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Request In Need of a Beta Reader


Ray of Sunshine
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hello there. My name is BackSet. But you already knew that because it's under my profile picture.

I'll cut to the chase. I'm writing a story and I need a beta reader.

It's a bit of a peculiar story, though. Well, not so much peculiar as different in formatting.

You see, the story is an Ace Attorney fanfic that I intend to make a little interactive. After all, it's no fun if you can't pitch in yourself.

So in order to do so I wrote it in the style of the Ace Attorney games. I suppose you'd call it a script fic, though I prefer to call it a game fic. Especially since, in ace attorney style, the cross examinations are left up to the "players." Really all I need is a grammar/spell checker and a story critiquer. That's what beta reader means, right?

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