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I Hate You, Because I Love You

IceQueen said:
With a smile, Kiora moved in and wrapped her arms around him. "I know I know. You might want to take a shower before my aunt gets home tomorrow though." She mumbled
Satoru allowed her arms around him for a moment, then let shaked his long air to soak her as well. "Fine fine, but does this mean I'll get to meet her?" Satoru slowly began to move towards the stairs with her.
KKora flinched a little as he shook his head, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. "Yeah, you will. Finally. But you better take your pack off the counter or she will burn you at the stake before even talking to you." She added, smiling at Satoru.

Satoru gave a small chuckle, "You might want to hide them in that case. So your aunt won't hurt me, and so I won't be tempted anymore." Satoru released her, heading up to the stairs to the shower. But deciding that getting her a little wet wasn't punishment enough, Satoru made sure to take off his shirt before completely disappearing from view. "Be back in a moment.".
Kiora sighed and shook her head, watching as Satoru pulled his shirt over his head, letting them imprint on her brain before leaving her behind. "Tease." She mumbled after him, grabbing the pack off the counter and heading up to her room to hide it from her boyfriend.
Huntrey said:
Satoru gave a small chuckle, "You might want to hide them in that case. So your aunt won't hurt me, and so I won't be tempted anymore." Satoru released her, heading up to the stairs to the shower. But deciding that getting her a little wet wasn't punishment enough, Satoru made sure to take off his shirt before completely disappearing from view. "Be back in a moment.".
IceQueen said:
Kiora sighed and shook her head, watching as Satoru pulled his shirt over his head, letting them imprint on her brain before leaving her behind. "Tease." She mumbled after him, grabbing the pack off the counter and heading up to her room to hide it from her boyfriend.
The shower was brisk, and Satoru only took a moment to wash his body, but almost a decade to wash his mane of hair. Coming out it was still as wet as if he was in the shower, and no amount of towelling it off could fix that. Instead he left it alone, heading over to Kiora's room to see if she was still hiding his smokes.
Kiora made sure that by the time Satoru was back, the smokes were long hidden from sight. She couldn't risk having him go after them again, she would just wave to wait until she could throw them out. "Back so soon? You look like a wet dog." Kiora teased, her legs crossed as she sat on her bed.

IceQueen said:
Kiora made sure that by the time Satoru was back, the smokes were long hidden from sight. She couldn't risk having him go after them again, she would just wave to wait until she could throw them out. "Back so soon? You look like a wet dog." Kiora teased, her legs crossed as she sat on her bed.
"A wet dog? You sure know how to tickly my fancy, calling me things like that just get me going." Satoru rolled his eyes, walking over to sit next to her.
Kiora chuckled and let him sit next to her, reaching a hand into his damp locks. "Well you smell better than a wet dog but you sure do look like one." She commented, a wide grin pulling at her lips as she messed with his hair.

IceQueen said:
Kiora chuckled and let him sit next to her, reaching a hand into his damp locks. "Well you smell better than a wet dog but you sure do look like one." She commented, a wide grin pulling at her lips as she messed with his hair.
Satoru let her play with his hair, "Oh stop it you, make me blush with those kind of compliments." Satoru turned over to lay his head in her lap.
Huntrey said:
Satoru let her play with his hair, "Oh stop it you, make me blush with those kind of compliments." Satoru turned over to lay his head in her lap.
Heaving a sigh she looked at him, her lap now damp due to him resting his head on it. "You're getting me me soaking wet." She complained to him.
IceQueen said:
Heaving a sigh she looked at him, her lap now damp due to him resting his head on it. "You're getting me me soaking wet." She complained to him.
"You haven't a problem with me getting you wet before." Satoru grinned to himself, content with his mind in the gutter.
Huntrey said:
"You haven't a problem with me getting you wet before." Satoru grinned to himself, content with his mind in the gutter.
Kiora groaned and shoved his head off her lap. "You tease. I thought you wanted me to stop seducing you! You said I would give you hip problems." She complained.
IceQueen said:
Kiora groaned and shoved his head off her lap. "You tease. I thought you wanted me to stop seducing you! You said I would give you hip problems." She complained.
"You're not allowed to tease me, I can do as I please though." Satoru let his head roll of the bed, turning his body to lie upside down.
Yeah, I do @Huntrey btw I'm 16 today

Kiora smiled and nodded, smiling at him. "Comere you big oaf." She said, wrapping her arms around him.
Happy Birthday in that case, anything in particular you want? And I'm thinking of making a new version of sorts, would you be interested in it?

Satoru brought himself back onto the bed, moving over to wrap his arms over hers. "You can try to seduce me all you want, but having you in my arms is plenty enough to make me happy." Satoru whispered into her ear, soothingly so.
Markers. Coptic Markers/Tablet because mine broke. I would be ok being in it again, just make sure there is a posting limit

Kora smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, snuggling into his large embrace. "Hmmmm, good, because I am not letting you let go anytime." She mumbled, snuggling up and kissing his chin.
Posting limit, like a paragraph? And markers, lemme look around.

"Anytime huh?" Satoru smiled, "What about if I have to use the restroom? Or need to get a glass of water? Or want to surprise you? What then?" Satoru looked at her smugly, expecting some sort of retort.
Yeah. And you don't need to get anything, I'm totally fine without any!!

Kora sighed and shook her head. "Then you can stop smuggling. I am not going with you to the bathroom." She pointed out
Even so, I'm gonna at least look around.

Satoru held onto her a bit tighter, "No no, I was just getting comfortable. I won't ask you to go with me, I'll just slip from your hold when I need to.".

Smiling, Kora buried her face into his arms again. "Good, because unless nature calls, or someone else does, you're mine~." She said affectionatly
"I don't think anyone else would call upon me," Satoru chuckled, "Given what I know, I don't think I'm very liked."

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