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Jacob scoffed. "Ya right." He had to keep this man as occupied as possible. If not, they would all die. He dashed backwards a couple of times before forming a smoke bomb. He pulled his arm back and tossed it at Zabuza like a baseball. If the bomb made contact, Jacob would run into the smoke and begin to throw a barrage of jabs, hooks, and uppercuts at him until the smoke cleared up. @Zabuzas Son
Zabuza did a barrel roll to dodge the smoke bomb, letting it strike the shadow wall. The wall so desperately needed to go, for Zabuza needed to leave. He didn't want to attempt to fight three conduits at once right at the moment. That was when Zabuza realized one of the three conduits was standing still, concentrating. He must of been the one keeping the shadow wall up, he must be stopped or at least distracted so the wall could fall.

The Demon in the Mist also realized something, that if the conduit with smoke powers could use his smoke within the dome then he should be able to... Zabuza tried to concentrate, he attempted to create mist within the dome.

If it worked then he would begin to rush towards the conduit controlling the dome, using the mist as cover to be able to strike him where he could then flee.
Jacob became lost in the mist, only seeing the silhouette of someone running towards someone else. No! He tried to formulate a plan. If the mist distorted they're sense's, he couldn't attack either one of them without hurting the person he didn't want to hurt. He decided to take a chance. Tossed a smoke bomb at the person the was running. If I hit Shadow, at least he'll have some cover from that maniac, He thought to himself. (@Zabuzas Son, @Assailant, @Roach Of Wrath\)
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Assailant said:
Sorry guys, I accidentally misclicked

Felix had his eyes closed, concentrating hard on keeping the dome up. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes, and that's when he saw it. They had failed to distract him. The Demon had figured out that he gave power to the dome, and had come to finish him. He was going to die... his friend was going to die... He felt immense fear and suddenly let out a scream, and a large black hand came out of the ground and grabbed the Demon and threw him to the side, causing Smokey's smoke projectile to miss. He looked over at Smokey, and somehow Felix's face managed to show even more terror than before. Oh no... he's coming. Suddenly, the fear went away, replaced by a cocky smile. Felix turned to look at the Demon and laughed. "Oh, Demon, I must say you are quite the fun little challenge. Tell me, how do you do that with your mist. Hallucinations, Discombobulation, oh! What a grand time I could have with those abilities." Felix laughs again, before cutting off in mid laugh. He groans, and turns to Smokey. "No pressure Smokey, but it is more important than you could possible imagine that you keep him away from me... please, for everyone's sa-" He groans again. "Not now Shadow!"
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The sound of bones breaking clearly heard all within the dome as the Demon in the Mist was thrown into the shadowy dome at such speed by the shadow hand that had appeared out of no where and thrown him. He lays on his knees, as he feels his bones slowly begin to mend themselves back together.

He shakily tried to get back on his feet, his insides tearing as he tried to move and mending themselves back together all the same. He picked up his Executioner's Blade, stabbing it into the ground to provide himself with more balance while his body healed itself.

He just needed to injure the shadow conduit, just long enough for the dome to fall and for him to escape. He had a plan this time. He began to manipulate the mist, as it now appeared there were dozens of demonic looking creatures close in appearance to Zabuza running towards the shadow conduit.

Zabuza charged at him as well, figuring the odds were great that he'd not be able to strike the correct one. Especially because he made the mist extremely thicker around him, so he was far less visible than the illusions as he ran.
*groan* Felix keeps focusing on keeping the dome up, no matter how hard it was to keep him down. He opens his eyes to see twelve demons running towards him. "Shadow... don't..." Felix says through gritted teeth. Suddenly, that grin appears on his face again. "Let me help... friend." He yells and a spinning blade slashes through all of the fake ones and sends the real demon flying. It did not kill the demon, as his regeneration causes him to still begin to heal. Felix looks at the Demon and speaks with a quiver in his voice, almost as if he's crying. "Demon... please... if you value your life, stop! This warning is as much for your sake as it is fo- come on, Felix, let's have some fun wi- no! You stay back Shadow... please, Demon, stop!" He calls as the others look on in confusion. He screams in agony before continuing to groan in what sounds like struggle.
The Demon in the Mist fell to the floor yet again, and this time he did not attempt to get back up. Between all the energy he had put into creating all the mist around him, manipulating it so much, and his own regeneration he needed blood. He felt the impulses blasting like a wave through his own body, desperately yelling at him:


It screamed at him over and over again in his mind, he needed blood one way or another if he was to continue this fight. Otherwise he would soon lose his sense of reason causing him to black out and his subconscious to take over with no other goal than to obtain blood. It had only happened to him one time before, and when he had finally woken up he was sitting among dozens of bodies ripped and torn to pieces.

Zabuza just managed to speak, his voice low and shaky from his bodies impulses making him feel like he was being torn apart.

"I... If you value your life you will lower the dome before you face the real DEMON."
Felix heard the Demon's words, but he didn't quite believe them... but he did. The buzzing in his mind grew loud, loud and painful. Dark clouds, looking almost like smoke started to radiate from him. Against his better impulses, he laughed. He couldn't control it now. "I warned you, didn't I? Just as I am sure you have secrets, as do I... you forced my hand. He is Felix, but I... am SHADOW!!!" Felix screams and the dark radiation grows thicker and larger, and suddenly a black cloud comes shooting out of his body. The cloud gathers in front of him, and begins to manifest into a person. When it fully forms, the features begin, and soon, it is a person. That person looks just like Felix, but instead of Brown hair, he has jet black hair, and he has black irises and white pupils. The man stretches as Felix falls onto his knees from exhaustion. "Sh- Shadow?"

"Why hello Felix, long time no see! How's the family!"

"They- they're dead *pant* You killed them!" Felix says, still trying to funnel the bits of energy he has left into keeping up the dome.

"Oh yes, truly a tragedy indeed." Shadow looks around at everyone. "You must be Smokey, so nice to make your acquaintance" He says pointing at Smokey. "You... um... hi, hello. I can't say I know you." He says as he points out Locus. "And, oh dear, you must be "The Demon" himself. You and I, we understand each other. You don't know how long I have been stuck in that imbeciles head, not letting me out... not that I can blame him, he is just scared, of course, as he well should be." Shadow pauses for a moment. "I just got a grand idea. You and I should work together! We both have want for mayhem, death, carnage, and together... oh, I shudder just thinking of it. I can be the mastermind, and you can be my... second in command! Oh, and sorry about the..." He points at the Demon's cuts that are still healing,"Those, but you understand if you killed him, I would never be released! Hm... to make it up to you, how about I let you deal the killing blow on him! I'll toy with him bit, Then you can kill him! How about that?"
Zabuza finally raised his head up off the ground, just to reveal one of his eyes had turned completely RED. He was failing to control his impulses, he could hear the voices screaming inside his head for him to pass out and let them take over. If he couldn't get blood soon then it would only be a matter of time until he passed out.

"Ju.. Just lower the shadow dome and we can begin a wonderful partnership."
Shadow smiled "Wonderful" He walks over to Felix. He begins to walk over to Felix "Someone" Felix gasps out. "Help"

Shadow stops. "Help? The great Felix asks for help? Oh wow, oh, wow, hey, Felix, where'd your egotism go? Pfft." Shadow walks over to Felix and grabs him by the collar and lifts him into the air. "This is gonna be fun..."

Felix is flung onto the ground. Unable to fight back, as he has to keep up the dome, he get kicked multiple times by shadow, and picked up and flung again. "Oh ho, this is fun, but... I am starting to get bored now. I think I'll just kill you know." Using his last bits of strength, knowing he can't keep up the dome, Felix expands the dome rapidly and then make it disappear causing the mist to dissipate. He knows that the Demon could always make more mist, but that's all he could do. Shadow begin walking towards Felix, and creates a Shadow Blade. Felix tries to stumble over to Smokey, but is quickly grabbed from behind. "Run." He wheezes out before a blade stabs through his stomach. The Shadow blade stays in his body for a few seconds, before being yanked out, causing Felix to crumple over, blood seeping from his stomach, mouth, and head... unmoving, coincidentally creating a perfect pool of blood for the Demon. Shadow sighs "Such a long time trapped in there, and now it's all over. Sorry I didn't let you kill him, I just... You know what, what do YOU want to do next?"
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(I've got to say, if you would of waited then I'm sure Smokey or Locus would of eventually posted and saved Felix.)

Zabuza finally rises up from the ground, stumbling over trying to make it to Felix. When he reaches there he drops to the ground, his fangs sinking into Felix's throat drinking what blood hasn't already pooled onto the floor. As he consumes more and more of Felix's blood he can feel his impulses finally slowing, Zabuza's wounds begin to heal faster and his eye returns to normal.

With both the dome, mist, and blizzard gone it could finally be seen what was happening outside on the street. It would seem a crowd of people had come out to watch the random blizzard alongside D.U.P. forces surrounding the area prepared for whatever came out. Zabuza took one last look at the two other conduits-Smokey & Locus-, before looking back at the crowd.

"I say we get as far away from here as possible, but not before breaking through the D.U.P.'s lines and getting me some more blood as we leave. That and cause some more wonderful chaos."
(I have an idea where we can keep Felix but he will be injured)

"Yo a**hole!" Locus launches a furry of ice spikes at Shadow while his back is turned trying to get him to away from Felix. Locus looks a little hazy having been unconscious for a little bit, but thanks to his training he was able to shrug it off in no time and is now combat ready as he pulls his pistol out of it's holster.
(IK, but someone had to die eventually, right?)

Shadow turns to respond to the Demon when suddenly cold spikes start pelting him. He stumbles and falls, before rolling out of the way of the barrage. He kick flips himself up to his feet, and sizes up his opponent. He laughs and turns to the Demon. "My friend, you can feast. Looks like there's more fun to be had here." He begins to walk towards Locus before quickly shadow dashing behind him and kicking his legs out from under him. "And what might your name be, little man?"
As Locus's leg's were knock out from under him he dropped his gun and grabbed an ice pillar that shot out of the ground. Grabbing the pillar it launches him a good distance away from Shadow. As Locus lands his hand become encased in ice, and as he balls his fists ice spikes come out his knuckles. "The names Locus, who are you supposes to be wait let me guess....... Telling by your pale skin you must be one of those Twilight pansy's." He said chuckling at his own joke.
Shadow laughs. "You sure are in a good mood for someone who is about to die, Locus. My name is Shadow and I came out of your friend's head." He says pointing to Felix. "Then, I killed him! Oh, don't be too sad about it... you'll be seeing him shortly." Shadow slashes his blade multiple times and each time it makes a slash in the air going towards Locus. He then jumps in the air and slams his sword back onto the ground, creating a kind of trail heading straight at Locus.
The Demon in the Mist momentarily stops to watch the fight between Shadow & Locus, before once more looking at the D.U.P. forces possibly preparing to move in. He makes his decision before yelling at Shadow.

"I'm the the mood for easier prey. I'll break through the D.U.P. lines to provide us an escape and try and keep them from interfering in your fight."

As he says this he easily stands up, looking down at Felix's bloodless body. He pick up his Executioner's Blade, before running towards the D.U.P. surrounding the area.

(Who wants to control the D.U.P. soldiers?)
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]The Demon in the Mist momentarily stops to watch the fight between Shadow & Locus, before once more looking at the D.U.P. forces possibly preparing to move in. He makes his decision before yelling at Shadow.
"I'm the the mood for easier prey. I'll break through the D.U.P. lines to provide us an escape and try and keep them from interfering in your fight."

As he says this he easily stands up, looking down at Felix's bloodless body. He pick up his Executioner's Blade, before running towards the D.U.P. surrounding the area.

(Who wants to control the D.U.P. soldiers?)

If you are referring to the singular DUP soldiers you will be fighting, you can take them because they are NPCs and are only fighting you. You can have them shoot at other people (I think) as long as they don't actually affect them. However, thatguywithSuvlaki is the leader of the DUP
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
(Abraham just gives orders for the most, what individuals dup soldiers do i hadnt planned on controlling but could do if people want.)
Nah, the rper shouldn't have to wait for someone to respond so that they could take out one DUP agent in one move.
Jacob watched the whole even unfold in horror. He watches Felix become two, he watches as Felix is killed and crumples to the grond. Jacob falls to his knees and starts to feel hot tears fall down his cheeks. If anyone looks closely, they would see that smoke was seeping through Jacob's eye's When he looks up to face the shadow, smoke has covered his face. He looks the same as when he first gained his powers . "How dare you.... You can't just kill people like that! You can't!" Smoke erupts from his mouth as he says this. "Your a monster! Your nothing like the original!" (@Assailant)
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Shadow turns when he hears Smokey, not bothering to see whether his attack hit Locus or not. He is startled a bit when he sees the smoke coming out of his face, but his cocky grin returns as quickly as it went. "Smokey!" He says, throwing his hands out as if he were offering a hug. "Glad to see you're... awake? Oh, and thank you, glad to know that I am nothing like Felix but... original? You are mistaken, my dear friend, I have been in there as long as he has! I am like... his alter ego, I guess is the best term, and however much you don't like to admit it, there's another little me in there too!" He says pointing at Smokey. "and once you just let him go... you will know power." He points at Zabuza. "He has already let his own little me out, and look at how powerful he is! I have seen your abilities, Smokey, and really they are quite impressive. Let out YOUR shadow, I'd love to meet him, and when that happens we can be bestest friends!" Shadow cackles. "Or, just walk away, and live to fight another day. I would love to fight you, but not now, I would hate to bunch you in a fight with that loser." He says, pointing in the general direction of Locus. He claps his hands together. "So, what'll it be...?" He lets out a sly grin. "Friend."
Jacob doesn't even let Shadow finish his first sentence. He dashes at him with incredible speed, and throws a uppercut. His fist covered in mostly red smoke. If the blow connectted, Jacob would dash in front of Shadow and begin to throw a barrage of punches followed by a downward hammer blow. "I hate you for what you for what you are! I'll never be like you! Never!" (@Assailant)
Shadow quickly kicks his leg out and knocks Smokey's hand to the side, then did a spin and kicked him in the back of the head, knocking Smokey to the ground, and thank goodness he went down, otherwise Smokey would have seen Shadow flinch, he was surprised by Smokey's speed right then. "Did you notice that power!" Shadow yells at him. "Your emotions are pulling out your own Shadow!" He didn't honestly know if what he just said then was true or not, but by god was it fun to mess with him.
Jacob hit the ground but ignored the pain. He looked up to Shadow. More and more smoke poured from his eyes with every breath he took. "I... WILL... END YOU!!!" Just then, anyone could notice that Smokey sounded different. Rather it be from the smoke practically frothing from his mouth, distorting his voice, or if Shadow had been right, this sound could had made everyone that was watching the fight run in fear. Jacob rose his hands and smashed them into the ground. Nothing could be seen for a minute, but if Shadow turned around he would see three spear-like lines of smoke where heading straight from him.
Smoke covered everything around Shadow, obscuring his vision. Shadow cackled, "You're adorable!" Years of being hidden by the imbecile Felix had let him learn how to hide his own traits, and he was doing just that right now, he was hiding his nervousness. He wouldn't quite call it fear just yet (whether it wasn't actually fear, or he just wasn't willing to admit it to himself), but he felt something. Had he pushed it too far? He wouldn't stop of course, but still, had he? He didn't know if he was right when he had said that he was bringing out his own "Shadow," but he had entirely meant it when he said Smokey had one... had he been right? That voice... that voice was the worst of all... Neither him nor Felix had ever heard anything like it... except once, when he, Shadow, had first seen the light of day.

Anyway, he couldn't let Smokey know, he had to keep up his cocky persona. he may have lost his morality when he and Felix split, but he didn't lose his intelligence. If he appeared to not worry at all when Smokey was at his full strength, he could intimidate him, leading to an easy victory... this also meant he couldn't use his full powers. He knew he could just create a shadow dome (deja vu?) and push away the smoke, but his cockiness got the best of him. "Ending me? The fun has just be-" He turns around and sees three spear-like projectile heading at him quickly. He quickly creates a shadow shield, but not quick enough. He slows down the projectiles, but they still hit him, causing them to stick out of him like a porcupine. He quickly takes them out with a grunt and snaps them in half. "Maybe you could beat me in a tickle fight!" He yells into the dark smoke, ignoring the stinging where they hit.

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