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Fantasy Is there light in darkness?

(("Dismounting his horse, Kinalt forms a green, noxious ball in his hand. Swiping his hand left to right, the air surrounding the fiery dragon changes into a hazardous, toxic mist. Using the fumes to cover his charge, he positions himself to plunge the pike into Sorbekento's chest."

I already did))
((One sec....)) 
Sorbekento panics as he looses his sight. "Where are you tiny creature!" He shouts in a panic. Sorbekento sprays a fiery cloud from his mouth in the direction of Kinalt. He spreads his wings and prepares to take off into the air.
Rolling forward in an attempt to dodge the blast of fire, Kinalt misses the thrust with his pike. He recovers, stamps out the flame starting on his cape, then pulls his shield off his back as Sorbekento takes flight.
As he flew higher into the air Sorbekento began to see more clearly. "There you are!" He shouts before diving towards the ground at Kinalt. Sorbekento lets out another blast of fire.
Kinalt raises his shield against the oncoming torrent of fire. Blackening the front of his shield and the parts of his armor not covered by his shield as well as burning off most of his cape, Kinalt stands against the wave of searing flame. Dropping his shield in agony, Kinalt prepares another ball of darkness in his scorched hand.
Sorbekento slams feet first into the ground and hisses at Kinalt. He lowers his head and looks at Kinalt face to face. "Are you going to try that again?" Sorbekento raises his head back up and laughs. "If you cant take the heat then just give up!" He steps back and stretches his wings out then extinguishes the fire covering his body.
Kinalt begins running at Sorbekento again, this time unleashing the ball of dark as he charges. Moving to Sorbekento's front right foot, he raises his pike with both hands, preparing to impale Sorbekento's foot.
Sorbekento laughs as he watches Kinalt. "And what do you plan to do with that stick?" He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "You tiny creatures are very stupid!" His eyes focus on the pike while wondering what will happen.
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Emitting a bright light before it reaches Sorbekento's hide, the head of the pike penetrates his foot. Abandoning his pike in the dragon's foot, Kinalt pulls a now-warped Falchion from its ruined scabbard and prepares a ball of poison in his other hand.
Sorbekento howls in pain as he tears the pike from his foot. He throws the pike to the ground and looks directly at Kinalt. "You will pay for that!" Sorbekento roars at Kinalt as he ignites his own body and bites at Kinalt.
Raising his Falchion to somewhat deter Sorbekento, Kinalt sprays the ball of poison into Sorbekento's gaping, oncoming mouth.
Sorbekento jumps back and falls to the ground trying to spit the poison out. He shakes his head and gets up. Sorbekento lowers his body to the ground and gets ready to charge.
Reaching for his charred shield, Kinalt begins searching for his pike, keeping an eye on Sorbekento, preparing for his charge.
[QUOTE="Corrupted Artorias](Eh, he's making a different character, thus he decided, against my judgement, to just kill the character, though I agree, rather random.)

[/QUOTE]you said to do it in school you ass don't give that bull shit
Sorbekento breaths deeply and smoke streams out from his nostrils very slowly. "Why do you insist on using weapons when you can just attack me with that magic?"
Locating and picking up his pike, Kinalt responds "For the same reason you would breathe fire, instead of using your talons". Kinalt stood up, slinging his shield over his back and planting the bottom of his pike into the now burnt ground.
Sorbekento laughed and smiled as much as a dragon could. "Fair enough." He spits a ball of fire at the ground. "So who are you? My name is Sorbekento." He lowers himself as close to the ground as possible but still towers over Kinalt. Sorbekento retracts his wings and extinguishes his body.
"I am Kinalt, previously a Paladin of the light and warrior in the Royal Army" Kinalt responds, the scarlet blaze of his eyes giving his helmet an eerie hue. "Now I simply wander without purpose".
"A paladin of light? That is one role you don't hear a human taking often." Sorbekento laughs and shook his head. "I wish i could shake your hand but as you can see.....you would be missing an arm." He holds out one hand showing razor sharp talons.
Saphira looks at Kinalt with interest when he begins to talk about paladin of light and she walks over to him standing next to him now
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Kinalt, somewhat reluctant to take his eyes off Sorbekento, turns his head slightly to Saphira as she approaches.
Sorbekento looks at Saphira and laughs. "The bejeweled guardian has come to see you." He says to Kinalt and then back up a small amount. "Careful around her."
Nyx watched as dragon after dragon had appeared. She observed as Kinalt attacked the dragon. 'He can actually hold his own against a dragon?!' She thought. They seemed to come to some sort of truce and she walked closer to them.

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