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Fandom I can’t believe it

Yuu Hyakuya

Rper with to much time on my hands
Aizawa was laying in the hospital bed, his body covered in bandages he was lucky they had even made it in time. He was vaguely aware of someone always in the room with him but it always hurt to much to do anything. One morning however Shota decided to wake up fully, he roused up opening his eyes slowly only to notice Hizashi’s hair in its usual cockatoo look “what’s up with your hair”? Aizawa asked groggily, keeping his eyes trained on hizashi’s hair
Hizashi was having a hard time adjusting to seeing his dearest friend, Shota in that hospital bed. He had been present during the USJ attack. If he was honest, it was pretty damn amazing that Shota had lasted as long as he did. He knew his old friend was pretty damn stubborn when it came to most things, but taking on so many villains by yourself? It was either extreme bravery or extreme stupidity. Either way, it absolutely killed the voice hero to see Shota lying there day after day. He had gone on a short hiatus with his radio show, Put Your Hands Up Radio. In addition to that, he only left Shota's side to teach at UA. After which, he returned to the hospital. Nemuri had shown her concern for Hizashi's well-being, but he only replied with a "PSSH! Giiiiirl, I'm alright yo!" given he hadn't gotten much sleep, but those dark circles were hidden behind his signature shades. He was expecting another day of watching Shota rest, however he was surprised.

Well, actually...he was downright shocked. "W-WHAAAAAAAT?!" he exclaimed, his voice heightening in pitch and the vibrations from his quirk caused the room to shake slightly. His hands were pressing against the sides of his cheeks and his eyes were wide, out of all the things Shota could say when first waking, it was about his hair?! He swallowed before lowering his hands, he cocked his head to one side. "Y-You're awake?" he questioned, though such a thing was obvious and he shook his head. Trying to resist the urge to cry, his heart was rapidly pounding in his chest. "SEEEEEEEMS LIKE YOU HAVE A CASE OF THE SCATTERBRAIN!!!" he explained as he leaned over and lightly poked Shota's forehead. "Do you....do you REMEMBER anything, Shota?!? YA GOT quite a beat DOOOOOWN by thoooooose BAD BADDIES!!!" he said before finger-gunning, the tips of his index and thumb pointing toward Shota. "Furthermore, I ALWAAAAYS wear my hair like this! We're Pro Heroes after all, Shota! We GOTTA keep up the appearance!" he said, somewhat forcing a smile on his face. "Hm..." he then frowned, "Ya really DON'T remember?" his breath hitched and scratched the back of his head. "Maaaaaybe, we should call the nurse. Ya dig?!" he said as he reached over and pressed the call button that was located by Shota's side.
Shota rolled his eyes, flinching as the room shook “please like I’d ever be a hero in the first place”he said although it was muffled thanks to the bandages. “All I know is we’re together and we’ve got cats” he added “you may be a hero but we both know that my quirk isn’t exactly useful” Aizawa replied as a nurse walked in. The nurse looked over the chart quickly “I see he’s awake earlier than we thought”she said before looking to Hizashi “now it is very common with injuries like this he could have amnesia but to what extent it’s unknown”she added before going over to the side of the bed to check a few things out “how long has he been awake mr.yamada?”
Hizashi couldn't help but grow confused, Shota's words continued to echo in his head. Which made sense with what the nurse said, though the news wasn't any less unsettling and Hizashi felt his heart sink in his chest. The voice hero scraped his teeth together before looking to Shota, he then glanced back at the nurse. He shrugged, still trying to fully process the fact Shota might have a bit of a memory block. "Coooooouple minutes?!" he replied, the sound of his voice dragging echoed through the room. "DOOOOES it matter, little nurse?! If he haaaaaaas amnesia WHHHHHHY does he remember we live together?! This DJ can't UNDERSTAAAAAND IT!!!" he exclaimed, his feet moving about every which way and his arms were raised above his head. Hizashi himself had only been in the hospital a handful of times in his life and most of those times were when he was still a student. Still, Shota had always had a big spot in his heart. He knew he should be grateful that the other was still alive. He took a deep breath before dropping his arms, acting as though he were frustrated.

"Shota..." he whispered the man's name before walking over to the bedside. He would have reached out to hold Shota's hand but due to the fact each one was wrapped up, somewhat too excessively for Hizashi's taste. He instead gently wrapped his arm around the man's shoulders and nuzzled his head against the top of Shota's soft and rather unruly hair. "I'll get YOUR MEMORIES back!" he said, though he could still feel the lump in his throat. But, usually amnesia could be fixed, right? Maybe Hizashi could introduce Shota to his class, show him old news clippings of 'Eraserhead', and maybe even bring him to the radio station. Something was bound to jog his memory. He took a deep breath before lifting his head up once more, "Wheeeeeen will he be ready to split this DEPRESSING scene?!" he questioned, seeing as he'd rather have Shota back home where he could properly take care of him.
“People with amnesia either don’t remember anything at all or they remember those closest to them, if he remembers you that’s a good thing as for him being discharged that could take a few hours”the nurse replied calmly. Shota glanced over to Hizashi there was a burning question in his mind but he didn’t think now would be the best time to ask that. Once the nurse left however he looked over to Hizashi “where Shirakomu at?”
Hizashi jumped at the question and an old pain coursed through his heart. He reached up, digging his fingers into the leather front of his jacket. He turned his head, of course...Shota would remember Shirakumo. The three of them were often teased back in UA, Hizashi and Shirakumo would always tag team Shota to annoy him. Then...during their work study, his eyes watered over and he quickly reached up to wipe them. He took a deep breath and slid his shades off, neatly folding the tiny arms. He slipped one arm into his jacket, allowing the shades to hang there peacefully. He latched onto his bottom lip before looking over his shoulder. He reached over and grabbed a nearby chair, ignoring the way it scraped across the floor. He then sat down, his head hanging low and his fingers curled into his thighs. "Shota...I...I don't think I shooooooould tell you until you're better." he replied, it was painful enough when it happened. That is, trying to get over the death of their friend. He raised his head, it was clear he was upset about something.

"LEEEEEET'S just saaaaay, he's not...here..." he said, his greenish-yellow eyes glancing to the side. He wiped his nose before trying to smile, but it was clear he was forcing it. "The maaaaaain FOCUS is you and making you feel better!" Shirakumo's death would only make things worse and Hizashi didn't want to cause more damage to Shota's already injured state of mind. He reached over, gently rubbing Shota's thigh. "Shota...do you remember our cats? Heh, you insisted to get the little furry furballs ANNNNNNND well, they're closer to you than me..." Hizashi liked animals, but not to the extent that most did. "You always look so cute when ya got those furballs all over you. Don't tell me you FORGOT we sleep in the same bed as well?!" after all the years of chasing Shota, he couldn't lose him or their relationship due to a blocked memory.
“Of course I remember chech and Cleo and I remember that if given the chance you’d somehow burn water”He replied giving a rare smile even if it was hidden by bandages. He looked over as Midnight walked in “there’s the hero glad to see he’s okay I’ll let Mr principal know he’s awake”she said, Shota however looked over to Hizashi “and that is who exactly”? Shota asked Hizashi. Shota only remembered Hizashi and the cats it seemed which wasn’t good
Hizashi narrowed his eyes, of course, Shota would also remember that. Was it HIS fault he couldn't cook to save his life?! When Nemuri walked in, Hizashi turned his attention to her. He opened his mouth to speak, however, his words were stolen when Shota asked who Nemuri aka Midnight the R Rated hero was. He blinked and his head whipped back immediately, looking at Shota with disbelief. "WHAT DO YA MEAN?!" he screamed, his arms spread out. He then dropped his head, placing one hand to forehead. He could only imagine the confused expression on Nemuri's face, and he let out a sigh before lifting his head once more. His elbows now propped onto his knees and he looked to his old friend and coworker. "SHOTA seems to have a memory BLOOOOOOCK, yo!" he announced as he reached up to poke his own forehead. Still, he owed the man an explanation, so with that in mind. He turned to Shota, "This is Nemuri, she's one of your coworkers. When we were students back at UA ourselves, Nemuri was a grade above us. In fact, Nemuri is the one that convinced you to become a teacher at UA, that is years after you established yourself as PRO HERO!!!" he announced, once again throwing his head back with a cheshire cat-like grin. He then slapped his thighs and looked at Nemuri, "I think he's gonna need A FEW days off." given the Shota he knew wouldn't miss a day of work no matter what the circumstances. There were plenty of arguments between the two in the past, most of which Shota would walk away from. Thinking back, it was almost funny. He rose from the chair and walked over to Nemuri, placing his hand in front of his mouth as if to hide what he was going to say. "I think it's best if he gets reintroduced to Class A, ya dig?! But, I'd let Principal Nezu know about his condition first, then we can tell the little hero students," he said, which seemed like a reasonable thing to do. It would give Hizashi time to settle down with Shota, understand what he needed and how to take care of his bandages and such. More than likely, Recovery Girl would be paying Shota a visit. "IS THE SYMBOL going to be visiting as well? After all, he was THE CAT that saved Shota. Not sure if he'll have to go through more tests before SPLITTING THIS SCENE," he said, swirling on his feet, that same large grin on his face. "Ya hear that Shota?! I shouldn't be hearing any complaints from you when I PLAY THE ROLE of your nurse!!!" he said, trying to be a little humorous. Given, Shota wasn't always so keen or kind to Hizashi's jokes.
“Again as if I’d ever be a hero much less a teacher”Shota said as Midnight looked over to Hizashi “seems he’s gone back to his high school ways,I’ll let Nezu know what’s going on as for class 1-A do you really think that’s a good idea, he could hardly handle them normally”Midnight replied glancing back to Shota, “I’m guessing he’s already asked about you know who?” She asked, if Shota had truly lost his memory then he probably thought that their best friend was still alive. “Plus Zashi how do you think he’d react to 1-A just running up to him well to him they’d be random kids”
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