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In Search of Inspiration & Roleplay Partner(s)


Caution... Roleplayer is easily excited ;)
Hello there,

My roleplay name is Georgiana Morgan. I have been roleplaying on and off (but mostly on) for the past 10 years. The site that I was originally was on has long since shut down and since then I have had a couple of small spurts of roleplaying on other sites but nothing truly substantial unfortunately. It has been a few months since I have had an ongoing roleplay and it has been a few months too long!

I am in search of inspiration for roleplay and of course some roleplay partners. I am semi-flexible when it comes to what genre I roleplay. I used to be 100% Harry Potter, but those days have long since past (although I would still absolutely LOVE a good Harry Potter based roleplay). In order for me to be comfortable in a roleplay, I need to be quite familiar with the content. That being said, I am always looking for new things to read/watch/etc.

Anyway, when it comes to roleplay, I am completely used to going slow. I live in a very inconvenient time zone for most roleplayers because more often than not I find roleplayers who are in extremely different time zones so it is not often when I am online at the same time as roleplay partners. I am perfectly okay with waiting for replies, I would much rather wait for a quality reply than have a bad reply quickly. I myself have spurts of inspiration. When I am inspired I can reply very quickly, when I lose inspiration it's a totally different story.

Plotting is fantastic in my personal opinion. I very much prefer to have plotting sessions and hashing out the big details before starting roleplaying. I would prefer to come up with the characters in an organic way (ie. come up with a plot and create characters to match).

I also roleplay in third person, and multiple paragraphs. I would like my future roleplay partners to be relatively good with spelling and grammar (I am forgiving, this is not really a deal-breaker.. My bestie is the typo queen hehe), and you need to roleplay in the same style as I do and follow the basic roleplay rules very well.

Finally, the following is some basic ideas that are floating around in my mind (in no particular order):

Fandoms (I will be vague about my ideas because I do not want to give any spoilers away for those who have not read the books):

~ Harry Potter: I prefer the Marauder's Era with some cannon characters along with more original characters. Naturally, I have read all the books and watched all the movies. I like to believe that I am very well versed in the Harry Potter genre. I am also on Pottermore.

~ The Hunger Games: I personally have never tried roleplaying The Hunger Games, however I am very curious. Since, I have not tried it I am quite open to trying any good idea. I have read all three books and I have seen all the movies that have been released, though I unfortunately will not see the newest movie anytime soon.

~ The Looking Glass Wars: If you have read the books.... You must tell me! I have been searching high and low for people who have read the books. I have only read the first two books and am currently reading the third. If you have not read these books... Read them!

~ The Lunar Chronicles: There are so many options for this series! I'm quite open about this too. I have read all of the books, and I am impatiently waiting the next one.

~ The Darkest Powers Trilogy: How can this one not be fun? (Quite open about ideas) I have read all the books, although there has been quite some time since I have done so, but the gist is still in my head.

~ Darkness Rising Trilogy: Seeing a theme? I am quite the Kelley Armstrong fan. (Also quite open about ideas) I have not read the final book in the trilogy, because like the Darkest Powers Trilogy I have not read the books in an extended period of time therefore, I need to re-read books one and two before I read the third book.

~ Legend Trilogy: I also love dystopia, if you haven't noticed. Legend would be an excellent starting point for a good roleplay. Like Darkness Rising, I have not read the third book and I am in need of re-reading book one and two before I read book three.

~ Dorothy Must Die: I have a few ideas about this one. ;) Especially with the new book being released soon. I have read the novella, and the first book and I will be promptly reading the second book upon it's release.

~ Divergent: I have read all of the books save for the collection about Four. This genre should be very interesting to say the least!

Other Ideas:

~ Historical Fantasy: For the most part, I am all about either fantasy or dystopia and I am fairly confident that anything that I do roleplay will have either a fantasy or dystopic twist to it. That being said, I absolutely love history, in particular the Tudor era (post War of Roses... I have not read enough on that to be confident with roleplaying that just yet). I love King Henry VIII's reign because it's so full of wonderful drama. I am semi-open to new things, although I will have to do some research before anything different.

~ Fantasy: I would love to create a whole new world (please tell me you sang that in your head too?) and all sorts of magical creatures, places, and people.

~ Fire To Ashes: This is what I want to roleplay the most, however I will understand completely if you are not interested. Fire To Ashes is my own creation, it is a very well developed fan fiction with inspiration from Harry Potter and the Hunger Games. The story itself is not exactly written yet, but I do have essentially all the answers. This roleplay does involve a lot of background information. I am unsure if I am really ready for this roleplay just yet, however I would absolutely love a collaborator! I have plenty ideas within the story that are not my own ideas but the ideas of my closest friends. I am totally dragging my feet on writing this fan fiction and I would love someone to help move it along!

~ Your Ideas: As I said before, I am semi-open about new kinds of roleplay. I need to be comfortable with the subject for me to love the roleplay. That being said, I would love to hear any ideas that you have, especially if they are in any of the above genres/whatever.

Thank-you so much for taking the time to read my post! I hope to chat with you soon!!
Hey, i am a history buff myself so i would like to do a historical fantasy or i am curious to see what you have in mind for Fire to Ashes.
I'd be interested in a Looking Glass Wars RP. Admittedly, it has been a while since I read the series, but I remember the fist book with relative clarity, and remember the gist of the its successors.
Oh my! First off, thanks all of you for your interest!

  1. @Contra Fates: My internet is currently not in a happy place, and therefore I cannot watch videos of any kind for a few days. I live in a rather isolated place and although I do have satellite internet, it hasn't been cooperating lately. From what I have read it sounds like an interesting plot, and I would love to know more?
  2. @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Historical Fantasy sounds great! I'd love to start a brainstorming session :) Also, with Fire To Ashes, that would involve a lot of background information. I will work on putting it all together as soon as I can!
  3. @StarrieSky Unfortunately, I am not a WolfStar fan. But, I would still love to chat about a Marauder Era roleplay, if you are still interested?
  4. @DulcetFlux Sounds good! I would love to have a good brainstorming session with you!
  5. @Melody Frazier YES! I agree! Brainstorming session?
  6. @Naruyashan OH MY GOSH!! Yes, yes, yes!!!!! I am 100% interested! It has been a while since I've picked up the book (I'm still reading the third book) but I am so looking forward to a brainstorming session!!!!!

Phew, that was a lot! I feel so lucky that all of you are interested! Please pm me so we can start a brainstorming session!
Sorry to hear about the internet connection! I would send you a PM, but I'm afraid I'm still too new for that feature, so I'll post some of the plot information here. Feel free to hop into my Interest Check thread if it is easier.

The basic outline of the storyline I have in mind is about a young man who becomes intrigued by an enigmatic man during a chance encounter on the streets. Gunter Weiß (my character) is a highly regarded surgeon, whose depthless ambitions allowed him to create a working cure for HIV. While on the outside he is a well-respected doctor, he hides many dark secrets that will be revealed throughout the role play.

I would like your character to have some connection to Gunter earlier in his life, and for them to reunite during a chance encounter when Gunter is masquerading as a man by the name of 'Wolfgang.' The notion is to have fate interwoven throughout the plot, to draw the characters closer together even as Gunter's villainy comes to light.

In the original song, the characters are Peter (protagonist), the wolf (villain), duck (friend of Peter's and victim of the wolf), cat (troublesome pet), bird (injured friend), Peter's grandfather (authority figure), and hunters (side-villains who torment Peter). My idea is to give human roles for these characters. Some of these roles could be that the 'duck' is your character's best friend, and perhaps someone who harbors an unrequited love for him. The hunters could be troublesome kids or people in your character's neighborhood who pester him. The grandfather role could remain as-is, perhaps as a result of your character's parents being killed in his youth (perhaps a tie-in to how he's met Gunter before), and I have some other thoughts for the other characters.

If you're interested, let me know as I'd be happy to brainstorm! I should have access to Private Conversations after this post. =)

Your name caught my attention because of Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devinshire. :) I'm really craving a complex modern or historical plot. If you're interested, PM me.
[QUOTE="Robin man]I would like to do a fantasy rp with you ^^

A fantasy roleplay sounds excellent! pm me?


[QUOTE="Contra Fates]Sorry to hear about the internet connection! I would send you a PM, but I'm afraid I'm still too new for that feature, so I'll post some of the plot information here. Feel free to hop into my Interest Check thread if it is easier.
The basic outline of the storyline I have in mind is about a young man who becomes intrigued by an enigmatic man during a chance encounter on the streets. Gunter Weiß (my character) is a highly regarded surgeon, whose depthless ambitions allowed him to create a working cure for HIV. While on the outside he is a well-respected doctor, he hides many dark secrets that will be revealed throughout the role play.

I would like your character to have some connection to Gunter earlier in his life, and for them to reunite during a chance encounter when Gunter is masquerading as a man by the name of 'Wolfgang.' The notion is to have fate interwoven throughout the plot, to draw the characters closer together even as Gunter's villainy comes to light.

In the original song, the characters are Peter (protagonist), the wolf (villain), duck (friend of Peter's and victim of the wolf), cat (troublesome pet), bird (injured friend), Peter's grandfather (authority figure), and hunters (side-villains who torment Peter). My idea is to give human roles for these characters. Some of these roles could be that the 'duck' is your character's best friend, and perhaps someone who harbors an unrequited love for him. The hunters could be troublesome kids or people in your character's neighborhood who pester him. The grandfather role could remain as-is, perhaps as a result of your character's parents being killed in his youth (perhaps a tie-in to how he's met Gunter before), and I have some other thoughts for the other characters.

If you're interested, let me know as I'd be happy to brainstorm! I should have access to Private Conversations after this post. =)

That sounds fantastic! I am totally interested!


Naruyashan said:
Great! PM me, and we can begin.
I will as soon as I am able.. I think I am really close to being able to pm :)


Kaycey said:
Your name caught my attention because of Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devinshire. :) I'm really craving a complex modern or historical plot. If you're interested, PM me.
HA! That's actually who I got the name from!! Of course, she's now my main character from my fan fiction and totally not like the original but still! I am totally interested! I will pm you as soon as I am able to do so!


jaajdbfd said:
I'm interested in a Hunger Games roleplay or a Harry Potter one, drop me a pm?
The Hunger Games sounds interesting! I will pm you as soon as I am able to :)


Search Closed:

As of right this moment, my search for partners is closed. If am looking for more I will open again.

Thanks to everyone that showed interest!​
Is there any chance you have seen The 100 and would want to roleplay it? I am desperately trying to find someone willing to roleplay it. If not though, I might be interested in a Divergent roleplay?

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