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Into the Stars

Kasu stayed by Buba he told her he felt like he had to it was a pull he felt sick when thinking of being away from her right now.

Justice had helpped clean the house Lucifer lending a hand as well when Max slept heavily.
There was a soft knock at Buba's door, Kasu could smell Leo. He wasn't supposed to be there, but he was.

Buba seemed to be still asleep, much like Max.
"Ah.. sorry. But I really wanted to check on everyone.." Leo said softly.

"If your here... I should proububly leave." Rick told Leo, putting out the cigarette he had in his hand. Luicfer wouldn't be happy if he did.
Mika came a moment later, "Leo." She said with a smile.

Leo smiled and hugged Mika, "Hey... wana help me get Kasu?"

Mika nodded.
Kasu was torn he wanted to see Leo but he needed to stay by buba the struggle was tearing him apart and making him feel sick he tried to breath even but almost ennded up hyperventalating.
When they got to Kasu and Leo saw him trying to, what seemed like breath, he ran up to him. "Are you ok? Kasu..." Leo asked, his hands came to his shoulders.
That was all he could take and the vampire came out grabbing Leo he pulled him into a kiss "it isn't safe here," he told Leo "you should not be here," his voice was a growl he was angry that Leo did not follow his order to not come.
Mika blinked a bit before thinking she needed to look away so she went down the hall a bit. She looked away when Justice and Buba did things like that. They say they are not a couple. She vaguely understood all that stuff... besides Kaishiro kissed her all the time too.

Leo gasped a bit before their lips smashed together, the man's grip on Leo hurt a bit. Leo felt a bit scared to the tone he used to him, but he stood strong, "I.. wanted to make sure you were ok. I wanted to see you."
"I told you not to come... what would you do if you lead them back?" Kasu asked though he was more worried about them attacking Leo then he or the other vampire in the house. Kasu looked Leo in the eye and again kissed him he needed the contact. Leo was ok, here and unhurt and nobody was going to hurt him.
Leo looked back at him a moment before he kissed him again, Kasu still holding him against him. The kisses were aggressive, demanding. It meant that Kasu wasn't the one kissing him. "I'm sorry... I didn't think of that..." Leo said with a soft pant after the kisses broke.
The vampire looked at Leo "no you didn't and you put yourself and us in danger needlessly," he kissed the boys neck "but now that you are hear."
Leo felt a bit sad at the put down, closing his eyes a bit when he kissed his neck, "You.. you're the vampire.. right? Not Kasu..? You said.. that your the part of him.. that wants us safe?" Leo asked.
Leo flushed and shivered, the vampire was doing things to him again and the definitely revoked a response of embarrassment and.. want. "Can... can we talk?" Leo asked him, more like he wanted the vampire to stop molesting him with his mouth.
Leo nodded, "Luicfer and Max... are in the one next to it.." However he did take the Vampire's hand and started to lead him up to his room.
Kasu was aware he was also aware the smell of bleach would drown the smell of blood due to the heavey saturation in the hall. Kasu went with Leo letting the boy give himself a false security.
When they got up to the room, Leo closed the door to the room, "I... wanted to talk with you." Leo said, "Because... you're part of Kasu. And it seemed like you're going to be staying. I wanted to let you know... that I accept that.."
"I am glad you see me as what I am I am Kasu," the vampire said and took Leo to the bed to continue his molestation of the boy only he wouldn't bbe playing fair "Leo," Kasu said his name getting his attention and he needed that to allure the other male
Leo heard his name and he felt the need to look. But he knew what would happen if he did. Immediately Leo's hands came up and covered Kasu's eyes, "W..wait..." Leo said softly in a begged plea. "You... you're not Kasu... but you are part of him. I... I wanted to give you your own name." Leo told him. "Usak... It is Kasu backwards..." Leo kept his hands on Kasu's eyes and leaned his forehead on the vampires, "Usak.. because you are Kasu's other side..."
"you... are naming me?" the vampire was shocked the hands over his eyes stopping the allure but Leo just caused another problem he had made the vampire happy. the stronger vampire pushed Leo onto the bed and moved his hands "you named... me, Leo..." he said the boys name so affectionatly.

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