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Into the Deep

Tsubaki giggled as she jumped off him "okay, just don't eat me geeze " Tsubaki yawned and headed towards the doors. "Please be careful Ruby, I've seen how he looks at you and he would do anything for you or his kids"

"I thought it was his big coils" Tsubaki teased as she kissed Saji's forehead "keep her safe will you, you big idiot" bowing out of respect before leaving.

Saji opened one eye the quickly coiled around ruby, his forked tongue flickering against her neck. "She didn't hurt you did she?" He asked as he started to massage Ruby's back.
Ruby slowly relaxed from the massage as she rested on his coils "no she didn't but it felt like i was going to hurt her " she said in a plain tone
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"Why what was she doing?" Saji chuckling as he started to use a little more pressure on her lower back. "Want me to use some oils and lotions? I could could give you a great full body massage " he whispered into her ear.

"that sounds like a relaxing idea saji but where are you going to find any lotions or oils in this cottage " she asked in a friendly yet taunting way
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"You would be surprised what I can get...." saji loosened his coils and pushed the back of her shirt up rubbing a lotion on her back that would make her skin feel tingly and warm. "You know if you stripped down and put a towel around yourself I could do a better job"
"first of all where did you get that and second i think I'll do that next time before i start relaxing " she said with a smirk
"Okay, so for now just lay out and I'll take care of the rest okay?" Saji let go of her and held his arm out, as if to lead her to the couch. "I thought you were a little stressed so I figured you may enjoy this a bit"
Saji pulled her shirt up after she laid down, keeping his gaze averted as he tucked a towel around her to keep her assets covered. After he made sure she was comfortable he started to rub her back, starting to work a hot oil in to help relaxe her muscles. "Want to talk about it dear?"
"no, no i don't want to talk about it, it will spoil my relaxed mood "she said in a calming tone of voice as she closed her eyes and laid her head on her arms
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"Okay, but if something is bothering you then when you are ready I'll be here" saji moved up rubbing her neck, his hands moving down, skipping her bottom, as he worked his way down her legs with the oil starting on her feet, being gentle yet just rough enough to work on the muscles in her feet.
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"ahh this is so relaxing, i never thought a massage would be this relaxing , you can do this whenever you want ,i won't complain " she said sound relaxed to the point of sleeping
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Saji kept rubbing her body down, after a few minutes he started to rub in a lotion to cool her skin down. "I'm glad that you are enjoying this" he told her as he leaned down starting to kiss Ruby's neck slowly, drawing hearts on her back with the lotion before pushing on certain points on her body to make her completely relaxe and heighten her senses

"Nothing indecent, just helping, but you did say I could do anything" Saji cleaned his hands off then fixed Ruby's shirt, gently stroking her hair he laid next to her as he nibbled on her ear. Stopping he laid next to her calmly rubbing her back.

Saji blushed as he put his arms around her, wanting her to feel safe. "As do I Ruby, as do I" grinning he briefly kissed her lips. "There isn't anyone else I would rather be with than you"
Saji brushed her hair gently, coiling his body around the couch to make a sort of shell to keep her warm. "Anytime, I told you a long time ago that I'd always be there for you"
"and those two ,I'm glad to have met them ,even though i don't know them that well, kiba and luna give me some form of calmness when i see them " she said as she looked up at him
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"Kids can do that to you, but they can also make you want to pull your hair out " Saji chuckling at the last part before gently pressing his lips to hers. Breaking the kiss he said "but I wouldn't trade the three of you for any amount of jewels or riches"


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