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I'm Back! :3 (cue groans)


Please don't hate me for my weirdness ^ᴗ^
Since the last search I put out did so well, I figured I would put out a broader one and try to get some new rps of different types. To keep things brief, these are just a few of the things I'm interested in.

As before, I'm a sucker for emotional plot. Face it, human emotions and how we deal with them are interesting. Putting another person into the picture makes things even better, with sympathy, guidance, or just shared excitement.

A lot of my plots have some dark topics/details, and I know that this can bother some people. Please let me know what you are comfortable with and what you want to avoid. The last thing I want is to make another person upset.

I'm a big geek, so I definitely have to throw sci-fi in here. Let's face it, technology, other dimensions, batman-like gadgets, different planets and such just make things way cooler.

Oh, I'm also a nerd, so I enjoy historic fiction as well. Some of my more knowledgeable settings are Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Medieval Europe, Aztec Empire, American Revolution, Industrial Age, World War II... Yeah, like I said; I'm a nerd.

Fantasy is awesome. Let's face it, a big part of role-playing is putting yourself in situations that wouldn't normally happen. Fantasy is perfect for that.

I can play either a male or a female character, and sexuality isn't really an issue either.

(I actually have a plot idea for a mxm pairing right now if anyone is interested)

I tend to prefer my partner playing a more skiddish or submissive character, just because I usually play characters that are outgoing and a bit dominating.

I'm not picky about replies, so long as I have something to work off of. I understand that length can vary depending on what's going on in the roleplay. Please try to respond at least once a week. I'll probably respond right away since I'm almost always on here. (I'm either on here or asleep basically). Also, if something happens and you won't be on for a while, please let me know so that I won't be desperately refreshing the page. 0.0

And the last but probably most important bit: PLEASE DONT JUST 'LEAVE' IF A SLOW SPOT SHOWS UP IN THE RP!!! I understand that sometimes people lose interest in plots, but we should be able to talk about the storyline and create new character developments in order to fit each other's needs. We can about ways to make the plot more interesting to you, and hopefully get back to a good role-playing experience for both of us.

That's all I can think of right now. If you're interested in starting up a plot or pairing, feel free to PM me or leave a message in the thread.
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Hey :) jw, in light of your plots, of who you play; gender/sexuality, how often you want replies and what you want in a reply or don't mind?
Hello! I might be interested, but I was wondering if romance is specifically required? I tend to avoid the topic. ^^
authinsi said:
Hey :) jw, in light of your plots, of who you play; gender/sexuality, how often you want replies and what you want in a reply or don't mind?
Thanks! I'll add that to the top as well.

I can play either a male or a female character, and sexuality isn't really an issue either. Intend to prefer my partner playing a male role, but as I said, female is fine too.

I'm not picky about replies, so long as I have something to work off of. I understand that length can vary depending on what's going on in the roleplay. Please try to respond at least once a week. I'll probably respond right away since I'm almost always on here. (I'm either on here or asleep basically). If something happens and you won't be on for a while, please let me know so that I won't be desperately refreshing the page. 0.0
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StoneWolf18 said:
Hello! I might be interested, but I was wondering if romance is specifically required? I tend to avoid the topic. ^^
Though I do like romance as plot, I'm perfectly fine without it. I do ask though that our characters develop some sort of relationship, even if it is only their becoming friends or teammates.
IcebergTT said:
Though I do like romance as plot, I'm perfectly fine without it. I do ask though that our characters develop some sort of relationship, even if it is only their becoming friends or teammates.
Friendships are perfectly fine! Just nothing more.

If this is alright, maybe we cold brainstorm something with Science fiction involved? ^^
Howdy! I'm like, way too interested in doing something sci-fi. So, before I go into some sort of horrifying rant, pop me a pm if ya'd like. I'm sure we could figure something out!
StoneWolf18 said:
Friendships are perfectly fine! Just nothing more.
If this is alright, maybe we cold brainstorm something with Science fiction involved? ^^
Okay, I'll shoot you a pm.
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Okay, I have an idea, but it's going to be a bit of a slow start. It all begins with a human female (you), waking up, on what appears to be a different planet :3 Are you interested? I can PM more details if so.
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I think we share a lot of the same interests and would mesh well together. Feel free to drop me a message on either of those. I just made an account so I can't pm I believe.
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I would love it do an RP with you! I'm up for all the areas you talked about up there heh heh I like dark plots so would you like to brain up a storm and make a plot? ^w^
[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]Hallo!
I would love it do an RP with you! I'm up for all the areas you talked about up there heh heh I like dark plots so would you like to brain up a storm and make a plot? ^w^

Sure, shoot me a pm!
Hello! I love darker plots, they're my fave. I have a couple ideas for a mxm roleplay, so if you're still interested, feel free to PM me! (: I'd also love to hear the plot you mentioned.
Oh my goodness, you seem like a total darling to rp with!

And I tend to make my characters skittish and more submissive, generally because I can find them the easiest and most realistic to play, but by no means does that mean they can't carry the plot.

I'm super flexible and excited, and if you can manage an RP with me, don't feel shy to send me a pm!
Hello! I was wondering if you would be interested in a sort of Slice-of-Life to. Romance, adventure, drama, emotional turmoil, etc?

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