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Interstates Intertwined {PuppehDoge9999}


The Short Emo
Vic hung up the phone, still amazed by Jayden being so eager to join him. He didn't think he'd be that happy to jump in, but it was great he was. He grabbed his other car keys, and hopped into his Camry. He wouldn't be riding this in a while. He drove along the city streets of Seattle, eventually pulling into a parking lot, showing the attendant his slip, the gate was opened.
 The car eased into the parking spot, and Vic stepped out. He strode towards the waiting DeVille. It was kept in great repair, shiny and clean. He placed the key into the lock, and opened the door. He sat into the drivers' seat, which was surprisingly comfortable. It was a very nice car. He cruised it across town again, this time, pulling in front of Jayden's house.
 He honked the horn a few times, getting Jayden to step out. They ran to the car, and pulled open the door, sitting into the passenger.

"Good to see you Jayden, you ready?"

Vic pulled out of the driveway, merging onto the suburbs street.

"Well, we're taking I-5 to Portland. So first stop on the way is Tacoma! Then Olympia, some other towns, Vancouver, then we're in Oregon!"

Merging onto the highway, the two friends talked for a while, they hadn't seen eachother in a while, so it was nice to be back together.

Finally, the Tacoma exit appeared, and they stopped at Point Defiance Park for a car show.


After a while in Tacoma, they drove off, rejoining the interstate, traffic flowing through, heading for Olympia. It would be their last stop before Vancouver/Portland.

Just as they were coming into Olympia, Vic asked Jayden;

"How've you been, for real. Jokes aside, whats been going on?"

They stepped out of the car into a 7-11.

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"Not bad, I guess." He said, and for an instant his face looked almost sad. "But now I have better to do than work on fixing my computer." He added, now smiling. "How have you been?"
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"Well, not much has been going on. I've just been taking pictures around town, selling them at craft fairs. I'm running out of spots to take them, so this trip might actually help a lot."

Vic smiled at the thought of this trip also being good work.

He pulled the camera out of the bag, looking at the picture of the car show. It was nice.

Vic grabbed a bottle of A&W out of the freezer.

"So I take it your a Microsoft CEO now? I remember you tinkering with that piece of junk. First Mac or something?"

He laughed remembering the old times that he and Jayden worked on the old computer.
"Yeah. It was the Macintosh you helped me repair remember? Those things were state-of-the-art in their time, but now... I much prefer Microsoft to Apple. Err... Never mind. What kind of camera do you use for photography?" He asked, trying to change the subject to something more interesting to Vic.

@ThatSeborganSushiRoll (Sorry. Forgot to mention you when I submitted this. :/ )
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Vic pulled out his camera.

"I've upgraded over the years, but this one is is a Nikon D750. I'm proud of this thing."

He slipped it back into his pack and paid for the drinks, and they walked back out to the car.

When they got back to the car, Jayden asked, "I don't think you mentioned but... Is there a reason for this trip? Needed a new place for photography perhaps? Whatever the reason I'm still glad to join you."

(And yes I do remember the reason.) @ThatSeborganSushiRoll
Vic sighed.

"I got a letter from my dad's lawyer. He...passed away, and even though we weren't close he left his final request to me, do what he didn't have time to."

He took a sip from the bottle, and backed out of the parking spot, off to Portland.
Vic laughed halfheartedly. The air had been getting stuffy with awkwardness, and the topic needed a reboot. They were half an hour out of Portland, and surprise, more asphalt was ahead.
"Portland is pretty close. We'll snag a hotel there. it's getting late."

Vic glanced at the clock. It was only 7:30, but he didn't feel like driving any longer. Acknowledging the silence, Vic switched the radio on to some Fall Out Boy song.
The song faded into some talk show about a festival in Portland. Hearing about this, Vic instantly knew they'd have to go.

I mean, who actually goes to sleep at 7:30?
Hearing this on the radio, Jayden looked at Vic and grinned, then said, "I know what you're thinking. And I agree."     

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