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Into the Stars

Leo flushed just lightly before turning it on. There were a lot of saved files on it. "Each one is a music I made on here..." Leo said, "There are a few I remade of famous songs." he said with a bit of a chuckle.
Leo blushed a little, "I rather play something that you can play too... hold on I have a few two players.." Leo said squatting down on the ground and changing out the game.
Kasu watched him and smiled "you have so much energy Leo... its rather amazing, even just sitting her you are so active always moving,"
Leo looked up at Kasu, "What do you mean? If your sitting... doesn't that mean you're not active?" Leo asked.
Kasu tried he was not a fast game learner but thanks to his new eyes and ears he could see the course more sharply and avoid obsticles.
Leo didn't really prove all that good either... so it was not like Kasu was playing against some pro player.
Leo flushed when Kasu kissed his cheek. Rhea he had been really nervous since he invited Kasu over for one thing in particular. Leo caught himself staring at Kasu almost longingly, "--oh uh.. sorry." Leo said after he figured out he had been staring.
"Are you ok Leo?" Kasu asked him softly and pressed a hand to his head to see if he had a feaver not that Kasu would be able to tell his skin was pretty cool to the touch at all times.
"I-I'm fine... just... been thinking... Uh.. boy things I guess.. about you..." Leo said not sure how to phrase it without sounding lude.
"Sh!" Leo said covering Kasu's mouth with a deeper flush. "Don't say it like that, that's really embarrassing!"
Kasu looked at Leo he himself had never watched such things read about them sure but... to watch it. Leo must want to be prepaired.
Leo looked away really embarrassed and leaned away a bit, "Sorry... We can keep playing." Leo said with a small awkward smile.

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