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Into the Stars

Justice was meer minutes from catching his pray when Shougen called of course this was a very inconvenient time but he knew where he needed to be "On my way," he told shougen and made a dash to get back home even then he;d be a minute or two.

Lucifer watched as the childe he just fed got ridged and changed something was wrong Kasu had the sick feeling again before The vampire took control "why are you still here so calm?" he asked Lucifer in a desprit way "madame Buba is under attack,"

Lucifer looked dumbfounded but he stood and opened the door with cautious slowness.
"You.. must leave here.." Buba slurred to them, she felt hardly able to comprehend anything at the moment. She just knew there was danger.

"Shut up... We're not going to kill you just yet till we figure what kind of spell you put those children in... We don't like killing kids." The guy said looking at her as the women stepped into the house. She was quite herself, listening for any signs of the other two vampires.
There was a man with her just as silent looking for the vampires.

Lucifer did not shut the door but he made no sound either he went to Kasu and ordered him to go out through the window and run to hide when safe Kasu was instructed to call Rick.

Kasu looked out the window and opened it as quiet as he possibly could.
The girl told the man to go down the hall while she went upstairs.

"If you don't leave... you may die.." Buba tried to tell them, of course her slurring was getting worse. She didn't like much killing people of her world... but sometimes there were a few of them that just insisted she killed them.

"Stop talking.." The man ordered irritated.
Kasu hopped out the newly opened window to land a bit awkwardly on the ground it was too bright and the sun blinded him though it wasn't burning him.

The man nodded going down the stairs to look.

Lucifer waited he did not like hunters and he would show them how little as he laid in wait,
Buba was panting still, she just wished she could make this go away. But she was completely useless at the moment. She couldn't even call Justice. Which... required her magic...

The house itself, the light flickered. Shougen looked around when the Mirror seemed to shimmer a bit, like it turned off and on again.

"What the hell?" He said looking around.

The girl started her way up the stairs, when the lights flicked, she gasped a bit, the first loud noise she made since climbing.
Kasu had texted Rick and then looked around the house to the front if anyone was outside he;d take them out right there and then.

Lucifer heard the gasp and in a flash he rushed to her location meaning only to take her off gaurd and disable her.
He could smell only three, they were all inside.

There was a small scream when Luicfer suddenly charged the girl. She opened fired his general direction. Silver bullets. The gun shots gaining the man with Buba's attention.

"Let's see if we can fish some vampire's out..." He said before leaning down to Buba. He grabbed her hair and picked her up and forced her into a sitting postion before taking a dagger and running it across the top of her chest, letting blood flow. Buba felt so drunk from the drugs, that pain didn't even register to her.

Shougen was starting to panic a bit, specially with the shop fitzing out. If Justice could just get here and loosen his collar. He knew that man might not even make to the end of the fight. Shougen finally made the option he had to do something... cat or not. Magicly opening the door, he looked across to see the other man bending over Buba.
Blood. Kasu froze he smelled blood, with that the childe rushed in jumping on the mans back and trying to bite him. The other male hunter went to try and save the female comerade.

Lucifer was hit by a stray bullet but not before he knocked the woman out,
He was rather successful as she fell down the stairs a bit, dropping her weapon.

When Kasu jumped on him, the man panicked. "Fuck!" He reached behind him and pulled Kasu off his by grabbing hold of his shirt and throwing him forward. He held out his blade ready to stab him if he got back up, but he was hopping Kasu would latch onto Buba's bleeding body instead.

Shougen hissed and made a running charge at the man before leaping up and biting his hand.

"AH!" He said loudly. Not quite dropping the knife and instead throwing the cat.
Kasu hit the ground pretty hard and growled Shougen giving him the chance to again get up and attack aiming for the stomach he was hungry he smelt blood but someone else had hurt what is his and that was above his hunger.

Lucifer was bleeding and his arm burning from the silver bullet he had to get it out and soon. The malr hunter aimed and fired at Lucifer aswell though missing at the vampire dodged into a room.

Justice jumped through the mirror rushing there as fast as his legs would take him
When Justice rushed in he saw across the room Kasu and cat Shougen fighting off a man. His blade had blood on it so someone got cut. Buba could not be seen. In the lounge gunshots could be heard.

Before Justice could react, Kasu went to for the man's stomach. He of course was going to retaliate with the knife when Shougen jumped onto him again, this time his claws digging into the mans's head, causing hims to yank backwards. "Ah!"
Justice drew his sword "shougen!" he said announcing himself he rushed the man.

Kasu smelt a predator but he did not smell a threat. He saw justice and he scurried out of the way to Buba to lick her wound shut of course this was a bad idea there was a possibility the drugs would effect Kasu through Buba's blood.

Lucifer winced and tried to dig out the bullet as the man tried to kick the door down to get at Lucifer.
Buba's blood was extremely bitter and gross. Something was in her blood. Though he didn't ingest enough of her blood to get the effects of it.

Shougen heard Justice and jumped from the man. He Jumped to Justice and clung to his chest plate. As soon as he loosened his collar, he would dash upstairs and secure it.
Justice attacked the man before loosening Shougens collar so the cat could join the fight for real.

Kasu made a face he took Buba in his arms and sheilded her a protective stance.
Buba's eyes were glazed when Kasu pulled her closer before she started to slur to him, "Someone.. must get help." She was almost not understandable. In fact she didn't even know Justice was in the room.

When Justice attacked the man he flailed away from him, "What the hell? What the hell are you, some knight?" He had never seen a man like Justice.

When Justice loosened his collar Shougen ducked under the knight and ran past him, "Going to get the other guy!" He told Justice. He assumed the man had this hunter covered.
"I am a knight, I am Justice and you have intruded in my home," the man said and again swung at the hunter letting Shougen go help Lucifer who was loosing strength and fast the silver penetrasted too deep it was causing alot of bloodshead and damage.

The man kept Kicking the door he was finally about to break it.
Luicfer of course saw the man kick the door down. He had come to hid in Mika's room. Though the moment the man kicked the door down was the moment his face collided unexpectedly with the door frame. Shougen grinned happily as a bit of blood splattered out by how hard she pushed the man against it, "You broke into the wrong house..." He said with a laugh.

With him already pushed against the table, the man could only dodge so far before Justice's blade made contact with his chest.
Justice a swift killer by nature impaled the man and left him to bleed out before going to Buba's side "It's ok Madame I am here Shougen is dealing with the other we are safe now."

Lucifer looked up "Glad to see you joined the fight," black lines that looked like veins were spreading from the bullet wound

the man was shocked and cried out in pain when he was slammed against the frame he tried to grab shougen
Shougen duged his claws into the man's skull, cracking could he heard. Shougen grinned happily, "Ah.. Go down to the pool..." Shougen let the man try and grab him, but he kept putting pressure on his head.

That was when Rick rushed in, "What?" He said. He noticed that the man was on the floor bleeding out. Kasu was hold Buba. "Fuck.. where is Lucifer?" Rick asked.

Buba vaguely looked at Justice, she didn't comprehend what he said, "No.." She slurred heavily, "there are hunters... we need to get the fairy.. safe. There are hunters." She definitely sounded really drunk. Though she didn't smell of alcohol.
"Upstairs, Shougen went to his aid," Justice said .

Lucifer looked at Shougen he supposed seeing Shougen this violent should not shock him as the poor man cried and tried to escape his fate Lucifer started his way to the springs though he felt like he had been hurt far worse then a simple bullet wound
Luicfer meet with Rick the moment he finished coming down the stairs. "Luicfer!" Rick said, "I came as fast as I could..."

Buba tried to push herself up, but she couldn't even stand. She had no strength, completely drunk off the drug. One of her hands were on Kasu.
"Hush now," Justice said "Kasu, I'm going to take her to rest are you ok?"

"Unhurt," was the reply but he didn't let go of Buba.

Lucifer lookd at Rick "Silver bullet... I got hit... is Kasu ok?"
"He's fine..." Rick said, "Come... lay down we need to get the bullet out..." Rick said taking Luicfer's arm and putting it around his neck to help him walk there.

"Don't hush me.." Buba told Justice in a slur. "Sit me down.." She told said. She pointed to her chair but her arm kind of swung a bit.
Justice sighed and tried to get her from Kasu who almost bit his arm in the effert. "I'll do it!" Kasu helpped her up mostly picking her up and helpped her to sit in the chair.

Lucifer nodded letting Rick help him he was in no shape to reject the aid.

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