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Fantasy Imperial Night Army

“I might.” She grins, “You never know what your going to get with me to be honest. I punch people all the time.”
Well... we just met up one day through a group of Earth hybrids... I was kind of the alien in the group, but I didn’t tell to many folks that at the time... when I fessed up two other girls liked him as well, so I said I would wait it out to see who he chose. Eventually... he chose me, and we’ve been together ever since... also, he’s good about hiding his demon form. It only ever comes out if he’s extremely mad about something
Probably... never bothered to ask because... he used to be forced to work under some guy who’s dead now and... this guy made him.... I shouldn’t say, it’s personal to him...
“A little advice...no one will listen to him if he tries to talk...if there’s information that would save his case..you should say it”
(Hey, so I just had opening night tonight and the exhaustion is starting to wear on me and I feel like if I keep trying to force myself awake I’ll pass out in bed so.... bye till tomorrow)
trust me, once you get to know him and look past the fact that he’s a demon, he’s a really amazing guy... -blushes more- He’s really friendly and nice, doesn’t argue too much over small, trivial matters... he knows what to do and what not to do in certain situations. Honestly, even though he morphs into his demon form when he’s wicked mad, he tries to avoid it as much as he can. He doesn’t like to think about what he’s done under the work of the guy...since the punishment for not complying was death...being in his demon form reminds him of it. If he morphed on you today, it was because he felt threatened and misunderstood the situation, so it built up his anger to a “bursting point”, however, he tries to restrain himself as much as he can. He said saved my life and the license of others so many times...heck, he once saved me when i was practically torn apart, even though I told him to leave me and go find safety. He just... once he’s devoted to something, or... someone’s... he’s not likely to betray or stray from it. You just need to learn to overlook the demon and see the person...
And if you don’t think that’s enough, I have a ton of stories, so ask me anything about him and I’ll tell ou, censoring certain details of course, if they’re too personal for me to mention about him.
(You can have Zara ask and I’ll respond tomorrow)
Gets up from my throne and extends out hand. Hi, we haven't met, but I am the king of these realms. And you are?
"Hey! It's the king!"
Dårlig is still black (with white specks) and extra long ears
she grins at the king revealing that her canines have elongated

(the king has never seen this form before)

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