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Is there really love for me out there? ~ (Closed)

softly kisses her cheek and smiles - I will see you cutie, tomorrow -James smiles, bows politely and turns and walks away-
Suri smiles blushing and nods waving, "Alright, bye James." She lightly giggles when he bows.
He turns and and happily waves back at her as he gets in the car and says " Bye suri, see you tomorrow " as he drives off-
She smiles going back inside and makes sure to send him a text so he could have her number.
She smiles blushing as she reads the text and sends back "thank you." She locks the door to her home knowing she's alone as she thinks about how she can't wait for tomorrow.
She smiles texting back, "You too." She lies back on her bed being content and happy.
he walks into his empty house and lays on the couch and sighs happily as he reads the text over and over, having her on his mind till he falls asleep-
She smiles and falls asleep happily on her bed hoping to see him again.
The next morning comes along and he is up and ready to go at 7 driving to suri's house and pulls up at her driveway-
Suri asleep but because of her good sense of hearing she was always known to be a light sleeper. Because of this Suri wakes up hearing the car and gets out of bed to go to the window. She sees it's James comes outside in her pjs still half asleep, "Good morning."
James smiles and looks at how cute she looks in her pj's and says- Good morning cutie, are you ready for a full day of james? -he smiles and hugs her-
She smiles sleepily but nods hugging back, "Yes I am and you're really early."
it's seven -James smiles- i wanted to start the day as early as possible cx -James smiles and hands her a coffee or a mnt. dew-
She smiles, "alright, alright. But since you wok me up early you have to come running with me." She takes the mnt. Dew and smiles.
Suri smiles nodding back into the house, "And make yourself at home. Also, if you want I could make you breakfast after we finish running or before then if you prefer.
James smiles and nods after hugging her and walking in and says- i wouldnt mind some bacon, ill help with it -smiles-
She smiles, "before or after we run?" She looks at him happy to have someone to spend the morning with since the house gets lonely being by herself.
after, so no cramps -smiles and looks around and listens to the silence- Are you here alone? Do you want a home with someone?
Suri does a sad smile, but nods, "Yes, I live alone and yes, I do."
Suri smiles but looks surprised at him as she hugs back, "Wait, really?"

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