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Fandom inFAMOUS

Shadow squints. "I... don't get it. Felix's name is definitely in there." Shadow looks at Shard. "Hey Shard, do you... Shard... Felix... Oh ho ho!" Shadow says laughing. "You're okay with him just sharing a deep... personal secret like that? Is it one way? With who? Or, dare I say, are you two in a relationship? That would be so cute!"


Max sighs. "Well then, I'll find out myself." Max walks over to Felix.

"Oh, hey Max. I know we didn't really get to finish dinner, so I'm making food for us. Should be ready in about a half hour."

"Okay. Hey, what did you do on the walk with Sphinx?"

"Hm? Oh, I helped push some of her memories out, which we'll have to go over together. Um.. talked about some random stuff, mostly about-" Felix stops as he starts to blush. "I told her who I... 'like'" He said, still using his high school vocabulary and speech.

"And who might that be?" Max says.

"Well... Shard."

"Shard! You hardly know her."

"I know, I want to GET to know her better." Max sighs. "Why does it matter who I like to you."

"Oh, it doesn't matter to me." Max says walking back towards Sphinx. "But it might matter to some others." He mutters.

"What?" Felix calls out to him, not having heard what he said.

"Oh, I was just murmering about how love is blind." He adds murmering: "REAL blind."

He gets back to Sphinx. "I figured out what it was. There are private rooms here, do you wanna talk about it?"
"Oh, so you like that info? Ok, if you share info with us, we'll go into more detail."

"Thanks for you concern, Shadow, but yes I'm ok with sharing this information if necessary."
Shadow looked at him with a smile. "Okay, you got me in a good mood, so I'll share a bit. Let's see... Well, Shard, this may be something you don't know, and it may ruin your view on Felix." Shadow says with a sadistic smile. "When Felix found out what Zabuza did to his friends, he went into a rage, let his new inner me run free. He went on a rampage and ended up killing 152 enforcement personnel and 53 bystanders."

"What did he do? More info from you, more info from me."
"Well, everyone has the capacity for darkness within them. I was Felix's orignally, but here I am now. So, it needed something to fill that void. I use that phrase 'new' but it doesn't really work. I was never truly gone from Felix, I was more like a manifested copy of it. Also, you seem rather unfazed by this news Shard."
Max smiles and hugs her. "That's very mature of you. And you're right, he doesn't know her well. I am willing to bet that when he learns more about her, he'll fall out of love. Or she'll break his heart. Sphinx, you need to be there for him when that most surely happens."
Shadow smiles. "Oh no, I know much more. But I felt like I've given what I've received. More details means more info."
Fine, but this time you go first, and I'll try to compensate. I also have info about my power. However, to get that, You'd have to tell me everything that happend. That info is almost priceless. Unlike me, you can't force someone to tell you.
Shadow groaned. "Fine, but you better not back out on me." Shadow grinned at the last remark. He hadn't been making eye contact that entire conversation, so he knew that was impossible. "Zabuza has been taking dead or weakened conduits and filling them up with his blood. This keeps them ageless I imagine, and it turns them into vampires. They also are forced to listen to anything he says. They don't even have to hear what he says, he can send it to them. Looks like you're not the best on the mind control scene anymore Null." After that comment, he makes some Shadow sunglasses. In actuality, he couldn't see through them, and neither would Null, meaning he was safe from the powers. "Anyway, he is presumably making an army to make the world conduit dominated. That enough for ya?"
Interesting, but you are mistaken. He's not the only one with secret powers. I will reveal 1 to you now. Those sunglasses won't help you forever. If you recall, I powers of telekineses as well. One I have not yet revealed is telepathy. In other words, I've been holding back for the fun of it. Is that big enough for you?

"As for the Shelix, yes its one way. Felix likes me. Sure, I sort of like him, but its more one way."

"With this in mind Shadow, think. You don't want to make a Shadow Shard. Think about what would happen. Keep in mind I am allied with you. Also, Shard is one of my main power plays. IF Felix had to kill a Shadow Shard, what would happen to that power play for you and I?
Shadow grinned. "That's great and all, except I can easily counteract that. I have command and dominion over Shadow, so sorry, but If I am controlling a shadow item, you can't do zip. them's the rules."
S-Dante has been throwing lava balls at everyone he came across. He hated everything. He had been killing people, stealing stuff and so much more. He finally stopped at a market and made the ground below it, turn to lava. He laughed as the people inside were being melted and he started shooting geysers of lava everywhere. A helicopter had flown by that was flashing a light at him and S-Dante shot the helicopter with a continuous stream of lava until he fell to the ground. S-Dante had been melting everything around him. He was on a rampage. It was definitely on the television by now.
Shadow grinned. "Why wouldn't I want to do that again? Felix would be broken down, useless, being forced to kill the one he loved. It would throw the entire alliance out of whack! Remind me, again, why that is?"

"Oh and yes, I do. There's only four of them, and nigh 500 of us!"
because our alliance would be through, and I know you. It's not simply enough for you to just kill him. You want to manipulate and have fun with him. Well this gives more ways to do the first. But if you cause that to happen, he'll be less and less trusting, so he will be less prone to manipulation.
Shadow grinned at him. "I don't know, that sounds like the best thing I can imagine. I don't want to lose your alliance, but this is such a good opportunity."
Shadow sighed. "Fine, but only for now. Do you have any more info on the freedom fighters? After the incident with Felix, they can hardly be called heroes."
"True, all I know is that I've started to break Max. I don't want you to interfere. I'm turning Max. I'm having him join me, in fact, it's pretty much done. But he is still unstable. He, despite claiming to only want peace in every sense, tried to kill me, and he reveled in the fight against the DUP helicopters. My point it. The ... What should we call it?"

"How about the Freedom Fighters Alliance?"

"FFA? good idea. Anyway, the FFA members have hidden natures that appear after they are pushed mentally."
Shadow nodded, "That's good. Tell me what you know of each of theirs, and I will repay you."
All I know is that Max is a scared child on the inside, wondering what is good and evil thanks to me. And Felix you told me about. Dante, appears to be broken, so I don't know his original nature. From what I can tell. These are the true natures of the people. What we see before that are shells that have hardened around them to protect them from society.
Shadow thought about that. "Well, that's not much help. But I did agree that I would repay you. The sires consist of Jacob, who you know, as well as Dante. Zabuza, if he counts, and Xavier, a conduit who... well, I believe he can input commands into his computer and make them affect the real world."

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