Advice/Help I'm really new to roleplay, what are some things I should know and how do I get good at it?

Hi! First of all welcome! And I'm not gonna say I'm the best far from it but I can give some advice! Remember to be open and talk about your ideas with your partners. Think of it kinda like improv! Remember to try and keep things going don't just shut things down. Of course if you feel uncomfortable do say something but I've had partners who have completely shot down any ideas and then the story just falls flat.

Something I always do as well is look for fun ideas and stories and don't be afraid to say hello if you want to!
Where to begin? There's so much about roleplaying we could talk about. Our site has some resources you could use but there are also plenty of other guides you can find online as well. At the end of the day, the most important thing is to have fun. Roleplaying as a hobby has its own diversities and there is no singular way to do it.


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