• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Inconsistency [Character Sheets]



Ten Thousand Club


InstantNav Links
Out of Character
Character Sheets
Lore & Info

Guidelines for Swift Character Approval!
Before you proceed and fill out this character sheet, there are some things that need to be addressed.

Folded Powers, in its purest sense, is reality warping. This does not mean your character's ability is unrestricted...
Folded Powers allow the user to literally decide what happens and what doesn't, without a "why." You don't have to explain why your character can shoot fire out of his or her hands, or why they can bench a school bus. That being said, there are still limitations to Folded Powers.
-Folded Powers cannot manipulate reality on a grand scale, nor can they manipulate fundamental aspects of reality. Space-Time, Time, Reality Warping (or forms of it: Mentifery), or complete physics manipulation are not allowed.
-Folded Powers cannot directly manipulate the minds of sapient beings (e.g. other humans). Mind Manipulation, Mind Control are banned. Powers that are allowed are types of Emotional Inducement, Suggestion, or Telepathy (speaking/mental channel opening only).
-Folded Powers cannot predict the future with 100% accuracy. (Precognition is a no, but Accelerated Probability is alright with limits.)
-Folded Powers don't change your species. (No angel/demon physiology, etc).
-Folded Powers are not the same as magic, despite both being unexplainable.
-Folded Powers cannot manipulate other Folded powers. (Power mimicry, nullification, amplification, etc)
-Folded Powers always have concrete limits. Having a Folded power does not guarantee domain influence over all respective phenomena (absolute, omni, or galactic scale anything).
-Folded Powers can only affect age up to 150 years. The power alone cannot sustain a being past that amount of time.
-Folded Powers act autonomously in dangerous situations. However, it isn't a perfect system, and abilities can't protect from all threats.

Backstories should make sense.
-Your character may have known that they would be getting powers at some point, because one or both parents had them. Exceptions apply. Some parents wouldn't talk about it.
-While laws on Folded Powers are limited, using them on someone without reason is like assaulting them.
-Don't say your character destroyed their entire school or something. Just...don't.
-Gaining powers (typically between the ages of 12 and 18, averaging at 14) also comes with intuitive knowledge on how to use said ability. All applications may not be apparent at first, but powers are generally controllable. This is not to say accidents won't happen. They will; knowing how to use the power doesn't mean everything done is safe.
-Super tragic is sometimes frowned upon. However, if done right, it can be good. You can include tragedy in your character's backstory. But if you're here to make the whole RP your character's sob story, do not. Use it to explain who they are today rather than make the entire character a blob of tragedy.
-"Superheroes" in the traditional sense don't really exist in this city. Nobody runs around wearing tights and beating people up.
-"Supervillains" do exist, however, and the slang term for them to

-Skills are things that your characters can do even without their powers.
-Martial arts. Don't write down 50 styles of martial arts that overlap and make no sense together. Characters can be...
Novice at: 4
Adept at: 2 (3 if 30+)
Master at: 1 (2 if 30+)
-Mundane skills can be included too, though it's generally assumed that a character can tie their shoes.
-Chances are; the more versatile the power, the more dependent they would be on their ability in combat.

CS Guidelines
-Write as much or as little as you think I need to get a feel for your character.
-* are optional.
-I may ask for revisions, but I'll try to preserve the original character as much as possible so you can still enjoy playing as them. The exceptions are: the character directly violates rules, interferes with the lore, or just won't fit the setting.
-Duplicate powers are allowed! However ask someone if you want a very similar power to theirs.

Name: [Character's legal name]
Alternate Names*: [Aliases, nicknames, etc]
Gender: [Self explanatory]
Age: [Years out of the womb.]

Appearance: [Realistic, drawn, digital art, semi-realistic anime, or description.]
Height: [Vertical stretch]
Weight: [Mass]
Attire*: [Special stuff you wear]
Bodily Modifications*: [Piercings, sharpened teeth, forked tongues, etc]
Blood Type*: [What flavor of blood]
Mentality/Personality: [Here's where I'm offering you two different options. The first option is write a standard bit on your character's personality. It can be as long or as short as you want, as long as I get an idea of the character. The other option is choose 4 or more key traits (two positive, two negative at least) and explain a little about them. The mentality/personality can be more or less a summary of how your character acts and how others perceive them rather than a detailed psych report. Remember, nobody is perfect, even if they act that way.]
Backstory: [Backstories are hard to write. You have to cram in over 14 years of detail into these two or three paragraphs. Well? Backstory can be as long or as short as you want. You can include key events in the character's life, or simply have them remain a mystery. The only thing that's really required here is how they reacted to the incident 1 week ago. Keep in mind that if you intend to write a full backstory, you'd want to include at what moment they gained their "independence" from their parents and therefore awakened their powers.]

Equipment: [There's no science fiction power-armor here. Firearms and other weapons, police scanners, video cameras, and other paraphernalia go here.]
Personal Items: [Anything near and dear to your character that isn't a tool goes here.]
Resources: [Basically, money. Assets and other. You could even just write if they're rich or poor or in the middle.]
Occupation: [Got a job? Do something frequently? Studying?]
Affiliations*: [Any organizations of any kind that the character is affiliated with?]
Relationships: [Friends? Family? Lovers?]

Folded Conduit Info/Skills
Abilities: [These are ALL Folded abilities granted to the user. Keep in mind that this RP functions at a street or small building level, so nobody's going to be hurling aircraft carriers or destroying entire city blocks. General physiology enhancements such as superhuman condition are exclusive to that ability only and are two levels below specific conditioning, such as just superhuman strength. Folded abilities have been doubled their original strength one week prior to the beginning of the RP, which brings us to]
Mastery of Ability: [Strength, speed, precision, range, recharge rate, and sustainability can all be improved through practice. The average person who discovers their ability at 14 will have fully mastered their ability after extended use by age 30.]
Limitations: [The upper limits of the power. Include any backlash/damage that extended use of said ability can inflict on the user as well]
Weaknesses: [Anything specific that hinders or cancels out the power. Magnetic fields, high temperatures, chocolate ice cream, whatever it may be.]

Skills/Talents: [Things your character can do outside of their power. Folded Conduit or not, they're still a human being.]

Extra RP Specific Info:
Starting District: [1st District - DIRECTED plot. 7th District - SEMI DIRECTED plot. 15th District - OPEN WORLD plot.]

(Replace YC with your character's name/initials if you want. * is optional.)
W: Hi. My name is Writer, and I'm interviewing you for your information. Is that alright? We'll start with Basic information.
W: Alright! To start with, I would like to know your Name, as well as any Alternate Names such as nicknames.
W: And your Age?
W: What about your Gender? I wouldn't want to assume.

W: Wonderful! Now, let's move onto Physical and Mental traits. Tell me your Height and Weight.
W: Now show everyone what you look like!
YC: [Post image here]
W: What a wonderful mug! Any specific Attire?
W: Do you want to disclose any Bodily Modification or your Blood Type?
W: Let's get to your Mentality or Personality. Tell me about yourself so I get an idea of who you are.
W: Wonderful, and, what about your history? Or, as some like to call it, your Backstory?

W: Well, you're certainly worth something to begin with! But I want to know your Material worth. Any Equipment?
W: Personal Items?
W: How about your assets? How much do you own? How rich or poor are you? Your Resources?
W: How about your Job/Occupation? Do you do anything during the day?
W: And, are you Affiliated with anyone or anything?

W: Now that we're almost to the end, let's talk about your Folded Abilities and Skills. You are one of them, aren't you? What are your Abilities?
W: How much of your ability have you Mastered?
W: Your ability holds you back in some way. What are your Limitations?
W: And any particular...Weaknesses?

W: What about Skills and Talents? The person isn't defined by their abilities.

W: Finally, which District are you starting in?

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Nova Smith

Cis Female - Heterosexual - Heteroromantic - 21
5'4" - 120 lbs. - District 1

Nova isn't the type to beat around the bush. While not very good at expressing the more sullen emotions, she's loud, proud, and not afraid to knock you around before demanding your wallet. All her life, she's been strapped for cash, either because her family didn't have any, or her father squandered it all at a local bar, leading her to be heavily influenced by money and staunchly against alcohol of any kind. Heavily protective and aggressively violent, she'll throw herself on the line willingly to protect what little surrogate family she has left. With a severe fear of being abandoned and forgotten, and a heart full of self-hate and doubt, Nova's not about to let anyone ignore her presence anymore. And don't let her appearance fool you - she may look like a normal girl, but she'll come swinging at you the moment you step out of line, and trust me you do not want to be on the receiving end of her punch. Honest, Naive, but loyal to the ends of the Earth, Nova is an invaluable teammate and a formidable foe.

Nova was born to two lower class parents, her father a normal human and her mother a Folded with empathetic abilities. They each worked two minimum wage jobs just to keep a roof over their and their daughter's heads, and food on the table, still struggling to get by. When Nova was ten, and walking home from school, she was almost kidnapped, but saved by a gang. The gang took her under their collective wing, making up for the lack of family at home. At age fourteen, Nova's powers awakened, and she took to a life of the streets, making money from petty robbery, burglary and muggings. With the event that happened a week ago, Nova's only grown in arrogance, and has started making a name for herself as a major crime boss on the streets.

>> Brass knuckles with slight points made to withstand black lightning blasts

Personal Items
>> Red coat

>> The manpower of a small gang
>> About $200 in cash at any given point
>> Pretty freaking poor

>> Thug
>> Gang leader

>> Nova's gang (Darkstorm)

>> Open for now

>> Black lightning generation (The ability to create black lightning from any location on her body and within a 5-foot radius)
>> Black lightning manipulation (The ability to manipulate any black lightning, regardless of how it was generated, within 100 yards)
>> Black lightning immunity (An immunity to damage done via black lightning and all of black lightning's effects, as well as projected immunity to the user's clothing up to a foot away)
>> Passive - storm sense (User can tell if there's a storm about to roll in, up to a day in advance)

Mastery of Ability
Through repeated daily practice and exercise, Nova is very in control and masterful with her powers, though she often chooses not to use them for much outside of intimidation and punching. She doesn't think that far in advance.

>> Potential to develop into atmokinesis (storm manipulation) through extended practice
>> Black lightning cannot be used for anything other than destruction
>> Black lightning cannot power electronics or manipulate electronics, and generally destroys whatever it comes into contact with.

Black lightning ignores most things that would hinder normal lightning. A common weakness is the power's own overly destructive nature tearing the user apart if overused.

+ Hand-to-hand combat, a student of the street. She can throw punches and kicks like nobody's business, and has an unusual strength to back it. The only down side is her lack of formal training.
+ Large stamina pool, fueled by a voracious apatite and a life on the streets.
+ Outstanding cook, from having to make all her meals by herself, despite no formal training.
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Krystnia Alden (Calista Dayson)

  • Basic
    Calista "Cal" Dayson
    Alternate Names*: Krystnia Alden (HueTube name), KissableHeartBeat (Various websites)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
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Aira Clyde

Alternate Names*:
[Aliases, nicknames, etc]




5' 11"

139 lbs

Aira wears heavy winter gear all the time. She wears a set of wool gloves, a beanie, parka and even a thick sweater underneath. This serves to both keep her a bit warm and to avoid people from accidentally making contact with her icy skin.

Bodily Modifications*:
Aira possesses pale, snow white skin and icy cold blue eyes. Her hands and feet in particular are covered in frost and ice like a second skin.

Blood Type*:

[Here's where I'm offering you two different options. The first option is write a standard bit on your character's personality. It can be as long or as short as you want, as long as I get an idea of the character. The other option is choose 4 or more key traits (two positive, two negative at least) and explain a little about them. The mentality/personality can be more or less a summary of how your character acts and how others perceive them rather than a detailed psych report. Remember, nobody is perfect, even if they act that way.]

[Backstories are hard to write. You have to cram in over 14 years of detail into these two or three paragraphs. Well? Backstory can be as long or as short as you want. You can include key events in the character's life, or simply have them remain a mystery. The only thing that's really required here is how they reacted to the incident 1 week ago. Keep in mind that if you intend to write a full backstory, you'd want to include at what moment they gained their "independence" from their parents and therefore awakened their powers.]

[There's no science fiction power-armor here. Firearms and other weapons, police scanners, video cameras, and other paraphernalia go here.]

Personal Items:
[Anything near and dear to your character that isn't a tool goes here.]

[Basically, money. Assets and other. You could even just write if they're rich or poor or in the middle.]

[Got a job? Do something frequently? Studying?]

[Any organizations of any kind that the character is affiliated with?]

[Friends? Family? Lovers?]

Folded Conduit Info/Skills
Ice and Cold Manipulation

Mastery of Ability:
[Strength, speed, precision, range, recharge rate, and sustainability can all be improved through practice. The average person who discovers their ability at 14 will have fully mastered their ability after extended use by age 30.]

[The upper limits of the power. Include any backlash/damage that extended use of said ability can inflict on the user as well]

[Anything specific that hinders or cancels out the power. Magnetic fields, high temperatures, chocolate ice cream, whatever it may be.]

[Things your character can do outside of their power. Folded Conduit or not, they're still a human being.]

Extra RP Specific Info
Starting District:
[1st District - DIRECTED plot. 7th District - SEMI DIRECTED plot. 15th District - OPEN WORLD plot.]

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Pull the strings. . . Watch them dance.
  • Name: Jordan Weaver

    Alternate Names*: Seamstress

    Gender: Female

    Age: 19
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Since everyone's claiming powers I'll join in as well! I claim Energy Pulse and Earth Manipulation!
Uhm, I have literally no knowledge as to fantastical powers and stuff, but I'd like to claim fire powers similar to Toriel's in Undertale. Can use hand as a torch in darkness, can attack and defend with fire, more to come.
Ian Roker
Alternate Names*: Whatever people want to call him.
Gender: Male
Age: 25

[Realistic, drawn, digital art, semi-realistic anime, or description.]
Brown hair, brown eyes. His hair is shoulder length. When he is working, it is neatly tied back. While he can be described as decently handsome, he usually looks tired.
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 175lbs
Attire*: Always dresses nice, even if the occasion doesn't call for it.
Bodily Modifications*: A large tattoo on his back featuring a demonic woman and several snakes. It coves his entire back down to his upper leg, his arms above his elbows, and reaches around onto his chest.
The tattoo wraps around onto his pectoral muscles. There is a hissing snake on both sides of his chest.
Blood Type*: AB-
Mentality/Personality: Ian has a very unique multilayered personality. The core of his personality is a cool and collected individual with a high degree of charisma and who is surprisingly very soft at heart. He is surprisingly pragmatic and charming when the situation calls for it, leading to him becoming something of a local legend in the nightlife industry for his talents. Despite it all, he has an undeniable love for violence and a slight drive for power. Ian enjoys spending his time doing whatever seems fun at the time, usually in excess. The Grand was established as a way to fund his lifestyle.
Backstory: Ian Roker grew up in a strange household. There was always food on the table, there were always toys to play with. The only problem? He was to NEVER ask how it was obtained. He spent years in blissful ignorance, living under his uncle's roof with his poor mother. The boy had been a scrapper since elementary school, often getting into fights on the playground that evolved into fights on the streets. When he was fourteen however, the fights got much more serious. His Fold power unveiled itself, and almost crushed another boy's hand in the process. Edward saw this as a sign that his nephew was meant to be more than an average child. Ian was brought into the mafia world at the rip young age of 15, and he was taught how to truly handle the streets. His reputation grew, as did his wallet with each job completed under his uncle's name. When Ian turned 20, he was put in charge of Edward's establishment, The Grand.

He had never thought much about the giant figure in the sky until a week prior. The phenomena came and went, and the manager of The Grand reveled in the boosted abilities. It certainly helped keep some local thugs off of his tail. Though the whole ordeal did raise some questions. Thinking that finding answers may be fun, he followed up on the first lead he could find in relation to the mysterious event.

A Japanese style Tanto. The majority of the scabbard and hilt are black with purple floral patterns adorning it.
Personal Items: Nothing, really.
Resources: The boy has plenty of money.
Occupation: Owns a massive Cabaret known as "The Grand Cabaret," or simply "The Grand" for short. It is a place where wealthy men go to enjoy a good meal and fine alcohol while a beautifully dressed woman sits with them and does her best at flirting. That said, sexual acts are strictly prohibited. Despite the way it sounds, it is a magnificent and classy place inside.
Affiliations*: He has some mafia ties, mostly thanks to his uncle.
  • Edward Roker, his uncle, was the primary caregiver as he grew up. Edward has several mafia ties and is decently high up the ladder. This gave Ian a massive advantage when starting his establishment.
  • Rosalyn Roker, his mother, is sickly and frail. She currently lives under Edward's care.
  • Alexis Kytallina, an underground fighter he saw to have promise in the ring. He is her primary sponsor.

Folded Conduit Info/Skills
VOID - This ability allows Ian to create a black, shadow-like substance that he refers to as "Darkness." This Darkness has the ability to consume what it touches, crush it, and spit it back out. If pushed far enough, it can even begin to suck objects that are close enough inside.
Mastery of Ability: His use of his ability has grown tremendously over the years. He has found multiple uses for it, and has discovered that he can enter this "darkness" unharmed for brief periods of time.
  • The Darkness cannot manifest itself more than 5 feet away from his body.
  • while inside his own darkness, he is cut off from all senses. He cannot see, hear, feel, or even breath.
  • As such, he can only stay inside for a limited amount of time.
  • No other organic matter can come out unharmed.
  • While his power may be powerful, it does not keep him completely protected. The shadows can be slow to create, and if he doesn't react in time, he can be injured just as badly as anyone else.
  • While he is light and agile, he doesn't hit very hard. That's why he aims for vitals.
  • Speaking of aim, his is terrible with any ranged weapon.

  • Good dancer. Pretty flexible and can keep his balance.
  • Pretty good singing voice. (The man loves his karaoke.)
  • From a young age, he was taught not to take any lip from punks. As such, he knows a decent bit of self-taught street fighting. He specializes in using his dagger, his hands, or a baseball bat on rare occasions.
  • He knows how to incorporate dancing into his fighting style, if you count that.
  • Can be pretty charming and pragmatic, when he wants to be.
  • He has always had a good reaction time to things.

Extra RP Specific Info:
Starting District:
1st District, appearances in 7th.
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Name: Devin Cypress
Alternate Names*: Dev (Childhood nickname), Deus (Alias he currently goes by)
Gender: Male
Age: 23

[Realistic, drawn, digital art, semi-realistic anime, or description.]
Height: 6'3
Weight: 217
Attire*: Devin usually wears a dress shirt with a vest, black dress pants, and Nike sneakers. The colors vary such as a green shirt with a black vest.(I am not good at this clothing thing)
Bodily Modifications*: A brand of the Moon on his right bicep.
Blood Type*: O Negative
Stubbornness -
Because of his inherent stubbornness, he doesn't back down easily or give in when he should sometimes. This also feeds into Devin holding grudges for times that are far longer than is healthy.
Dogma - Devin is stuck in his ways. He has a personal set of morals that he follows like other people follow the law. Devin sometimes forces his beliefs on others and tries to make things the way he wants them.
Innocence - Because of his own troubled past, Devin often times will often times soften when it comes to children and especially abused or bullied children. He may even take them under his wing and help them grow as people so they can deal with their abuse.
Limits - Even though he could be classified as a criminal, Devin has limits to as far as he would go. He doesn't do things randomly and recklessly. Everything is calculated in his own way.
Backstory: [Backstories are hard to write. You have to cram in over 14 years of detail into these two or three paragraphs. Well? Backstory can be as long or as short as you want. You can include key events in the character's life, or simply have them remain a mystery. The only thing that's really required here is how they reacted to the incident 1 week ago. Keep in mind that if you intend to write a full backstory, you'd want to include at what moment they gained their "independence" from their parents and therefore awakened their powers.]
Growing up Devin was bullied heavily by his classmates. He was quiet and kept to himself in his younger years so he became a target. Devin began to have serious self esteem issues and receded even further into his tiny shell. He began to become more cold and vindictive as he grew up. Fighting back against his bullies only to end up in trouble himself. When he turned 12, it all came to ahead after a particularly cruel encounter with his most prominent bully, Nathan Jones.
Devin stood in the boys locker room dripping nearly head to toe in paint. Nathan had convinced the other boys in the class to splatter him with all different colors so he would "be a rainbow." He shook heavily as he looked around at all the people laughing around him. Devin's breathing slowly fastened up as he panicked. He dropped to his knees and desperately tried to catch his breath to no avail.

A few of the boys stopped lifting and became concerned, but Nathan assured them that he was fine. Devin breathed raggedly as he vision grew distorted. This was very bad. Very bad indeed. Suddenly, he had an urge from his very core. Devin caught sight of Nathan and wanted him to go away. He wanted everything to go away so he could breath. Then, Devin snapped his fingers and everything changed. A pulse of energy flew from his body and knocked all of the boys surrounding him backwards. It rattled the lockers even knocking over one and toppled two benches. Devin's shock broke him out of his attack and he looked around at the sprawled boys. His face split into a grin and he got to his feet. Nathan was eyeing him fearfully and scrambling away.

"You chose the wrong target." Devin growled snapping his fingers to send out another pulse and, with the biggest smile on his face, left the locker room not even bothering to stop for his bag.

-End Flashback-

Since his power was unlocked, Devin drove fear into the hearts of all those who tormented him. He ruled his high school with an iron fist and managed to get Nathan Jones expelled. Once that was done, he took a younger student, Rodney Houston, under his wing and groomed him to be his protege. Fresh out of high school, Devin opened a small business that would later grow to be his front for his crimes. Dev Inc. was originally a small computer and phone repairing shop, but after a few key 'investments' and new hires, Devin expanded the business and bought a game developing company. He does his dirty dealing as interviews for possible investors. In the underground and ever since he left school, Devin goes by the name "Deus" and never uses his real name.

[There's no science fiction power-armor here. Firearms and other weapons, police scanners, video cameras, and other paraphernalia go here.]
Personal Items: [Anything near and dear to your character that isn't a tool goes here.]
Resources: [Basically, money. Assets and other. You could even just write if they're rich or poor or in the middle.]
Occupation: [Got a job? Do something frequently? Studying?]
Affiliations*: [Any organizations of any kind that the character is affiliated with?]
Relationships: [Friends? Family? Lovers?]

Folded Conduit Info/Skills
[These are ALL Folded abilities granted to the user. Keep in mind that this RP functions at a street or small building level, so nobody's going to be hurling aircraft carriers or destroying entire city blocks. General physiology enhancements such as superhuman condition are exclusive to that ability only and are two levels below specific conditioning, such as just superhuman strength. Folded abilities have been doubled their original strength one week prior to the beginning of the RP, which brings us to]
Mastery of Ability: [Strength, speed, precision, range, recharge rate, and sustainability can all be improved through practice. The average person who discovers their ability at 14 will have fully mastered their ability after extended use by age 30.]
Limitations: [The upper limits of the power. Include any backlash/damage that extended use of said ability can inflict on the user as well]
Weaknesses: [Anything specific that hinders or cancels out the power. Magnetic fields, high temperatures, chocolate ice cream, whatever it may be.]

Skills/Talents: [Things your character can do outside of their power. Folded Conduit or not, they're still a human being.]

Extra RP Specific Info:
Starting District:
[1st District - DIRECTED plot. 7th District - SEMI DIRECTED plot. 15th District - OPEN WORLD plot.]
Name: Morgaine Pendry
Alternate Names*:
Doctor Pendry
Gender: Female
Age: 25


Weight: 150lbs
Attire*: Lab-coats, vials
Bodily Modifications*: Pierced ears, a few tattoos of chemical formulas including sulfuric acid and water.
Blood Type*:
Mentality/Personality: Intensely studious and analytical is a good way to describe Morgaine but is a bit misleading. Many people, when exposed to the chemist's blunt and scholastic mien write her off as the typical humorless academic. More accurately, Morgaine is a black tea fueled engine of scientifically activated excitement. She speaks logically and computationally, always making sure her words are logically sound but she delivers them with pure unrestrained enthusiasm. While the things that trigger that enthusiasm can be quite odd, it is genuine. She is deeply concerned with the advancement of science and protection of humanity. Surprisingly to many people she is a amateur philosopher and a devout humanist and futurist thinker. She loves science for the sake of it, as long as pushing civilization forward is the goal. In her off time she enjoys trashy sci-fi novels though she often accumulates a large backlog of things to read as she has no work life balance. Speaking of flaws, she works herself to exhaustion and thinks (somewhat fairly) that she is smarter then everyone else in any given room. She ignores others emotional needs and can be a bit of a blunt stick in the mud.
Morgaine was always going to be something special, she wasn't particularly "advanced" in her development but from an early age she was hard working perfectionist and obsessive. Growing up and schooling was what she did best, she worked hard and skipped grades on the basis that she actually knew everything. By the time she was old enough to be in high-school, she was working through doctorate programs.
She had a reason for it, she was deeply concerned with the powers she was given and wanted to know why. She keeps it quiet but understanding the folded, and where she came from was her life's goal. Unlike many, her parents weren't folded, and she was adopted from an unknown mother with an unwanted pregnancy. Her practically owning a lab in college and discovering her odd powerset only spurred her forward. Growing up folded with mundane parents, scared her but drove her to understand what she was.
Graduating with dual doctorates in Chemistry and Bio-Chemistry she's working constantly to understand the folded. When the inconsistency happened she managed to poison herself, and nearly die as her powers had the annoying timing of disappearing in the middle of a complex arrangement of elements. Not letting something as silly as being nearly fatally poisoned stop her the ecstatically took hundreds of samples of blood, hair and other pieces of DNA rich material, hoping the inconsistency could unlock the secrets of the folded. Her interest only intensified as her powers grew stronger. Suffice to say, shes quite interested in learning about what happened.

Keeps Vials of basic common elements, such as pure water, sulfur, carbon and other basic chemicals. Also keeps balloons and bottles on her. Also lots of lighters for heat on command
Personal Items: Labcoats and nice ties.
Not personally wealthy but she has enough research grants and requisition privilege to get a variety of rare substances and materials.
Occupation: Involved in many folded research studies and has a free research grant.
Affiliations*: University of Vrayelle
Folded Conduit Info/Skills
Abilities: Alchemist:

Alchemist comes in two flavors, science based transmutation and applied Clarke's law. At a base level her ability is to freely rearrange atoms into whatever elements and compounds she wants, which allows for the creation of technically infinite substances. This then translates to what she refers too as advanced science even she hasn't wrapped her head around. She can create liquids that spur cellular regeneration, recreated geek fire and yes, can quite easily turn lead into gold, but that would hyper-inflate the market which would make it useless. She thinks she might have created the elixir of up to 150 years immortality, but finding out if shes right or not will take well, 150 years.
Mastery of Ability: It's tricky to gauge where Morgaine is on her mastery but she is exceptionally versatile and precise with it. She's innovative and the fact that she's learned so much chemistry that her use of her ability is a lot more creative then say, someone who didn't have two doctorates. However, there is still, a lot she doesn't know and if she can't understand it she cant create it. Additionally as her power developed she noted that shes nigh impossible to poison or kill with radiation which has probably saved her life uncountable times.
Limitations: Time and complexity, basically take a chemical formula, figure out how many subatomic particles it takes to make the simplest element in it, then multiply for each additional element. For example creating a cubic meter of water (5 seconds, H20) turns to 25 to make salt water H20NaCl. Basically time and completely. Plus she cannot violate the laws of nature so she needs mass to make things, she can pull metal out of thin air for instance, but it would take a lot of time and air.
Weaknesses: she cannot manipulate heat, cold or pressure directly, and knowing basic chemistry can help negate her effects. Gas masks and water are her kryptonite.
Hydrofluric acid Eats flesh and metal
Greek Fire: Fire. burns just about anything and isn't put out with water
Cellular regeneration: A complex and time consuming formula that Morgaine doesn't fully understand, but when ingested it promotes cellular regeneration to the point where it appears to "heal wounds"
Hydrogen: incredibly simple to make while equally incredibly flammable
Thermite: Burns really hot, has a diverse chemical palate so it can be made with a variety of materials.
Nitroglycerine: Simplest contact explosive.
Tear Gas: Again, easy to make and proven effective
Flash Powder: Easily ignition source
Mercury vapor: Last resort but extremely deadly when inhaled.
-In case it isnt clear: She's a master chemist
-expert cook
-fair doctor
-Quick memorization

Extra RP Specific Info:
Starting District: 7th district.
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[Class=Notes] //Forward slashes are comments // //and do no show up in the final design,// //these are to help you find everything easily// //and explain some code as well // //These comments must be with in a class or script tags// // in order to be hidden, from what I know. // //Long URls are images// //# followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes// //or color codes// //This code allows breaks whenever the return/enter button is pressed// //The only part of the code under the tag is the class portion// //I wanted it to be easy and simple to add information// //and frankly sometimes its tiring to add
to every code I make XD// //When filling out the bottom section// //it'll look nicer to keep the "Bio: Skill: and Personality:"// //or what ever you replace it with// // on its own separate line// //and put the info below it// //Square sized images also will look best// //but if you have a non square image it'll still work// //Don't worry// [/class] [Class=Info] Font-Family:Special Elite; color:Black; padding:20px; padding-bottom:10px; background-color:#e1dcc6; width:80%; margin:auto; //This is the mainly background and the font// //If the Font does not show up // // use the typical bbc font tag in one area to make it show up// // you'll notice I've done so with the Name// //I don't know why it won't work 100% of the time with out doing this// // but since its just a simple thing to add// // I figured it wasn't to much to do to get the font I wanted// //if you want a more modern look I suggest using the font Anonymous Pro// //just don't forget to change it in the font tag on the name so it'll work// [/class] [Class=Line] border-bottom: 1px SOLID #000000; //this is the line under each section // To get the double line I just added a style to it// //as you'll be able to see below// [/class] [div class=Info]
Name: Zachariah Miller [Div class="Line"][/div] Alternate Names*: Zach, Zeke, Z, Millie, NightingAid(Huetube Name), Night. [Div class="Line"][/div] Gender: Male. [Div class="Line"][/div] Age: 26. [Div class="Line"][/div] Occupation: Teacher, ASMR Artist/Huetuber/Voice Actor. [Div class="Line"][/div]
Height: 6ft
Weight: 171lbs
Eyes: Silver
Hair: Ash Blond
[Div class="Line"][/div]
[Div class="Line" style="border-top: 1px SOLID #000000; height:3px;"][/div] Physical/Mental: Appearance/Attire: Zach has the appearance of a young adult boasting a slim build with tanned skin. His hair is the color of ash blond and short in length with silver eyes. The attire he wears on a daily basis would mainly include a simple white shirt in just a pair of boxer shorts whenever at home, though when outside he wears a white dress shirt and a pair of jeans. Simple. Occasionally worn with a dark green hoodie whenever cold. He also wears a pair of ear plugs everywhere he goes due to his powers. Blood Type*: B+. Personality: >Positive Traits Independent Zachary is a person who's capable of holding himself up and managing all of his responsibilities with ease. He doesn't need the assistance or advice of other people to think and act, often just going on with his own best interests or whims. Preferring to do his tasks alone, thinking for himself and not caring much on what others really think of him. He thinks freely. Compassionate >Negative Traits Stubborn Zach's an incredibly stubborn person and does not like any sort of changes to his plans and schemes. It's hard to make him follow and be obedient to anyone, often taking multiple dozens of attempts to get him to actually do something. Even more so when it's someone that he deeply despises. Though he doesn't get violent, just upset and angry. If it appeals to him, it'd be easier to make him obedient. He's not one to back down on anything he wants to do. Loner While he may have a few friends here and there, Zach has a a habit of isolating himself from other people and typically doesn't get involved unless it involves someone he knows and likes. Biography: [Div class="Line"][/div] Resources/Material: Equipment: Nothing to note. Personal Items: Usually brings around his wallet, phone and a small pack of ear plugs in his pockets. Resources: His salary as a teacher and the ad revenue he gets from being an incredibly popular ASMR Artist and voice actor on Huetube. Relationships: Available(PM me.) [Div class="Line"][/div] Folded Conduit Info/Skills: Abilities: >Soundwave Perception Zachary has the passive ability to perceive all sound waves in such a way that they're actually visible to his eyes. To him, sound waves have the appearance of colorful lights that vary in shapes and sizes. >Voice Manipulation An ability that he uses on the daily, Voice Manipulation essentially allows him to alter, manipulate and change his voice to anything he desires it to be. To any loudness or softness, pitch, to the way he says his words and what kind of voice he wishes to speak in. He's capable of replicating any sort of sound, such as barking, meowing, a car engine, a girl/boy's voice, whatever. This makes him capable of speaking in such a way that it's hypnotic, or in his case, relaxing. Zach can even speak in four different voices at the same time. >Sound Designer The third power that Zach possesses allows him to solidify, mold and construct with sounds. >Supernatural Hearing In addition to being capable of seeing sounds, Zachary has a sense of hearing that's far better than most people. The hearing that he possesses is on a high supernatural level, being capable of hearing anything over an incredibly amount of distance with the limit of a mile. It allows him to hear things that would normally be too quiet to be discernible to being able to hear over an insane range of frequencies. Mastery of Ability: The mastery he has over all of his powers is near complete mastery, save for Sound Designer. Limitations: Zachary has to use an existing source of sound to create his sound constructs and can't just create pure soundwaves out of thin air. Each of his constructs have a time limit of ten minutes for how long they can stay as a tangible object. Weaknesses: As his hearing is extremely acute, anything that's just normal loud to other people would be incredibly loud to his ears. The sound constructs have multiple weaknesses, like a time limit of ten minutes before they turn back to normal sound. Another is sound absorbent materials, or people with the power to absorb sound, as even though they're tangible and fairly solid, once the construct touches the material or is in any area where sound is being absorbed it will disappear into nothing. Skills/Talents: >Voice Acting Zach is a professional voice actor, for obvious reasons. >Singing An incredibly good singer, as he can quite easily just manipulate his own voice. >Cooking He's a decent cook. Certainly not the best, but not the worst either. >Persuasion The guy is damn good when it comes to persuading people to do stuff for him, though his cowardice gets in the way. [Div class="Line"][/div] Extra RP Specific Info: Starting District: 15th. [Div class="Line"][/div]
Code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith
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Koniokinesis & Psionic Energy Manipulation

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Cerys Louise Morris
Alternate Name
Cece, Dust
Zodiac Sign
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 122 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Color: Golden Tan
Body Modifications: She has various tattoos extending from her back to her neck.
Blood Type: AB +

Equipment: None
Personal Items: She holds onto and uses her fathers old wallet.
Resources: Shes on the lower end of middle class.
Occupations: Interning at a local health clinic.
Affiliations: none
Relationships: None but open.

Cerys has a no bullshit rule, having a very tell it as it is personality, and never one to sugar coat anything.She rather others to put it all out there than to lead someone on. Having a very black and white kind of perspective that can often cause others to think she always has a stick up her ass. That's not to say she'll never get a joke, though she not really the joking type. She is unpredictable. And independent. She doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do.

Cerys isn't one for loyalty though there are a select few who she would help no matter what. Unseen to the public eye she can be quiet loving and silly but only to a select few she deems as worthy. A side most do not get to see to often is that Cerys is a bit of a control freak. She can not stand not knowing, and something that is out of her control can and will drive her crazy onto the point of driving others around her crazy. Cerys doesn't have much tolerance for silliness or others ignorance.

Extremely thorough, responsible, and dependable. Well-developed powers of concentration. She wants nothing to do with "drama" among the others. Cerys doesn't stand for any silliness and will strict with an iron fist if things get out of hand. She is seen as an almost 'peace keeper' in the sense that she deals with problems head on and quickly ends them, even if nothing is really settled.
Cerys was born and raised in Doveland, New York. Her parents moving from California to New York just before she was born. Growing up Cerys rarely saw her parents at the same time. Her father, a mechanic, normally worked days while her mother, a nurse, tended to work nights. While her father was away in the day Cerys's mother took care of the kids, making sure they were up in time for school as well as other things. And when her mother was away working her father would cook them dinner, normally reheating whatever her mom baked that morning and made sure they went to bed on time.

Now on the rare occassions both parents were working the responsibility fell to her brother, Keoni, which ultimately fell to Cerys. Her brother normally snuk out and headed the the city with a couple of his friends. Cerys seemed to always find herself with the responsiblility of taking care of her younger sister instead of her brother, which was often the case. She often saw herself as the one who had to carry the weight of her family, become someone that they could be proud of.

When Cerys started school she quickly found that if you did what the teacher said and then some you often could find yourself getting good grades. Which soon gave her the nickname of 'Teacher's Pet'. From pre-school to high school Cerys grew up with the same people, everynow and then some would leave Doveland while others would come and stay for awhile. Pretty much she saw the same faces year after year, and year after year she found herself labled as the goody two-shoes or teachers pet. That's just what happens when you grow up in a small town like Doveland.

Cerys was considered a late bloomer in the sense that her powers never really showed until she moved away for college. Now gradutated Cerys seemes to have grasped what her powers were until the strange event that occured a week prior.

Abilities: Cerys can create, shape and manipulate dust and dust particles from various sources, such as soil dust lifted by weather (an aeolian process), volcanic eruptions, and pollution. Dust in homes, offices, and other human environments contains small amounts of plant pollen, human and animal hairs, textile fibers, paper fibers, minerals from outdoor soil, human skin cells, burnt meteorite particles and many other materials which may be found in the local environment.
Mastery of Abilities: Cerys is knowledgeable in her skill although the recent power change was a slight set back.
Limitations: While Cerys can create dust she is still learning so most of the time her powers are confined to what is currently in the room..
Weaknesses: Cleanliness.
Skills/Talents: Cerys is a fast runner if that counts for anything.

District: 1

code by pasta
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Claiming Emotional Inducement and slight control over water (moving it, making walls with it, etc). Starting on my CS now, should be done soon
(Replace YC with your character's name/initials if you want. * is optional.)
W: Hi. My name is Writer, and I'm interviewing you for your information. Is that alright? We'll start with Basic information.
W: Alright! To start with, I would like to know your Name, as well as any Alternate Names such as nicknames.
JD: Who the fuck are you?! What's going on here? Have I been abducted by aliens?
W: You're dreaming about being a video game character.
JD: Oh, sick. Jason Demac.
W: And your Age?
JD: 19
W: What about your Gender? I wouldn't want to assume.
JD: HAHA That's fair. Male

W: Wonderful! Now, let's move onto Physical and Mental traits. Tell me your Height and Weight.
JD: 5/11, 160 on a good day.
W: Now show everyone what you look like!
JD: Wait I think I have a selfie.

W: What a wonderful mug! Any specific Attire?
JD: I suppose I have a sense of style. I like a nice Jacket and slacks.
W: Do you want to disclose any Bodily Modification or your Blood Type?
JD*: I'm an A positive
W: Let's get to your Mentality or Personality. Tell me about yourself so I get an idea of who you are.
JD: Well I don't really know. I'd say I try to be nice to people. I can be kind of competitive I suppose. I have to admit I'm not very motivated. I guess I'm a pretty much a normal guy. I like to hang out with friends and play a game or two. I especially like chess. My mom insists I get too carried away with my powers, but I think she's just paranoid I'll hurt somebody.
W: Wonderful, and, what about your history? Or, as some like to call it, your Backstory?
YC: I guess the earliest I can remember in my life is being with my mom in our little one bedroom apartment. Just me and her. I can barely remember the day she met my stepdad. I think I remember him being polite and quiet. He didn't have any abilities, like Mom, but he was very strong. I remember my mother crying a lot throughout my childhood. He never hit her. I mean, I suppose I can't say never. They were in their room alone a lot. When I was really young is when he started to... come into my room at night. I'll spare you the details. But it always lasted the whole night. He would always threaten to tell my Mom and that kept me quiet. He had a bad temper. He never hit me though.

He stopped by the time I was ten and got my powers. That's when my mother got pregnant with my sister. I was the first to hold her after the doctor. I loved her more than I loved my mother. That's why when I found out Franklin was doing that to her, I went out of control. I felt such... relief afterwards. It was like the calm right after a storm. My mom told me not to move, cleaned up the blood around my shoes, and threw them in the furnace. We never told anyone. But I'm dreaming now, so what does it matter?

W: Well, you're certainly worth something to begin with! But I want to know your Material worth. Any Equipment?
JD: I guess my bike. And my backpack.
W: Personal Items?
JD: My backpack has pencils and my sketchbook, some basic medical supplies, duct tape, super glue, a wrench, pocket knife, the works.
W: How about your assets? How much do you own? How rich or poor are you? Your Resources?
JD: I have a job at an auto parts store.
W: How about your Job/Occupation? Do you do anything during the day?
JD: I.. I just told you...
W: And, are you Affiliated with anyone or anything?
JD: I've been studying Judo for about three years. I also have a membership to the kickboxing gym around the corner. I'm alright I guess.
W: Now that we're almost to the end, let's talk about your Folded Abilities and Skills. You are one of them, aren't you? What are your Abilities?
JD: AHHHHH I was wondering when you'd get to the good stuff. I have the ability to make things spin! Fast. Okay that makes it seem really lame. Before the blackout I could only effect light things like chairs or rocks. And only if I touched them. I can do it at about a three foot range now and make a car flip if I want! That's at about max power and I can't really make it spin. Little things are no problem though.
W: How much of your ability have you Mastered?
JD: I'm pretty crafty if I do say so myself. I can make almost any round object curve through the air, and I can make pennies spin so fast they can cut you and get really hot. Like, hot enough to singe your arm hair if I you put it close. Here, look.
W: HEY! Stop that! Your ability holds you back in some way. What are your Limitations?
JD: Well like I said really heavy stuff is a problem. And I can only spin things at about 15 hundred rpm. This super rich dude brought his Bugatti into the shop one day and I tested it on his tires's gauge.
W: And any particular...Weaknesses?
JD: WellI don't really have to be looking at something, per say, but I've got to know where it is exactly.

W: What about Skills and Talents? The person isn't defined by their abilities.
JD: I'm pretty good on my bike. I thought about entering a competition but I didn't really care enough to practice. Comes in handy moving pretty fast using my power.

W: Finally, which District are you starting in?
JD: I live in District 1 if that's what you mean.

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[Class=Notes] //Forward slashes are comments // //and do no show up in the final design,// //these are to help you find everything easily// //and explain some code as well // //These comments must be with in a class or script tags// // in order to be hidden, from what I know. // //Long URls are images// //# followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes// //or color codes// //This code allows breaks whenever the return/enter button is pressed// //The only part of the code under the tag is the class portion// //I wanted it to be easy and simple to add information// //and frankly sometimes its tiring to add
to every code I make XD// //When filling out the bottom section// //it'll look nicer to keep the "Bio: Skill: and Personality:"// //or what ever you replace it with// // on its own separate line// //and put the info below it// //Square sized images also will look best// //but if you have a non square image it'll still work// //Don't worry// [/class] [Class=Info] Font-Family:Special Elite; color:Black; padding:20px; padding-bottom:10px; background-color:#e1dcc6; width:80%; margin:auto; //This is the mainly background and the font// //If the Font does not show up // // use the typical bbc font tag in one area to make it show up// // you'll notice I've done so with the Name// //I don't know why it won't work 100% of the time with out doing this// // but since its just a simple thing to add// // I figured it wasn't to much to do to get the font I wanted// //if you want a more modern look I suggest using the font Anonymous Pro// //just don't forget to change it in the font tag on the name so it'll work// [/class] [Class=Line] border-bottom: 1px SOLID #000000; //this is the line under each section // To get the double line I just added a style to it// //as you'll be able to see below// [/class] [div class=Info]
Nadja Tatiana Viktoria Krämer [Div class="Line"][/div] Pronunciation: German [ˈnadja taˈtiana vɪkˈtoːʀia ˈkʀɛːmɐ] Russian [ˈnadʲə tɐˈtʲjanə vʲɪkˈtorʲɪjə ˈkrɛmɐ] English [ˈnɑdiə tɑˈtiɑnə vɪkˈtɔːɹiə kɹeɪmɚ] [Div class="Line"][/div] Alternate Names: N/A [Div class="Line"][/div] Gender: Female [Div class="Line"][/div] Age: 22 [Div class="Line"][/div] Sexual Orientation: Bisexual [Div class="Line"][/div] Occupation: Waitress [Div class="Line"][/div]
Height: 5'4
Weight: 136 lbs
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Black
[Div class="Line"][/div]
[Div class="Line" style="border-top: 1px SOLID #000000; height:3px;"][/div] Physical/Mental: Nadja Krämer is what one would describe as a having a survivalist mindset and usually puts herself first when push comes to shove. She won't throw people under the buss just for kicks, but don't be surprised if you end being used as a means to an end. This doesn't mean she won't help someone if they truly need it, it's just not a winning personality trait of hers. Intellectually she's no Stephen Hawking, however neither is she a complete moron. Her intelligence largely manifests itself in street smarts and down to earth subjects, forgoing calculus for lock-picking and the like. Nadja also tends to have a slight manipulative streak, albeit a very mild one. She has no grand plans for the world, truly. She also tends to hide her intelligence and understanding of a situation from most people, wishing to be dismissed to the sidelines, where she can hopefully remain away from the spotlight. She speaks rarely, and with a soft voice to boot. Appearance: Nadja boasts a slim, pale-skinned frame, with a face adorned in jet black hair, stormy grey eyes, and light freckles. Her jaw matches her slim appearance, with a mildly small nose and lips. She tends to keep her hair fairly short and unkempt, with a certain sense of rebellious flare thrown in the mix. Blood Type: O- Biography: Nadja was born Cottbus, the second largest city in Brandenburg, one of sixteen German federated states. This was the city where she would spend the first 13 years of her childhood. Her mother was a German-Russian physical therapist conduit with the ability to heal others through touch, her father a German police officer conduit with the ability of enhanced senses. While her parents' stable income made her home-life fairly comfortable, her father's constant absence did not. As his career required him to work long hours and many a weekend, Nadja found herself without much of a father figure to claim. As a result she became very close with her mother over the years, her relationship with her father to be forever strained. Other than a rather dysfunctional family dynamic, her life was fairly normal. Once her 14th birthday came around, it became less so. Her abilities manifested with almost dramatic timing, at the moment the clock struck the hour of her birth, they came into existence. She was enamored with them, practicing whenever she got the opportunity. She became obsessed with improvement, to the point that she frequently ignored her studies. With an already intuitive understanding of their nature, she mastered them within just a few years. Much to the chagrin of her parents. Time and time again, they were expressed both anger and disappointment in her casual dismissal of her academic future. This led to frequent fighting, which led to frequent nights of her sneaking out to escape their insufferable attitudes. Despite these conflicts, she remained close with her mother and somewhat friendly with her father through the rest of her teenage years. At 17, her mother received a job offer based in Vrayelle, one interested in her Fold ability, one that paid handsomely. It took very little discussion on her parents part before Nadja found herself on a flight bound for America. The culture shock was frightening at best, overwhelming at worst. The language barrier was negligible, albeit she has yet to escape her distinct German accent. Overall, she's enjoyed her time in Vrayelle far more than she'd ever admit, only wishing that something more exciting might happen in the seaside city. [Div class="Line"][/div] Resources/Material: She has very little in the way of resources, typically living paycheck to paycheck. Equipment: Nothing of note. Personal Items: Nadja usually carries a small satchel containing her cell-phone, wallet, and other personal items. Resources: The occasional loan from her parents. Occupation: Waitress at a local diner. Affiliations: Her workplace. Relationships: Open to them, PM me! [Div class="Line"][/div] Folded Conduit Info/Skills: Abilities: Sound Manipulation: While not capable of producing her own sound waves, she can mimic, intensify, hush, distort, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, using it as a powerful physical force. She uses this ability to deafen opponents, throw them off their feet, and cause confusion. In terms of creating shock waves, the range is severely limited, to that of a few feet. This ability is very much for close-quarters combat. These manipulations have the potential to create large scale vibrations, which effectively destroy weaker materials such as plywood and can cause some damage to concrete, and potentially some metals. She has shown the capability of limited voice manipulation, being able to mask her voice to the point that it’s completely unrecognizable. Sound Amplification: One of her more favored applications of sound, Nadja frequently increases the strength, duration, and potential of sound to its fullest, with the effects varying based on the original effects of the sound that she amplifies. She has used this to amplify her voice if ever desired. Sound Absorption: Nadja can absorb sound waves, removing it from the source. Effectively speaking she can mute an entire area, something most effective within buildings or tight spaces. She is capable of applying this to herself, muting any sound she may make. Echolocation: Nadja can emit sound and use the echoes that return from various objects to "see". Alternately, she can use ambient sounds to do the same. She is a capable of using this ability while muting herself, allowing her to see in total darkness and be unheard. Mastery of Ability: Nadja has near complete mastery over her ability, with very little of its usage outside of her reach. Immunities: Nadja is unaffected by loud noises or different frequencies, rendering her able to use her abilities without ill effects. Limitations: Her ability to manipulate sound requires that there be a source to manipulate, she is not capable of emitting pure sound waves. Her range is incredibly limited, typically to line of sight within a hundred feet or so. She cannot black out an entire city. Weaknesses: Echolocation requires active concentration, which can tire her out rather quickly. Thus, she can only use it in bursts, allowing opponents the opportunity to strike between bursts of sound. Opponents outfitted with ear protection are more or less safe from most of her attacks. Just like any other human, Nadja can become tired, injured, and killed like anyone else. She has no enhanced strength or durability, and using her abilities tire her out just as much as running a marathon would. While certainly mentally tough, her body has its limits. Skills/Talents: Thanks to her rebellious streak in Germany, she has quite a few street skills under her belt, namely lock-picking, hot-wiring, pick-pocketing and some moderate skill in parkour. She's also an skilled liar and manipulator. Naturally, due to her upbringing, she is a native speaker of both Russian and German. [Div class="Line"][/div] Extra RP Specific Info: Starting District: 1st. [Div class="Line"][/div]
Code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith
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Adeline Lou Kemp
Alternate Name
Addie, Lou, Sif

Height: 5'2"
Weight: 113 lbs
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Grey
Skin Color: medium with olive undertones
Distinguishing Features: Has a deep scar that goes through her left eyebrow.
Blood Type: -O

Equipment: None
Personal Items: Adeline has a butterfly knife that she recived on her nineteenth birthday.
Resources: Poor as all get out
Occupations: College Student, Cashier
Affiliations: None
Relationships: None but open

Adeline has always been a happy go lucky kind of girl. She's quite outspoken with his quick, sarcastic quips as she constantly jokes around and pokes fun of her friends. Always seems to have some unusual ideas brewing in her mind that stem from external factors and she likes to focus on what the future holds. Even though she has amazing social skill, often finding herself at the center of any social event. Rarely does she ask for help as she is independent to a fault. Often times she finds herself digging a deeper hole by not asking for help then when she does.

Always having something up her sleeve Adeline is one for suprises. She is terrible with time and not in the good what where she always thinks she is ten minutes early to something but where she is always ten minutes late. Always having something on her mind to distract herself from everyday life, it is truely a wonder how she is passing any of her classes. Not only is she a dreamer but an avid socilite, always saying it's not a party till she's there. Generaly she gets along with most people and with have to take someone truely dark and twisted to push her over the edge.

Growing up in the suburbs of southern California Adeline's life was good. Her mother stayed at home and took care of her while her father worked as an accountant at one of the local banks. Her family was never the touchy feely type, no one said they loved each other and hugging was a foriegn thing to her. To her mother school should be the most important thing in Adeline's life, getting good grades to grow up and be a good accountant like his father. Although Adeline had a different plan in mind when thinking about her future.

At seven Adeline had the biggest shock a seven year old could ever have; she was going to have a baby sister. Of course she was over joyed, thinking about all the cool things she could teach her and how she would act just like the big sisters she would see on tv. She would be the coolest big sister ever. Around the same time her father lost his job due to budget cuts so her mother decided that what the family needed was change. So they moved back to her fathers home town of Vrayelle where her father opened up a frozen yogurt shop. Adeline honestly had never seen anyone so happy before, dare she say this was his father's calling.

Between the moving and her father opening shop her sister Adalynn was born. She and his sister were close from the beginning, one never to far from the other. Adeline's sister becoming her shadow. When Adeline was accepted into college she decided to go into graphic design mainly because one of her teachers told her she would be good at it, plus she was dead set on not becoming an accountant no matter how much his mother pleaded.

Adeline's family never really spoke about being Folded, of course she knew. Having clear evidence of discovering what she was capable of by the burned slash across her bedroom wall. Her family helped her and showed her all the capabilities of her power at that time but after that being Folded was never discussed. It seemed to Adeline that being Folded was more so something to hide than to relish in. So throughout her high school career Adeline kept this information to herself. It wasn't until college that she truly understood what being Folded was.

Abilities: Adeline can create, shape and manipulate visible light, commonly referred to as light, is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, and is responsible for the sense of sight.
Mastery of Abilities: Adeline can easily manipulate existing light, it is creating light that she has an issue with.
Weaknesses: Mirrors, the light will bounce off of it, thus have no affect. Creating light, while she can do so it is extreamly difficult as she is still learning, therefore she mainly uses existing light.
Skills/ Talents: Adeline is very good at acrobatics, being on her high school team all 4 years. Even doing some national competitions. Therefore she extremely flexible.

District: 7

code by pasta
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Alternate Names*: Laughingstok (He can't read, and doesn't know how to spell this properly.)
Gender: Male
Age: 22

Appearance: (WIP)
Weight: 148lbs
Attire*: Generally speaking Laughingstok prefers low-key dress. Makes it easier to disappear into a crowd if he needs to after a fight. This being said, he has a childish love for candy red, which can draw unwanted attention. He often wears a hoodie and loose-fit jeans. The most striking feature of his dress is the mask which almost constantly adorns his face. It has only one eye hole on his left, and where the right was was a four pointed star. It has a large painted black smile from ear to ear.
Bodily Modifications*: None.
Blood Type*: A Positive
Mentality/Personality: Laughingstok is completely anti social. Not in the way that he does not like to interact with people, but in the way that he goes against almost all social norms. This could be due to the fact that most of the time he gets his money from killing people and generally causing mayhem. He lives "off the grid," As in he only owns a flip phone and es out of a dingy-looking VW bus, paying in cash for everything from half a sense of convenience and half paranoia. He spends most days either practicing marksmanship, martial arts, going to the movies, or doing drugs. This makes for a very interesting concoction of rude, aggravating, determined, and abrupt. Despite this he sometimes gets along with people who are equally against the norm. The loud true-neutral types. He enjoys competition and especially a good challenge. Perhaps this is why he works as a mercenary. The only way to hire him is to have his phone number, and you can only get his phone number if he wants you to have it.
Backstory: Laughingstok's parents were killed in a car crash, officially, and the baby was brought to an orphanage, as orphans babies so often are. What is not very likely for an Orphan is for them to be adopted by a crime lord. This crime lord did not want to fill a hole in his heart with the joys of fatherhood, however. He just wanted to raise a killer with superpowers. He had ordered a hit on Laughingstok's parents specifically because they had folded abilities, and he knew the child would also. He raised the child to know nothing but killing, and would release him on scores of rival thugs. Stok became his problem solver, but as with most sons Stok rebelled against his father. He killed him, and all of his men. He single handedly cut the crime rate of the 15th district in half by murdering so many of his father's lackeys. This was not his goal, however. He was simply done with being an attack dog.

He took up a career as a hired gun. He didn't differentiate much on who he would kill or what he would do if the price was right. He doesn't necessarily believe in killing defenseless people, like an ex husband, but likes to stick mostly to killing people who can kill him back. If there's no challenge in it he doesn't really see the point. Might as well give the week a chance to become strong, right? Nature is survival of the fittest after all.

Twin colt 1911's usually kept in shoulder holsters underneath his jacket. Two bandoleers of ammo clips also wrapped across his chest, again usually hidden beneath a flannel shirt or jacket.
Personal Items: Small black nokia flip phone. Brown leather bifold wallet.
Resources: Laughingstok keeps his money underneath the back seat of his VW bus, which is about 1300 dollars in cash right now. When it runs low he usually robs an atm or something if he doesn't have any work calling. He prefers cash up front.
Occupation: Mercenary
Affiliations*: Himself
Relationships: None

Folded Conduit Info/Skills
Kenetic Energy Manipulation: Kenetic energy is the energy of motion. Laughingstok can manipulate this force to increase the power of any moving object he touches. This means a car which is normally too heavy for a man to lift can be flung into the air by a light lift. He can also change the directions of the motion of objects instantaneously for up to ten seconds after he touches them.
Mastery of Ability: The more energy and the larger the object Laughingstok tries to effect the more stamina he uses. He also at the moment is only able to redirect any object once after he touches it.
Limitations: Cannot decrease the kenetic energy of an object. Can only effect solids.
Weaknesses: Cannot effect other energies or abilities. Cannot effect living beings directly, as their own natural energy negates his.

Skills/Talents: Laughingstok is an extremely talented marksman and martial artist. He has mastered silat and is well verse judo and jiu jitsu. Specializing in joint manipulations and throws using his opponent's bodyweight against them.
Extra RP Specific Info:
Starting District:
District 15

D duegxybus
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Lexa Gilliam
Alternate Names: Titanica
Gender: Female
Age: 23

Lexa is considerably well-built, although not abnormally so for her size. Her eyes and hair are usually the first thing people notice about her, being bright green and red respectively, to what is perhaps an unnatural degree. This is accentuated by her equally unnatural pale skin.
Height: 5'8
Weight: 75kg
Attire: To aid her ability, she almost always wears a grey skin-tight suit that covers everything but her hands, head and feet, even when wearing other clothing. This suit responds to her abilities, changing size and composition much like her actual skin. She also wears a thick pair of plastic, shatter-proof boots - these can stretch to accommodate her size changing to a certain degree, but are eventually destroyed by the increased structural demands.
Mentality/Personality: Lexa often comes across as being quite strong-willed, occasionally even aggressive, even when the situation doesn't demand it. Despite this, she isn't necessarily a bad person - she just has a bit if a temper, which occasionally gets out of hand. Loyalty is an incredibly big deal to her, feeling compelled to never let down those she trusts, and being inevitably disappointed when others can't do the same. As time has gone on, and her powers developed, she has felt less and less guilt about hurting other people to get what she wants.
Backstory: Initially growing up in an orphanage, Lexa has never known her parents. Never really settling down, she was passed from care home to care home from the age of 6, and wasn't adopted or fostered long enough to form any permanent attachments. As such, she chose to live alone when she turned 18, eventually finding work as a store clerk.

This was enough for her, and she was able to settle down happily for a few months. However, soon her abilities became apparent, when she started developing odd cravings - concrete, steel, practically anything at some stage. She ignored them for as long as possible, for fear of being 'weird', but eventually gave in to her temptations, devouring a section of copper pipe. She was surprised by the ease of this, but was unaware of the effects until a few hours later, when she inadvertently dented a solid brick wall.

As she learnt the extent of her abilities, she naturally abused them for her own purposes, earning the name of 'Titanica' in the city of [REDACTED]. For a while, she practically did whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. But as she learned to control her emotions as well as her powers, she found the value of staying out of the public eye. It took time, but she was eventually able to settle back into a steady, legal job.

...until the 'event', that is. The newfound boost in power was enough to reignite her free spirit, taking to streets once more.

She usually has a small handgun on her person, although she frequently loses them when using her abilities.
Personal Items: N/A
Resources: Moderate
Occupation: Currently unemployed
Relationships: Daniel Olsen is her brother, although neither of them are currently aware of this.

Folded Conduit Info/Skills
Lexa's abilities revolve around being able to consume almost anything, with her digestive system being capable of processing and breaking down most materials, including metals and rocks. As most of these do not contain usable sources of energy, they are instead incorporated into the skeleton, muscles and skin, acting as structural reinforcement, granting properties such as increasing strength and resistance to damage, to the point of being essentially bulletproof in the final stages.

When large amounts of mass is consumed, in addition to these effects, her size steadily increases proportionally, with density remaining the same after a certain point. Although there is no known limit to this (largest recorded height is 100ft, although she claims to have attained larger in the past), this is regulated by the increasing energy needs. This requires vast quantities of organic material to be consumed simply to maintain movement - if this cannot be met, her size decreases gradually as the body uses existing reserves.
Mastery of Ability: Lexa is mostly proficient with her ability.
Limitations: There is no strict limits on her abilities, but the more they are used, the harder they are to maintain. Long periods of usage can result in fatigue and severe muscle pains.
Weaknesses: Her internal organs are still mostly vulnerable when her ability is active.

Skills/Talents: Lexa has had basic hand-to-hand combat 'training', although she is much more proficient in the use of firearms when at normal size.

Extra RP Specific Info:
Starting District:
1st District
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Name: Helia Porter

Alternate Names*:



[Realistic, drawn, digital art, semi-realistic anime, or description.]
Height: 5'

Weight: 98LB

Attire*: Will be caught wearing anything from jeans to a 1000 dollar dress

Bodily Modifications*:

Blood Type*: AB+

+ Optimist
Is a glass half full kinda gall. Phoenix often is the first one too support her team or give others emotional support. Is impossible to put down for too long, always finding a way to come back from mistakes and work to improve.

+ Performer Mentality
Is focused on entertaining and keeping spirits with her friends up. Often gives her friends free songs, dances, and tries to keep them happy. She enjoys putting herself out there and using her natural gifts to the best of her abilities.

+Young Blood
Confident herself and wanting to live life to the fullest, people will find themselves having the time of their life around her.

+/- Flashy
Is often flashy in her performance, bringing much attention to herself. Good or bad attention.

+/- Strange performer
Knows a variety of performances, ranging from simple dances, to songs, to more erotic dances. With her abilities many see her as more exotic and as a result hire her for the more private entertainment. With her friends she often sees private dances and generally being a good entertainer to be ok with her friends if they ask. If she is drunk or under the influence of drugs she is much more likely to act out with her talents.

+/- Emotional
Often factors her emotions into things more than she does the facts. Goes with her gut more than her mind simply put.

- Overly self-conscious
Phoenix is overly dedicated to her performance, Helia will be left doing the same performance over and over again till she collapses chasing impossible perfection.

- Way Too Helpful
Often goes a little too above and beyond even for other people. Often leading to others seeing her as obnoxious amounts of 'helpful'

- Competitive
If she finds someone try to out-do her, Helia will endlessly try to one up them to get the spotlight. Though it's all in good fun to her, some may hate it.

Phoenix grew up in a weird life overall, she found herself in a circus at a young age. She had no real place to go so she stuck around there for the longest time. She discovered her abilities at age 13 during a performance when she combust into purple flames. She expected people to run but instead it made the performance better. When she got more skilled and got older Phoenix quickly became a public icon, many people seeing her dances as the main event of the circus. Eventually she had to leave the circus as she just felt confined there.

She wanted to go around the city perform. Not just do the same thing over and over again. At age 16 she moved out of the circus and went across the city performing. It wasn't until recently that she had her powers improved-... in the middle of a show. Her skin was covered in LSD at the time and very quickly as she exhaled during the dance gas started to escape her mouth. Gas quickly started to flood the place full of gas making everyone inside high as a kite. The dance was success but she was left wondering what happened during that dance.

Turns out everyone that she heard of with abilities like hers had them doubled in power, so now she was left wondering. So now she set out to find out just what happened. Hoping to make a couple friends along the way and make some great performances.


- A sawed off double barrel shotgun in her car for self defense
- Makarov on her ankle for when someone gets way too touchy

Personal Items:
- Has a pair of small over ear headphones that she keeps around her neck when in public with a mp4 player. Headphones are wireless.
- Has some chemistry stuff in her apartment. Very limited set up but it can do some basic stuff.
- Has a cheap flip phone. Not a big fan of smartphones. They tend to get damaged to easily for her taste. Hell most of the time she leaves her phone at home, she gets too many junk calls for it to be any good.
- Has a lot of jewelry that she changes around often.
- Her wallet, that she sometimes supplements with a pocketbook.
- A large assortment of instruments and musical equipment. Anything from a flute to a guitar to a Saxophone. She generally has them.
Resources: Is lower upper class, owns a high class apartment and a Acura TLX. With a wardrobe to rival the average studios wardrobe.

Occupation: Is a high class dancer and a excellent singer. Plays music on the side.

Affiliations*: [Any organizations of any kind that the character is affiliated with?]
The cities circus knows her very well, many bars and clubs have had her perform.

Relationships: [Friends? Family? Lovers?]
Generally has no family but some people recognize her.

Folded Conduit Info/Skills

Multi-Threading - Able to process multiple thought processes at once. Allowing her to focus on many things at once. Can hold up to 3 thought lines at once

Chemical Drug Production - Able to synthesis any sort of drug that can be a liquid to be dispersed via pores or saliva. This list includes but is not limited too a LSD, Acid, roofies, and the list goes on. As a result of this ability Phoenix is immune to her own secretions and exhalations.

Internal chemical Oxidation - Can drink chemicals and exhale gases if that chemical. Or use her own naturally made chemicals in her saliva.

Sun-dance - Able to combust and cover herself in a beautiful yet healing flames. The flames can 'drip' off her skin or be applied to others. It is hot but does not harm. Instead of destroying it harmlessly latches onto objects. She can use it to create almost everlasting lamps and she can change the color at will, or dance and put on a really colorful show. Cannot use chemical production as this effect is caused by a chemical unique to her.

Improved Reflexes & Perception - Is able to notice things in the background easily, and can even see time at a slow state for a limited amount of time. (Does not effect how fast she moves). is able to react to things at a speed of 45ms.

Mastery of Ability:
Has rudimentary knowledge due to her extensive use in her work. She has a hard time getting used to her enhanced perception. Just now getting the hang of it in the last year.

Limitations: [The upper limits of the power. Include any backlash/damage that extended use of said ability can inflict on the user as well]

- It takes time to turn liquids into gas in her body depending on the amount. Taking up to minute for a full exhale.

- Cannot secrete gallons of a liquid in a minute. Can only secrete a thin layer to cover her skin and enough for her saliva.

- Sun-dance flames burn until they are blocked off from oxygen to where they will burn themselves out at a swift rate.

Weaknesses: [Anything specific that hinders or cancels out the power. Magnetic fields, high temperatures, chocolate ice cream, whatever it may be.]
- Cannot use Sun-dance without oxygen, the flames go out without oxygen.

- Requires air for internal oxidation

- Is a fragile human.

Skills/Talents: [Things your character can do outside of their power. Folded Conduit or not, they're still a human being.]
- Expert dancer and singer, knows how to play many instruments and picks up new ones very well.
- Great cook
- Knows how to patch holes in clothes and make it look like small rips or tears never happened.
- Has a few hours in the gun range to protect herself
- Skilled in the charismatic arts and seduction
- Good at chemistry

Extra RP Specific Info
Starting District:
District 1


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font-family: 'Abril Fatface', serif; font-size: 4em; color: #DDBEFF; padding: 10px; -o-transition: all .5s ease-in-out; -ms-transition: all .5s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: all .5s ease-in-out; -webkit-transition: all .5s ease-in-out; transition: all .5s ease-in-out; cursor: pointer; [/class] [class name=selectednavbutton] flex: 1 0 100px; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: center; font-family: 'Abril Fatface', serif; font-size: 4em; color: #E19014; padding: 10px; -o-transition: all .5s ease-in-out; -ms-transition: all .5s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: all .5s ease-in-out; -webkit-transition: all .5s ease-in-out; transition: all .5s ease-in-out; cursor: pointer; [/class] [class name=navbutton state=hover] color: #E19014; [/class] [script class=navbutton on=click] // resets everything to their default appearance hide tabcontents removeClass selectednavbutton navbutton // cheaty way of doing this lol set currentTab (getText) // sets which navbutton gets the color change if (eq ${currentTab} 1) (addClass selectednavbutton navbuttonone) if (eq ${currentTab} 2) (addClass selectednavbutton navbuttontwo) if (eq ${currentTab} 3) (addClass selectednavbutton navbuttonthree) if (eq ${currentTab} 4) (addClass selectednavbutton navbuttonfour) if (eq ${currentTab} 5) (addClass selectednavbutton navbuttonfive) // sets which tabcontents gets shown if (eq ${currentTab} 1) (show tabcontentsone) if (eq ${currentTab} 2) (show tabcontentstwo) if (eq ${currentTab} 3) (show tabcontentsthree) if (eq ${currentTab} 4) (show tabcontentsfour) if (eq ${currentTab} 5) (show tabcontentsfive) [/script] [div style="display: none;"] font call font call [/div] [div class=body] [div class=container] [div class=leftcolumn] [div class=imagecontainer] [div class=mainimage] her.png [/div] [/div] [div class=title] TYRA [/div] [div class=subtitle] SHE KNOWS YOUR KINKS [/div] [/div] [div class=maincontentcolumn] [div class=scrollbox] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentsone" style="display: block;"] [div class=post] [div class=title]TIRAMISU BLUE[/div] If you didn't realize, Tiramisu Blue is her name. Tiramisu is quite a (stupid) long name, though, so she likes to go by Tyra. She is... a girl. Shocker. It's been 20 years since her departure from the womb. [/div] [div class=post] [div class=title] PHYSICAL[/div] [div class=image]herr.png[/div] She doesn't exactly look younger than she already is, but she certainly looks very cute ^.^

: 5' 1"
: 100 lbs
: In general, Tyra tries to wear comfortable clothing that give off a "cute" vibe.
Body Mods
: Nah.
Blood Type
: AB [/div] [div class=emptyspace]put new posts for tab1 above this div![/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentstwo"] [div class=post] [div class=title] MENTAL[/div] Tyra tends to put out a persona of carefree cheerfulness. She acts clumsy and it's plausible that she's genuinely as dumb as she can sometimes act. She can be a bit forgetful and sometimes her brain just stops functioning. Sometimes the persona is genuine. Sometimes it's a lie. When she's actually using her brain, Tyra is quite intelligent. She's incredible observant, and very skilled in analyzing the things she sees. Sometimes Tyra will use the information she's processed to mess with people. The effects of such are questionable. Tyra's biggest weakness is her own inability to understand herself and her own relations with others. [/div] [div class=post] [div class=image]herrrr.png[/div] [/div] [div class=post] [div class=title] BACKSTORY[/div] Tyra had always lived a relative normal life. She'd been told from a young age that she was Fold, that one day she'd earn powers. Tyra had always waited for that day with excitement. As a kid, she'd always been loud and obnoxious. In middle school, she had a very closely knit group of friends. She learned to calm down and to not be... annoying.
Tyra discovered her powers one day when she was observing her crush's body language. She suddenly found herself reading straight into the person's thoughts. Not just that... she also found herself morphing into that person. It was a strange yet wonderful day for her.
Nothing really eventful happened. Some people disliked Tyra. Some people were fine with her. Some were fascinated by her powers. [/div] [div class=emptyspace]put new posts for tab2 above this div![/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentsthree"] [div class=post] [div class=title]Materialistic Resources[/div] Equipment: Tyra always has those swiss army knives somewhere on her. She also has a notepad and a pencil for things she can't type on her phone.
Personal Items: Her phone (duh)
Resources: Her parents are quite rich, actually, and although Tyra herself is a measly college student, if she asks the right way then her parents would most likely give her a loan. [/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]Human Resources[/div] Occupation: Currently a student, works as a bartender too.
Affiliations: [insert college here]
Relationships: She has her parents, the rest of her relations will be up for grabs I guess [/div] [div class=emptyspace]put new posts for tab3 above this div![/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentsfour"] [div class=post] [div class=title]Abilities[/div] [div class=image]herrrrr.png[/div] There are two main parts to Tyra's power...
1) Scanning
It's like mind reading but a bit more... advanced. Tyra can literally scan a subject's brain to understand various things. This can include the health of the person, the person's thoughts, the person's memories... it's like turning a person into a book and reading it. In general, the more conscious the thing, the more the subject is able to... try to stop it from being scanned. The ease of mind scanning depends mainly on four factors: the distance from the subject, the willingness of the subject, the concentration put in by Tyra, and the depth of the scan. By scanning the brain, one can understand everything about a subject. Tyra can scan anything regardless of if it actually has a brain or not. Scanning things without a brain take less time than scanning things with.

2) Shapeshifting/Mimicry
This one's more simple, Tyra can shapeshift into anything she wants. She can also shapeshift certain skills/talents, if she has brain scanned for them and if she has grasped how it works and what she might need to do in order to do so. This may include shifting her brain (which is really hard and something she could fuck up badly). She can also mimic things she sees, like certain fighting moves or something like that.

Recently, Tyra's mimicry and mind scanning has sort of melded more and more, turning into something along the lines of empathy. If she focuses hard enough, she can passively "step into" a target's body. The target will be aware of *something*, and Tyra will only be in control of her own body. She will see, hear, feel, taste, and smell what the target is seeing/hearing/feeling/etc. More focus and she'd probably be able to do more. [/div] [div class=post] Mastery: While she's gotten really good at the mind scanning part and decent at mimicry, she's still a bit bad at shapeshifting and has quite a long way to go in terms of empathy.
: Tyra can shapeshift mass away/in, but doing a lpt for too long may render her body extremely sore and unable to shapeshift for a while. Scanning many minds in depth repeatedly will cause Tyra to pass out. If the subject fights hard enough against the scan, Tyra will also pass out... though this is something she is working on improving. It is harder to shift into something imagined than into something observed. A hard enough slap or something should stop her when she's channeling powers.
: When Tyra uses full empathy (which is, by the way, the only empathy she can do right now), she has no idea what's happening to her body, which means she's extremely vulnerable. Additionally, Tyra can't use her powers if she's physically tired or mentally burned out. She also has to at least be able to see someone to scan them. [/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]Skills[/div] Tyra's trained in Tae Kwon Do (master) and Muay Thai (adept), though she's not the strongest out there. She has some Brazillian Jiu Jitsu but yeah no she's a novice at that.
She's bilingual (English, Chinese), and getting to proficiency in French and Korean. Learning languages is important in a world like ours, kids.
She can tie her shoes!
Pretty good at still life.
She's a psychology student who's wasted a good amount of her teenage life trying to understand body language tells. [/div] [div class=emptyspace]put new posts for tab4 above this div![/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentsfive"] [div class=post] [div class=title]Fun Things[/div] Tyra will start in the first district.
Horrible chef, though that's probably she's not thinking at all when she makes food. "Oh, I have to put water in the ramen when I microwave it?"
She studies for fun. fOR FUN! Who the hell does that!? [/div] [div class=emptyspace]put new posts for tab4 above this div![/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=navcolumn][div class="navbutton navbuttonone"]1[/div][div class="navbutton navbuttontwo"]2[/div][div class="navbutton navbuttonthree"]3[/div][div class="navbutton navbuttonfour"]4[/div][div class="navbutton navbuttonfive"]5[/div][/div] [/div] [/div]
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Dzaki Prakoso Wiraksa
Alternate Names: Pra
Gender: Male
Age: 29

Height: 193 cm
Weight: 74 kg
Blood Type: A+

To put in the simplest term, Prakoso is selfish. People put themselves before any other all the time, but Pra does not extend his effort to anything if he doesn't feel like it. Perhaps if he holds a more playful attitude, his selfishness can be passed off as whimsical, but his rude tone only serve to distance people from him. Though he is blunt in his words and opinion, calling him contentious won't exactly be correct; He simply doesn't care what others think of him, like how the opinions of a zebra does not concern a lion. It can be say he is an independent person who stick to his belief, but his attitude often suggest otherwise to people.

Of course, being selfish is not necessarily the worst thing in the gutter. Prakoso, when he feels like doing something, will fulfill it with every drop of his effort. Someone that when immersed in the heat of passion, will perform outstanding things within his capability. Pra is a human, after all. He has people he care about, activities he is passioned with, objects he holds sentimental value on, and a set of moral value that he believes in. Toward everything he believes is important, his selfishness is something that drives him to protect them.

Prakoso grown up in the 1st District. His father owned multitudes of shops around the city, so he could be considered as having a good, spoiled, childhood. He didn't really remember his mother who died after giving birth to his little brother four years after him. Nothing could be said around this period. He attended high school, and maybe due to pressure to succeed from his father, he began to rebel. He skipped classes to race on his bike. Entering bars and clubs at night, barely coming home. He participated in gang activity with his friends, and when he got caught breaking into a store, that was when he started to change. More violent. Stubborn. His father sighed at his attitude, and sent him off to a relative's house in the 7th District.

His actions became worse, away from his father. Bitter of being abandoned, he ran away from home and milled with the local gangsters. That was when he met Gladys. The girl had similar background to him: Parents of high standing, that had high expectations of her. Parents that didn't understand what it was like under their gaze. They often met afterward, and soon they started having a relationship. Gladys, unlike Prakoso, dealt with her parents on a different way. And soon she started to help him 'fix' himself.

He quitted smoking. He attended school diligently and got average score. None of his wild life was shown at school. That was the compensation he tried. Oh, sure. He still caused trouble around the District, but only during the weekend and weekday night after he finished his homework. It was quite a struggle for him to change; He would prefer to hang out on the street than to finish his school work, but his diligence at school was observed by his father's eyes, though his street life was still in sight as well.

After high school, Prakoso went to a technical school in contrast to a college or university. He graduated and took a job at one of his father's business as a mechanic. He lived as he wanted to afterward. Working in the day and going crazy in the night. He was careful not to got caught, like Gladys often reminded him. They had grown close to each other, and when she needed to move to 1st District due to her parents' death, they promised to keep in touch. Even without Gladys at his side, Pra lived his life leisurely, completely free.

Until his power suddenly became stronger. He started to ask around, and when the people around him couldn't answer, he started to widen his search.


Morning Star: A custom-made baseball bat.
Helmet: A black helmet with double visor.

Personal Items:
Leather gloves

Bullet Motorcycle - A 500cc motorcycle he bought himself.
A small house downtown
Wiraksa Autoshop; He couldn't touch it, though.

Gang Leader

  • Wiraksa Auto Shop: The current owner in name of a small auto shop with employees of eight. Mostly helping as a mechanic.
  • Juvenile of 7th District: An organisation of homeless, bored people, and those with nowhere to go. A small time criminal gang that perform numerous criminal activities around the 7th district, yet rarely get caught by authority.
  • Wiraksa: His father. He rarely keep in touch with him.
  • Aditya Luthfi Wiraksa: His little brother. Pra calls him every month and visit every once in a while.
  • Dryada Gladys: His girlfriend. They keep in contact via video chat and whatnot.

Abilities: Parasitic Tandem

Prakoso is able to invade another living being, temporarily controlling their movement and gaining a direct communication channel to their mind. When he invades someone, his physical body, as well as clothings and anything sticking close to him will vanish,transferred to the host.
Mastery of Ability:
His power had activated as early as 16 years old; The same year he began to rebel from his father. He has mastered the basic of his power, but some details still eludes him.
  • Range: Currently, Pra is only able to invade a host of maximum 3 meter away from him.
  • Control Limit: When the host is unwilling to be controlled, Prakoso' control over the user can only last between 15-60 seconds, depending on the mental fortitide of the person. Willing host will allow Prakoso to reside for undefined amount of time inside the jost.
  • Backlash: If a potential host suddenly moves out of range in the middle of an invasion, Pra will lose his balance and fall forward.
Barriers like wood, concrete, and steel will limit Pra's range.

  • Car and Motorcycle reparation
  • Intimidation
  • Streetsmart
  • Martial Art Mashup

Starting District:
7th District
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