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Futuristic Into The Dark

@Kayzo @all idk.

I just pitched this idea to @Lenchan and I was curious as to what you all think.

I'd like to create essentially a free-formed, roaming AI. Currently, I'd like to have a set of three or four disabled Android bodies floating just outside of Pandorica near where the ship began splitting in space. This roaming AI, which I would like to title Myriad, would be able to integrate and assimilate with any known Human technology.

This would not be an instant process by any means. Myriad would have to first establish connection with a piece of tech. This process would be prolonged even further if the technology is broken or offline, though Myriad still has access to them. I could make a little chart based on the time required based on complexity, which might be helpful to communicate my point.

EDIT:: As I write this I'm discovering I will have to divide this concept into multiple sections to effectively pitch this idea.

  • Myriad is the most incredibly developed AI in the history of Human creation. It may seem like quite the feat to boast, however it has been well deserved. Myriad was invented by Russian Programmer Veronika Polyakova just before the last days in 2905. She released it into her super-computer, though soon found that the AI was far too advanced to limit it to such a machine. She soon began giving it the ability to transfer itself through different machinery. She created her own universal code that every other human software language could translate into. This allows Myriad to understand and adapt to all pieces of software its presented to.

    Myriad became a person, rather than just a machine. It began to develop signs of emotion and empathy, causing it to become much more human than machine in nature. This is also a reason it didn't go the whole, 'Dominate everything' route. It took on a variation of Veronika's voice, since Veronika had described herself as Myriad's mother. This could only lead to the assumption that Myriad defines itself within the female gender, though since it is a machine, it wouldn't mind being called 'it'.

    This is another thing that sets Myriad apart from other AI. It recognizes its difference from humanity, though doesn't choose to act in a superior way to humanity. It chooses to try to adapt and integrate into human society as seamlessly as possible, despite having only android bodies.

    So, the story of why Myriad was inside The Last Dawn. Myriad enitially set out away from her 'Home' computer within Veronika's home in a very basic Drone. It then soared toward Japan, sensing and detecting a place where it could flourish. This is where she found FOX-15. The Android was resting on display outside of a Japanese robotics institute. This is where Myriad made its second transfer into FOX-15. Soon, the android smashed out of its glass display and began roaming the streets. Upon the evacuation of Japan starting just days later, Myriad attempted to escape with the humans. She did so successfully, though as soon as the Japanese evacuation plane landed in the Americas, it was instantly stolen by tech-thieves. It was sold around the country without protest, due to the fact most of its owners treated it with wonder and awe. Finally, it was bought by those who used to own The Last Dawn. In the cargo with FOX-15 was also SPRTN and NOMAD.

@Kayzo Caitlyn is on board a Rover of Joshua's with literally everyone else. We're currently flying somewhere (I assume the StarLiner?).

P.S -

Teal is currently needing surgery literally right in front of her as well. @Floodwater31 is administering some IV's and the like, but her thigh still has a bone stickin' through it.
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Ironrot said:
Cheers. I'll post about 24 hours time. Sorry for holding things up people
No worries! You're not holding anything important - everyone is free to continue Rping in your absence, so no need to fret. Ganbare ol' gal!
Posted as Arthur @Kayzo and really @anyoneinearshotoftherover.

I'll post as Sally a little later today
Floodwater31 said:
sorry I haven't posted, I hadn't gotten the updates
@Jarkov Malachai

did you throw that bit in at the end because of the popular demand for alien hooters?
Uhh no why? Dredge reflects host, host is female mammal. Hence, boom, alien boobs. Then again they originally were not going to have any visible forms of male or female but a friend of mine raged at me like no other
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]Uhh no why? Dredge reflects host, host is female mammal. Hence, boom, alien boobs. Then again they originally were not going to have any visible forms of male or female but a friend of mine raged at me like no other

I just remember we had a conversation about that earlier were someone wanted mammary glands and you mentioned your friend, thought it might have something to do with that
But, the Dredge are very... sensual creatures not only in appearance but by their nature. Their extremely sensitive, another reason they don't do well in large groups as Ferals. They tend to go a little mad from all the sensory input. Awakened and Enlightened Dredge can put up with it relatively well but sticking a feral into a small room with say dubstep blaring high as possible? Might as well call in a nuke, achieve the same results.
ahh why is it the shitty dumb movies that we always remember as great but their not and the quotes will forever be burned into our skulls?

sorry I didn't hear you, I was too busy chainsawing my way out of a shark (sharknado)

-edit- better pic
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wizard nibblers] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16818-floodwater31/ said:
@Floodwater31[/URL] @Jarkov Malachai sharknado is one of the greatest movies of our time what
Also @Lenchan this is probably gonna be a dumb question if I overlooked something but who are the twins that Rule found? Anyone in particular or just whoever?
ew... sharknado made me puke... unless that was sarcasm, I never get text based sarcasm
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]ew... sharknado made me puke... unless that was sarcasm, I never get text based sarcasm

It's one of those movies that's so astoundingly bad, its good because it's so bad :P

I have a Sharknado shirt and foam chainsaw

@Lenchan[/URL] and @wizard nibblers for Rule to please find a Weasel Ball in her scavenging. Because every good RP is only complete with a good Weasel Ball.

[QUOTE="Pretzel Heart]Whoa...that's not what I was expecting under all that foliage. So you didn't know the character but found the pic?

Yeah. I just called her Sniper-chan.

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