and thankfully, you don't need to oil the pan before each as the fat helps grease it along. As for the frying, you only need to change it once every couple days depending on how much you strain and take care to keep it good. the small net next to it is what I use to keep my oil batch lasting. I'm thinking of possibly commissioning something to fry the food through the oven.

I spoke once with the baroness, only learning who she was after the fact and nearly fainted! hahaha, perhaps she can help, i hear she is a very capable enchanter! Perhaps she can make something useing that rust bucket mecha I have... maybe a smoker..?" he paused to consider it all for a moment before nodding. "Believe it or not, pan frying works, takes only minimal oil and can even be done with water, it just takes careful eyes and knowing how much water to put in. barring that, abit of lard or animal fat can work just nicely. Oil is simply the fastest and easiest way."

Todo picked up the ground beef and looked towards Nina with a nod. "First I make certain of the consistency, lean meat is best for the burger as it's soft and tender without any jarring changes in consistency. the creation of the burger is simple enough, but what you mix into it and bind it together with is where the taste comes from. Lets start first with.." he plucks up the bowl and brings it to a lower position for her.

"bread crumbs, pinch of salt, pinch of pepper, onion and garlic powdered in the mortar and dried before hand. one egg for the batch and a bit of milk... Then.. Mix thoroughly you can use a large spoon or your hands for this part, hands are faster and, well, allow you to feel the mixture correctly. We want it nice and tender but binding together, like bread dough." he washed his hands fully, clasping them together before going at the mixture. like a baker kneading dough he mixed the whole thing together with his hands in the bowl before switching to a wooden spoon to make certain it was mixed to his liking.

"Naturally, clean your hands off after..." which he does. "And now we have a bunch of mix for several burgers.. Three orders, but enough for 5 patties. Condements after tyhe fact tailor the burger to the customer's liking, we've a list of whats available to add in and what comes normally with each type of burger made. Some folks like to add in a nice tangy smokey sauce to the mixture, which i do as well but lack the supply at the time. I planed to do it yesterday but the surprise visitors took up most the day hahaha!" he looked to be having fun with this, maybe teaching wasn't too hard!

"As for the restaurant idea, it was my goal. After some time here, growing into more and more places with my recipes. But this requires money, and as you know the fame has come. if I had people with my recipes and works in mind, but capable of working themselves, it may be feasible...

i was.. again.. planning to ask the Baronness of these lands, perhaps wow her with some dining and ask for aide to make this dream a reality...

I suppous, in a sense, you all coming along was a blessing. opening a restaurant in the Ryken capital would be perfect to spread the word..."
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 18:30 – Weather: Dawn, gentle breeze
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Todo Shawl Orikanyo Orikanyo


She'd listen to his explanations and stories with clear enough interest. “What other things could this be done with? I'd assume using chicken might not be ideal, nor would fish be... but perhaps potatoes or horse-meat, or maybe sheep, could be used in the same manner. Duck, perhaps, as well?” She was already thinking on how to expand on this method of preparing meat in her own manner.

However, when he mentioned branching out, she perked up. “My original plan was to bring these methods back over to Widersia after some time, to the shire, but if you're thinking of branching out, I would consider starting one there. Getting more of these recipes to work with and bring cooking to a new level sounds exciting enough~” It was clear she had ambitions way larger than her size suggested. Whether Todo was a stepping stone or ally to reach them was a bit less clear.

“Besides, if you want inventions to fry and cook, Clockhaven is the place to be. Unlike folk like those from the Duchy or East Empire, we figure out how stuff works without fancy magic and get our things done through good 'old tinkering. I bet there's a few smart folk that'd be able to make whatever devices for cooking you could come up with!”
"As long as you get it into a patty, I imagine it could work. breast works best in regards to chicken, but you always want lean meat." he nods thinking about it. "That does however sound better, going through with tinkerers. Magic is handy but... Without a mage it may be difficult to field.. And expensive." he began to think on it all... Hmm... Well.. he certainly had to respect her ambitions.

"The shire... Hmm... A good idea... branching out to a area people value cooking would do well no doubt, I'll add it to the list of ideas... Ah.."

he paused to consider his words, all this talking was severely draining his innoverted social battery.. how he wanted to just cook and cook...

"Hmm... Whats the shire like?"
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 18:30 – Weather: Dawn, gentle breeze
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Todo Shawl Orikanyo Orikanyo


“It's an amazing place! It has just the right hill sizes to build houses into, the produce from there is outstanding so we have the freshest and nicest ingredients, the people are welcoming en kind and know how to appreciate a good meal, everything is sized proportionately, rather than everything being too heigh, tall or big. I hope to one day return and become a revolutionary chef there!” She's reply, speaking high praised of the shire she'd come from.

The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 17:00 (the next day) – Weather: Dawn, gentle breeze
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


The next day, it was the foxes' turn. With gloves prepared, she'd set out to work. Compared to the halfling, she was definitely a lot more independent, being able to reach everything on her own. The main difference was that she'd ask a few more questions, mostly with regards to how much of a specific ingredient to put in, not from a chef's point of view, but due to the cost associated with them. “Are you sure you want this much spices in there? Unless you can get them for really low prices, it might end up making you run a deficit.” She'd go as far as to ask at one point. It was clear that, during this, she was starting to show a more business-oriented side besides her chef's side, compared to the halfling who'd been full-in on the cooking itself.
"Hmm? Well, in the end I do it to taste." He explained his goal on the matter. "I suppous I'm not much of a business man as opposed to a chef. Focusing on the greatest experience while being frugal is not my speciality...

Tell me, how would you do this?

I work with most easily found ingredients, onion and garlic powder are easily gained or even made. Doesn't take much to make a batch of burger.

I usually use a jar in two weeks...?" He seemed to be thinking on this now...

"Food is cheap here, but I guess I can't be going as hard forever. I should think on this for Hestia's sake..." he pauses to consider Hestia and Amika... He wondered how the tavern as a whole was doing.

"Anything to lighten their load, they are sweet to me, and Amika is just darling." He spied the cookie jar however three cookies less than he had left them...


The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 19:30 – Weather: Dawn, gentle breeze
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Todo Shawl Orikanyo Orikanyo


“I normally figure out how much the average customer can pay in an area and try to make the best meal based on that price. That prevents me from making a loss while still allowing me to use some fancier ingredients every so often when I'm in a richer area.” She explained her working process.

“Either that, or I'd just offer a regular and a deluxe version of a dish. In some cases, selling a regular version at cost level means folk will eventually try the deluxe version and gets you an extra profit on those.” She spoke, as she was working around the kitchen. The only thing that was still an issue was hairs, not from her hands, but from her tail this time around, as it'd escaped from her chef's clothes to wag around in the kitchen. Needlessly to say, it did case some hairs to fly left and right.

It looked like the evening was setting to a close again, but Inola did have another question. “Say, do you happen to have any unique desert options as well? I've once had shaved ice with syrup, but ice blocks cost a fortune in areas without the proper magic or mages to make them.” On the other hand, if Todo wanted to ask Inola anything else, now would likely be his best) and possibly last) chance to do so.
"Hmm, normally we serve baked stuff. I'd love to get my hands on a way to incorporaye ice into a desert. Shaved ice sounds fantastic for a hot day." He had to agree with that it did sound good... But... possibly not good all year round...

He did see the tail fur now... But... They were keeping on top of it.

"You must have lots of trouble with your fur.." he considers the strays he caught, twisting them in hand. "But I have to say your tail is very lovely, very fluffy indeed,

Makes me jealous haha!" The pigman admitted, his own just a swirling thing above his rump.

Was he flirting just now?

Nobody would know.


"Tell me about your home, we've a few minutes at the moment. The bread needs to rise."

But, overtime, Todo came to his conclusion... he had alot of time to think about it, and if he was certain with himself he... Really had a tough time choosing...

But... when it came down to it he had to consider a few things... Who fit best, who had the least issues, and who would provide better for the business moving forwards...

He had to consider hard... And... he came to a final thought...

He would choose Inola the fluffy as his sous chef.

But he would not turn Nina away harshly. He would ask perhaps a partnership down the road, once he would be aiming to open up shop in Wisteria, he would reach out to her if she deems acceptable.

But until then he would bid her fare well and good cooking!

With Inola her business shrewdness would come in very handy, and would no doubt be important so that he can float and maybe even swim soon instead of simply tread water. Her fur troubles were there... But with proper care and perhaps a tail cover during the shedding months, they would work wonders.
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 20:00 – Weather: Dawn, gentle breeze
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Todo Shawl Orikanyo Orikanyo


“Thank you chef! Although, yes, the tail is both a blessing and a curse. Perhaps I should try lotions or something that make the shedding easier to brush out... or maybe I could get a tail-covering as well...” She smiled. “Although then I'd no longer be able to show it off~” She added with a seductive sway of her tail, replying to Todo in kind, of sorts.

“My home? Hmmm...” She wasn't sure where to begin. “The village I lived is really nothing much to talk about. The capital, Okiro, was a lot different. Lots of seafood and trade. Adventurers, noble factions... Pretty much like all spots around the continental lake, a lot is happening. Serving a Shogunate is a mixed bag though. They've got their own odd ideas about honour, grace and whatnot. Some of them have really long toes you don't want to step on. To that extend, working here is a lot less stressful.”

With the last of their talk happening as the final people left to their homes. The day came to an end.


Nina was disappointed to be turned down, but in exchange for learning a few more of Todo's tricks and recipes, she'd be willing to debate a partnership down the road. For now, she'd already go back to Widersia to apply what she'd learn into her cooking back home. Inola was flattered to have 'won' even though she pretended it was the natural outcome.

The End

These are only suggestions, please wait until a grader confirms them before adding them.

Narrator bonus worth = 42 points (From having multiple A-grade characters.)

Title: – [Head Chef] – Character is a chef that has other chefs working under them. They made it to the top of the food chain. The chain of preparing it, that is.

Skill: Companion F: [Inola] (35 points from narrator bonus).

Equipped Titles: Beast, Fox, Adept Chef, Apprentice Businesswoman

Height: 5'5” / 165 cm
Weight: 122 lb / 55.3 kg

Current Life:
She was born and raised in a small village in the Republic of Kuridan as a simple village chef, taught by her father. She managed to make it to the capital, Okiro, where she cooked for a shogun. After serving him for about five years cooking, mostly meat-based dishes she'd grilling and pan-frying, she resigned. She decided to travel to Ryke to learn to expand her repertoire from the up-and-coming chef Todo Sawl, whom she managed to convince to take her on as a sous-chef. She does have some shedding issues, but she tries to keep them contained wearing special covers.

She's rather self-confident when it comes to making her speciality (meat-based dishes), but willing to learn and take criticism on most other things. She takes pride in her fur, despite it getting in the way of her cooking at times.

  • Learn new meat-based dishes.
  • Expand her overall cooking repertoire.

[Race] Titles
  • Beast
  • Fox

[Job] Titles
  • Adept Chef – from Artisan [Chef] D
  • Apprentice Businesswoman – From Business E

Points at Start: 70
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 70

Strength – F
(0 points)
Precision – C
(21 points)
Intelligence – D
(14 points)
Vitality – F
(0 points)
Speed – F
(0 points)

  • Artisan [Chef] D (21 points) – C Grade Precision
    Artisan's are skilled professionals that can take materials and turn them into products. Generally artists and craftsmen, they gain tools necessary to perform the trade/craft and can craft items of the same grade for free. A starting asset an artisan may have is a Master npc and Shop with which they may practice their craft. Ex: Artisan Blacksmith F can craft F grade swords. Orichalcum and Mithril items get a 7 point deduction to purchase at F grade and a 7 point deduction per upgrade.
  • Business E (14 points) - E Grade Intelligence
    The ability to organize, run, and understand part or all of a business organization (including governments and association). This Skill is also useful for recruiting and retaining employees.

  • Chef's Business Instinct – Artisan [Chef] D, Business E - Character is capable of fine-tuning their dishes to the price-range in which they're cooking. - D Grade Ability – 2 Posts Cooldown

  • Chef's equipment.
  • Long gloves, tail cover, hair net.

Change Log:
  • Creation: Precision C - 21 points
  • Creation: Intelligence D - 14 points
  • Creation: Artisan [Chef] C - 21 points
  • Creation: Business E - 14 points
  • Creation: [Chef's Business Instinct] ability.

Elvario - 9 Points to any character

Todo - 18 Points
Acquired Optional title - [Head Chef of Hell's Kitchen] – Character is a chef that has other chefs working under them. They made it to the top of the food chain. The chain of preparing it, that is.
Acquired Optional Skill Companion F Inola (Refer to Narrators Last Post in thread, also add 35 points to spent and earned.)

Mentions: Novama Novama Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo

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