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Fantasy Imperial Night Army

Bria: me and my big mouth....

Jay: -walks out with a corgi Erebus and sighs- only way I could carry the dang boy carefully....
Jay: -walks over to couch- probably shouldn’t risk bringing him all the way to the bedroom....

Bria: -sees Jay- who’re you?
Jay: better now... like I said, he’s so fragile I had to morph him into a dog to carry him so his limbs weren’t draping, it’d be a risk of them snapping

Bria: shoot, my poor cousin
Jay: oooh... Fox guy!

Bria: Seriously? Fox guy?

Jay: that makes you fox girl!

Bria: please don’t....
Luke: "spacefighter is Teo's thing. We did serve together, but he's the pilot, I'm the tactics guy, and the planner and the hacker"

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