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Into the Stars

Kaishiro smiled "Really?" he asked her happily.

Kasu presssed eagerly closer letting thepleasure overtake Leo as he drank the almost intoxicating blood though rather slowly. Savoring Leo's taste
Leo tried not to moan too loudly, even as Kasu feed from him slowly. His hands resting on Kasu's waist.

"Yeah really!" Melody said putting her hand on her side, "With everywhere you are going, you will meet lots of people... and" Melody looked at the group. "You have all your friends to be with through the journey."
Leo remained leaning against the wall, his hands around Kasu panting lightly. He definitely felt weaker.

Melody smiled a bit sadly.

"So.. how do you get from world to world?" Taji asked.

"Oh thats easy. I use a little device. Kind of like teleportation. It just takes me home... then I have one that I can set coordinates to and it'll take me where I want!" Melody said happily.
Kasu smiled "Alright, thank you Leo, I love you," he told the boy and stood straight and offered a hand to help. He wanted to kiss Leo more but then he;d hold him there even longer.
"alright," Kasu said but looked relunctant to leave him . He squeezed his hand before letting go to get Mika though not really letting Leo completly out of sight till he had to "Mika... could you give Leo a hand?'
Mika looked up and then nodded. She jogged over to Kasu before turning to see Leo.

"Hey Mika... can you carry me a bit?" Leo asked.

Mika smiled, "Mika can carry you." She told him. Though now Victoria had to walk in the swamp on her own.
Melody kind of teased Victoria along the way. Les still wanted to find a leech, but no leechs came out to play. Hours later, they made it back to the shop. It was almost a little less than half a day travel. When they got to the shop, Melody smiled at them, "Thank you guys. For your help."

Leo was already starting to recover, though he was still a bit weak, "No problem... call us any time!"

"I might just do that." Melody said happily.
Melody hugged kaishiro back before pulling out a device with a button on it. "See you guys!" She said before pressing the button. In a flash of light, she was gone.
Leo yawned while holding mika and nodded.

When they got through the field, buba was in the sitting room with Lucifer.
Buba looked a bit more stressed, when the came in she seemed to eye them all critically. "There was no trouble was there?"

"No Madame." Mika told her, "Just a drake of some kind. But we killed it and got the wish."

"No sign of dusk?" Buba asked. During her and Luicfer's visit, Buba did leave to take a call and came back a bit stressed, but he didn't really talk about what had happened.
Buba sighed as the group gathered into the sitting room. "One of the purple fairy... have gone missing. Tempest has left a calling card."

Leo looked absolutely horrified. Taji also looked alarmed.
"I told you Justice it is not the council." Buba said, "For once it is not the..." She stood up and bit her thumb in light worry, "Fairy... tonight... I would like you all to stay tonight. I will take care of everything... you won't need to worry for school tomorrow or your parents worrying.." Buba told them. Though it almost sounded like they all still had a choice.
"Then it is settled..." Buba told them before turning to gather things. She'll need to quickly prepare for tonight and tomorrow. Which means she'll need to lead out for a bit.

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