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Realistic or Modern i'm in love with you (and i will/won't say it).

sundrop sundrop

College starts tomorrow. Was he thrilled? Somewhat. He was about to major in visual and performing arts. To be more specific, theatre. Now, any normal person would look at Jayden and think that he would major in something along the lines of... well... anything but theatre. But something about standing on the large, wide stage while he shouted his lungs out and acted lit something in him. Did he know what that thing was? No. But he knew that it was enjoyable, so why stop? In high school, starting from his sophomore year, he started taking drama classes. He had no intent on even enrolling into those classes, but his longtime friend, Dean, was in one of the classes. By some miracle, Dean had managed to convince Jayden to enroll in the class for at least one semester.

(Dean had convinced Jayden by making his little sister happy. Jayden had a soft spot for her, no fault in that.)

He never expected that it would go this far. Did he want to be an actor? Maybe. The money would be nice, hell, ANY money would be nice. He just had no passion in... anything else. Medical, science, math, those types of subjects never stuck to him (and medical school was a /ton/ of money, so that was a big no).

Currently, he was inside a party. Surprise surprise, Dean had made him show up. He was glad he did. Rap music blasted throughout the whole house, various colors of lights flashed throughout the house and people were going absolutely wild. Walking over towards the kitchen, he sees one couple making out (disgusting) and another person on the floor with their phone, texting someone. Jayden shakes his head as he reaches over towards a bottle of closed vodka and opens it. He grabs a red solo cup (classic, he thinks) and pours at least three shots worth inside. He then adds about a cup of cranberry juice and heads the fuck out.

He takes a big sip and struts over towards the living area. It's fairly large, and a few people are dancing around in the flashing lights as different rap and dance songs blast on the speakers. Thinking to himself of when the first person will get so drunk they'll embarrass themselves, he plops himself down on the couch. It's plush and black, which he is grateful for whoever owns it. Black hides the stains and god knows what this couch has been through. Taking another sip of his drink, he leans forward slightly, leaning his elbow on his knee as he watched everyone. Watching some person (most likely tipsy) start to hookup the karaoke machine with much difficulty, he lets out a laugh.

He loved parties.

Jayden lets out a huff, taking in a big gulp of his drink and gets up from his spot after twenty minutes of sitting around and watching people dance. Praying that the alcohol hits soon, he heads over towards the backyard. Backyards during parties like these were exciting. He remembered the last time he swam in a pool during a party. It was last year, he was drunk, of course. He swam with all of his clothes and the purple lights only made it even better. Jayden thinks he made out with a girl that night. He doesn't quite remember. Plus, the fresh air was always nice and it was always a little less loud out here.

"Yooo Jay!! You're here!"

Jayden turns around and grins once he spots Dean running towards him. Dean was thin and was lightskin. He had curly brown hair, brown eyes, and freckles that spread throughout his whole bad. Dean was also just an inch under Jayden, which he loved to tease him about. "Hey dumbass, why are you so wet?" Jayson snickered, grinning as he finally noticed all of Dean's clothes were soaked. Dean only laughs and gives Jayson a punch on the shoulder. "Dude I was pushed in the pool by some girl and then I was chugging some alcohol but I don't think I even got most of it down my throat." Dean grins and starts bopping his head to the rap music. He looks over towards the people swimming in the pool but the two still stay together. "You got a girlfriend?" Dean teased and Jayden furrowed his eyebrows, taking a sip of his drink. Hitting Dean's shoulder, he rolls his eyes. "Uh, no, that's never gonna happen."

"Aw, why not?"

Jayden doesn't respond to his nonsense question. "What happened to the one girl you dated... oh wait..." He trails off and laughs once he sees Dean's agitated expression. "Ok, ok, I get it. I'm gonna go back to the kitchen to get some juice. Bye loser!" Dean shouts out as he jogs away. Jayden rolls away and sits on a nearby plastic, white chair. Taking a sip of his drink, he watches everyone jump into the pool and do awful tricks. He almost wants to jump in with them, but he isn't drunk, and quite frankly --

He really likes his outfit.

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