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In Darkness We Find Light

Name: Ira

Specie: Angel



Personality: Loyal, headstrong, and stubborn. She has a pretty bad temper as well.

Weapon of Choice:

Bio: Her duty is to track down troublesome demons and either change them or destroy them. She is an averaged age angel, but time has no real meaning to them, so her true age has been lost. She is constantly on the line between Angel and Demon. For if she strays from the path of good, she will fall into darkness herself.

Name:James Lucifer

Species: Demon


Personality: Quiet, Calculating

Bio:Exiled from hell he roams the world trying to avoid all of the angels after him by hiding under the radar, he travels the globe in hopes of living a some what normal life.
Just got back from work! So, I'll start.)

Ira kneels on one knee, her hand on the ground, as she closes her eyes and breathes. She feels the wind gently pulling at her hair, and the Earth giving her strength. She listens and feels as she tracks. Slowly, she opens her eyes and looks over her shoulder. Ira stands in a slow graceful manner as she turns. Her clothes are flowing white with gold accents. Her eyes seem to swirl in a pool of golden fire before the color settles and calms, changing into a light blue. On her side is a sword, a sword with a black blade and a silver handle. She stands tall as she lifts her head to the sky holding her arms out. Her body is surrounded in a warm bright light, and once it fades her clothes become that of a human. The only thing that is the same is her sword, still strapped to her belt. Her hair flows wide as she looks back down and confidently strides forward, into the darkness of the fallen.
Laying on a bed of leaves he stokes the fire he has managed to created. James knew that the forest of the fallen would be the only safe place for him, and it wasn't even all that safe. he sighed as he moved closer to the fire for warmth, laying down next to it with his head on his small backpack to act as a pillow. His pure black clothes stuck to his body and blended into the darkness, the only thing that would give him away would be the fire.
Ira watches the forest before she looks up at the sky. For a split second she sees smoke from what would be a small fire. The distance wasn't too far away. She pulls out a black bladed sword from her waist and moves forward. Her steps are all but silent as she loves through the brush. Soon she sees a flicker of light ahead. She takes a few quiet quite breathes. She gets to the edge of the area and looks around a tree. 'There,' she thought to herself as she laid her eyes on her newest target. She takes a step back and then, after taking a calming breathe, she jumps and flips out onto the other side of the fire from the target. She stands strong as she looks onto him.
Without hesitating he grabs his bag and dose a low sweep of the ground with his leg sending dust leaves and embers into the face of his attacker allowing him enough time to escape and head to the hills knowing he would be safer at a higher ground. He ran as fast as he could the wind blowing his hair back as he climbed a pine tree that was close going from branch to branch as he put as much distance as he could between them.
Ira's eyes widen as she quickly blocks her face with her arms. She hisses as the embers land on her skin. She quickly wipes them away. She looks up and immediately starts to run after him. It was hard to see, but she saw the masculine figure climb up a tree. Ira slows down and looks up into the trees. She finds the right one and analyses the tree and his movements. "James Lucifer, you aren't very clever for a demon. I can either stay down here and wait for you to come down or I'll climb up there myself, and it won't be that hard to fight you up there. Or you could just come down and accept death swiftly," she glares just slightly as she watches him.
His eyes darted from left to right looking for escaped, he found it in the form of distraction, if he could blind he and make a run for the thicker trees he would have a better chance at survival. opening his bag he pulled out the last bit of water he had along with some powder used for flavouring, he climbed down slowly hoping to fool her as he poured the powder in his hand when his body covered it, he slowly walked forward, and when just inches away blew as much of it into her eyes as he could and threw his bag at her head making a run as fast as he could for the dense tree-line.

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