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Fantasy Into the East characters


Bacon is fluffy

Wut'n th'name of davy jonez lockr is uh sall-add?
Character sheet rules:
1. You may be anything that your heart desires, within reason. Although the more powerful you are, the more responsibility you'll have ic. Meaning you'll be risking your character at least once a page if you start off strong(politically or literally).
2. Your desired race is a clean slate until the details are established. Other factions of said race can be made if need be. No one likes a monolithic race of orcs or elves. But as of now, there are no specifics in the interest of letting players make it themselves if they wish.
3. Powers, make em as cool as you want. Just remember rule one :P

4. map

History of the race: Feel free to expand upon the race you choose. I will not entirely depend on you guys to make the lore for a race, but will leave it up to you if you want to establish elves(for instance) as hunter and gathers, or super being older than time.

Powers: You have somewhat free reign here,but the more you start off with, the more I'll heckle you in character

Family lineage: If you are going to be playing some sort of nobility

History: I want to know details pertinent to the rp. Things such as your powers if you got them before the rp started. Or perhaps the event that made your character crazy or convinced them to join the military. I don't want or expect their life story. Just something that paints who they are at the time of the sundering St. Coraline went through. Other things I should note is you don't have to start there or even know of that place when starting out. But all should converge upon making the trip there by the end of the history. This is the only thing I will ask of my players at this starting stage, just so we have context for everyone meeting in the general region.

Anything else significant: Mental state, are you a follower of the light, do you have specific aversions and ticks that can be used ic?
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Name: Aurum Soleil

Age: 222

Race: High Elf


Despite being six feet tall, Aurum carries himself with undeniable grace and poise. His slender frame carried upon two long legs with large feet proportionate to his body. Aurum only weighs about 144 pounds. He’s a broad shouldered elf, which makes him a bit intimidating when you take in his height as well. However, his thin arms and narrow fingers betray the overall appearance. He doesn’t have much muscle tone, but what he does have keeps his body from being a smooth surface. At the end of his fingers are good painted nails, perfectly manicured and always clean. Like all of his ancestors, Aurum has smooth alabaster skin. Normally the family doesn’t mar their bodies with tattoos or piercings, but the head of House Soleil is exempt to this. As head of the house, Aurum has a tattoo of a sun upon his left forearm. Unlike his mother before him, the sun is gold in color instead of black.

As a denizen of, Sumenna, there was no doubt that, Aurum would beautiful. At first, his long ears worried his mother, but he grew to appreciate them. His square shaped face is constructed from a wide jawline that rises much higher than his chin. Aurum has his father’s chin; it’s strong but subtle enough not to draw attention. High cheekbones set above healthy cheeks finish the shape of, Aurum’s face. Unlike his chin, his cheekbones are not so subtle. A pair of sharp, deep eyes give him an unfriendly and unapproachable look. Their grey color is something else he inherited from his father, along with the long lashes that adorn them. Meanwhile his full lips and thin nose, he got from his mother.

Against his father’s wishes, Aurum allowed his hair to grow quite long; 40 inches in length. His mother thought it made him seem more elegant due to its pure white color. Normally, Aurum wears his hair down, but during a special occasion he has it styled in whatever complex fashion suits the current trends. Because his hair means so much to him, Aurum ensures it’s always taken care of.

As a noble, Aurum's wardrobe consist of luxurious, expensive fabrics, but the styles of his clothes do not always match their worth. With no preference towards a specific color, Aurum's wardrobe is a rainbow of colorful materials. Most of the items he purchases are styled in robe-like patterns, which he is known to favor. From gold and diamond adornments on his most lavish items, to expensive and neutral-colored silks for his more quiet pieces. He does also own a variety of shirts and pants, all of which are a bit flashy.

History of the race:

Over a millennia ago the High Elves settled in the southern lands where the weather was fair and the land fertile. Their gratitude for such a bountiful land lead them to believes in deities that shaped the environment and controlled nature. The head of their pantheon was the Goddess of Light. They built a small nation and struggled through the centuries to become an self-sufficient kingdom.

Powers: Magic

Elemental Mastery - Can utilize fire, wind, and water.

Light Mastery - Can use light. Magic to conjure barriers and weapons

Family lineage: Head of House Soleil, Duke of Mandir


Aurum had an innate ability for magic, like all High Elves do, and started to learn at a young age. He first learned light magic so that he would be in the Goddess’ good graces, and then when he mastered that he took on the elemental schools of magic and mastered them one after another. He was declared Head of House Soleil after both of his parents were murdered in their sleep. The event left more than a few people suspicious of Aurum, but no proof was ever found to tie him to their deaths. After decades of dedicated work and loyalty to the King, a distant cousin, Aurum was given the title of Duke as his cousin had no children and no siblings to make his heir.

Because he possesses a network of informants Aurum was made aware of what happened to the city of St, Caroline. Interested in learning more and possibly preventing a similar event from occurring, he set out with a unit of 10 soldiers to investigate,

Anything else significant: Aurum is an elitist. He doesn’t talk about his parents, and he isn’t much of a melee fighter.
Hehe very interesting character. He's so cool and the black market thing is awesome too. but if you want to talk more, please use the out of character thread(ooc). :3
Name: Averna Wilwater

Age: 23

Race: Dark Elf

Appearance: Averna is a lean, athletic woman who stands at 5'7" and weighs in at 130ish pounds. Her two most defining features are her blue-gray skin and snow white hair which falls to shoulder length. Sharp pointed ears poke out from beneath her hair. Her irises are a deep red and grants her a crimson gaze that unnerves most. A scar runs over her right eye and she habitually hides it behind her hair.

She typically dresses in dark clothing meant to hide her distinct features. Her tendency of using things until they literally fall apart gives her a somewhat ragged appearance. Her boots are caked with mud, her pants are frayed, and the cloak she wears is torn in several places. Despite this, she carries a well polished wooden bow and pristine leather quiver. Hidden on her person is a dagger whose blade is obsidian in color.

History of the Race: A peculiar race of elves that are often distrusted, associated with the occult, and are seen as inherently evil by most outside races. It's not difficult to see how such beliefs began. Dark elves are largely seen as a reclusive race that make their cities within the darkest depths of forest, the underground caverns found within mountains, and anywhere else where the light rarely shines. They share a mutual distrust with outsiders, very rarely associating with outside cities and nations. There have been only a handful of outsiders who have been allowed entry into their territory. Although they can practice various types of magic, they have a natural aptitude for destructive magic. Their more religious sects are known practitioners of blood magic and necromancy.

Over the past couple of centuries small groups of dark elves have begun leaving their cities in favor of the world beyond. Some make their living as assassins and headhunters. These professions make the best use of their natural talents, albeit at that cost of reinforcing the fear most people have of their kind. Others wish to expand their knowledge of 'dark' magic, and in their quest for more might bring other races into harms way. However, most simply wish to live peaceful lives exploring the world they've been disconnected with for so long.

Night Vision
- She can see just fine in low-light conditions.

Vanish - A magical technique which allows her to become invisible for a short period of time.

Family Lineage: Unknown, and quite frankly, she doesn't care.

History: Averna began life as a lone infant wrapped in cloth and surrounded by wilderness. She cried endlessly and would have likely met her end in the jaws of a hungry predator or perished during the cruel coldness of a winter night. Fortunately fate smiled to her on that day, and she was found by a middle aged human who lived in a nearby town. He immediately understood what she was upon seeing her, but something about her hearty wails erased the apprehension in his heart. He took her home to his wife, and together they raised her as if she were their own. It was they who gave her the name Averna.

She was by no means an easy child to raise. She had boundless energy and an innate desire to explore. Her liveliness would spike once the sun had set, and she gave her parents many sleepless nights filled with memories of chasing a rambunctious child through the woods. It was on one such night were she made the mistake of running into a mountain lion's den. Naturally she was attacked, and for a second time she owed her life to her father, who managed to slay the beast with an arrow. Soon after the incident, her father began to teach her the basics of archery in an effort to redirect her energy. She had quickly taken a knack to it, and soon enough she could hunt by her father's side. Meanwhile her mother taught her how to read and write, something she quickly developed a keen interest in. In those days, one would commonly find her in a tree's canopy reading whatever books her mother managed to buy.

Unfortunately many of the townsfolk feared the young dark elf. Some whispered rumors accused her of being a witch who stole the souls of all who met her gaze. Other rumors considered her to be misfortune incarnate, and feared she would bring a calamity upon the town. Fortunately her parents were respected citizens, and most people had enough decency to keep their speculation behind closed doors. However, this did little to stop the looks of contempt she received, or mother's telling their children to stay away from her. Whenever something was stolen or someone's property was damaged, the blame fell to her despite the lack of evidence. And yet, without fail, her parents would always speak out on her behalf.

Around her 18th birthday, a great windstorm swept through the town and claimed the lives of many, her parents included. Naturally, she was accused of causing the disaster before the dust could even settle. Averna had no one to defend her, and the hysterical townsfolk truly believed another calamity would befall the town as long as she lived. That day, Averna received a scar over her eye, given to her by a drunken man attempting to slash her with a knife. She only had enough time to grab her father's bow and quiver, before fleeing into the wilderness. Since then, she's been traveling in solitude. She survived by eating whatever her arrows fell and drank from any source of fresh water she came across. Once in a blue moon she'll journey into a town or city out of necessity, usually in the hopes of restocking on supplies.

Anything Else Significant:
- Has never met another dark elf.
- Shows disdain towards most humans.
- Has magical potential, but no training in it whatsoever.
- Is more active during the night. Is more sluggish during the day.
- Dislikes cats both big and small.
"You'd think more people would try an' avoid the lady with the giant 'ammer instead of attacking 'er. You'd be wrong"
Astoria Holloway
Half-Human, Half-Valkyrie
The first thing people always notice about Astoria is the fact she is only five feet tall. A real shorty. The second thing people notice are the scars on her face. And the third is the fact she could probably kick their ass with one hand tied being her back, and blindfolded.

Yes, Astoria is only five feet tall, which if it were not for her muscles, she would be mistaken for a child most of the time. I mean, it's hard to mistake a woman with rather defined biceps for a ten year old. In fact, all her mucsles are rather defined, despite her petite, somewhat curvy frame. The scars are another give away, two somewhat large gashes starting at the base of her ear and stopping roghly at her mouth. She would uae her blonde hair to cover it up if not for the warriors braid she keeps tucked behind her ear. Too bad the scars mess up her freckles a bit, and sometimes take away attention away from her candy apple green eyes.

Now, here's the interesting bit. Astoria has wings. Most people can't see them, either because they're too closed minded, or they don't have enough of a connection with magic. Magi, Priest, and others with a higher inclination for magic and magical abbilites can see, or at least, sense her wings. Everyone else is pretty much blind, until she goes and uses them (Though she doesn't like flying all that much), or in times of great...uh...intimancy. Anyway, spread out, she has 10 ft wingspan. They are a light brown in color, some of her wings are a bit darker on the underside, which actually remind a few of sparrow wings.
History of the race:
Well, humans are pretty self explanatory, most diverse race, pretty abundant, etc, etc. The interesting part is the Valkyrie. A creature of legend not many people know of, and even fewer believe in. They are the guardians of warriors, the ones who guide souls to their afterlife destination, and can turn the tides of battle to the ones they favor. Typically, the ones who still believe in Valkyries are a sea fareing, battleborn people; who don't often come inland, but you can almost always find some of them at a port or in a tavern. They're like pirates but a little more honorable. You can actually see the Valkyries with them, the woman among those crowds who have a certain aura about them and share amber eyes.

Unless of course you're Astoria's mother, who broke a sacred oath, rarely ever did her job, was just a flying nuisance in general, and then was outcast by her own people when they had enough of her. And then became a single mom, woohoo!
So, because she has wings, Astoria can in fact fly, which is when a lot of people can actually see her wings, unlike normally when they can't. However, Astoria doesn't fly very often, instead ahe uses her wings for mobility in combat. She can use her wings to propel her in one direction or another, use them to keep her balance so she doesn't fall, etc, etc. They can be injured though, and they can be pretty tiring to use.
Barbaric Rush:
Astoria can work herself up into barbaric rages for a short amount of time that let's her power through fautige, injury, or a line of enemies. A little gift from her dad she likes to call it. She can have burst from between 20 seconds, to 1 minutes and 30 seconds, before she it wears off and she's left exhausted. Typically it's reserved until all other options are are worn out.
She sees dead people:
Another Valkyrie like power, Astoria can see and communicate with dead people through a few different means. She can concentrate to pick on people who aren't really there, or just talk normally to someone shoes still hanging around their own house. As of now, she seems to lack the ability to judge them like her mother and other Valkyries can, but who knows what may develop as she grows older. Anyway, she can see some pretty weird stuff, and often wishes she could turn this little gift off, but like her other two, it's passive. So she can't. But the only downside is the occasion chatty ghost and someone trying to posses her or steal her semi-immortal soul.

Family lineage:
Daughter of Cheif Sabine, Leader of the Whitewalkers, a band of what most people refer to as mercenaries or pirates. She's next in line to take over for him, but that's a long ways off.

As soon as she was able to hold a dagger, she was put through intense training that she still puts herself through to this day. Her mother was her first trainer, helping her with sword play and how to use her wings, and when it developed, how to handle her ability to communicate with the dead. At the age of 12, she was handed off to her father the next time he came inland, and she hasn't seen her mom since.

Anyway, her dad had a few hang ups about training her, but came around when she kicked some ass in front of him. So, he began training her, even gave her the warhammer she uses, which was made special for her cause she's short. Anyway, she was trained, taught a Barbaric rage along with the others learning how to channel it, before she went out and started doing mercenary work at 17. And she's been doing that for a few years now. She was actually heading out to St.Caroline for work, though she hasn't really heard about happened yet.

Anything else significant:
  • The lovely people of the magical community who can see her wings love to touch them, study them, and do whatever they please really. Most of the time, without permission. Now, there's a reason Astoria doesn't like her wings being touched, mostly because they're sensitive, but I'm not gonna go into to much detail. Most people tend to ignore her request to leave her wings alone, so she can often end up a little out of it, flustered, or just straight up aggravated after someone has had their hands all over her feathers
  • Oh, and she hates being called Feathers, it makes her mad
  • Loves meeting other hybrids, No matter what race they are simply because she's excited about it. She's litteraly the only Valkyrie hybrid, and it makes things a little awkward. However, non-humans can tell she's not quiet human, so they often end up tolerating her. At least a little bit.
  • She molts, just like any other thing with feathers, and it's during this time that her wings are almost always visible. It makes them good targets
  • Typically dislikes nobles, because often she's witnesses them to be the bane of common fold like her, but there are a few good ones she's met.
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Name: Kralosa Merelle
Age: Looks to be in her mid-30's
Race: Human
Appearance: Coming in at 152cm, Kralosa is somewhat short. Her skin is a peculiar shade of light red, resembling nothing so much as a permanent sunburn. Her hair is straight, bluish-black and cut short, while her eyes are a piercing green. She wears leather greaves and caligae beneath a knee-length pleated green linen skirt. Her upper body is adorned with a darker green tunic,covered by a bronze corslet, with a band of brilliant red silk tied about her waist. On each arm she wears a leather bracer, each ending in a silver wristband shaped like an open-mouthed serpent's head set with tiny red tourmalines in each eye and her back is covered by a crocodile-skin cloak that reaches down to her shins, this cloak is fastened with a silver serpent's-head clasp over her left shoulder. She goes armed with a straight-edged sword set at her waist with a triangle, three vertical lines and a cross inscribed on the blade. On the other side of her waist is a curved dagger, sheathed. Upon her back is a shield, circular, wooden, but edged with a metal rim and the image of three serpents, each biting another's tail to create a triangle, pictured upon it. Under this is usually a light crossbow with a triskellion a circle and a cross etched upon the side.

History of the race: Kralosa is a member of the Rokari, a human culture that has recently appeared, founding colonies among the western coast. The Rokari segregate themselves into four castes: workers, warriors, rulers and wizards, which they are born into, save for the wizard caste, who are adopted from those who show signs of aptitude. The Rokari believe that worship of gods is an inherently impure act that serves to chain god and worshiper both and they themselves believe in a creator, the Invisible god, who does not interact with the world, only being embodied within it by the rules that make it up. They follow the strictures of their castes in the hopes of attaining Solace, reunion with the invisible god, after death, though the exact meaning of it is heavily debated. The Rokari are marked apart by their strange skin tones: many of them are green, grey, blue, red or even a golden shade. While proper magic by their reckoning is restricted to the Zzaburi, the wizard caste, every guild of the Dronars (the workers) and warrior society of the Horali (the soldiers) has a core document that also functions as a magical tome, while the Talari (the nobles) gain a similar effect from reading the tomes chronicling the philosophy of the ascended masters, those who were taken to Solace bodily, leaving no corpse.

Powers: Kralosa, as a member of the Horali Crocodile Society, has access to their grimiore, a core document that also contains knowledge that can be applied into spells. As an experienced member of the society, she knows all of these spells:

Float in Water: Allows one to float serenely in water, no matter the weight.

Stand Still: Lets one remain perfectly still, not even seeming to breathe.

Stone Skin: Makes the casters skin as tough as stone.

Track: Allows one to follow any tracks left by a foe or prey, assuming there are any.

Hide in Earth: Allows one to disguise themselves as part of the terrain, seeming to be an unremarkable stone or log to onlookers so long as they remain still.

Preserve Meat: Allows one to preserve meat, preventing it from rotting without making it any more edible on it's own.

Wrestle: The core secret of the crocodile society, this spell lets one wrestle with beings even massively outsizing the caster in strength on an equal footing.

Family lineage: Kralosa is a member of the Merelle regiment, one of the Horali regiments that strongly associated with the rebellion. A regiment is an extended family and acts as a singular unit in many ways, as one of the larger ones around, the Merelles number over a hundred people. Kralosa's subset of the family are also members of the Crocodile warrior society, The Crocodile society, like all warriors societies among the Rokari, acts to mimic their associated animal in their methods: they fight from ambush, often wrestling their prey. They also act to hunt dangerous beasts and protect the Dronari, as well as provide them food through the same methods.

History: Kralosa is a member of the Horali, the red caste. The duties of the Horali are to fight, to guard, to sail, to stitch wounds, to collect taxes, to hunt animals and to warden the wilderness. She was born into her Regiment, her extended family. She was happy there, but as she grew, less so with the direction things were going in her home. The Rokari were strong there, but an emerging philosophical split placed Kralosa at it's center: should the positions of the Talars be given to their children, or should they be elected from among the caste by the votes of all as they were in the first city? At it's core as well was the idea that all of the four castes are equal in status, a long-held position of the Rokari, but one with variable realization.

How the four-colour (named so for the fact that each of the castes is associated with a colour) rebellion began is lost in the mists, for that time was extremely confusing. But once it had fully coalesced into a movement, she was the representative of the Horali caste at their council and the strategos of their armies. They did not lose, nor did they win, but they left to here, across the seas to the western shores.

And here Kralosa stands. She is no longer Strategos, but now back to what she was before: a mercenary of her regiment and society. Her longest, latest job is as a guardian of the searchers caravan, a combined trade and scouting initiative that seeks to go from the western colonies to the eastern shore and back again, reporting on all that there is to know of this new land as they do so. Nothing, however, could have prepared them for what they found at St. Caroline.

Anything else significant: Kralosa is an extremely ardent follower of her caste rules and will obey them unto death: perhaps the most important of these is that she cannot profit from any labor that uses her hands unless specifically directed to do so by an outranking Talar. She is also apathetic-at-best to the beliefs of non Rokari.
Name: Timis Dynassa
Age: 22
Race: High Elf-Snow Tiger Centaur

History of the race: Timis's people come from the Snowy mountain range west of the Northern Badlands they are a very proud and secluded race. They are renowned for their ferocity in battle but tend not to take sides they instead hire themselves out as mercenaries. The lifespan of this specific centaur is roughly between 100-200 years old but it can vary depending on the specific person.
Tiger Half: Anything that a tiger can do Timis can replicate with her lower half, she has full control over it and doesn't even feel like she is different than a regular centaur.
Sword Skill: Timis's main weapon of choice is a typical sword that she uses in combination with her front claws.
Family lineage: Timis Doesn't have a lineage and was considered the runt of the pack for her tribe.

History: When Timis was a cub she was abandoned by her parents and no one knew where she came from but the tribe still recognized her as one of them and raised her in the tribe's ways. Timis was considered the runt of the liter being shorter and weaker than the other cubs she was only able to hold one sword instead of the standard two and was trained as such normal Snow tiger Centaurs would stand at roughly 6-7 feet tall when adults while Timis is only 5'5" tall, she left her home in the mountains looking for work. Timis found no shortage of mercenary work and would travel from mercenary band to mercenary band gaining skills in combat when she heard St. Caroline was paying a lot for work Timis decided to travel down that way.

-Anything else significant-
Despite being short for a Centaur of her age she has an extremely powerful lower half as it is the lower half of a tiger.
Timis doesn't like people riding her but isn't against it completely.
Gets Curious and distracted easily.
Doesn't like dogs or wolves.
§Name§: Jaemuel Harking

§Age§: 31

§Race§: Human (Accursed Soul)

§Appearance§: Jaemuel has tough light skin with a faint tan,and its shine so close to honey you'd swear he was coated in it. They aren't any scars on his body to speak of, but its still littered with ancient writings here and there. When in clothes, he looks somewhat buff, his height aiding in this falsehood, when in reality the manliest product he possesses is the beard, and mustache combo conjoined with his hair via sideburns; top half more a yellow than blonde, and a muddy brown taking over from the sides of his head. Exactly Five-feet-eleven, he rarely ever looks up to another. Jaemuel doesn't have toned muscles, the term "touched by muscle" far more appropriate. Due to hardly facing true physical feats, this lad just has meat on his bones, and while somewhat solid, would not look impressive without a shirt on.

Open to strutting everything, preference is nonexistent, his custom-fitted Magus coats he borrowed from his father a favored uniform to him. They're robes with jagged armholes, smooth darker colored collars, buttons lined down the opened front, and its tail beneath the buttocks. They all have different patterns on them design-wise, but they're all galaxy themed, having either stars, comets, planets, among other celestial bodies knitted wonderfully into the fabric itself. Magically enhanced undershirts are a thing, along with his long pants in its multi pocket glory, and black boots topped with fur on the rim of the entrance.

§History of the race§: Lost in the league of legends, a number of people were cursed by the Bringer Of Corrupted Light. Whom then went on as dark arcane martyrs tasked with plaguing various places across the lands, only to be stopped by warriors, and knights of those targets. They were strange stories about these people back in the day, and those curious in the evil deity, ridiculed weapon, or the ghastly spell that started it, all poured time as they could into understanding the events, so that such would never occur again. All that was known are some of the symbols speckled on the people to differentiate them, and their classification as Accursed Souls as otherwise, they were mostly human.


Stage Magic! -Parlor tricks turned powerful illusions that allows Jaemuel to betray the senses of others. These tricks are usually small, and simple, making even masters fall to them. However, while capable of large, and more intricate illusions, he tiptoes around them due to abject failure, and magic wastage.

Forbidden Magic, Corrupted Light! -Descending from Accursed Soul heritage has granted him a warped light magic that while untamed, and mainly challenging to use, is a massive help in-terms of self-preservation. With it he can, reverse unnatural healing & regeneration, boost himself physically, or increase the destructive capabilities of an object.

§History§: Raised under the wing of an old wizard, Jaemuel grew up alongside the man's son learning about magic, and how vast the world was. At a certain age, the teachings became more, and more harsh as they went on dangerous field trips, collecting mystics, and making history. Soon Jaemuel found himself being experimented on from time to time, later discovering his connection to outrageous legends that his parent coincidentally believed in. Barely a teenager, he cared not about those events, letting his father do as he pleased. The tower home of his step family was wrecked by a greedy group of monsters when he stared adulthood in the face, his journey throughout the subject of his studies off to a gruesome start.

Successfully living life as an expert brigand, he recently endangered his crew of uniquely gifted misfits during a treasure hunt. This called for disbandment. Jaemuel wandered with his remaining pal in the direction of St. Coraline, the duo completely unaware of the area's current state.

§Anything else significant§:
☻☺Material things to him only have so much worth, and after achieving what he has, his interests are more on a whim than anything at the moment.
☺☻Accursed Soul history is the one thing that plagues him, despite the inability to do anything about it.
☻☺Confidence in himself is a pretty solid flaw, as his slyness knows little bounds.
☺☻True believers in the light have a brilliant glow contrasting Jaemuel's when in close proximity, as those majoring in magic will notice the signs, and symbols on Jaemuel's body to become bright in their sight.
☻☺Once leading a bandit group consisting of multiple races, Jaemuel respects all of them equally.
☺☻Cannot die of natural causes.
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before i even start i bow down to the mimic guy, last thing i expected here
Name: Dewin the Lacerator
Age: 34
Race: Vampire
Appearance: Wears standard gear for hunting dark beasts. For cosmetics, he wears a long red coat and an umbrella in a sheath on the right of his hip. Above this umbrella is a Pocketbluss in a holster. Loaded within it is a bunch of sharp fragments of metal, meant to cause bleeding. Additionally on his left him is a sheath for a serrated short sword, also meant to cause lacerations.
History of the race: Vampires were always considered to be dark beings, and their main source of blood came from normal livestock and typical farming. One unfortunate day, most of the cattle became infected with parasites that caused the host to bask in sunlight. Normally works for slugs, but has somehow found it's way to the Vampiric settlement. Lucky enough to survive the Sun worm infestation, he set out to find a place on his own, away from this awful parasite. Vampires are rare and almost unheard of excluding lore of infamous murderous vampires.

Powers: Slight dexterity and strength enhancements with improved healing from absorbing blood. Sunburn is 20x more potent and lethal if overexposed. Silver contact inflicts sunburn as well

History: Dewin's first stop was a dwarven town, and out of his interest, was taken by a Teacher to understand basic engineering. With his newfound knowledge, he eventually invented Firearms. Although inferior to a standard crossbow in range, price, volume and firerate, firearms were much more powerful, and could shoot multiple projectiles. Once his invention became popular, he set out to sell various weapons to fighters, and eventually came upon the Curse blighted town. Perfect for those worried about self defense

Anything else significant: Despite usual tales, he's interested and friendly to werewolves. His umbrella is spiked as a last resort. Also serves well as a cane should he need to use it as such. Very curious, and likes a lot of information.

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