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Fantasy Infinite Gear CS


Hue Master

Infinite Gear


Note: It seems so barebones but more will be added later as the RP progresses.

Name: [Character's name]

Age: [Minimum is a 14. Maximum is 21]


Race: [I have no qualms if you make a cat-human but please have it make sense. Making your own race is a good way to make lore]



Appearance: [Picture and/or detail is alright]

Personality: [Something to give an idea of what the character is like. Don't make it too short but you don't have to make it too long either.]

Backstory: [Optional]

Extra: [Anything I didn't include]


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"..." - Renae De Silentio



Race: Human

Gender: Female


Weight: 52kg

Backstory: Just the thought of the thugs peppered around Astral tormenting innocent people is enough to elicit rage to boil in Renae's blood. This feeling was the catalyst in her everlasting quest to bring roaming criminals to justice, putting her skills and talents to good use. Her affinity for unarmed technique and sneaking about only got her so far on the whole 'vigilante' spectrum, however, eventually leading to Renae's decision to travel to Myer's Gear School - a place rumored to offer an education that no martial arts school could ever match - in hopes of gaining the strength to overcome the unjust.

A healthy competitive spirit and fiery determination are Renae's defining characteristics. Social interaction isn't her strong point, but she isn't entirely inept at making friends. In dire moments, Renae prefers to let her actions speak louder than words.


Abilities: Renae believes that to overcome an enemy, she must become the enemy. Put simply, she makes a point to train with a bandit mindset and, as a result, has come to prefer stealth and nimbleness over direct confrontation. Pick-pocketing, lockpicking and evasion are her main utility skills.

Misc: Sarcasm is alien to Renae.

YoungX YoungX
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"..." - Renae De Silentio


Age: 19

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Height: 163cm

Weight: 52kg

Backstory: Just the thought of the thugs peppered around Astral tormenting innocent people is enough to elicit rage to boil in Renae's blood. This feeling was the catalyst in her everlasting quest to bring roaming criminals to justice, putting her skills and talents to good use. Her affinity for unarmed technique and sneaking about only got her so far on the whole 'vigilante' spectrum, however, eventually leading to Renae's decision to travel to Myer's Gear School - a place rumored to offer an education that no martial arts school could ever match - in hopes of gaining the strength to overcome the unjust.

Personality: A healthy competitive spirit and fiery determination are Renae's defining characteristics. Social interaction isn't her strong point, but she isn't entirely inept at making friends. In dire moments, Renae prefers to let her actions speak louder than words.


Abilities: Renae believes that to overcome an enemy, she must become the enemy. Put simply, she makes a point to train with a bandit mindset and, as a result, has come to prefer stealth and nimbleness over direct confrontation. Pick-pocketing, lockpicking and evasion are her main utility skills.

Misc: Sarcasm is alien to Renae.

YoungX YoungX

Approved. Hue.
Name: Charlotte Simmonds (shar-lot Sim-muns)

Nickname: Chaz (sh-a-z)

Age: turned at 19

Gender: Female

Race: Vampire

Height: 5'7" (170cm)

Weight: 60kg


Racial traits:
+Enhanced reflexes, strength and speed
- Weakness to sunlight (intense pain and incredible weakness unless wearing thick and heavy clothing)

Personality: Charlotte is a very determined individual with a bit of a superiority complex, somewhat of a sore loser, but never one to give up, making her someone one would typically want on their side, but at the same time, would be happy to see them lose. She can be kind when it's needed, but often times she simply sticks to herself

Backstory: Charlotte, an ace student that had passed any test thrown at her with flying colours, be it a physical test or education. As a young vampire, she was often picked on simply because of the signature ears of her people, and as a statement, she was determined to show that she was as talented as anyone else, even if they weren't going to accept her. She worked hard, and she worked fast. Where others simply had fun and enjoyed themselves, Charlotte worked herself to the bone until she had accomplished everything that had become her goal, and now, she has her eyes set on the Gear school, not because she wants to become some hero, but because she has something to prove to herself.

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Name: Charlotte Simmonds (shar-lot Sim-muns)

Nickname: Chaz (sh-a-z)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: Elf

Height: 5'7" (170cm)

Weight: 60kg

View attachment 321809

Personality: Charlotte is a very determined individual with a bit of a superiority complex, somewhat of a sore loser, but never one to give up, making her someone one would typically want on their side, but at the same time, would be happy to see them lose. She can be kind when it's needed, but often times she simply sticks to herself

Backstory: Charlotte, an ace student that had passes any test thrown at her with flying colours, be it a physical test or education. As a young elf, she was often picked on simply because of the signature ears of her people, and as a statement, she was determined to show that she was as talented as anyone else, even if they weren't going to accept her. She worked hard, and she worked fast. Where others simply had fun and enjoyed themselves, Charlotte worked herself to the bone until she had accomplished everything that had become her goal, and now, she has her eyes set on the Gear school, not because she wants to become some hero, but because she has something to prove to herself.


Approved. Welcome hue.
Official Name: Product I.D. (R)CH/RQM-001A [CHIMERA]

Noun Name: R. Merrick, Locke (aka: warlock)

Age: 21

Gender: male

Merrick is an artificial life form, technically speaking. He was manufactured from synthesized DNA created to incorporate selected traits from all manner of life, provided it was compatible with the human genome. Despite appearing human and largely functioning the same, Merrick's species is classified as chimera due to his varied and aberrant genetic cross-section.

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 196 lbs.


Personality: Merrick is quiet and relaxed, he keeps to himself and likes maintain a low profile. Contrasting his calm and introspective air is Merrick's "thousand yard stare", an observant and harsh gaze that makes it appear as though he's looking through as opposed to looking at. Were one to speak to him they'd find that Merrick will not shy away from conversation and is content to interact with someone so long as their tolerance for his incredibly dry and pervasive sense humor can withstand. One thing to note is that he tends to avoid topics such as his past, cleverly redirecting the conversation with his "special" brand of humor. All of these qualities together make for an odd and slightly unnerving experience being around Merrick.

Backstory: As stated earlier Merrick is in fact not a natural born human, in fact he doesn't really meet the requirements to be natural, nor human. His reason for being however wasn't (entirely) the product of a madman with too much technology and brainpower. Merrick was created for the specific purpose of being a containment vessel for a gear known as Black XIII. The corporation that developed Merrick classified him as a product due to him being manufactured and therefore believed they had created a loophole that would allow Merrick to wield Black XIII without possessing a license. Due primarily to the secrecy with which Merrick was created and operated he was in fact able to possess gear without a license. This lasted until Merrick was seriously wounded and subsequently rescued by the gear collective. When they discovered what he was, the gear collective wasted no time stripping Merrick of his gear and shutting down those who created him. Cut to a year and some extensive hospital time later, Merrick has been officially classified as a living creature and sent to Myer's due to his pre-existing (though technically illegal) experience with using gear.



Chimeric blood-Poison/ venom immunity

Chimeric instinct- Merrick's genetic code houses millions of years of hardwired animal instincts as well as heightened olfacory senses making him a natural survivalist.


Blind in right eye.
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Official Name: Product I.D. (R)CH/RQM-001A [CHIMERA]

Noun Name: R. Merrick, Locke (aka: warlock)

Age: 21

Gender: male

Merrick is an artificial life form, technically speaking. He was manufactured from synthesized DNA created to incorporate selected traits from all manner of life, provided it was compatible with the human genome. Despite appearing human and largely functioning the same, Merrick's species is classified as chimera due to his varied and aberrant genetic cross-section.

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 196 lbs.


Personality: Merrick is quiet and relaxed, he keeps to himself and likes maintain a low profile. Contrasting his calm and introspective air is Merrick's "thousand yard stare", an observant and harsh gaze that make it appear as though he's looking through as opposed to looking at. Were one to speak to him they'd find that Merrick will not shy away from conversation and is content to interact with someone so long as their tolerance for his incredibly dry and pervasive sense humor can withstand. One thing to note is that he tends to avoid topics such as his past, cleverly redirecting the conversation with his "special" brand of humor. All of these qualities together make for an odd and slightly unnerving experience being around Merrick.

Backstory: As stated earlier Merrick is in fact not a natural born human, in fact he doesn't really meet the requirements to be natural, nor human. His reason for being however wasn't (entirely) the product of a madman with too much technology and brainpower. Merrick was created for the specific purpose of being a containment vessel for a gear known as Black XIII. The corporation that developed Merrick classified him as a product due to him being a product of their manufacture and therefore believed they had created a loophole that would allow Merrick to wield Black XIII without possessing a license. Due primarily to the secrecy with which Merrick was created and operated he was in fact able to possess gear without a license. This lasted until Merrick was seriously wounded and subsequently rescued by the gear collective. When they discovered what he was, the gear collective wasted no time stripping Merrick of his gear and shutting down those who created him. Cut to a year and some extensive hospital time later, Merrick has been officially classified as a living creature and sent to Myer's due to his pre-existing (though technically illegal) experience with using gear.


i kinda feel like i'm pushing a boundary a bit here with the chimera race and black 13, let me know if'n it needs changing

Approved. I like it. Just PM me about Black XIII. I'll have to give some information about gears.
Name: ???

Nickname/Known As: Slime Demon

Age: ???

Gender: Female?

Race: Slime

Height: Varies, usually 5'2

Weight: Varies, depending on water content. Density ~1000 kg/m^3


Personality: The slime demon is a simple creature. It gets what it wants by any means necessary, whether it be strangulation, suffocation, seduction, or centrifugation. Yes, they all start with s because that's the slime demon's favorite letter? Sound? Yeah, sound. The slime demon acts purely on impulse and will scream when it's fooled, not treated right, or not shown the affection the creature needs. Sounds simple enough? It is a simple creature. However, that doesn't mean it's incapable of learning. In fact, the slime demon's instincts are way beyond a human's learning capacity, meaning it can deduce dangerous situations. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?!

Backstory: N/A

Slime Physiology:
  • Molding - The slime demon is capable of molding itself into different shapes, usually its favorite being one of a, well, demon.
  • Hydrostorage - The slime demon is capable of storing water in its body and using it later on as a form of attack.
  • Intangibility - Well, not exactly. The slime demon can mold into different shapes and make its way through grates or hard to reach areas. Sounds like a thief's dream, right?
  • Enhanced Instinct - The slime's instincts are much better than a human beings. What it lacks in intelligence, it makes up in animal instinct.
Practical Abilities:
  • Speak English - It can speak in English. Just barely. It's also broken. Which is unusual for slime demons to be able to speak in.
  • Squishy - Being fucking squishy. I mean you probably just want to hug it right?

Its skin is a membrane. Salt will draw water out of it, too much water will melt it. Osmosis is simple. Furthermore, poisons and toxins can be transferred through skin. While they aren't necessarily always lethal, they can easily intoxicate the creature, leading to some pretty interesting things...

Extra: YoungX YoungX
Name: ???

Nickname/Known As: Slime Demon

Age: ???

Gender: Female?

Race: Slime

Height: Varies, usually 5'2

Weight: Varies, depending on water content. Density ~1000 kg/m^3


Personality: The slime demon is a simple creature. It gets what it wants by any means necessary, whether it be strangulation, suffocation, seduction, or centrifugation. Yes, they all start with s because that's the slime demon's favorite letter? Sound? Yeah, sound. The slime demon acts purely on impulse and will scream when it's fooled, not treated right, or not shown the affection the creature needs. Sounds simple enough? It is a simple creature. However, that doesn't mean it's incapable of learning. In fact, the slime demon's instincts are way beyond a human's learning capacity, meaning it can deduce dangerous situations. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?!

Backstory: N/A

Slime Physiology:
  • Molding - The slime demon is capable of molding itself into different shapes, usually its favorite being one of a, well, demon.
  • Hydrostorage - The slime demon is capable of storing water in its body and using it later on as a form of attack.
  • Intangibility - Well, not exactly. The slime demon can mold into different shapes and make its way through grates or hard to reach areas. Sounds like a thief's dream, right?
  • Enhanced Instinct - The slime's instincts are much better than a human beings. What it lacks in intelligence, it makes up in animal instinct.
Practical Abilities:
  • Speak English - It can speak in English. Just barely. It's also broken. Which is unusual for slime demons to be able to speak in.
  • Squishy - Being fucking squishy. I mean you probably just want to hug it right?

Its skin is a membrane. Salt will draw water out of it, too much water will melt it. Osmosis is simple. Furthermore, poisons and toxins can be transferred through skin. While they aren't necessarily always lethal, they can easily intoxicate the creature, leading to some pretty interesting things...

Extra: YoungX YoungX

Approved. It's squishy.
Age: 15

Gender: Female

Race: Cat-Human

Height: 4'9

Weight: 82 lbs

Appearance: "Hope ya don't mind my gun!"

Personality: Alison is...well...a street rat. Pretty simple. She is wary of those around her and is usually the first to pounce on someone when something suspicious is about to happen. However, what sets her apart from most street rats is that she has a desire to learn and better her abilities as a markswoman and a cat. She likes to steal things, but at the same time wants to rise above her situation and be the best street cat there is.

Backstory: N/A

Cat Abilities:
  • Enhanced Reflexes
  • Night Vision
  • Trusty 9mm :)

YoungX YoungX

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Race: Cat-Human

Height: 4'9

Weight: 82 lbs

Appearance: "Hope ya don't mind my gun!"

Personality: Alison is...well...a street rat. Pretty simple. She is wary of those around her and is usually the first to pounce on someone when something suspicious is about to happen. However, what sets her apart from most street rats is that she has a desire to learn and better her abilities as a markswoman and a cat. She likes to steal things, but at the same time wants to rise above her situation and be the best street cat there is.

Backstory: N/A

Cat Abilities:
  • Enhanced Reflexes
  • Night Vision
  • Trusty 9mm :)

YoungX YoungX

Neko is ready to go. Now go nya yourself to victory.
Remmy Halpert



Human infested with a parasitic shadow alter ego


155 lbs.

Human Form
In his human form, Remmy has dark hair, gray eyes, and fair skin. He has decent muscle mass, although not to the point where he looks like a body builder. He's fit and always has a tired, worn look in his eyes. He doesn't really smile on his own, but he occasionally grins when talking to people about subjects he can relate to. He normally wears plain t-shirts and sweatpants or athletic shorts.

Shadow Alter Ego
Remmy goes through two changes in his appearance. One when he still has some influence over his body, and one when his infestation has completely taken him over. Both change his body to appear as a pitch black silhouette, however both are drastically different. His first stage of his alter ego simply appears to look like Ibo, but as a silhouette. His second stage appears more as a beast of sorts, showing the true colors of the infesting parasite in Remmy. It somewhat resembles a large, slim jackal or wolf with long claws and teeth. It has long ankles for speed and jump power and seems to leak a black, shadowy residue.

Remmy has a likeable personality and gets along well with most people due to his ability to keep a good conversation going. He's stubborn, however. He refuses to do things that don't appeal to him and works hard to get his way. He likes thrills and he's quite fun-loving. Because of this, he plays as many school sports as possible, as well as finding other recreational activities. He has some poor leadership qualities as he can be selfish at times, but that's all swept aside by his high charisma.

Remmy used to be a normal human. However one night while camping out in the woods by himself due to his sense of adventure, a small parasite slipped itself into his body and brain through his ear without his awareness. It wasn't until a week later that Remmy began noticing his changes. He noticed that areas around him seems darker, as if enveloped in a slight shadow. The shade from trees and other objects seemed to stretch toward him as he walked by. At first he found it interesting and pursued his interest in it by experimenting. He began by trying to manipulate shadows and move them, which he successfully managed after some time. But his intrigue quickly changed to horror. One dark night in his room, he used the power to manifest physical objects from the shadows. Solid objects that he could physically hold in his hand appeared from the darkness. And then one night, one that was darkened by the New Moon in the night sky, the shadows consumed him, turning him into a terrifying beast that rampaged over his town until the first hint of dawn. That's when he returned to his normal self, unaware of what had happened the night prior.

Remmy can manipulate the shadows, moving them at his will or darkening them to blind predators. He can manifest physical objects by shaping shadows into them and holding them in his hand. In his alter ego, he becomes a beast, able to move extremely quickly and swiftly, able to shoot shadows at enemies.

He is extremely charismatic and good at convincing people to do what he wants. He is also strong and athletic, with high stamina allowing him to run long distances at high speeds. Physical attacks do not phase him in the second phase of his alter ego.

He is incredibly selfish and horrible at leading people as he only makes them do what he wants. His shadow forms are both extremely sensitive to light and magical attacks. His second phase also isn't very smart, relying solely on instinct.
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Remmy Halpert



Human infested with a parasitic shadow alter ego


155 lbs.

Human Form
In his human form, Ibo has dark hair, gray eyes, and fair skin. He has decent muscle mass, although not to the point where he looks like a body builder. He's fit and always has a tired, worn look in his eyes. He doesn't really smile on his own, but he occasionally grins when talking to people about subjects he can relate to. He normally wears plain t-shirts and sweatpants or athletic shorts.

Shadow Alter Ego
Ibo goes through two changes in his appearance. One when he still has some influence over his body, and one when his infestation has completely taken him over. Both change his body to appear as a pitch black silhouette, however both are drastically different. His first stage of his alter ego simply appears to look like Ibo, but as a silhouette. His second stage appears more as a beast of sorts, showing the true colors of the infesting parasite in Ibo. It somewhat resembles a large, slim jackal or wolf with long claws and teeth. It has long ankles for speed and jump power and seems to leak a black, shadowy residue.

Ibo has a likeable personality and gets along well with most people due to his ability to keep a good conversation going. He's stubborn, however. He refuses to do things that don't appeal to him and works hard to get his way. He likes thrills and he's quite fun-loving. Because of this, he plays as many school sports as possible, as well as finding other recreational activities. He has some poor leadership qualities as he can be selfish at times, but that's all swept aside by his high charisma.

Ibo used to be a normal human. However one night while camping out in the woods by himself due to his sense of adventure, a small parasite slipped itself into his body and brain through his ear without his awareness. It wasn't until a week later that Ibo began noticing his changes. He noticed that areas around him seems darker, as if enveloped in a slight shadow. The shade from trees and other objects seemed to stretch toward him as he walked by. At first he found it interesting and pursued his interest in it by experimenting. He began by trying to manipulate shadows and move them, which he successfully managed after some time. But his intrigue quickly changed to horror. One dark night in his room, he used the power to manifest physical objects from the shadows. Solid objects that he could physically hold in his hand appeared from the darkness. And then one night, one that was darkened by the New Moon in the night sky, the shadows consumed him, turning him into a terrifying beast that rampaged over his town until the first hint of dawn. That's when he returned to his normal self, unaware of what had happened the night prior.

Ibo can manipulate the shadows, moving them at his will or darkening them to blind predators. He can manifest physical objects by shaping shadows into them and holding them in his hand. In his alter ego, he becomes a beast, able to move extremely quickly and swiftly, able to shoot shadows at enemies.

He is extremely charismatic and good at convincing people to do what he wants. He is also strong and athletic, with high stamina allowing him to run long distances at high speeds. Physical attacks do not phase him in the second phase of his alter ego.

He is incredibly selfish and horrible at leading people as he only makes them do what he wants. His shadow forms are both extremely sensitive to light and magical attacks. His second phase also isn't very smart, relying solely on instinct.

By manipulating shadows, it's only the shadows right? I just wanted to make sure on that fact.

Name: Kale Kasuga

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 148 lbs


Kale is a bit quiet and not very outspoken. He is kind, polite, and orderly. He refers to everyone, including his juniors, respectfully. Kale also has a carefree attitude and a distinct lack of drive. He wastes much of his potential and doesn't try hard at much of anything. However, this is only true up until his friends are in danger, at which point he tries his hardest to protect them and shows every ounce of the skill and experience he has within himself. This is the only time he is willing to show the slightest semblance of anger.

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Name: Luxe Rosaria

Age: Physically 19

Gender: Male

Race: Phoenix

Racial Traits:
+Enhanced Speed
-Fire abilities reduced in effectiveness in cold temperatures
-Emotional imbalance can cause flames to run rampant
-Requires a high caloric intake to regenerate properly
-Dangerously low attention span

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 147lbs

Personality: Luxe is an energetic yet a gentle young man. He is nice to everyone no matter who they are and loves to spend time with others more than anything. He's a kind, bubbly, and light spirited character. He is very insightful and sensitive to the feelings of others, considering such a long existence in comparison to most people. At times he is unintentionally rude or too forward because of his inability to sense what is appropriate in the culture that he is in.

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Name: Kale Kasuga

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 148 lbs


Kale is a bit quiet and not very outspoken. He is kind, polite, and orderly. He refers to everyone, including his juniors, respectfully. Kale also has a carefree attitude and a distinct lack of drive. He wastes much of his potential and doesn't try hard at much of anything. However, this is only true up until his friends are in danger, at which point he tries his hardest to protect them and shows every ounce of the skill and experience he has within himself. This is the only time he is willing to show the slightest semblance of anger.




Name: Luxe Rosaria

Age: Physically 19

Gender: Male

Race: Phoenix

Racial Traits:
+Enhanced Speed
-Requires a high caloric intake to regenerate properly
-Dangerously low attention span

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 147lbs

Personality: Luxe is an energetic yet a gentle young man. He is nice to everyone no matter who they are and loves to spend time with others more than anything. He's a kind, bubbly, and light spirited character. He is very insightful and sensitive to the feelings of others, considering such a long existence in comparison to most people. At times he is unintentionally rude or too forward because of his inability to sense what is appropriate in the culture that he is in.


How fast is his regeneration? Depending on the speed I will have to ask for a change.
what seems fair to you?

Within reason, I think a simple regeneration on wounds would be fine. If we had regeneration on everything then we would have some serious balancing issues. If it's plain wounds then that'll be fine. Just don't go sanic speed on them. May as well balqnce it out with a weakness or something idk.
Within reason, I think a simple regeneration on wounds would be fine. If we had regeneration on everything then we would have some serious balancing issues. If it's plain wounds then that'll be fine. Just don't go sanic speed on them.
Yeah, that was the idea. It fixes wounds, assists major injuries, and anything non-physical needs actual healing.
Yeah, that was the idea. It fixes wounds, assists major injuries, and anything non-physical needs actual healing.

Great. Given your ability set, I think one more weakness would work to give him a more balanced outlook while still catering to your original plan with the character. Doesn't have to be dis big major weakness.
Great. Given your ability set, I think one more weakness would work to give him a more balanced outlook while still catering to your original plan with the character. Doesn't have to be dis big major weakness.
Added some weaknesses to balance things out. looks good?

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