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I Ran Away and Now I'm Here

Meanwhile, Leland was in the store. "Hmm..." He said, analyzing the game. "I..." He muttered, but he noticed someone looking at him, and before he could turn away, the flash of a camera went off... He hoped this wouldn't escalate...
Michael looked at the person taking the picture and started yelling at them telling them to go away or else they would report them. He took the camera and tried to delete the photo but the person was yelling at him too. They quickly ran out of the store and snickered. Michael looked back. "I'm sorry those people did that to you, we won't see them anymore today after what I did." Jessie and Rayes were walking, Rayes looked down at her shoes rehashing her memories with Tess and held the bags, she wasn't paying attention.
Michael was caught off guard by his comment, he wanted to say something but he didn't want Rayes to get upset at him. Michael just kept quiet. Rayes kept looking down and heard people running and laughing they pushed through her and she fell down on the ground, she gasped at what happened and yelled at them. "Hey! Don't you have any manners?!" She said. They just laughed and said sorry and continued to run away. Ryes picked herself up and brushed off the dust. Jessie helped her carry the items. They continued to walk into a different store.
"I've been kind of a tabloid person..." He told him. "I 'dropped out' until this settled over. They taught me at the house via Skype."
"Was that your choice or did other people do that to you?" Michael asked, he thought to himself: Why would he tell Rayes that he was still in High School when he was being home schooled? He still kept quiet though.

Jessie and Rayes walked in a store that had pretty dresses. Rayes picked out one that she liked the most. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/57a8c08c7a303_Blacklace.jpg.023e91f59c124075346d9223dce40cee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31717" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/57a8c08c7a303_Blacklace.jpg.023e91f59c124075346d9223dce40cee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Both." He said to him. "I didn't want her to suffer, so I lied.." He looked at him. "Rest assured, her mother will use that against me, but until then..."
"Ah..I see. I understand." He nodded. "I won't say anything but just know that the truth will set you free. My father told me that. I know that you are a good guy so I'm not worrying about anything." He gave half-smile.

Jessie and Rayes were walking around and Rayes saw a haircut place. She stopped in the window and looked. "Do you think I should dye my hair? My hair is turning white, I feel old already." She said fixing her hair.

You can do whatever you want Rayes. I support anything, come on. Let's go in." She smiled walking Rayes in. 
Rayes was looking at the color choices she could pick. She didn't want to go back to red because of what happened. She thought brown was too plain and she didn't want to do crazy colors. So she looked closely at black and pointed at it. "That color, I'll change it to that color." She went into a different room to color her hair.
After time passed, Rayes was done and found Jessie sleeping in one of the chairs. Rayes laughed and watched Jessie sleep peacefully. Rayes was unhappy, she had her reasons why but she couldn't tell Leland yet. She sighed and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked different but she wanted to be different. She wondered what the boys were doing.
He decided to walk over to where Rayes and the others were originally. Passing by a burger place, he ordered and took a burger, fries, and shake...
Jessie woke up in a panic and ran up to Rayes. "What's wrong?!" Rayes asked. "I thought something bad happened..I'm sorry." Jessie went back to normal.

Michael sat down in the chair and took out his phone to call Jessie to ask where they were. A few minutes passed after they were done talking. "
Rayes and Jessie went to the hair salon down there-" He pointed. "Rates got her hair dyed so we could meet them there now or they'll come to us. It's your decision." He sat back in his seat.
"They should be coming soon. I wonder what Rayes did to her hair this time.." He said.

As the two of them were walking, Rayes asked Jessie a question. "What were you thinking about that made you so panicked?" Rates asked Jessie.

I thought of last year and thought it was real." Jessie said. Rayes stopped in her tracks. "Jessie...I do not want to hear about it anymore unless it is from my mother. Please..I can't bear it..Not today." She said. "I'm sorry.." Jessie apologized.
"Heh..Must be exhausted from driving yesterday." He chuckled to himself. Rayes and Jessie started walking towards the table the guys were at. She waved at Michael and laughed at Leland. "I thought you said you would never dye your hair black!" Michael started laughing. "That's what I thought too." Jessie added. "Well, change is always good too, I got a lot of colors and I didn't feel like going extreme like blue or green. So I chose black." She said smiling.
"Oh... Okay. I got some new things and changed a little, so I think I'm done for now. I think I'm ready to head back, it's 3:45 so lets head back." She said.
She smiled back at him, wondering if the sun was bothering him or if something was wrong. However, she didn't want to start with anything or say anything wrong. She just got up from the seat and held the shopping bags close to her and followed Jessie and Michael.

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