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Futuristic Into The Dark

Lenchan said:
@wizard nibblers & @Pretzel Heart <3
@Floodwater31 What a creep

@Anaxial This is a bit nitpicky, but I'm trying to leave Sebastian's status unknown to the group. That way he remains DOA in case @iTrinity decides to bring him back later on. Most likely he'll remain deceased, but alas. Could you edit your post to reflect that? Maybe you only saw Islia floating there? Also (and I'm willing to ignore this one) its only been about 1.5 days since the crash. If it took several for Arden to recover, he probably wouldn't have found them alive. So I guess change recovery time or leave them to their fate in the rapids?
no problem boss. I'll change it up a bit
Alrighty ladies @TealFyre @Kayzo Hopefully some lives are about to be saved, yo. <3

@all Sorry for the crudeness of my post, gang. I just wanted to get it out and cover as much as possible. Gotta get the duckies in a row, yo

Is it okay if I kinda 'force' my character into the med bay?

AKA Assume that they'd bring me in, explain the situation, etc. I'd like to get the surgery started so I can get involved in the roleplay again, seeing as my character is literally a limp sack of flesh right now.
TealFyre said:
Is it okay if I kinda 'force' my character into the med bay?

AKA Assume that they'd bring me in, explain the situation, etc. I'd like to get the surgery started so I can get involved in the roleplay again, seeing as my character is literally a limp sack of flesh right now.
I'm perfectly fine with that <3
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Give me some time as I attempt to change up my posting format a bit to make it more engaging. I'll probably be incorporating visuals and media much more commonly now, as that's typically what inspires me.
Sorry, It looks like we're back in a period of activity, but I wont be able to post this weekend. I'll have a little time next week, then alot after friday.
I will be back later tonight to post minna. Sorry for ditching out after being so entwined with the other characters. :(

Otherwise, all we have another newbie who is very near and dear to my heart <3 Please say hello to @RakuRen , welcome her warmly, and check up her Character Neha's profile in the signup! She is one of the missing two from Joshua's ship.

Sorry you haven't been included much, friend. :( . You chose the two most inactive characters to interact with, unfortunately. Our leader Sebby-boy went bye-bye and Len tends to stick with Joshua these days.

On a brighter note! I'm really looking forward to role-playing with your character! It seems as though our characters come from a similar military branch. Should make things interesting, as Arden questioned ethics and Teal did the exact opposite.
TealFyre said:
Sorry you haven't been included much, friend. :( . You chose the two most inactive characters to interact with, unfortunately. Our leader Sebby-boy went bye-bye and Len tends to stick with Joshua these days.

On a brighter note! I'm really looking forward to role-playing with your character! It seems as though our characters come from a similar military branch. Should make things interesting, as Arden questioned ethics and Teal did the exact opposite.
That's alright, with any luck we'll be limping through the forest and meeting up with others in no time!

I'm going to apologize for the inactivity over the weekend


working tomorrow soon, with my luck I'll have to knock myself out again
After reading @Lenchan 's post I'm guessing that @wizard nibblers and I are finally with the main hub? That includes Alex, Arthur, and Teal was somehow put into the medbay aboard the land rover thingy. New guy has gone to save Islia, Dredge is wherever she is with sort of Sally, and new girl is running off wherever. Josh went to go help Caitlyn not far away from the "hub." Sebby is left fate unknown in the river (washed up somewhere if he ever decides to come back).

Just getting my head screwed on because I'm about to make a half-assed post. I will try an avoid this but sorry if I bot your character a bit to work in Teal getting on-board.

Oh also the class I want to murder with a sledgehammer decided that it would be cool to give us a test every day this week so that might preoccupy me.
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What blood type does Teal have? I'm going to start treatment.

-edit- also @Ironrot

is it all right if I steal Arthur's shirt? I need it for the stretcher
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@all, Yeah, as I said a few times earlier, this week was not the greatest for me personally. Excuse my absence, but alas, the world doesn't stop for play. Also, I just got handed the reigns of this story and I'm trying to make it cohesive. Right now we're all just reacting on spot, so it'd be nice if there were a larger directive. Again, as promised earlier, that is coming. (I'll insert again here: If you have something you'd like to see happen in the plot, do let me know. Now's the time <3)

As far as Islia goes, she's still fully active. She was just tangled up with Sebastian, so now that the thread has unraveled around that and she's not drowning anymore, she'll be much more active. @Anaxial you have nothing to fear <3

Lastly, I'll be posting soon. I need to feed myself first since I haven't done that yet today. Be back soon minna.
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If you need me to change that post, just let me know. I'd change it so we use the stretcher in the rover
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Quick note minna: I just dropped a huge info dump into Luna's response to Tau. Anyone interested in The Elite (probs where all the characters are headed, so that should be all of you?) should check it, yo. Sorry it's so info-dumpy. She's a computer complying with a command so I took the opportunity and ran with it.

Also, @Kayzo @TealFyre @Anaxial @RakuRen @Ironrot @Floodwater31 @iTrinity @Jarkov Malachai

(@Alite @PingFire - in case these guys ever decide to resurface)

There will be a more official post on the ship when you finally arrive, but since the info is out there, I'm adding this piece of lore I've been working on now as well. <3
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Pretzel Heart] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22323-lenchan/ said:
@Lenchan[/URL] The beautiful love affair between AI and hungry girl unfolds~
But holy sushi did you really draw that? :0 Whoa--
I want sushi. I hope I dream of eating it. Inari sounds so glorious right now <3

Also, yes. I did. With tears.
Pretzel Heart] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22323-lenchan/ said:
@Lenchan[/URL] Sugoiyo
Weeb talk is the highest form of praise I can offer

Also, best you never thought you'd be making an entire post as an AI :') lol sorry not sorry
I was fully prepared this whole time. <3

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