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In Need of RP Partners [ Always Open ]


Ruler Above All Others
Hello ! :D I'll get right to the point. Lately, I've been feeling a bit.... unfulfilled. And so I will be accepting anyone who would like to do an RP. Please be aware that this will always be open.

Now then, as for somethings I won't accept.

  • Please, nothing too bloody or gory. I mentally cannot take it. x_x
  • Ermm..... I'm not into Sci-Fi. Sorry. Dx
  • No Fandoms. ;-;
  • Super freaky weird RPs

Other than those things, I'm pretty open. Of course, I do love romance, but it isn't required. Simply comment or message me if you're interested.
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[QUOTE="Sayuri Tokage]Ah ! Thank you very much. Now as to what kid of RP you would like to do...

You're welcome! =D And it doesn't matter to me; whatever you feel like!
xXxKateKaysxXx said:
You're welcome! =D And it doesn't matter to me; whatever you feel like!
Oh, dear. Well, lets move this to Private messages.
Hey there! If you're still looking to RP I'd be interested. I have a 1x1 RP forum sitting empty. Looking for something ~Witchy~
[QUOTE="Lance C]Hey there! If you're still looking to RP I'd be interested. I have a 1x1 RP forum sitting empty. Looking for something ~Witchy~

I am always open to new rps. Please message me your idea!

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