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Realistic or Modern I'll Fight Knowing Nobody Knows My Name! - Superhero\Villain RP

Faust was at C'thulhu's seal. even in this state, breaking it would be impossible. He turns back to see Nick. I welcome you, Lamb to The Slaughter...

Oh dear. The will of The Old Ones cannot be denied, my dear Knight. Let us see how well this Holy Knight will do against the powers of the Old Gods themselves! Faust struck Nick across the ribs with his Scepter, dealing immense damage. He then mercilessly kicks Nick on the face, sending him flying five feet away.

@Shammy the Shamrock

As we sat down and drank the TV that was above us turned on, "A bank robbery is currently happening at the western side of Sanfield, the criminals are still unknown and as they are inside and destroyed the cameras the officers have no way in or no way to see what's happening inside." said the news reporter, I could feel in her tone that she was anxious.

"Don't you have to take care of that?" I asked Scott with a smirk, I needed an excuse so I could go help myself.

(Are there any villains here?)

[Open for interaction]

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(aaaw COME ON.Can you not interfere? T-T)

Faust gave a simple gesture and Saitama would be transported to the Netherrealm, temporaily. He then proceeds to hit Nick several times with his scepter and kicks him five feet into the air. Give me the book, and i'll spare your pathetic life.

MrEvilMexican said:
(aaaw COME ON.Can you not interfere? T-T)
Faust gave a simple gesture and Saitama would be transported to the Netherrealm, temporaily. He then proceeds to hit Nick several times with his scepter and kicks him five feet into the air. Give me the book, and i'll spare your pathetic life.

(one does not simply trap saitama... wait how do i get out of a dimension?)

(and also what is in the netherrealm?)
Midway in the air Nick get on his feet back bleeding "It's king Arthur for you,Cthulu." Nick proceed to run in front of Faust dealing fast strike upon Faust,after that he get behind him and supress some of his power with his eyes wild open,before rushing back at him dealing a cosmic punch condense with fire upon Faust belly with his glowing arms "Don't push me too hard,or i will summon my own battlefield." he say with anger

Faust stumbled back a few steps. You're gonna have to-- Run... Or you're gonna die... Try harder, little knight. Run as far as you can with the book--I'll find you either way. You can't even scratch me. I SAID RUN--I wonder. Should I kill Harmony before your eyes or you before hers?

MrEvilMexican said:
Faust stumbled back a few steps. You're gonna have to-- Run... Or you're gonna die... Try harder, little knight. Run as far as you can with the book--I'll find you either way. You can't even scratch me. I SAID RUN--I wonder. Should I kill Harmony before your eyes or you before hers?

(what is in the netherrealm? and how is faust still controlling his body while its controlled by the old gods?)
Suddenly,Excalibur shine and thunder strike upon Nick " LIKE HELL I'M GONNA RUN !" Nick rush on Faust again,this time with more ferocity and charging up his sword "ROE AIAS !!!!" with that,the strike make and enormous blast around them,projecting Faust on the moon "I wonder why people never use they strongest attack first..." he say breathing intensevely watching at the sky

Salex said:
(what is in the netherrealm? and how is faust still controlling his body while its controlled by the old gods?)
(well, he only managed to for a few seconds. And there are undead, demons, sinful souls, Hades, satan and a bunch of other fucking gods.)
That would be the last time they would see Faust. He was gone now. In it's place is now only the Old Gods and Faust's corrupted soul. Even worse, Nick didn't even know Faust told him to run THE OTHER DIRECTION. Luckily, somebody did. Reh'Kurzul would swoop down and grab Nick with his claws. You moron. You don't even stand a chance. He literally meant run away. It told Nick before landing at the beach. A small outline of a boy could be seen outside the lighthouse, crying.

Nope. It's not a dream. I still didn't like it how you just let me 'die'. I'm going to help you anyway. The Dragon told Nick. He's mad. The whispers of the Old Gods cannot be denied, Holy Knight. I hope you didn't use that book... You know, the Necronomicon ex Mortis Tomo IIV. The child, after seeing Reh'Kurzul began crying even more. Why don't you check on that kid? He looks terrible.

MrEvilMexican said:
(well, he only managed to for a few seconds. And there are undead, demons, sinful souls, Hades, satan and a bunch of other fucking gods.)
(yknow this rp incorporates alot of religion yknow? theres greek, roman, christianity, etc.... such diversity yes?)
Salex said:
(yknow this rp incorporates alot of religion yknow? theres greek, roman, christianity, etc.... such diversity yes?)
(Yes yes, indeed. Indeed. Now Faust is about to fuck Sanfield over. He has become the very thing he tried so hard to protect the world from. xD )
MrEvilMexican said:
(Yes yes, indeed. Indeed. Now Faust is about to fuck Sanfield over. He has become the very thing he tried so hard to protect the world from. xD )
(well without genji to lead... yep sanfield is fucked... but how can saitama get out of the netherrealm?)
"Yeah,i did use it.Now i hear some voices since yesterday." Nick look at the kid "Hey,wanna see a old trick?" he take his hand behind the right hears of the boy and grab a coin "It's all about magic!" he smile at the kid

Salex said:
(well without genji to lead... yep sanfield is fucked... but how can saitama get out of the netherrealm?)
(Hmm, sit down, get a book and wait your time out. xD )
MrEvilMexican said:
(Hmm, sit down, get a book and wait your time out. xD )
(or do what saitama does, beat the shit out of every demon and make hades cry in a corner xD and that maintenance tho)
NickTonCutter said:
"Yeah,i did use it.Now i hear some voices since yesterday." Nick look at the kid "Hey,wanna see a old trick?" he take his hand behind the right hears of the boy and grab a coin "It's all about magic!" he smile at the kid
The kid didn't smile. He stared at Nick. "He threw me out... Told me I made him weak. Said he no longer needed me..." He was sniffing in between words. "There's nothing left of him anymore. Only the Old Gods and his tormented soul..." He looked at the Dragon. "He kept on telling himself I was the only reason his undeath was worth going through. The ability to feel human emotion... Why did he just throw me away like that?"

(Not trying to be a negative Nancy and I am not a mod for ths rp so you have no reason to listen to me if you don't want to but I have what could be seen as a solution. When you are in combat with another players character and you make a post attacking them instead of saying "I punch them in the face and it hurts them" perhaps write "I throw a punch aiming at their face intending to hurt" this avoids taking control of another's character and if executed correctly makes it move a lot smoother.

However do note it is still a problem if you dodge every attempt lol)
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MrEvilMexican said:
The kid didn't smile. He stared at Nick. "He threw me out... Told me I made him weak. Said he no longer needed me..." He was sniffing in between words. "There's nothing left of him anymore. Only the Old Gods and his tormented soul..." He looked at the Dragon. "He kept on telling himself I was the only reason his undeath was worth going through. The ability to feel human emotion... Why did he just throw me away like that?"
(wait, so saitama gets out when faust and nick is done fighting?)

meanwhile in the nether realm, it is now just corpses, blood and gigantic holes everywhere, a result when you put saitama and demons in one place @MrEvilMexican

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