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Mistress of Time and Space


- A 1x1 Roleplay between TheFifthDemon and SilverNova -

She stood on the precipice of indecision, both riddled with danger and supported by unsettling safety. A choice had to be made before sundown. The higherups would settle for no less. However, it was a grating choice. Accepting their offer meant a new way of life. Denying them would station her permanently in a state of immobile stasis.

Should she choose to accept, she would be sent to the gate. A journey to another realm would commence, one that could end in one of two ways: either a victorious return or a mysterious disappearance into nothingness. She had never traveled through a gate before, nevertheless an ingress gateway. It was said they they warped relativity and altered the forms of which space and time took. How unsettling.

Of course to refuse the offer would mean she didn't trust herself to get the job done and if she didn't trust herself how could anyone else possibly place their faith in her either. Her superiors would cease to accredit her with new tasks, at least not tasks of any real importance. She would be forced to remain in the Focus Sector, never getting the chance to venture free of her home-world.

Sitting alone in her apartment gave her the time necessary to think.

To be, or not to be: that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles.

Some wise scholar or such from times past once uttered the insightful phrase. His name had been lost to time, but to be truthful time alone probably hadn't done the author's name in. More likely it had been after the turn of events in which the human population had sparked into a booming cascade of showering numbers. She had heard that once the entirety of mankind had managed to survive on a singular dusty old rock, known as Earth. How absurd. Now mankind took up a plethora of worlds, galaxies even! Granted some were much much smaller than others, but still the numbers in of themselves were staggering.

A soft breeze from the only open window in the living room startled the woman out of her ever trailing thoughts back to the topic on-hand. Suddenly she knew what she would tell the directors.

Hours later the crimson haired lady stood before her ruling officers. the most decorated of them spoke first, his stature was large and demanding, clearly the leader of the bunch. On his right shoulder the logo of the Galactic Mercenaries Union was proudly displayed. "Kaede Sinclaire," he simply stated, voice bold and confident. "Director Arden," the woman responded curtly, polite, and formal. Arden only nodded. "Well have you come to a decision? We have allowed you your time to make the right choice. I trust you won't regret it now that you have thought it over." Kaede knew that somewhere deep in the pit of her stomach she was still unsure about the decision, but it was certainly too late to change her mind now. "I- yes...yes, I'm agreeing to go. I've never let the G.M.U. down before. You can place your dignity, honor, trust, and jurisdiction in me, Director". He clapped his hands together, feigning being overjoyed. Arden rarely ever showed his true emotions. He had become the main leader of the G.M.U. for a reason and easily lying to others, even his comrades, was all too easy at this point. "Fantastic! I'll prepare the monorail to take you out to the gateway. Is there anything you will need before you go?" Kaede thought it over for a moment. She had trained for her entire lifetime for what she was about to do. She had done similar tasks before, but the biggest thing that made this one different was that it was outside the Focus Sector. "No sir. I'm all packed. I've been briefed by Commander Keneth. I believe I'm ready". "Very well. Then do not fail me Kaede," were the Directors last words before she left. It seemed to her almost as if he had done so threateningly. Whoever Kaede's target was they were important.


The monorail trip out to the outer rim took days, so it was no surprise that when it stopped it was in the middle of nowhere. Signs of a civilization long forgotten were present. Strange, considering that the only ingress gateway in the entire sector was located here. Normally the presence of gateways were reason enough for a bustling hub of a city to be located. This was indeed odd.

Unloading from the railway, Kaede found the air to be unexpectedly crisp, chilly, and calm as well. She adjusted her uniform, her G.M.U. rank and badge where displayed on the right shoulder, just as the Director's had been. Only official ranking officers wore them on the right. Despite not having traveled out of the sector yet, Kaede had still managed to make a name for herself. Yet, she knew she would need to change out of the clothes before coming into contact with her target...and now her true test commenced, the challenge of a lifetime.

Glancing behind, she noticed the monorail was already gone. There was definitely no turning back now. She approached the gate. It was already online. All she had to do was set the coordinates to the correct corresponding gateway. Easier said than done. Kaede slid her palm along the rounded edge of the structure. It was rough and old. Somewhere along the corner her hand caught itself on a rusted control box. She opened it up carefully and began to set the given codes into the operant. The gateway shimmered reluctantly before switching scenes. It was time.

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