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I Ran Away and Now I'm Here

She sighed and just kept walking. One paparazzi man came too close to her and grabbed her arm, she ripped her arm out and kept walking forward. There were too many rude people saying hurtful things to her but she ignored them and kept walking. Michael and Jessie were starting to push them away.
She quickly put the bags in the car and sat in the back. As everyone got in the car a paparazzi man was pushed to the window and Rayes yelped. She was caught off guard but quickly got calm again and sighed looking down.
She looked at him in confusion and she was lost. She didn't know what was going to happen when they got home and didn't want to know. As she heard the tone of his voice, her eyes widened.
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Her mouth opened slightly as she was trying to say something but she looked back down at her hands and leaned back into the seat.
She disliked the thought of what he said and sighed to herself. She wanted to go away where no paparazzi would find her.
As they pulled up to the sidewalk by the house. Only Rayes could see her mother hold up a pair car keys and give an evil smirk towards her.
Rayes knew what her "mother" was doing and saw that she was starting to run down the street. Rayes grew angry and rushed after her.
Her mother was just as fast as Rayes but they were rushing down the street towards an empty lot. However, they cut through that lot and went into a graveyard. Rayes mother was laughing and dangling the car keys. She stopped suddenly, turned around and threw the keys at Rayes. Rates caught them but looked at the keys. Her memories were coming back to her and she stood the having her hand close to her face while holding the keys.
"So...still want to drive on your birthday? Why don't you have a few beers too?!" She shouted at Rayes. "Shut up! Just shut up! You don't know anything!!" She cried at her. Her mother than took out a bottle and smashed it on the grave behind her. "You did this Rayes.." She smirked. Then she moved and saw that it was Tess' grave that had beer splattered on it. Rates yelled asking her to stop.

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