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Futuristic Into The Dark


La Lumière

Corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow.
Abraham Lincoln


The Human Empire had always been known for its ability to build the biggest, most wonderful creations on their planet. However, these innovations that fueled the planet Earth into a technological golden age were soon used for profit by the one’s whose greed surpassed their need. Nearing the year 2901, the planet the species once called home became a barren wasteland. The oceans that once gave life to many, were dried up into vast deserts. Cities had developed in the craters that were left behind in this global catastrophe in a desperate attempt to cling on further to life on their precious planet.

The many corporations that once promised eras of prosperity and bounty had turned on their customers. Despite the largest outcries from the citizens of Earth, these companies continued sucking up every last resource to forge products that ate away at the very air that was necessary to survive.

This sprung the human species into a desperate attempt to keep themselves alive. They crawled out into the vastness of space. Through hundreds of trials and errors, humankind was finally able to start their grand voyage into the new frontier.

As the Earth was reaching its final days, thousands catastrophic storms ravaged their way across the globe, killing billions. This dropped the human population to plummet into the millions, leaving only the scavengers to survive. The last recorded day on Earth was January 1st, 2910. The last stragglers of the human species managed to get off the cursed planet. Whether it be through spaceships made entirely of scraps and salvage to transport single families, or massive, metal Star Liners designed to carry numbers vastly larger than the thousands.


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