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Realistic or Modern I'll Fight Knowing Nobody Knows My Name! - Superhero\Villain RP

Abberakelaran said:
Lightning was soaring through the city when she heard gunfire break out beneath her. A man in a strange mask was firing a gun into a pizza parlor. A lightning bolt struck between the man and the parlor and she emerged from it with her magnetic field active(strong enough to deflect bullets or slow them enough for her to destroy them). She flung her hand up and towards the man launching a powerful gust of wind, strong enough to fling him up and across the street.
First it's a kid xD SECOND were long gone
Jon walked the streets of the city, whistling. He bobbed his head side to side as he walked to match the tempo of his steps.

NeoClassical said:
Jon walked the streets of the city, whistling. He bobbed his head side to side as he walked to match the tempo of his steps.
Hibiki would be walking as well when he runs into Jon. Though he still has no idea what his name is. "Oh hey there um...I don't actually know your name," he says calmly.

He continued to cry "W-When we left the boat a month ago, I-I saw a gun shot and," he stopped and cried into his hands. Lou looked up "I wanted her but s-she isn't here anymore," the child said shaking. He then played with the marionette to try and calm himself down "I call him max," he said making the puppet wave, the threads going back on the roll.


The man got back off, the mask showing his decaying face. His arm had fallen off, threads from the torso went out and picked it up reattaching it. He run straight towards lighting and started shooting at her, his gun running out of ammo as he reloaded.

@Abberakelaran @Erbrin
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The man got back off, the mask showing his decaying face. His arm had fallen off, threads from the torso went out and picked it up reattaching it. He run straight towards lighting and started shooting at her, his gun running out of ammo as he reloaded.

@Abberakelaran @Erbrin

I shared alot with this child... I hold the child's hand "it's late, you can stay with me for the night" I say trusting the child. I text Nick 'Be home tomorrow morning, have alot of business to attend to'
Nick read the message and though "Well,i'm kind of sleepy so."

He then put his suitcase on a bedroom upstairs,took his sword and place it on the wall,and put on his nightclothes.After that,he lay down on the bed and sleep
The puppeteer could have and might have wanted to kill her, but he didn't, maybe she would be the caretaker for him. A person who can make him feel the feelings he felt with his father, he would just have to see. A grin formed from under the mask "Thank you," he said in a weak voice, he held onto the hand and leaned on her. The threads escaped again, he knew he had a lot of work to do.

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YoungX said:
Hibiki would be walking as well when he runs into Jon. Though he still has no idea what his name is. "Oh hey there um...I don't actually know your name," he says calmly.
Jon looked over at the man. Hibiki was his name. They seemed to run into each other quite a bit. He chuckled. "Oh yeah. You probably still know me by Dicordia. Name's Jon."
NeoClassical said:
Jon looked over at the man. Hibiki was his name. They seemed to run into each other quite a bit. He chuckled. "Oh yeah. You probably still know me by Dicordia. Name's Jon."
"Ah I see. Well Jon how have you been? I haven't seen you in a while."

The man got back off, the mask showing his decaying face. His arm had fallen off, threads from the torso went out and picked it up reattaching it. He run straight towards lighting and started shooting at her, his gun running out of ammo as he reloaded.

@Abberakelaran @Erbrin
As the bullets neared her the air flared with light and they slowed to a crawl. She flung out her left hand and chain lightning leapt out blasting the bullets out of the air. She pivoted into a crouch and released a bolt of purple lightning at the mans chest from her right hand. (That hits hard, as in blow a chunk out of the wall behind him when/if he dodges hard.)
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YoungX said:
"Ah I see. Well Jon how have you been? I haven't seen you in a while."
Jon sighed. "It's been fine I suppose. Me and Neo separated but that's about it." He nodded slowly.
NeoClassical said:
Jon sighed. "It's been fine I suppose. Me and Neo separated but that's about it." He nodded slowly.
"Ah I see. Well that sounds rather unfortunate. What are you doing now?"
The puppeteer smiled and let his threads exit his roll, they entered Harmony. He rose her up and studied her, he could have made them enter her brain, he would have a servant but he wanted to see her as a caretaker. Taking her phone he looked at the text "Nick....no good," he said closing the phone. He put one of his signature mask on her, made her wear a robe and forcing her to teleport to Nick.

@Yappi @NickTonCutter


The man at the scene went dead and fell to the ground, his limbs separating. Something started to crush his body, the bones cracking before he was just a pile of meat. The threads went away and appeared back on the Puppeteers roll.

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Valentina flinched when Siren hit the water, but a smile was on her face.

"You've told me quite a bit about yourself, but I haven't told you much about me, I think." She let herself sink down up to her chin, and she revelled in the hot water. She looked ready to settle in for a Storytime.

"I mean, most of the questions you've asked was about the spa experience—and it makes sense. I mean, you're here to learn of the of the human experience but uh..." Valentina shrugged. "I wouldn't mind a personal question or two being thrown my way, hehe." Her eyes sparkled. Valentina looked like one eager beaver.

@Yappi[/URL] @NickTonCutter


The man at the scene went dead and fell to the ground, his limbs separating. Something started to crush his body, the bones cracking before he was just a pile of meat. The threads went away and appeared back on the Puppeteers roll.


Puppet Harmony

I feel something go into my body, I teleport to the mansion. I chuckle, Nick's not here yet. I feel a tinge if insanity coming along, I laugh a little maniacally as I look for Nick but he's not to be found

@NickTonCutter @Shammy the Shamrock
YoungX said:
"Ah I see. Well that sounds rather unfortunate. What are you doing now?"
Jon shrugged. "I'm not doing anything. Just walking around. Contemplating life. Stuff like that." He chuckled.
NeoClassical said:
Jon shrugged. "I'm not doing anything. Just walking around. Contemplating life. Stuff like that." He chuckled.
"I see. Well glad to hear your doing well. Seems have been really quiet lately though " he contemplates on that fact. It certainly had been peaceful lately.
@Yappi[/URL] @NickTonCutter


The man at the scene went dead and fell to the ground, his limbs separating. Something started to crush his body, the bones cracking before he was just a pile of meat. The threads went away and appeared back on the Puppeteers roll.


Lightning walked up to the dissolving corpse and shuddered. She unleashed a pulse of energy into it turning to ash, to ensure that nothing more would come of it. Then she turned around and walked into the pizzeria saying, "Is everyone alive in here? Does anyone need further assistance?" @Erbrin (She is a sixfoot tall dark skinned woman in purple and black leather armor and mask combo. She has a cat tail+ cat ears and no human ears.)
Hiro was walking the streets, cautious, and shirtless, but with a new pair of pants, new shoes and a green jacket draped over his small shoulders. He had a large scowl on his face, hating having his hands bound together. He was thinking about how he would ever be able to progress. How he would find his sister Maria. He felt overcame with emotions and a pained look appeared on Hiro's face.

rosehearted said:
Valentina flinched when Siren hit the water, but a smile was on her face.
"You've told me quite a bit about yourself, but I haven't told you much about me, I think." She let herself sink down up to her chin, and she revelled in the hot water. She looked ready to settle in for a Storytime.

"I mean, most of the questions you've asked was about the spa experience—and it makes sense. I mean, you're here to learn of the of the human experience but uh..." Valentina shrugged. "I wouldn't mind a personal question or two being thrown my way, hehe." Her eyes sparkled. Valentina looked like one eager beaver.

Siren smiled and said, "I suppose I have rather talked on haven't I. It is refreshing to interact with someone without concern of my voice influencing their mind. I have told you many personal things and yet I know only that you are a hero, and likely in possession of some degree of Power. That and your name, Valentina, from answering your question on the purity of souls. I guess I will start out relatively simple, with the usual precursor question between supernatural beings. I am a Lamia, but what are you?"

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