Advice/Help I want to start an RP, but don't know how to find someone


{{ Carrying a chicken }}
I don't know if I'm even doing this right, but I want to do an RP that takes place in a medieval style kingdom, not necessarily DnD style, just a medieval kingdom. I already have a character for it and everything, I just don't know how to find someone. I'm kind new here, as In, just joined like 3 hours ago, and also want some critique and idea's on it.
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Hi there!

Assuming you want to roleplay with an individual partner (AKA a 1x1 RP), as opposed to running/managing a group roleplay, the place you want to post is here: 1x1 Interest Checks

I personally recommend having the following things since this is a very specific / narrow interest check:
  • A small introduction about yourself
  • Your plot idea, in detail
  • A very brief mention of who the character you want to play is
  • Your preferences, namely regarding how often you expect / can deliver posts, the kind of post size you'd prefer if any, any limits/things you absolutely don't want in the RP, where you want to RP (forum threads or PMs. As far as I'm aware new folks can't immediately advertise on the off-site interest check subforum, though that may have changed), and anything else you think it would be relevant for your potential partner to be aware of.

And I probably don't need to mention this, but be friendly :) Also don't panic if there aren't immediate responses. It can take a couple days, especially for highly specific requests.

I can't much offer advice on a plot I know next to nothing about, but if you share it and I have any thoughts worth commenting, I just might.

Best of luck and happy RPing!

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