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Fantasy Infinite Gear CS

A CS written in first person?


This should be good.
Ill try my best to appease you...so long as if you can survive the first meeting
Simply i can travel through them and use them to attack or defend as well as heal to a certain point but the shadows strenth depends on its size so ill be stronger at night or in a darker area then in a bright area

Alright. Well as long as the healing isn't too strong then we're good.
Name: Krudish Bloodyhill the Pageturner

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Half Orc

Height: 6'7" (200.7 cm)

Weight: 261 lbs (118 kg)


Personality: Cool, calm, collected, intelligent, and sophisticated, these are the thing Krudish strives to be. Basically, he wants to be the exact opposite of the orc stereotype. This is also why he generally prefers to avoid violence. Due to his heritage, he's one who bases his opinions on people through their actions rather than their appearance.
Son to a surprisingly beautiful orc woman by most standards, Krudish had no idea as to what his other half is. The general consensus of those in-the-know was that his father was some womanizer that used and dumped his mother. Despite this, his mother had always loved Krudish immensely, and she gave him all the kindness and care a mother should. However, many other "pure blooded" orcs did not feel the same way. Being only half orc, he was much smaller than others of his kind, and they often picked on him. He often came home battered and beaten until one day he beat one of his bullies to near death in a fit of rage. Ever since then, he's been more careful about keeping his emotions in check. With his mixed heritage and his initial hot headedness, it's easy to see why he wasn't a very popular child. This is why he took to reading. Books took Krudish to far away lands far from his troubles, and they taught him much about the world. His love of books earned him the mock title "Pageturner" (titles are a tradition among many orcs). It was meant as an insult as they claimed turning a page would be his greatest accomplishment, but he took pride in the name. Now he hopes to gain a gear license so he can explore the world and study its cultures.
Orcs: Orcs are not a very popular or prosperous race. While the war favoring race was never very popular, they used to be quite prosperous. There were a great many tribes with various traditions and physical features. One thing they all shared, though, was a resistance to change. As the world changed about them, they stubbornly clung to their traditions. This caused most tribes to degrade overtime, some to non-existence. Now many orcs live on the reservations some tribes gained through peace treaties. On these reservations, the orcs have their own set of rules, and assault laws are almost non existent. Most who don't live on reservations are part of the labor force or similar professions in which they can take advantage of their large size. Few are willing to hire them for much else as orcs are seen as quite aggressive, stupid, and even barbaric. However, this is due to their traditional culture. A culture where strength, nature, and gods of Old are revered and respected.
Bloodyhill: An orc clan that was once greatly feared for its particularly powerful warriors. These warriors were called berserkers. They were well known for their ability to fall into an uncontrollable rage in battle. This rage was said to increase their strength and allow to fight "even after they'd pass death's door". (They felt no pain, so they were unhindered by non fatal wounds.) It was said that the only time a berserker died was on a hill of the corpses of their enemies.
Name: Krudish Bloodyhill the Pageturner

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Half Orc

Height: 6'7" (200.7 cm)

Weight: 261 lbs (118 kg)


Personality: Cool, calm, collected, intelligent, and sophisticated, these are the thing Krudish strives to be. Basically, he wants to be the exact opposite of the orc stereotype. This is also why he generally prefers to avoid violence. Due to his heritage, he's one who bases his opinions on people through their actions rather than their appearance.
Son to a surprisingly beautiful orc woman by most standards, Krudish had no idea as to what his other half is. The general consensus of those in-the-know was that his father was some womanizer that used and dumped his mother. Despite this, his mother had always loved Krudish immensely, and she gave him all the kindness and care a mother should. However, many other "pure blooded" orcs did not feel the same way. Being only half orc, he was much smaller than others of his kind, and they often picked on him. He often came home battered and beaten until one day he beat one of his bullies to near death in a fit of rage. Ever since then, he's been more careful about keeping his emotions in check. With his mixed heritage and his initial hot headedness, it's easy to see why he wasn't a very popular child. This is why he took to reading. Books took Krudish to far away lands far from his troubles, and they taught him much about the world. His love of books earned him the mock title "Pageturner" (titles are a tradition among many orcs). It was meant as an insult as they claimed turning a page would be his greatest accomplishment, but he took pride in the name. Now he hopes to gain a gear license so he can explore the world and study its cultures.
Orcs: Orcs are not a very popular or prosperous race. While the war favoring race was never very popular, they used to be quite prosperous. There were a great many tribes with various traditions and physical features. One thing they all shared, though, was a resistance to change. As the world changed about them, they stubbornly clung to their traditions. This caused most tribes to degrade overtime, some to non-existence. Now many orcs live on the reservations some tribes gained through peace treaties. On these reservations, the orcs have their own set of rules, and assault laws are almost non existent. Most who don't live on reservations are part of the labor force or similar professions in which they can take advantage of their large size. Few are willing to hire them for much else as orcs are seen as quite aggressive, stupid, and even barbaric. However, this is due to their traditional culture. A culture where strength, nature, and gods of Old are revered and respected.
Bloodyhill: An orc clan that was once greatly feared for its particularly powerful warriors. These warriors were called berserkers. They were well known for their ability to fall into an uncontrollable rage in battle. This rage was said to increase their strength and allow to fight "even after they'd pass death's door". (They felt no pain, so they were unhindered by non fatal wounds.) It was said that the only time a berserker died was on a hill of the corpses of their enemies.

The boosts for the demon form should be brought down a bit, and intelligence is way too high. Also black holes are out of question. Another question is if his demon form transformation has a cool down and limitation after using it. Randomly entering his demon form isn't exactly what I call a real weakness. This is actually the second transformation involved so I want to keep things relatively balanced. The RP will have the characters learning to become stronger so if anything I'd like transformations to also have limits as well while still having the benefits of said transformation.

Took off the black holes and took down the boosts a good bit and his demon form has a cool down off a whole day so its like a trumph card also I changed the weakness into a better one so I did about everything
Took off the black holes and took down the boosts a good bit and his demon form has a cool down off a whole day so its like a trumph card also I changed the weakness into a better one so I did about everything

Great. You're good to go.
u WOT M8. u wanna 'ave a go cuz oi'z gonna slap yer shit, oi swear on me mum. An' me mum woz a tube...TUBE MUM!
Name: Luka Akizuki

Age: 15 (DOB: July 24)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Race: Human

Height: 5'6

Weight: 117 lbs

He has a slim and scrawny build that is very feminine. He also has silky smooth skin. He wears thin ripped skinny-jean short that end just a few inches above his knees and Black and white hightops similar to converse. His tank top and sweater end a few inches past his waist.

Personality: Luka is free-spiruted and somewhat of a unique character. Luka is very playful, loud, and can be childish at times but, he can be calm and mature when needed to be or when he wants to be. Luka acts dumb at times but. is actually pretty intelligent. He sometimes speaks to himself and makes very weird gestures. Luka tends to act very feminine everything from his mature, feminine voice to his walk can throw some people off course when it comes to figuring out his gender. Luka can also attempt to use his feminineness to be seductive when he needs to be or when he finds himself attracted to another male. Luka can be shy as well wheather it is because he likes someone or because of someone's actions towards him. Luka falls prey to his emotions when he feels like he is attracted to someone to the point when his emotions will effect his judgement in certain situations.

Backstory: Luka is a mix of Japanese, Korean, and Chinese descendents getting his Japanese side from his father and Korean and Chinese side from his mother. Growing up Luka had it pretty easy. Luka was a very quiet child who eventually grew out of his shell, he usually got good grades, had a hand full of close friends, and grow up with 1 sister and 1 brother. Luka was mildly bullied but, he managed to deal with it as he got older however, things eventually got worse. Luka was infatuated with music and aimed to be famous in the music industry. He often practiced singing and dancing. He loved the musical arts and often showed others his talent however, this was caused him to get bullied even more and He was often compared to others who were WAYYYYYY better than him. This happenec so much that it got to the point where his confidence was killed. He eventually fell in love with a guy and they started dating for 1 year. Soon after their relationship Luka found out that his lover was cheating on him with a girl who despised Luka. Heartbroken, Luka became depresssed and wasn't motivated to do anything until his parents offered to teach him terakenisis. Eventually, Luka was able to wield magic and use terakenisis but, he wasn't very good at it so what he lacked he made up for with his mallet. His mallet was once a pendant that his grandparents gave to him but, at the time he didn't know that it could transform. As time passed Luka still thought of becoming a singer and is still a priority in his life but, he keeps that goal to himself and only tells those close to him.

Abilities: Luka uses terrakinesis. Also has a mallet that transforms from a pendant. Luka is very agile, stealthy, and uses acrobatic like tactics.


Terakenisis is the ability to control and manipulate the earth with ones Aura by concentrating their Aura on the earth around them allowing the user to manipulate it as they please.
  • Can lift pebbles and boulders with his mind and throw them, have them levitate or smash their opponent to pieces. (I'm not that cruel.)
  • Can use the ground to trap foes for a small amount of time.
  • Can create pillars or a defensive wall made of earth.

...HE USES IT LIKE A BASEBALL BAT TO SEND THE ROCKS FLYING!!!...he does the same thing to people when they get too close :3. He can also use his mallet to cause waves of rocks to hurdle at opponents by concentrating his terakenisis abilities into it surrounding it with rocks. The mallet can also double its size making a heavyer hitter. Similar to Mjolnir(thor's hammer) not everyone can lift it, only Luka and those he approves of lifting it can lift it.


+Can be very seductive to get what he wants

+Can endure lots of physical pain

+Attempts to strategize before and during a battle

+Singing and dancing are on point (sorry if that was cringy...)

+Multilingual (He can speak English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean)

+Can carry his mattel with ease in standard form.


-Doesn't do well when fighting up close.

-Wall ability is only as durable as the rocks used.

-Is stubborn and naive at times

-Underestimates himself

-Terakenisis is useless in areas without ground or rocks

-He is unable to use his mallet without his pendant.

-Struggles lifting his mallet when it is doubled in size so lots of velocity is needed to swing it.

-Emotionally sensitive( Doesn't everyone suffer from cripplin depression....just me? Oh ok...)


Pendant and Mattel:
(Mallet is a bit smaller than Luka in standard form)

Always calls his male friends oppa(Meaning "older brother," oppa is a term used by girls when speaking to guys.)

Favorite animals are cats, bunnies, and pandas

Favorite color is purple

(Koreaboo alert!!!! also I feel like I went a bit to far with this one. >.<)
Last edited:
Name: Luka Akizuki

Age: 15 (DOB: July 24)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Race: Human

Height: 5'6

Weight: 117 lbs

View attachment 323097
He has a slim and scrawny build that is very feminine. He also has silky smooth skin. He wears thin ripped skinny-jean short that end just a few inches above his knees and Black and white hightops similar to converse. His tank top and sweater end a few inches past his waist.

Personality: Luka is free-spiruted and somewhat of a unique character. Luka is very playful, loud, and can be childish at times but, he can be calm and mature when needed to be or when he wants to be. Luka acts dumb at times but. is actually pretty intelligent. He sometimes speaks to himself and makes very weird gestures. Luka tends to act very feminine everything from his mature, feminine voice to his walk can throw some people off course when it comes to figuring out his gender. Luka can also attempt tto use his feminineness to be seductive when he needs to be or when he finds himself attracted to another male. Luka can be shy as well wheather it is because he likes someone or because of someone's actions towards him. Luka is falls prey to his emotions when he feels like he is attracted to someone to the point when his emotions will effect his judgement in certain situations.

Backstory: Luka is a mix of Japanese, Korean, and Chinese descendents getting his Japanese side from his father and Korean and Chinese side from his mother. Growing up Luka had it pretty easy. Luka was a very quiet child who eventually grew out of his shell, he usually got good grades, had a hand full of close friends, and grow up with 1 sister and 1 brother. Luka was mildly bullied but, he managed to deal with it as he got older however, things eventually got worse. Luka was infatuated with music and aimed to be famous in the music industry. He often practiced singing and dancing. He loved the musical arts and often showed others his talent however, this was caused him to get bullied even more and He was often compared to others who were WAYYYYYY better than him. This happenec so much that it got to the point where his confidence was killed. He eventually fell in love with a guy and they started dating for 1 year. Soon after their relationship Luka found out that his lover was cheating on him with a girl who despised Luka. Heartbroken, Luka became depresssed and wasn't motivated to do anything until his parents offered to teach him magic and terakenisis. Eventually, Luka was able to wield magic and use terakenisis but, he wasn't very good at it so what he lacked he made up for with his mallet. His mallet was once a pendant that his grandparents gave to him but, at the time he didn't know that it could transform. As time passed Luka still thought of becoming a singer and is still a priority in his life but, he keeps that goal to himself and only tells those close to him.

Abilities: Can use Light magic and terrakinesis. Also has a mallet that transforms from a pendant. Luka is very agile, stealthy, and uses acrobatic like tactics.

Light Magic:
  • Light orbs: Creates small to medium sized white almost grayish orbs made of light that can be used for long ranged attacks. Orbs levitate when they're not being thrown to their doom.
  • Healing: Luka can heal others but not himself.
  • Light shield: Luka generates a white almost grayish shield that reaches 10 feet in height and length.


  • Can lift pebbles and boulders with his mind and throw them, have them levitate or smash their opponent to pieces. (I'm not that cruel.)
  • Can use the ground to trap foes for a small amount of time.

...HE USES IT LIKE A BASEBALL BAT TO SEND HIS ORBS OR THE ROCKS FLYING!!!...he does the same thing to people when they get too close :3. He can also use his mallet to cause waves of rocks to hurdle at opponents by concentrating his terakenisis abilities into it surrounding it with rocks. The mallet can also double its size making a heavyer hitter. Similar to Mjolnir(thor's hammer) not everyone can lift it, only Luka and those he approves of lifting it can lift it.


+Can be very seductive to get what he wants

+Can endure lots of physical pain

+Attempts to strategize before and during a battle

+Singing and dancing are on point (sorry if that was cringy...)

+Multilingual (He can speak English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean)

+Can carry his mattel with ease in standard form.


-Doesn't do well when fighting up close.

-As states before he can't heal himself.

-His Light shield can only stay up for about 5 minutes or will go down once it has taken enough damage.

-Exeeding the limits of Light shield can cause him to feel some of the damage that was taken physically.

-Is stubborn and naive at times

-Underestimates himself

-Terakenisis is useless in areas without ground or rocks

-He is unable to use his mallet without his pendant.

-Struggles lifting his mallet when its is doubled in size so lots of velocity is needed to swing it.

-Emotionally sensitive( Doesn't everyone suffer from cripplin depression....just me? Oh ok...)


Pendant and Mattel:
View attachment 323098
View attachment 323099
(Mallet is a bit smaller than Luka in standard form)

Always calls his male friends oppa(Meaning "older brother," oppa is a term used by girls when speaking to guys.)

Favorite animals are cats, bunnies, and pandas

Favorite color is purple

(Koreaboo alert!!!! also I feel like I went a bit to far with this one. >.<)

dang koreaboo's
Name: Luka Akizuki

Age: 15 (DOB: July 24)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Race: Human

Height: 5'6

Weight: 117 lbs

View attachment 323097
He has a slim and scrawny build that is very feminine. He also has silky smooth skin. He wears thin ripped skinny-jean short that end just a few inches above his knees and Black and white hightops similar to converse. His tank top and sweater end a few inches past his waist.

Personality: Luka is free-spiruted and somewhat of a unique character. Luka is very playful, loud, and can be childish at times but, he can be calm and mature when needed to be or when he wants to be. Luka acts dumb at times but. is actually pretty intelligent. He sometimes speaks to himself and makes very weird gestures. Luka tends to act very feminine everything from his mature, feminine voice to his walk can throw some people off course when it comes to figuring out his gender. Luka can also attempt to use his feminineness to be seductive when he needs to be or when he finds himself attracted to another male. Luka can be shy as well wheather it is because he likes someone or because of someone's actions towards him. Luka falls prey to his emotions when he feels like he is attracted to someone to the point when his emotions will effect his judgement in certain situations.

Backstory: Luka is a mix of Japanese, Korean, and Chinese descendents getting his Japanese side from his father and Korean and Chinese side from his mother. Growing up Luka had it pretty easy. Luka was a very quiet child who eventually grew out of his shell, he usually got good grades, had a hand full of close friends, and grow up with 1 sister and 1 brother. Luka was mildly bullied but, he managed to deal with it as he got older however, things eventually got worse. Luka was infatuated with music and aimed to be famous in the music industry. He often practiced singing and dancing. He loved the musical arts and often showed others his talent however, this was caused him to get bullied even more and He was often compared to others who were WAYYYYYY better than him. This happenec so much that it got to the point where his confidence was killed. He eventually fell in love with a guy and they started dating for 1 year. Soon after their relationship Luka found out that his lover was cheating on him with a girl who despised Luka. Heartbroken, Luka became depresssed and wasn't motivated to do anything until his parents offered to teach him magic and terakenisis. Eventually, Luka was able to wield magic and use terakenisis but, he wasn't very good at it so what he lacked he made up for with his mallet. His mallet was once a pendant that his grandparents gave to him but, at the time he didn't know that it could transform. As time passed Luka still thought of becoming a singer and is still a priority in his life but, he keeps that goal to himself and only tells those close to him.

Abilities: Can use Light magic and terrakinesis. Also has a mallet that transforms from a pendant. Luka is very agile, stealthy, and uses acrobatic like tactics.

Light Magic:
  • Light orbs: Creates small to medium sized white almost grayish orbs made of light that can be used for long ranged attacks. Orbs levitate when they're not being thrown to their doom.
  • Healing: Luka can heal others but not himself.
  • Light shield: Luka generates a white almost grayish shield that reaches 10 feet in height and length.


  • Can lift pebbles and boulders with his mind and throw them, have them levitate or smash their opponent to pieces. (I'm not that cruel.)
  • Can use the ground to trap foes for a small amount of time.

...HE USES IT LIKE A BASEBALL BAT TO SEND HIS ORBS OR THE ROCKS FLYING!!!...he does the same thing to people when they get too close :3. He can also use his mallet to cause waves of rocks to hurdle at opponents by concentrating his terakenisis abilities into it surrounding it with rocks. The mallet can also double its size making a heavyer hitter. Similar to Mjolnir(thor's hammer) not everyone can lift it, only Luka and those he approves of lifting it can lift it.


+Can be very seductive to get what he wants

+Can endure lots of physical pain

+Attempts to strategize before and during a battle

+Singing and dancing are on point (sorry if that was cringy...)

+Multilingual (He can speak English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean)

+Can carry his mattel with ease in standard form.


-Doesn't do well when fighting up close.

-As states before he can't heal himself.

-His Light shield can only stay up for about 5 minutes or will go down once it has taken enough damage.

-Exeeding the limits of Light shield can cause him to feel some of the damage that was taken physically.

-Is stubborn and naive at times

-Underestimates himself

-Terakenisis is useless in areas without ground or rocks

-He is unable to use his mallet without his pendant.

-Struggles lifting his mallet when its is doubled in size so lots of velocity is needed to swing it.

-Emotionally sensitive( Doesn't everyone suffer from cripplin depression....just me? Oh ok...)


Pendant and Mattel:
View attachment 323098
View attachment 323099
(Mallet is a bit smaller than Luka in standard form)

Always calls his male friends oppa(Meaning "older brother," oppa is a term used by girls when speaking to guys.)

Favorite animals are cats, bunnies, and pandas

Favorite color is purple

(Koreaboo alert!!!! also I feel like I went a bit to far with this one. >.<)

We don't have magic in this world. You'll learn using aura meaning that you'll probably have those techniques later.
We don't have magic in this world. You'll learn using aura meaning that you'll probably have those techniques later.
Okay but before I edit, am I still allowed to have terakenisis for now or do I change that as well?
I added the explanation and added a defensive ability since without the light shield there would be none, if that's okay with you.

Sure. Just remember that this will be learned once aura is taught. Just make sure the training and practice is posted in.

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