IC: El Yermo Perdido


The dunes of sand seemed to stretch endlessly from one area to the next. No matter how many dunes a person or Hollow might venture over, it looked almost identical to the last. Not a single hollow even appeared to venture within the area. It had a feeling of forbearance just traveling through the place.  It was a feeling a dread that left few wanting to ever look within such an area. What few traces were left came in the appearance of bones or masks left shattered and partially buried beneath the wastes. A few rocks jutted out from the sand almost teasing a change as you might walk though quickly becoming repetitive realizing each rock looked to be the same as another. 


Emi softly hummed to herself as she walked forward. The repetative nature of the dunes had all but come constant for her as they traveled. No matter where they went it looked as if the same dunes and scenery could be seen repeating itself. If it wasn't for the lack of foot prints it wouldn't be hard for someone to reach the conclusion they were going in circles... although it seemed as if any footprints they made were quickly swept away with light gusts of wind blowing through the area. It didn't even seem to deter Emi... whether through her astounding resolve or perhaps out of sheer cluelessness. It was hard to tell at times when it came to Emily. She didn't get to where she was as a Shinigami through sheer accident after all... outside of the academy where Chosi had helped her greatly.

The blonde blinked as she glanced back looking back towards Chosi. A bright smile was on her lips as she waved her hand back towards him. Her energy hadn't ceased to deplete despite walking for nearly two hours with nothing new in sight. "Chosiii! Just a bit more and we will find something! I'm more thne certain of it!" She spoke enthusiastically giving him a thumbs up as encouragement. It took a lot to take away Emi's steam. Since discovering their previous home was compromised, they needed to find a new place to stay. She was more then devoted to finding just that. She worried not just about Chosi but also everyone else. Being stuck out in the opening was a far from safe place given what type of place like Hueco Mundo. Hollows weren't safe no matter were they tread, and being Shinigami the danger they faced was much worst.

She lifted her hand up, scoping forward in thought. She lightly tapped her chin before pointing more to the left to change direction. "I feeliiiiiiiinnnng, that way! Just a bit more walking and I'm sure we will find someplace good!" She spoke, the third time she had said such since they begun through walk through what appeared to be an endless repeating wasteland. Unfortunately for Chosi, Emi wasn't likely to even give up her search and turn back until she found something or she was convinced thoroughly they were better off heading back to the others.



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Chosi was, without question, tired as can be. Not only did they lose their home but it was his and Emi's job to go searching! Why couldn't he just join the larger groups? Who's smart idea was it to send him and Emi all alone in the dest!? it definitely wasn't his!! Damn it, he was starting to wonder if the place just plain stole people's common sense!! Sure, send out the only one who can reliably create water with Emi, whom he holds as his best friend while he.. really has nobody else mind... the others have been kind but still, HES CHOSI GOD DAMN IT! 



"Aye laddie, yea may not be a warrior, but yea got the heart of a pirate deep down in yea yar." the zan gave what encouragement it could, like the good big brother it claims to be to Chosi. "...Thanks Kuraken... But I really think this was a bad idea." the frightened little man squeaked  in response to his constant companion. "Sure it might've been a tad strange, but yea gotta do yer duty if yea want to be the captain of this fine motley crew!" the zan's laughter echoed through his mind, it made Chosi feel abit better. But did he want to lead? A good question. he was the representative of squad 4 in this scenario... he was far from a capable leader... Perhaps he only needed to grow more? 

The words of Emi brought him back, his ever cheerful companion, she was certain there was something out there. 

Perhaps so.

But if that something was hostile to them? What should they do? Beyond fight of course. 

"Emi? i think i have an idea, one moment." Chosi drew his nagamaki and  activated the shikai. "Thars the ticket laddie, put yer mind to it! Ain't nothin' Captain Chosi can't do! i dare say the mind is the only muscle yea got! YAR HAR HAR!"  he planted his spear head first into the ground and used the ever handy rope, tied around his waist, to hoist himself high up into the air. "I'll see if I can see anything from up here!" he called down below, looking around once the rope hit a good height. How has he never thought about doing this beforehand? it would've saved him so much time trying to find his way around...

Think, adapt, this is what they had to do, up until now they have been hiding in a hole in a feigned attempt to holding out until their friends might come bursting in to save them! 


Perhaps it was simply his pessimism talking. 

But he knew they weren't coming... 

But with that man who came upon the group( he got a summary) they now knew that this desert wasn't only filled with hollows... though the other thing that was out there apparently had a rather loud mouth. But... Didn't it mention the king? thats what the others said... Perhaps they could speak to that king? Beg for mercy? they were in his land right? it might be hueco mundo but... surely.... Somebody had to atleast be friendly right? 





As Chosi scanned the seemingly endless expanse of white sand, something would stand out against the otherwise identical dunes. A pair of figures stood out in the distance. They would appear humanoid in shape, though they were too far to say for sure. It was nearly impossible to miss them though, considering they stood out as much as the pair of Shinigami did. But who or what were they? Perhaps more importantly would they be friend or foe?

Tracking down shinigami in Hueco Mundo was simple enough; they had a tendency to give off more reiatsu than the average hollow, not to mention it just felt different. How an entire group of them managed to hide in the territory of the Sexta Espada for an entire year was beyond them. "Hey," the first of the two pointed towards Chosi as he launched himself in the air.

"Looks like they decided to make our jobs easy," the second replied with a smirk. "Let's go greet them."


Emi looked back hearing Chosi speak. She smiled brightly looking at him. She lifted her hand up in salute with a bright smile on her lips. "Aye Aye Captain!" She spoke out loudly. It was hard to tell at times of Emi was really a brilliant person, able to catch onto subtle traits to figure a general idea of what Chosi's Zapankuto spirit was like, or if it was sheer coincidence due to her energetic nature.  It was obviously the latter with her. She wasn't that clever to make such a guess, not to mention it wasn't exactly the easiest thing to really guess just what anyone's spirit was given how varied they could be. 

She watched as he ascended glancing up at him. She kept her hand over her eyes as if to block out a non existent sun shinning down on her. She watched as he glanced around. "Find anything Choooooosi?" She spoke up louder calling to him as he looked around attempting to see if he could find anything that might lead them to find a shelter. Her confidence in finding a place was unhindered at that point even if he might not see something she was still convinced they would find something. She hoped he would find something interesting in the sands, not knowing just what it is what he might of caught sight of, nor the fact they had seen him.

@Orikanyo @KageYuuki
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"I don't really see to much! sand... sand... bones... more sand..." he turned his gaze all around, slowly turning himself with his rope. Even if he was scared he should put on the best face possible to help out Emi. he had to prove that even if he was the weakest here, he would still hold his own in other ways! he had to, lest he be seen as a burden.. And that would be just plain dreadful! He must prove himself to Emi and the others that he CAN pull his weight and more! ...Then again... wouldn't have they said something by now? Or perhaps they were simply bottling it up? What if he was much closer to being tossed out then he knew? What if... It already happened? 

What if they didn't say anything and just sent him and Emi out to die? In hopes the others could...




Perhaps Emi knows... And just wouldn't say anything to him? She was always a great friend to him, always, perhaps she sent off with him so he wouldn't be alone. Wouldn't be left all alone...


To die.


'i...I don't see anything.." Chosi choked up, tears falling to the sand below, not bothering checking with the rest of the sands. His heart felt broken and hurt, could this be true? Could he have been left to die as the weakest? Did Emi really come with him to his doom? What if the Soul Society also left them all to die? 'Good riddance!' they'd say... Oh how horrid! how terrible... he whipped his eyes and lowered himself down to the ground. trying his best not to let any more tears come in front of his friend. "It's okay Emi.. We'll... We'll find something soon... umm... Do you think we'll be able to make it home? that they are searching for us?"

@Hanarei @KageYuuki


Emi watched as Chosi came down seeing him come down. She moved up to him almost instantly as he tried to speak being positive. She flicked his nose looking at him. "Don't you go thinking all negative mister!  I saw those tears! You aren't allowed to do that! The only water I want to see from you is your abilities! You aren't allowed to go thinking any bad thoughts, and we will make it home. Don't go thinking like that at all mister!" She spoke poking his chest lightly staring at him. She wasn't the type who liked having that sort of mindset or dragging yourself down... granted it was perhaps a bit harsh on her part considering just how she seemed to be the only one hard wired to not know how to not look at things in a more positive light. It was hard to tell if something like despair or defeat could ever come to Emily's mind.

 She turned her head forward with a bright smile on her lips. She didn't shown an ounce of hesitation. "We are going to find something out here, even if we just end up running blindly into it! Kind of like that one time I ran into that big bulky guy before we went to be Shinigami. That guy was so rude, wouldn't even say sorry just pulling a knife up demanding everything we had. Hmmph! Served him right that he got that smack from me! Not sure why you and the others started dragging me away though." She spoke looking up going a bit off tangent, not quite realizing she had started something with a thug, something that had ended with Chosi and a few others she spent time with dragging her off being chased around with her unintentionally 'urging' him on calling him names. 

She waved her hand walking forward with sheer confidence not at all seeming worn down after how far they walked without having anything in sight. "Let's go Chosi, chop chop! We got a new home to find! We got a good 8 hours of walking before we might need a break if we need to!" She spoke loudly, her words being very much legitament. Emi seemed a near infinite ball of energy so long as she had an intense drive to do something. There were plenty of times where she collapsed from exhaustion before she ever threw in the towel trying to do something she couldn't accomplish. 

@Orikanyo @KageYuuki
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"Yeesh, noisy one aren't you?" A pair of Arrancar now stood in arm's reach of the shinigami. The one that had spoke was the taller of the two, his dark blue hair had been cut short and spiked. His mask sat over one eye before spider webbing around the side of his head and down his jaw. He tilted his head as the shocked pair stumbled back a step. "Aren't shinigami supposed to be able to sense hollows from a long ways off?" Or were the stories about them untrue?

His redheaded companion snorted, "I think we just lucked out and found the weaklings." The second Arrancar's mask wrapped around his forehead in jagged teeth, one long fang framing either side of his face.

Emi leapt back, reaching for her zanpakuto, "Show them lo-"

She was cut off by the red headed Arrancar appearing just inches away. His hand was cloaked in a red glow, nearly touching her face. "Now, now, can't have any of that." A blast sent the shinigami tumbling down the steep dune they were standing on. "Out after only one Bala?" He laughed, "We really did get the weak ones."

The first Arrancar sighed, "Just grab her before she wakes up, Sireno."

"Yeah, yeah." Sireno grumbled before sliding down the sand to retrieve Emi.


Chosi and Mr.bossyarrancar




Chosi had seen the arrancars first, however his stuttering and mutterings could not find the words he wished to say and Emi had very little time to react. he however was now all alone as Emi was knocked out cold!! 'Emi!!! Oh no! Oh NO!" he squeaked, running in circles like a chicken with it's head cut off. this display got a slight smirk from the arrancar that was to capture him... For about a few moments as he attempted to actually catch the slippery little thing. "Quite moving!" the arrancar barked to the frightened and panicking shinigami. "DOn'T EAT ME!!" Chosi shouted, rushing back and forth as the arrancar once again attempted to grab the fool. 

A lashed out are, a quick duck into the sand, a kick to stun him, a hop away from it, a frantic attempt to grab the little man in a bear hug lead to a mouth full of sand as the little guy clambered his way underneath the dive. 

perhaps in this moment, chosi was the fastest thing alive.

the arrancar spat out the mass of sand and growled, turning to face the little man before...

Realizing her had a spear stuck in his face... A grin... but not after he got a gigantic shot of ink sprayed into his face. 

The shot rocketed Chosi backwards as the Arrancar was toppled over, mouth now full of the inky black liquid(oooh my) as Chosi smacked himself directly into the other Arrancar's leg... Not quite knocking him over as it was more like a rabbit smacking into an iron pole...

He was now out cold and ready for capture. 
Sireno couldn't help but laugh as he watched the scene unfold, an unconscious Emi slung across his shoulder. "Didn't think I'd see you have so much trouble with one little Shinigami," he snickered.

The second Arrancer, Davi, glared at him as he stood and wiped the ink from his face. Damn brat, that stuff made his eyes burn. "Shut up," Davi moved towards the dazed Chosi, what looked like thin threads appearing between his hands as he moved them apart from each other. "Let's just take them back and be done with it. You have her weapon?"

"Yeah, yeah, I've got it." Sireno said with a roll of his eyes before holding up Emi's zanpakutou.

By the time the Shinigami wake up, they'd find themselves alone in a small cell. Laying on the cool stone floor it wouldn't take long for either to realize their arms had been bound behind their back, held tight by some kind of thread or rope composed of Reishi. The more familiar of the two would likely notice the similarities it had with some of the kidou spells used by fellow Shinigami.

Looking around they'd find the area rather well lit. It was easy to see just how small of a room they'd been confined in. Enough room to lay down, not an ideal location to try and pick a fight in. Dark bars blocked the only opening allowing them to see across the hall and find their partner in the same situation. A deathly silence filled the air, the lights in the prison being the only signs of life. Someone had locked them up, been smart enough to separate the pair too.

But just where were they?

Who took them, and why?

With no way to even contact the other Lost, would anyone even find them let alone know something had happened?


Emi eyelids fluttered as her consciousness slowly returned to the girl. A red mark lingered on her head where she was struck earlier. Her head still hurt as her body felt as if her body's ability to function slowly returned to her. She tugged at her arms, finding them locked in place behind her. She tugged more against them, wiggling about trying to slip free putting some effort at first into it uncertain just what it was. Her eyes glanced around, looking upon the small cell she was in. Her eyes slipped around finding its way looking over seeing another cell. Her eyes opened wider pulling again at the strange binding keeping her arms behind her back. 

"Chosi!" She spoke out squirming more as if her own instincts to escape had kicked into over gear. She shuffled a bit squirming briefly, wiggling about shuffling a bit contorting her body a little as if to somehow 'trick' what it was holding her arms in place before finally relaxing back, continuing to try and work her way free. Her eyes shifting about trying to find an escape despite a rather dire situation. The blonde didn't usually know when to quiet. Her head still ached, not paying much attention as she tried to work on finding a way to escape and get herself and Chosi out of here.

@Orikanyo @KageYuuki

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"Uhhh... Errr...Ah?' the little man moaned and groaned, coming back to the world of the living... Well... Not really.. more like the world of the undead... the... dead world of the undead? Anti-undead world? World of the dead souls? 



Screw it, not dealing with that thought today. 

the little man slowly opened his eyes to the blank featureless world around him, unlike Emi he was not chained up, but he was unarmed like her. it was a cold feeling, having the very manifestation of your soul kept away somewhere you cannot reach. Well, so was he a manifestation of his soul, but thats besides the point. It seems, Emi had woken up a tad bit earlier then he did... She was alive... thats good. but he felt utterly horrible, his chest hurt and had one hell of a headache... The headache he could not cure, but he couldn't have a cracked rib hinder him, likely after he was knocked out he was kicked or something.. or perhaps when they threw him inside this cell he smashed against the wall? 


Regardless he had to work, he couldn't help Emi if he couldn't help himself.. Even if he was only useful to heal her if shes hurt... plus.. breathing kinda hurt... bad sign. he focused his energy into kaido and planted it upon his chest, feeling himself being knit together with ease. he was good at kaido, he was thankful for this. Now, to talk to Emi. 

'Emi! I'm here, it's... it's o-... I'm okay.. are you hurt?' he switched his words halfway through.. he had no idea if it was okay..  hell he wasn't certain if they weren't going to be... eaten... 

if they were normal hollows, they would have been, thats for certain. 

...He had to save his energy... And be ready... 

Emi was likely unarmed, but he had a weapon he could always wield. 

It might not hurt them too much, but... perhaps binding them will suffice?
Silence hung heavily in the air, the only sound being the pair of shinigami trying to talk to one another. It was hard enough to gauge the passing of time in Hueco Mundo thanks to the eternal night. But now with no way to see the moon there was no telling how long they waited. Finally, the sound of boots against the stone floor signaled someone's approach. A slender woman stepped into view. Like the Arrancar from before, she wore an entirely white hakama and a top that had black trim. A dark red sash and long white coat stood out compared to the two from earlier.

"So the two of you are finally awake," Her voice was calm, holding no traces of fear despite standing in front of two shinigami. A low chuckle as the newcomer brushed a few strands of hair from her face. "It seems my Faccion overdid it somewhat. And before you do something stupid, I'm not about to kill you. His Majesty's orders," the Arrancar leaned against an ebony and gold cane. "Not that you could do much to harm me in your current states.

"So why don't we have a little chat, hm?" She glanced between the two, "It's been a  good hundred years since I last saw shinigami face to face."





Chosi was about to call out once more to his friend across the hall, but the sounds of footsteps quieted his call, oh goodness! Oh no! Somebody was coming!!! the courage he had somehow collected from his remembrance of being able to use kido was gone with a blink of an eye. Hiding with it's face in the dirt hoping nobody will notice it bothered to raise it's head. But who was coming? Crap! The viewing point was too high up! if only he could raise himself up... or maybe... a chin up? But he hasn't done a chin up since the academy years! And during physical exams... Which he kinda failed. 

Each time.

But maybe he was stronger now? Well, guess there is nothing for it, may as well check!

"Hoopft!" the little man grunted, jumping up to the grated opening in the door, struggling to pull himself up to the viewing port. "Almost... Come on..." the little man grunted, pulling, straining, flexing what little muscles he had! And with a mighty tug of his incredably light weight he reached the bars! Slipping his arms through and hugging them so he could see the person whom was talking to him and Emi! Now, only to find them and....

"...Nice clothes." Chosi blurted out without thinking, in truth, it was a nice clothing. But it's not the best thing to say firstly to your captor who says they wont "hurt" you. 

Oh she wont?

Who will then? 

Wait, his majesty?


A chat?

"Y-y-y-you brought us here to chat? Your not gona eat us!?" The little man blurted out once again, this time in a tone that spoke of fear and slight thankfulness. 

Emi blinked hearing Chosi. She jumped up, restrained by her bindings, looking like a dog attached to a leash defiant agaisnt it as she tried to pull away a few times before finally coming to a halt. "Chosi! Your okay! Thank goodness. Don't worry Emi will find  a way out." She spoke mostly to herself trying once again to find a way to wiggle free from her confinements.  The feisty blonde was hardly expected to ever fully quit in her attempts.  It was then though she heard the footsteps. She looked up, a fierce glare was focused upon the approaching Arrancar looking on not a trace of fear despite her situation.  It was only by Chosi's voice she hadn't uttered less 'friendly' words for the one who seemed to be keeping them captive, much of which oddly Emi didn't seem to even focus upon despite how strange of a compliment it seemed to be.

As Chosi questioned her desire to chat, Emi had jumped forward, yanked back by the bindings as she looked almost like an attack dog being yanked back in place. "Hmmph! Let us go! Chatting doesn't involve putting usi n cells! Let me and Chosi go!" She spoke out firmly, far more stern in her voice  and unflinching. Her blue eyes kept fixated upon him. She squirmed a bit more before pausing seemingly acting in short bursts of energy. The young shinigami wasn't certain at all what she could do. She could tell she was speaking in a more civilized manor but it didn't change the fact at all she was holding them captive. No amount of smooth talk could change that to her. 

@Orikanyo @KageYuuki

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At Chosi's rather unexpected compliment the Arrancar paused for a moment for a brief moment before he followed it up with asking if she'd eat them. A short laugh, soft and collected, escaped from her lips. "Eat you? You're hardly a meal. Not to mention His Majesty would be fairly displeased if I went against his orders and killed the two of you." She shook her head, golden eyes instead focusing on Emi and her shouting for a moment. "I'd consider letting you go given you're not exactly a thread. Especially without your zanpakutou. Though if a Hollow wasn't strong enough to be a real threat to you, would you let them wander free if they sat there yelling even empty threats at you?"

Pulling over a chair from a nearby table she sat down in the middle of the hall, her legs crossed as she leaned back. "It's been so long since I had a chance to step out into the human world, let alone properly study Soul Society. So tell me, are the Shinigami still split into 8 divisions? What division are you from? I can't quite fathom either of you holding a . . . Mmm what did you call it, a Seated position." Of course she could always be wrong. Perhaps the shinigami had fallen considerably even before the invasion...? "Granted, I suppose it's only fair I introduce myself if I'm asking you to do the same. I am the Septima Espada, Reina Cuerva."
Chosi stared at the woman with his big, soulful, dark blue eyes. She was... curious about them? Seated position? Study the Soul Society? 8 divisions? 

"Umm... it's... a pleasure to meet you." that was... kind of a lie... Only kind of. If anything it was kind of the first person to really regard him with respect since he got here. Even if he was in a cell... Emi was a good friend but she treated him like a little brother... This woman treated him like an actual shinigami!! "Theres not 8, 13 divisions. or Squads. I was in squad 4.... I...I was to get a seat soon... way back before..." he turned silent for a moment, reaffixing himself to the cell's window. "My squad is largely medical and service based... not very interesting... Sorry..." he seemed to wilt under his own words, feeling once again, rather worthless right now. 

"...My name is Chosi Hisakawa... I only ask that you please.. please don't hurt Kuraken.."


Emily looked at the Arrancar hearing her words directed at her. The girl pouted, giving a stern look at her tugging upon her restrains not seeming to give up quite so easily despite her words. It was difficult to get Emi to ever fully give up on something. She was far to much of the stubborn type to just give into any sketchy situation. She looked over hearing as Chosi answered her. She pouted looking at Chosi with a stern look... granted truthfully Emi would of likely devolged herself about the number of divisions if she had been the one to start speaking first. It was only due to Chosi speaking up first she even though about not blabbing such a thing out, or in her case correcting her without a thought about it.

"Let Chosi go free now, or Emily Rairakku of Squad 8 will make you regret hurting my friend Chosi!" She spoke out far less tactful in her words compared to Chosi. Her eyes focused on her keeping her blue orbs locked upon the Arrancar with a aura of defiance about her. She wasn't doing a very good job of hiding her anger, very upset to see her precious friend being kept in captivity even more so then herself. She could actually show a sense of kindness to her foes, being quite merciful at times. When someone hurt someone she deemed precious... no matter how 'hurt' they were, that is when Emi's much more vicious side could come out. 

The blonde shook her head giving another pointless session of wiggling before seeming to settle down a bit once more. She didn't seem in the least bit exhausted, in a way pacing herself as she remained ever vigilant observing the Arrancar as if expecting something fishy might be done by her.

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Reina Cuerva

The more soft spoken of the pair was the first to speak up, even willingly answering her questions. She knew she misspoke about the number of Divisions that made up the ranks of the shinigami. It made for an easy way to see how willing they were to tell the truth. And it seemed she found someone willing for a conversation. A faint smile graced her lips only to fade the moment Emi began yelling once more.

Harsh golden eyes bore into the shinigami as she turned to look at her. "I've done nothing to harm your fellow shinigami." Her Reiryoku flared for a moment, reminiscent of the power a Vice Captain would display before it faded once more. "You should refrain from making threats and interrupting our conversation." Her expression seemed soft once more as she turned back towards Chosi. "A member of the Fourth Division then? I'm not sure why you'd even consider their role unimportant. I may have only encountered one or two hollows capable of healing another in my time, unlike you shinigami."

The Espada tilted her head slightly, "Now this Kuraken . . . is that the name of your zanpakutou? Those weapons never cease to amaze, I've always wondered how you were able to bind a spirit with something like that. Despite the Noveno Espada's research, he never has managed to replicate such a thing..." She shook her head, "Ah, but I digress." Her golden gaze soon returned to the timid shinigami, "Your zanpakutou has not and will not be harmed. The both of them are stored away for the time being."
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Chosi Hisakawa



"I...Umm..." he wasn't quite certain what to say to that at first... All he could really do is smile. "Tt-thank you..." he sputtered out finally before listening to her continue. She was asking alot of questions, in truth at this point holding anything in was... kinda worthless... He wasn't told anything big, all he had was Kuraken and the others.... though.. he might not have the latter anymore... Was it to much to ask to have a place he could sleep? Not have to worry about anything for about a day..? All he wanted now is a nice soft bed to fall into and rest. 

A nice good nap.

And to wake up to a new day. 

To wake up from this nightmare.

To get up from his bed, brush his teeth, comb his hair, put on his uniform, strap kuraken to his back and take a walk around the Serseiti. 

Perhaps finish that book he had been working on... he tried several times to work here but the place was stifling, and a lack of ink made it rather impossible to write. 

Stifling... Oppressive... Painful... Dry... Desolate...

What had he done to deserve this hell? 

Was he not a good man? 

What had he done? 


"...Thank you... for not hurting Kuraken... I... the... the spirit is ours... Not any spirit..." he spoke softly, trying to rip himself away from the dark thoughts with information. "The zanpakuto starts as a Asauchi, it's nameless, a collection of spirit energy that slowly becomes the zanpakuto... Like.. Molding clay! But you are the mold, it's tough at first to keep the sword on you at all times, but thats the way to do it I guess..." he occasionally glanced up at the woman, hoping this was what she wanted to know. 

It was common knowledge... Not a heavy secret really. 

"Every weapon Asauchi is the same at first... but changes to your soul. It... Makes it annoying having to get different sheaths every month since the blade grew again." kuraken wasn't always a nagamaki, it was once a nice simple size... But then it kept growing, and growing.. And suddenly it was taller the Chosi. 


Emi could feel her harsh eyes upon her as she spoke back quite sternly at her little protests. She looked up, keeping a tough expression in response. It was hard to intimidate her, likely from sheer obliviousness or refusal. Still, she quieted up keeping her eyes sternly on the Arrancar. Even if they weren't 'hurt' it wasn't as if they were treated nicely like guests or even given a choice to come. She wouldn't just shrug off the fact they were essencially kidnapped to be questioned all while kept locked away in the process. She wasn't exactly the best at being tactful with her words to avoid problems. 

She was a bit upset Chosi seemed to be talking out about a lot more then he should be. Even if it was something very well known it wasn't something she wanted told to them. They might not know anything about it after all... even if really the information wasn't that useful particularly from how Emi might be able to process it being. She didn't like telling anything if possible.

"Chosi! Don't tell her so much. She is holding us captive! She shouldn't be told anything." She finally spoke up finally talking directly to her friend. Her voice wasn't anywhere near as harsh to her friend as it was to the Esapada despite wanting him to stop speaking up. She tugged and wiggled again in her bindings throwing in a bit more effort once more after having kept still for some time. She was far from tired out even if she was quite weak and out of it still from being knocked out before. Her puppy like spurts of energy unable to help but return after short breaks. 
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Chosi hisakawa.



Chosi winced at the words of his friend... "...Sorry.... But... What would being silent do?" he asked, looking still rather sad. "...they've left us Emi.... it's been a full year! We don't even know if they are really looking for us!" for the first time in awhile, he rose his voice, but he quickly went back to a whimper. "...Is it so bad... that we speak of home? A home we might... that..." he bit his lip, before slipping down the doorway. Was the seireitei even looking for them? hell they might just be thinking they are dead! Or maybe not worth searching for? Who were they to them anyways? A handful of seated shinigami? The positions were likely already filed and forgotten by now. 

"Can we really... Really afford to be silent? We've been abandoned, lost,  however you want to say it. It's... best we make a new spot for ourselves. It hurts... but..." he drew silent, a heavy heart keep him silent. He didn't like saying this to his friend but...

What could he say? He wasn't going to lie!

Reina Cuerva

The arrancar's eyes seemed to light up with the explanation. She sometimes found it funny how easy it could be to get information with such a gentle approach. Of course, there were still those that required . . . a more bloody take. But she preferred it this way, quiet, clean, simple. "So they actually are just an extension of the wielder's soul..." She mused, "Not so different from what we arrancar use then." Granted the arrancar's resurrección was more similar to a shinigami's bankai than their shikai. "Interesting that they require so much time to make."

Before she had a chance to continue Emi spoke up once again. Persistent little worm. She should have expected as much after observing the two wandering the desert in search of a new home. Reina made a slight tisking sound as she looked down at the shinigami once more. "You never listen, do you?" She frowned, glowering at her captive in disgust. "Doesn't matter who's speaking, it all just passes by unheard. Even when you're comrades are broken and in need of support you remain oblivious to them and their needs."

Reina sneered at the defiant glare being thrown at her, "Even now you ignore the blatant truth." A sadistic smirk soon crossed her features, "I suppose there's no sense in trying to make the blind see." Even if she preferred the more subtle approach, there was a certain rush that came with bloodying your own hands every once in awhile. Searing agony would claw its way through the shinigami's mind as blade after blade pierced her bound form. Blood quickly began forming a dark crimson pool on the floor from the wounds. Seemingly in control of the assault, Reina took care to avoid vitals first.

After what would no doubt feel like several minutes, the blades would pierce areas that guaranteed death. Even if it wasn't a swift one. The Espada shook her head as she knelt next to Emi. "Pathetic," Reina's whisper brushed against her ear. "Not even worth feeding the lowest of hollow."


Emi looked on, her eyes fixated on the Espada. It had been so quick she could barely process it as a blade pieced through her. She let out a cry of pain, cringing as she tried to surpress the pain. Her blood trickled down the blade given no chance at all as another strike hit her, the Shinigami being pieced. She clutched her hands into fist her loud gasps escaping as she was struck brutally. She shook her head trying to bare with the pain as best she could. Even the resilent Emily couldn't do much to bare the pain as her eyes watered the pain excruciating with each deliberate blow purposely lashing out in an attempt to maximize her pain without killing her. It was a state Chosi would never of seen before. Her shinigami outfit stained by the blood leaking from her body pooling by her feet. 

Her body hunched over as much as it could kept restrained. Her cries suddenly stopped after one final shout, her voice lost as a vital organ was suddenly hit. Blood couched up instead from her lips as it was evident what a dire situation Emi was in. Her eyes were open, her vision blurry as she struggled to maintain consciousness. It was impossible for her to show any ounce of her energy... of her upbeat nature. The blood slowly slipping from her lips as her attempt to keep as close to a smile as possible all but faded long ago. No amount of effort could keep a strong front for her as she was brutally impaled before her good friend. 

The pain overwhelming her as her consciousness began to fade in and out. No... no... I need to protect Chosi... I... I can't go out... not this way... she must die... she must... die.... die.... ... I... she won't live... my Chosi won't be harmed... I'll kill her slow.... painful.... Her thought vaguely remained, strangely twisting in a way it hadn't before, hushed whispers in hear mind as if there was another voice, her words twisting to it without even understanding the voice. Her eyes appearing blackened briefly from the small slits her eyelids had open before shutting completely and falling into a state of unconsciousness barely hanging on to life.

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Chosi Hisakawa


"...Emi?" he called out the his fellow shinigami, the woman had only looked at Emi and she fell silent! 

What... happened? 

He couldn't smell blood, but something was definitely wrong. Something he had to be watchful for, they didn't know what this woman was capable of and whatever made Emi fall so silent was not to be trifled with... As long as they were in these cells they had no power over the situation, if he could get kuraken he could help make this get away possible. But he needed to have this woman's trust first, that was for certain. But what did she want from him most of all? A good question, best find it out while he can. "No matter what happens, we must not give in. No matter the cost we must come on top. It is the only way to survive in this land, eat or be eaten. Best grow teeth while we can."

"Please... Don't hurt us..." a sniffle can be heard from the little man behind the door. "Please don't... Please..." He begged to the woman beyond the door. "What... what do you want from us?" he asked in desperation, this woman must want something right?

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