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Fantasy Is there light in darkness?

Sorbekento was furious. "Do you take me as a fool? I said leave!" He fires a warning shot at the ground and roars. "If you do not leave both of you will be dead!"
"Yet would you be able to save darkness from it's self?" Sighs, hanging his head, staring at the ground, trying to hide the sadness in his eyes. "Would you be able to save the damned with your light? Or will you merely rid the world of darkness without a thought, gladly wiping entire species away?"
Saphira looks at him and says "Only the dark one will parish and all who wish to stay with him the other will be filled to the birm with light and forever respedted for there choice "Saphira says she looks at Sorbekento and says " Be still Fire dragon we are discussing maters more important at hand "
"Yet introducing one used to darkness to light is nearly always fatal" Dis sighed, turning to leave. "If you honestly cared, you would follow me so you know both sides of the story."
" Light dose not kill it preserves and protects it is the ultimate healer "Saphira says
"Maybe to those who walk the path of light, yet to those cursed by shadows? Light is our death and destruction" turns around, "the light would kill me even if I left the shadows behind."
" Nothing matters for light is harmless to those who accept it , for those who die did not accept the light "Saphira said sitting down and puffing her chest out prodly
"Light and darkness does not matter at all! I once knew of a great wizard named Kardon and he sided with none! Follow his teachings and strive for domination of everything not just light and dark!" Sorbekento tilts his head and looks at Saphira. "Are you supposed to be bedazzled or something?"
Saphira growled " I dont take jokes lightly "she said her scales shining brightly
Standing transfixed by the glowing of Saphira's scales, Kinalt hasn't moved or flinched, even as the dragons show their strength.
Saphira looks at Kinalt and smiles at his intrest and looks badk at the other dragons
Sorbekento looked over Saphira and at Kinalt. "Ah a snack has arrived." He chuckled and approached. "And who would you be tiny....mortal?"
"Did you simply overlook me, dragon, or did your arrogance blind you?" Kinalt responded, finally moving his gaze towards Sorbekento.
"I actually just overlooked you do to the fact of how tiny you are." Sorbekento turned his attention to Saphira and hissed. "And what do you care? It is just one tiny creature that wont be missed."
" Everyone and everything matters , you heartless slug "Saphira said stepping in front of Kinalt and snarling in his face
"Well excuse me for following my instincts. And why am i a heartless slug? I am sure that i still have a heart in my chest.....maybe...." Sorbekento shrugged and pushed Saphira aside. "Now let me eat this tiny creature!" He extends his wings and his body lights on fire. ((Yes the dragon is supposed to be unintelligent...it is a fire dragon after all! :P ))
Slinging his shield over his shoulder, Kinalt creates a ball of writhing darkness, and with a swipe of his hand Sorbekento's upper body is covered in a black fog, greatly reducing his visibility and what he can hear. Holding his pike with both hands, his horse begins charging, with Kinalt intending to bury the pike within Sorbekento's chest.
Saphira growled and said " I will not let you kill him " Pushing him with her tail wings out to protect Kinalt " Its not that easy "She told Kinalt holding him bafk with her claw
Sorbekento Shakes his head and growls. "What is not so easy? I would like to know." He folds his wings onto his back and extinguishes himself.
Saphira looks at him and says " Its not that easy to kill a dragon just by trying to ram itwith a sword " and she folds her wings back up
Sorbekento pushes Saphira out of the way and looks at Kinalt. "It is just a random old spear thing that will melt as soon as it touches me." He laughs loudly.
"Then surely you wouldn't mind me trying" Kinalt says as he turns back to face Sorbekento, his red eyes gleaming under his helmet.

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