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Realistic or Modern i n s u l a e


๐š๐š˜๐š›๐š๐šŽ๐š ๐š’๐š— ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐šœ๐š๐šŠ๐š›๐šœ โ˜†

College is a time for exploring, learning, and making relationships that are supposed to last a lifetime. At least, that's how you expected your life to go. Instead, fate twisted in dark ways that no one could have ever imagined. What these young adults had seen as an opportunity for the travel everyone longs for somehow ended up all wrong. This was supposed to be a trip to Fiji, the spring break that everyone sees in movies and dreams of their entire college career. There was supposed to be paradise and so much fun that you might explode. For some, this was the perfect time to explore and make new relationships, for others it was a time to spend and make new memories with their special others, some just went by their selves as an act to "find" their inner peace. So why had everything gone so horribly wrong, this type of things only happened in melodramatic television shows, right? Then why was it that no matter how hard they tried to snap awake from this terrible nightmare it wasn't working? It was too real. The terror they experienced on what began as a regular day has left many questions. Who is alive, where are we, what happened, why?
Hello! Thank you for checking out my little interest check, it is much appreciated. Basically "INSULAE" is a roleplay about a group of about 8 college aged characters who are involved in a plane crash that leaves them stranded on an uninhabited island. It will be very emotionally driven as it deals with the moments just before the plane malfunction and everything that happens afterward. The injuries they sustained and the people lost in the crash will be very important to the plot. I would really like to have some diversity among the characters, to make it a little more interesting. I haven't made an interest check of my own in quite a while and I'm still not completely used to all the coding so that would also be really helpful.
co-gm // nymphadora. nymphadora.
1. pls no god modding
2. posts = 2+ paragraphs
3. no character reservations
4. i will post list of accepted charries
5. pls be kind to each other
6. obey rpn rules, por favor
7. feel free to tag others
8. ask questions if you need ans.
- the juliet [fem] // she was typically a very joyous girl in college, always spending time with her high school sweetheart who also attended the school and was on the flight with them. unfortunately, her romeo did not survive his wounds and perished almost instantly before her eyes. [related to the j.o.a.t]taken
- fem // open for free creation
- the realist [fem] // an outstanding student, she joined the trip to expand her horizons network, not to be friends. she was originally not planning to come on the trip but after her parents paid for it, she didn't want the chance to go to waste. the accident might have left her with a new sense of reality.
- the twin [fem] // one of the two famous soccer twins, known for their outstanding athletic ability. she was the more reluctant of the two, beautiful but shy. she came along with her brother and his best friend.
- the socialite [fem] // always being glued to her phone, she took the trip as an opportunity to unwind with her group of equally popular friends, although she was not the most liked, she was the only one of her group to survive. this was supposed to be an opportunity to gain new instagram followers.
- the twin [male] // the more outgoing of the two famous soccer twins, he had come along with his sister and best friend. he had taken it as an opportunity to score some babes with his conceited ego. it was supposed to be a time for him to unwind from the hard work he is constantly being put through with pre-med.
- the jack of all trades [male] // the boy wonder, the one who was good at everything. he was on the trip with his sister and her boyfriend. there was nothing better than scoring a trip and being the third wheel, right? maybe the trip would leave him with foreign romance. no, all it left him was trauma both emotionally and physically. [related to juliet] : vesper. vesper.
- male // open for free creation
- male // open for free creation
- male // open for free creation
okay, so if we coolio and i didn't tag you. i am sorry, i luh you tho. honestly i'm just too lazy to tag everyone i love and then forget someone cuz then i would feel like a real poo. instead, i hope you happen to stumble in and find it interesting. ;]
ooc // ic // cs // extra
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if you need help let me know! i would love to help vesper. vesper.
omg, you guys blessed my life with your interest. ty ty.

nymphadora. nymphadora. : you are so sweet, like a macaroon. i will gladly take you up on your offer.
i very much appreciate it.

constellation constellation : thank you for your blessed attention, i actually just tagged myself because i forgot..
uh, anyways. i'm actually looking forward to being the JOAT. ;] let the drama beginn.

also, with a few more people i will open up the CS later today. ty again lovelies, it is an honor to have y'all.
oh hello
could i still sign up too?
omg, you guys blessed my life with your interest. ty ty.

nymphadora. nymphadora. : you are so sweet, like a macaroon. i will gladly take you up on your offer.
i very much appreciate it.

constellation constellation : thank you for your blessed attention, i actually just tagged myself because i forgot..
uh, anyways. i'm actually looking forward to being the JOAT. ;] let the drama beginn.

also, with a few more people i will open up the CS later today. ty again lovelies, it is an honor to have y'all.
ahh you are too kind. i'm happy to help !
Interested in one of the male roles. I could create the role info for him if you'd like ^_^
i pick male for creation please...
sorry i took so long to pick ^^"
ahh you are too kind. i'm happy to help !
no problem darling, would you mind sending me a pm to talk about some juicy details?

i will try to get back to you asap!
MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx : feel free to think of your own ideas, you can tie them to your character when you apply to the role and i will be happy to take a look. :]

peachuu peachuu : there is currently no "picking", more like showing interest. however, i would be overjoyed to have you apply for any position and take a look. :]
vesper. vesper. yikes, umm i guess i'm interested in the male twin..
sorry about that haha...
vesper. vesper. yikes, umm i guess i'm interested in the male twin..
sorry about that haha...
oh, don't worry about it! i'll be looking forwards to the character :]
didn't get a chance to say this earlier, but yes, i'm totally interested!! this sounds great already โ™ก
not sure if there's any space left or if i'm too late, but i'm interested in the (female) twin role! (i'm a soccer player so i gravitated towards it, haha)
you're welcome to apply for anything once the case thread is up. :]

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