I'll Fight Knowing Nobody Knows My Name!

Hailie watched Riley with curious eyes. When she stabbed herself, those curious eyes became wide with fear and concern. But they faded when Riley spoke. "Um....yes?" She said in a small voice. Hailie was pretty sure she answered that question already. "Are you positive that you're okay?"



"Trust me, I'm alright." Riley pressed hard on the top of her chest and focused on the ground. "Do you like chicken nuggets? Or would you rather have a burrito?" She got to her feet and shook her head rapidly before making her way to the kitchen. "I actually got my hands on a TV a few days ago. I get some cable so find what you like I guess."

Hailie clapped her hands together. "Ooh! Chicken nuggets!" She giggled and then looked at the tv when Riley mentioned it. "Ooh! Cartoons!" She walked up to the tv and slapped the screen. It didn't turn on. She stared at it in confusion. She watched tv with her mom when she was little, but Hailie had never been the one to work the remote. Remote. She began to search for anything that resembled a remote.



Meanwhile, Riley began warming the chicken nuggets. Since she lived alone, she often saved on electricity and ate raw food. This was different. As it warmed up, Riley went back and fetched the remote from the TV top. "Here you go! Nuggets are ready..." 


Riley hastily made her way to the microwave and showed up a minute later with a plate of steamy nuggets. She set it down on the coffee table in front of the couch and smiled. "I haven't made nuggets in a really long time! Enjoy!" She nodded happily and lay down on the couch next to Hailie.

Hailie smiled and held the remote, pushing the red power button. The tv sprang to life as the colors appeared on screen. Noise filled the room. "Yay." She smiled and flipped through the channels, never landing on one due to her curious nature.

Hailie smelled the nuggets before she saw them. She smiled and turned toward Riley before clapping and grabbing a piece. They looked awfully hot, but Hailie shoved it into her mouth regardless and chewed blissfully. She swallowed and instantly grabbed another. 

"So...why do you live alone? Did your parents leave you too?" Hailie asked as she stuffed the whole nugget into her mouth.



Riley closed her eyes and rested her right hand over her stomach. "There are no parents for me. I never knew them." She wasn't bothered by this at all, for it actually good. Riley had enough company in her head. Though it got lonely when she was out. "I can imagine them leaving though, I'd make a terrible child." Riley chuckled and sat up, sitting closer to Hailie than she was earlier. 

"You miss them, don't you?" Now there was concern in Riley's voice. She hated the idea of this kid, wandering on the streets alone, like she used to.

Hailie listened to Riley with sympathy. A poor girl who never knew her parents. She couldn't tell if that was better or worse than to have lost them later in life. She thought back to her mother....or what she remembered of her. The one thing that always stuck with her. Hailie's mom had beautiful blonde hair that flowed past her hips. She also has a very powerful aura around her. A mother's aura. 

Hailie remembered stories from her mom about her daddy. The stories made her dad seem like a very nice guy with a lot of dignity. She was now closer to finding him and now it seemed those stories were lies. Her dad, a bad man.

Hailie's thoughts were interrupted by Riley's question. It was a question that cut deep. Of course, she couldn't really miss her father...it was only a sense of longing. But...she did miss her mother. Sometimes she would sit awake at night and wonder why she didn't even say bye. Maybe she was a bad kid.

Hailie felt the sting of tears but she quickly wiped them away and diverted her gaze to the TV. She couldn't seem to find her words for a bit before she finally swallowed forcefully. "I've got Mr. Fluff." She pointed to the bear with the missing ear that lay on the edge of the table. 

Those were the only words she could conjure at that moment.

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Riley felt the pain from Hailie. It was definitely worse to have lost your parents later in life. Before Riley said anything, she put an arm around Hailie and held the smaller girl close. "That's good. I'm sorry about asking." Riley did nothing else but hold the girl, silently. At least, for the next minute. She had to say something.

"You're going to be alright. I guess that was enough about talking about our parents. We're our own girls, so we'll worry about them when you feel better about it. Does that sound good?" Riley didn't let go of Hailie and gently rubbed her arm, making sure she was at least comfortable.


Kirstin, Peace, and Threat

Kirsty made her way back to the apartment, carrying both of her sleeping children in her arms. It was a long, long week for her and she didn't get a chance to even say a 'see you later' to Azamel. There was only one thought that buzzed around her mind right now, and it was Mindbreak. She had no option but to say anything that he was a criminal. Of course, that Gilbert guy wouldn't understand where she was coming from. 

She walked up the steps and knocked on the door with her head. "Azamel? You home? Can't open the door, kids sleeping."

Hailie nodded but didn't say anything. It had been awhile since she was actually held. It had been awhile since she was actually touched. She actually felt in the right place. She let out a deep sigh and then smiled. "Yeah. We don't need silly parents. We're big girls!" She giggled.

Azamel had been sitting in a recliner, reading an interesting book about sharks. He had grown very fond of them. He wanted one. When he heard a knock on the door, he was searching up ways to buy a shark, so he was ticked off when he got interrupted...but then his mood changed when he heard Kirsty's voice. 

He quickly stood up and walked over to the door, opening it all the way. "Hey." He whispered and moved out of the doorway so Kirsty could walk through. 



Riley chuckled, even though she knew shunning her parents were wrong. At least it was a step in the right direction. She lay back on the couch after patting Hailie's head. "You know, yeah. It's a good idea to be independent." Riley looked up at Hailie and smiled. It was the first time in a while she had company over, and it was good company. "Tired, or you just gonna watch some of the telly?"

Kirsty, Peace, and Threat

Kirsty smiled. "Hey, I missed you a lot!" She said in a hushed whisper as she set the kids down on her bed. The two kids refused to let go of her, so she had to take off her jacket and let the twins sleep in the bed by themselves. Kirsty tucked them in bed before going back down to Azamel and pulling him into an unnecessarily deep kiss. "How's everything? I'm so sorry about not being here, some idiot started researching Mindbreak on the internet and I had to see what that was about. Is...is there anything you were busy doing? I didn't mean to distract you or anything."

Hailie shrugged and rubbed her eyes. She was actually really tired. She laid down, her head on the armrest and her legs curled up. "We can look for my dad after I take a nap." She smiled and closer her eyes slowly.

Azamel nodded. "Yea. I missed you too. It's been really-" He was cut off when he was pulled into a kiss. Of course, nobody would hear any objections from Azamel. When Kirsty pulled away, he frowned a little and gave a small huff. He didn't know anything about who Mindbreak was, for he wasn't one to keep up with local news. 

When Azamel heard his Girlfriend's question, he nodded slightly. "You didn't distract me. I was just looking up how to buy a shark." He grabbed his laptop and showed it to her.



Riley chuckled and lay down protectively behind Hailie. Her eyes soon shut from exhaustion as well. Her body was at rest, but her mind wasn't. Not one bit.

You need blood.

Hell with you, I have blood.


Really? I'm going to become a vampire now?


No! No! No! Even you shouldn't be thinking about that!


Riley stirred slightly in her sleep and even let out a little whimper. She felt the need to hold onto Hailie in a loose but warm hug.


Kirsty breathed a sigh of relief when she found out that Azamel was looking up how to buy a shark. "Uhhh...I know a whale, um, named Albert. But for the most part, I don't know where we'll actually...keep a shark?" She looked around the apartment and shrugged. "Depends on what kind of shark you want. We can quite easily knock out the bath tub and make room for a shark tank. That's pretty interesting for a pet. And possibly expensive?"

Azamel nodded and looked around the apartment. "Yeah....but we need a bathtub, don't we?" He sniffed Kirsty and then crinkled his nose teasingly. "Yep....definitely need a bath tub." Azamel then scoffed at the expensive part. "Nothing is too expensive for a freaking shark." He forgot to whisper that last part.


(I'll get Hailie up in a min.)


Kirsty didn't pay mind to the shark comment, she was too busy being concerned about smelling like a woman and not like a sweaty fireball. "Hm, you're right. Guess I'll take a bath, and we can do the shark planning while I'm at it." She looked at the computer once more before taking off her dirty clothes. Jumping through two buildings definitely left a lot of rubble and pipe water on them. "So, sharks? When did you decide on wanting a shark?" Kirsty took one glance at what was once on her and sighed. So messy. 

Azamel watched as Kirsty stripped herself of her clothes. "I was joking but..." His eyes traveled the length of his Girlfriend's body before meeting her eyes again. He shrugged. "I'm not complaining." 

Azamel gave another shrug at Kirsty's question. "I was watching TV and it started talking about sharks. They sounded interesting so I 'bought' some books on them." He nodded, putting air quotes around "bought".



"Well, at least you're honest. Besides they're only books?" Kirsty chuckled and looked at the books before walking down to the bathroom. She flipped on the water and looked back at the open door. "So you were looking up ways to buy a shark, right? Did you find any...legal methods?" That seemed to be a thing with her. Stealing books were okay but stealing sharks are a whole other story. 

Azamel nodded and held up his laptop. "There are legal methods, but they require a person to be certified." He then flexed both arms. "These are my certificates of authenticity." He laughed deeply before setting the laptop down and walking closer to the open doorway. "There are legal ways to buy smaller sharks....but I was a nurse shark. No official ways to obtain one of those."



Kirsty smiled and closed her eyes as she stood in the shower stream. "There are two kinds of ways to get things done. The legal way or the fun way. Maybe we can convince Mindbreak to get us a shark. I'm sure he'll consider." She thought about how viable a shark exactly was as she washed herself. Kirsty's eyes turned to look at the floor, and imagined a nurse shark there. "Or we could just go and pull one out of the ocean."


Is a bit surprised. After all he just made the fireworks, he didn't shoot them out or anything. Still maybe he should of made them a bit further away then. "Who me lass oh I don't I'm alright you can just about sing and I'd be happy to listen". @Crystal Cali
Azamel frowned. There was that name again. Mindbreak. He tilted his head and drummed his fingers on the door. "Who exactly is Mindbreak. You said he was the reason why you left earlier." He stopped drumming and leaned against the door instead. "Are you two clandestine lovers?" He asked.

Kara grins. "Well alright then." She goes back to singing for a couple more songs, before stopping as she gets hungry. She stops the music, and puts up a colorful sign that says "Performance will resume soon" by her tip bucket. She looks inside the bucket to see that a few passers by had dropped some money inside, and she moves the cash from the bucket to her bag, then pulls a granola bar out of the bag, and sits down on the ground and starts eating. She looks up to the man who created the fireworks. "I'm Kara, by the way. That's a pretty little trick you can do there. Is it just for show, or can ya make something bigger?"



Kirsty laughed so hard she ended up swallowing a ton of water and soap. It was nothing compared to bleach, but the flavoring...

"What? No! He's a kid, I'm an adult. Those kind of relationships don't work at all." She stepped out of the shower and hopped on the sink counter, sitting down there and drying herself. "It's really just like...we used to know each other. Last year he got into an accident. Turned him into what he is today." Kirsty was a little surprised Azamel didn't know who Mindbreak was. "I haven't told anyone else in the world this. Mindbreak is a nickname. His real name is Sai. Well, it's spelled Q-S-I. He just got this nickname from prison." She drew in a shaky breath and slid off the counter, then made a walk over to Azamel. 

"So...how about that shark?" Kirsty cracked a smile as she looked at the computer.



"Reality hits you hard." Mindbreak walked out of an alley, shaking the blood from his black hair. It was still red at the ends, outlined by his eyes of a lighter shade. His hands remained in his pockets, but the alley...the alley.

It was horrific. Several important city council members had their heads lobbed off and bodies smashed into the middle of the buildings. The rest of the detail was rather gory, but it was clear Mindbreak enjoyed that type of stuff.

Azamel nodded. "Ah...I see." He mentally shrugged. The names Mindbreak and Qsi both didn't cause any clicks within his brain. Azamel never watched local news ever since he heard the story about himself. He definitely liked causing destruction. He didn't like hearing about it. 

He he looked up once Kirsty reverted the topic back to sharks. "Yes. I am totally serious about getting a shark though. I'm not changing my mind."


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