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Realistic or Modern I'm the One (OCC)

Yeshhhhh. Nice. Ill think I'll wait to see what other people have to offer, unless there is someone that wants to talk about a paring
BlazingSword BlazingSword
I think Azeem and Sadie would get along for the fact that they come from money, or have money, and don't like people to judge them based on that fact alone.

Eldarkon Eldarkon
I think Mark and Sadie would get along too, maybe because he's a bit more of a free soul than Sadie (because she grew up in a rather rigid household) and could possibly teach her to open up and be that way too. [I hope that makes sense]

What do y'all think?
I think they could work well, but I prefer organic development as opposed to planned development.

They do have a few things in common though and their personalities seem like they would blend well
Yes, I didn't do it right away because I wanted to wait until maybe one or two more male CS popped up, as I'm starting to notice is that we are going to need at least 2 more guys
I would make another character but I saw a bunch of people say they're interested so their characters should be up soon
oh please, share your thoughts!
they're both Canadian, both do art, hate horror movies, never dated anyone and both like passion/ambition and ideal person is someone they can have deep talks with (or something like that). Just thought it was coincidence xD I think they'll get along pretty well
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