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Fantasy Indisposition [Modern~Fantasy][Always accepting]

Sounds like a plan. ;)

Now that I'm aboard the ship I should get started on my CS.

Oh! But one question.
Is there any limits on how many characters you can have?

SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
Sounds like a plan. ;)

Now that I'm aboard the ship I should get started on my CS.

Oh! But one question.
Is there any limits on how many characters you can have?

SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
Hrm, thought I put that in the rules somewhere! Hm. Three should be good! If planning on having more you should most likely have one of the characters take a temporary vacation.
Name: Alexandria Hikari

Nickname/Alias/Title(s): Alex

Faction: [Blighted, Unsound, Headsmen, Independent] Independant, yet affected with radiation giving her powers

Nation: [Which nation does your character live in?] Lowkey forgot the nations rip. ill be with the empress but against her rule.

Alignment: [Things such as Chaotic good or evil.] probably just neutral. but leaning towards good.

Occupation: [Merchant, Blacksmith, etc.] Gladiator.

Appearance: [Just an image will do nicely. Preferably anime.] Ill find a pic

Age: 19

Gender: female

Sexuality: Who cares?

Relationship: [N/A, not necessary.]

Personality: [Two paragraphs at least.] Alex was once friendly as anyone could be, happy, helpful and unviolent. However this changed when her parents were slaughtered years ago. shes now distant and does things for herself or her sister anne. Its not like she doesnt help people now but it requires a price now. (I dont even know what to say leave me alone im bad.)

Likes: [3]Her sister anne.

Dislikes: [3]creepy dudes
squishy things

Biography: [Two paragraphs at least, it's recommended to be detailed! Thank you.]When alex was 16 she was a happy girl with a loving family, now however. Since her parents murder she was forced to fight in a coliseum to support her and her sister, her first match was aganist a blight however. It infected her and after she barely slayed it she noticed her body changing, she could create fire, turn water to ice in a second and so on. The next days fight she used her new abilities, winning the match right away. But this made guards enter and they chased her out of the coliseum. They placed her sister under arrest, a month later she came to the prison where her sister was held and charged right in, in an attempt to save her sister. she got her sister and left the area and now the two are in hiding.

Abilities: She is a dark mage giving her powerful offensive magic and the ability to apply status effects

Gears/Weapons: N/A

Weaknesses: [At least three.] Alex is not good at close range combat.
She will do anything to protect her sister
She cant take to much damage before needing to rest

Theme: [N/A, if wanted.]

Extra: [N/A, add something if you want.]
Unit A2 Unit A2

Apologies but do you mind placing that in the Character sheet thread?
Indisposition [Character Sheets]
Just explain the Abilities a bit more too, like she is a Dark mage? But what kind of offensive magic does she have?
Blood Magic? Darkness Manipulation magic?
Also your Nation would be - The Capital

Other then that just find a picture and you'll be good.

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