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I guess it depends on if the RP you're in has a length requirement. If you joined a RP that has a minimum of 1000 words per post then it would be too short for that RP. But if the RP you're in generally only has 3 paragraphs per post then it may be too much.

If you're asking if your writing is good based on its length, then my answer is that quantity is not the same as quality. Post length does not determine how skilled you are at writing. A post with 1000 words can very easily be more poorly written than one with 500.
It seems kind of weird to obsess over length like that, tbh. Long posts =/= good posts. To judge if it's good enough, ask yourself: "Is everything that needs to be there present?" Conversely, you can also ask yourself: "Am I just describing random stuff in order to increase the word count?" Good prose is defined by purpose and intentionality. It's not about how many words you use, but what you do with the words you picked. Anyone can just drone on endlessly; it's much harder to craft something that leaves a lasting impression in people's minds when they're done reading.
Yeah I would say when it comes to post the length is less important than the content.

Most people aren’t going to take the time to put your post in a word counter to determine if you hit an arbitrary number.

Instead they want to know what their character can respond to in the post. Is their dialogue directed to their character? Are their actions that their character can observe/respond to?

Those would be the things I focus on not necessarily length. As length is usually pretty secondary for most people to “can I reply to this?”
A good RP post makes other players feel like they are active participants in a scene, not spectators to your character's personal story. They could just go read a book if that's the case!

Does your post provide other players with information in regards to the environment, the situation taking place, your character and your goals, and something in the scene that they can interact with? You could write a 1,000 word post and use all the purple prose you want, but if it's just about a character's inner monologue, for example, then the other players will have nothing to respond to unless they're mind-readers. A pretty post, perhaps, but for a collaborative story-telling exercise it's a poor RP post. You have to ask yourself, "How can other players be involved in this scene? What can they interact with or respond to?"
I guess it depends on if the RP you're in has a length requirement. If you joined a RP that has a minimum of 1000 words per post then it would be too short for that RP. But if the RP you're in generally only has 3 paragraphs per post then it may be too much.

If you're asking if your writing is good based on its length, then my answer is that quantity is not the same as quality. Post length does not determine how skilled you are at writing. A post with 1000 words can very easily be more poorly written than one with 500.
Thank you...
Roleplayers often mistake word count for content. It's a common notion that more equals better, which is simply not true. Writing a book is different from writing in a collaborative thread with other writers.

As for your RP post, 900 words is a lot for a regular thread. I would say it is an average output for a novella group, though.

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