In need of a good Video Game roleplay...

Beautiful Disaster

Howling, yet alone.
I really want to do a video game roleplay! Maybe based off a video game or something we could make up together! I have some ideas but I need a partner first.. or two, whatever. My fingers just need to type, type, type away. (Plus I just got a new keyboard for all my pc gaming needs and its super awesome to type with...)  Also, I am leaving for work in a few hours.. So I will be here for a bit.. Don't panic if I vanish. *Poof*

I was thinking we could combine characters from games if we wanted to as well to make a really good story.

An Idea I had that kind of revolved around that had something to do with characters we made up getting stuck in a game but the game is glitched and it is filled with other games inside one world.

But I don't want to type out to much detail here.. don't need any bandits coming by to steal it. Muahaha!

So if you are up for a really cool rp (Hopfully) then message me here or PM me! Below are some of my rules I would appreciate if you looked over!  

  • Please no one liners. A paragraph at most would be respectable. I know sometimes during shorter scenes it is hard to write a lot. But details go a long way!
  • I am an understanding person. So I would appreciate if you would be as well. This has to do with not being able to reply all the time due to work. But I will never forget about the roleplay!! 
  • Romance is fine, I just don't want it to be covered in it. 

That is all I can think of.. I'm pretty simple. 
Would recommend you shift this thread to the Fandom Partner search or group interest threads. More likely to find what you're looking for there.
Would recommend you shift this thread to the Fandom Partner search or group interest threads. More likely to find what you're looking for there.

I hopefully wanted to catch some video game lovers like myself also interested in rping.. Thought this would be perfect since it says 'Everything video game related.' But I plan on making another post later anyway if I can't find anyone here...... :/
I am currently working on a large-scale VRMMORPG RP (for the last 14 months). I´m planning to release a test drive for it in early January, then another after that one is complete and then release the actual RP. It doesn´t contain elements from other games in any way shape or form, my apologies in that regard, but just letting you know in case you´re interested.
I am going to stalk this thread. 

Consider me interested. 
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