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Fantasy I am Not INSANE

q r o w

Body in Abyss, Heart in Paradise.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
-CS Skeleton. Use BB Code to your will.


Age: (12-17)



Birthday: (Month/day)

Mental Illness/reason why you where committed.:

Appearance: ((Would prefer realistic face claims, but anime is fine for now.))



Persona: (At least one paragraph or five Virtues/ and five Vices)





Power: (Only one. Nothing over powered. If i ask you to change it. Change it. )

Biography: (Even though i hate them, at least one paragraph. )
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~Reserve~ For Character List.


Luke deMort // @SassyAndroidSera

Jade // @Sea241

Brooke // @Puggie


Jeremiah Rongo / male // @Jeremy Jangle


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Raven H. Jackson
General Statistics

Alias: Raven. Or that bitch. "I get the last one a lot."

Age: 17

Birthday: August 5th

Power: "Well. I can't see dead people. But i am able to talk to the source of all this madness: The Tomb."

Mental Illness/Reason why she was committed:

~Fight- Raven got into a lot of fights. She was committed for unpredictable violence.

~Anxiety Disorder


Some believe she has Schizophrenia, which lead to her fights and anxiety.

Sexuality: "Ew. Gross. " Asexual


Hair Color: Black and brownish red.

Eyes: Grey, but gloss over when she uses her power.

Height: 6'1 "I am tall. And not afraid to hurt you."

Weight: 158 LBS

"Got a problem with it?"

Noticeable Features: Nose Ring. Hair.



Cocky, Competitive, Distant, Easily Annoyed bored or angered. Jumpy, sensitive. Can be trusted, but has a hard time trusting and opening up to others. Has a social outside. Despite sensitivity, She can remain calm under pressure. Collect, honest. She is actually kind and caring under her shell.

Fears: Annoying people, Swimming, Meds.

Likes: Knives, Fights, Dying her hair, photography, Music.

Dislikes: Liars, Therapy, Betrayers , Talkative people

Habits/Quirks: Playing with her hair when she's thinking about something seriously.

Raven was raised in a family of four- Two brothers, Herself, and her mother. She always had a knack for causing trouble anywhere she went, while her brothers where both goody two-shoes. Her mother had always favored them over her due to her being such a wild child. At the age of nine, she started to get worse and she started getting into fights with her sibling's, at first it was verbal-but it soon got rough.

By the time she hit high school, she was always jumpy and always stared at someone if they so much as made a sudden movement. She had earned the title 'That Bitch' and was well known for getting into fights, so many avoided her. She actually was a sweet girl underneath her cold shell, though no one dared to try and find out.

Finally, she was pulled out of the system and put into several different rehabilitation's. Eventually, they just forced her into homeschool and diagnosed her. Her jumpy attitude increased to the point she would punch her brother of he so much as walked into the room. Her mother not wanting to see anymore bleeding or broken noses-Had her committed into PeaceFuL MeadOwS Mh, more than likely never wanting to see her again.


"The world is dark. Without dark moments, there would be no Joy. "
text here

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(Apologies for the lack of bbcode but I'm both lazy and incompetent so this will have to do)

Name: Luke deMort

Age: 16

Alias//Nickname: Lulu (only by his mother), Mort

Sexuality: straight

Birthday: 21st of october

Reason committed: Attempted suicide on multiple occasions


Height: 6'2

Weight: 165lbs

Persona: Luke is not a shy person, and he is most certainly not the kind of person you'd expect to see in an asylum. He's sociable, usually happy, frequently chasing girls and always out with his friends. The only abnormal thing about him is his deathwish. He knows it's selfish but when at the thought of getting a brain tumour or being murdered his pulse quickens ever-so-slightly, not with fear, but with excitement. The only reason he's lasted so long is the knowledge that his death would damage his family irreparably. His loyalty to his family and anyone he loves is absolute - he would walk through fire without a thought if he was told to by his mother.


The deaths of his friends/family

Being buried alive









Being disliked


Avoids stepping on 3 drains




Luke's life had been relatively normal up until this point - raised in Paris, France he moved to England when he was 5 - went through primary school as a social butterfly - he would do whatever it took to have friends: football, tennis, he even joined the chess club to extend his social circles. When he finished primary school he did extremely well on the SATs and was entered into a prestigious school, however his passion lay in the media and arts. So he declined and instead moved with his family to America - since then he has performed in numerous plays, shows and concerts. He first began having a deathwish at the age of 12, he was unsure what brought it on but suddenly he wanted to die. That was the first time he tried to kill himself. Unfortunately for him his mother caught him taking painkillers and got him to the hospital just in time. Since then he's been in therapy - however recently he tried again, his parents - heartbroken - sent him to an asylum, praying that one day their boy would learn to love life.
Avery Snow

name: Avery Snow

Age: 15

Alias: Avery or Avie

Sexuality: Bisexual

Birthday: November 13th

Mental illness: somniphobia - fear of sleep

Nyctophobia - fear of the dark

Attempted suicide




Height: 4'

(Don't judge his height, he doesn't grow much from lack of sleep and nutrients)

Weight: 80 lbs


He has a very creative imagination, sometimes he thinks he's a Ninja, other days he's a dragon slayer. He's pretty sociable and not shy even to those who seem intimidating. He's very optimistic even in bad situations and seems to have endless amount of energy. However if someone tries to make him go to sleep or turn off the lights of the room he's in he will have a crying fit, and will probably turn into a big crybaby. He's basically just a kid in a teen's body as many people have said.



-the dark










-loud noises

-sudden movements

-being forced to do something

-bitter foods



-when lying he usually averts eye contact


Animation - bring inanimate objects to life


His mother died when was around the age of five leaving him and his older sister with their alcoholic, drug using father. At first he only neglected them spending most his time getting drunk or high with some gambling friends that he would bring over to the house. After about a year of this things started to get worse and he would them or lock them in a dark room for weeks. During the middle of the night he would sometimes beat Avery and his sister half to death, then lock them in a dark closet afterwards. At one point Avery's father did try to rape him although his sister came and hit the father in the back of the head with a frying pan. Eventually Avery slit his wrists hoping to die when his sister found him in the nick of time and called the police sending him to the hospital.

He rarely ever eats always loosing his appetite when he sees food, usually if there is a worker he might put something near his mouth to make it look as though he were eating.

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Name: Alex Delmero

Dog's Name: Rocky

Age: 16

Alias//Nickname: Mole

Sexuality: Repressed Heterosexual

Birthday: April 5th

Mental Illness/reason why you where committed.: Conversion disorder (Hysterical Blindness)


Height: 188 cm

Weight: 70kg

Persona: Alex used to be the perfect boy but ever since his traumatic experience he have been shut down, sort of speak he stopped going out and barely talks not to mention he became blind. Despite his friends and countless of therapist trying to talk to him, he refuses to say anything about what’s the cause of his blindness. A perfect day for him would be one where he is left alone with his dog to listen and make music.


People (when they get angry)


His dog leaving him


Listening/creating music

Being left alone

Having no responsibility

His dog


Crowded places


Having responsibility

People petting his dog

Habits/Quirks: Petting his dog when he gets nervous/uncomfortable

Power: Ability to “see” sound waves.

Biography: Alex had a relatively normal childhood, hanging out with his friends and doing okay at school. A year ago though his world fell apart from underhim, his girl friend who he was dating for about a year at the time had a mental breakdown. The next few months were hard with her no longer coming to school and Alex skipping school in order to check on her, his parents didn't like that and started to urge Alex to dump her which he refused to do. Another month passed and one day his girl no longer returned his text's and calls, he went to check on her but she wasn't home. Worried sick he searched for her at every place he knew, at about ten pm he remembered that he never told his parents he was going to be late and they didn't call to check on him. When he got home the door was wide open, Alex started to have a panic attack. Slowly and winded he walked inside, everything seemed normal nothing seemed to be stolen, Alex walked towards his parent's room which was closed. Opening the door was the last thing he can remember seeing, and he didn't see anything since.
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Name: Mikado Ryuugamine

Age: 15

Alias // Nickname: Mika // Two-Face

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Birthday: January 31st

Mental Illness // Reason Why You Were Committed:

Recommended for entry into the institute by parents

- Incomprehensible behavior

- Unsettling entries and ideas were discovered in her journal

- Committed attempted murder on a classmate that was allegedly bullying her

(It must be noted that she almost succeeded, for the victim was heavily injured, and was sent to the hospital for ten to twelve months of intensive care and recovery)

-Suspected to be suffering from Antisocial // Split Personality Disorder



Mikado's physical appearance isn't really the type to stand out from the crowd, but can make a quite few heads turn due to her supposedly cute features. She has long, pitch black hair with strands of white peeking out from underneath, a trait that she had inherited from her father, as well as greyish-blue eyes, which she had gotten from her mother. The young girl usually keeps her face schooled into a soft expression, with a bright smile spread across her lips, and her eyes wide with the curiosity of a child. If you observe her for long enough, however, you may have the chance to see her eyes narrow into cold and unfeeling orbs, and her smile turn into something more cruel and sinister, even if for only a fraction of a second.

Height: 165 cm (5'5")

Weight: 50 kg (110 lbs)


Initially, Mikado is portrayed as a polite, soft spoken girl, whom at times can be quite childish and naive. This is a result of her small town upbringing in Japan, or at least, that is what people believe to be the reason for her meekness. Despite her timid personality, she is shown to have a fairly strong will, and she does have moments where she openly expresses her opinion, though those times are few and far in between, as she prefers to keep to herself. Mikado is also very friendly and kind to whomever she comes across, regardless of their background, personality, or appearance. However, the reason for her eager familiarity with the people she encounters may be more sinister than it first appears to be.

In spite all that has been previously mentioned, the above is only a mask that Mikado puts on around other people, though the reason why should be obvious enough. In reality, underneath all that meekness and timidness she wraps herself around in, is a cold-hearted and unfeeling girl who has no qualms with using more unsavory means in order to meet her ends, and that includes lethal force and manipulation of other people. Meaning to say, Mikado will not hesitate to cut down anyone she believes to be in her way, regardless of whether they were "friends" or enemies beforehand, as they would be a hindrance to her goals, and will also immediately manipulate anybody she thinks will help her further down the road. However, deep down, she may have a secret soft side to her, but that is incredibly unlikely.


~ Unpredictability

~ Attachment

~ Having real friends


+ Predictable people

+ Vanilla

+ Board Games


- Spontaneous people

- Chocolate

- Perceptive people


Mikado has this annoying habit, to her anyway, of rapping any nearby hard surface with her knuckles whenever she's plotting something to herself.


Probability Manipulation - Mikado has the ability to control or manipulate the likeliness of something to happen, otherwise known as simply luck.


Ever since she was but a child, Mikado was already considered to be the odd one of the bunch by the people around her. She was always quiet when she was a kid, preferring to stay on the sidelines rather than mingle with the other girls and boys, often staying inside to read the books she would find laying around, some of them a bit too complicated for someone her age, and that was when it all began. The other children began avoiding her, calling her weird, strange even, and that piqued her interest. Eventually she saw that their was a certain pattern to the way people acted, they would be disgusted by this, be admiring that, and that was when it hit her. It was society. Society was controlling the way people behaved, and if you didn't act the way you were supposed to, you would be discriminated, ignored, abandoned.

Mikado then decided to use this to her advantage when she was only twelve years old. She became a puppeteer for her peers, discretely manipulating them to her wishes, and she enjoyed it. Controlling others as though they were marionettes. She even ended up masking her true self in order to avoid rousing suspicion, and that worked well into her favor, until everything suddenly went downhill on the year she turned fourteen years old. One of her fellow students began bullying her, though the reason was a bit unclear, they were probably jealous of her inherent popularity. It started off small, shoving, tripping, the usual, until it began to get a bit out of hand. She eventually decided to end it all, by attempting to completely erase them from the picture, and she was so close to succeeding too, but unfortunately she was caught in the act.

And the rest, to say, was history.​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-22_20-47-35.png.1ab5c9c48abcfedb685cd64b1630a2b7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144847" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-22_20-47-35.png.1ab5c9c48abcfedb685cd64b1630a2b7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Scotty Newsborn





August 15

Mental Illness/reason why you where committed:






160 pounds


He's a bland person that doesn't really talk to anyone except himself. Even then if he seen or thought he heard someone he'd go quiet and wait. The boy isn't one to give out ideas he just goes off on his own to see if what he's thinking works and if it does he doesn't tell anyone else. He prefers to watch others figure it out for themselves and that everyone is just in it for themselves. At least he is. Even though he seems blank and emotionless doesn't mean he doesn't have any he never shows them well all expect anger and annoyance.







Scaring people

Random noises

The thought of ghost


Excessive talking

Dealing with people


He rubs his rook chess piece when thinking or stressed


Checkmate: He makes multiple illusions of himself surrounding the target. Only the real him can attack him but the others move like he does. (The amount of illusions is the amount on a chess board counting him)


Growing up Scotty took an interest in chess. Learning every strategy he could and every move the pieces could make but he took a interest in the rook piece the most. Just something about it interested him the way it moved across the board and the way it could so easily turn the tides. Of course that's how he seen it but his father told him that the most important piece was the king which the boy disagreed. After awhile of debating it the two just decided to play the game with the pieces. The father getting the king and the boy having the rook. Of course his father was cocky and gave him the first move which the boy easily moved the piece to his desired location and after what felt like days the fight was one with of course the rook on top. Astonished the boy's father just clapped and admitted defeat. But soon took the boy's talent to bigger heights using Scotty to get money and soon become famous. Under the stress he was forced to take at once Scotty soon started losing it which is where the story begins.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-22_20-11-55.png.3d4ba865dbcb162a76f234af10c80361.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144833" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-22_20-11-55.png.3d4ba865dbcb162a76f234af10c80361.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="An Adequate Captain]WIP!
Name: Alex Delmero

Dog's Name: Rocky

Age: 16

Alias//Nickname: Mole

Sexuality: Repressed Heterosexual

Birthday: April 5th

Mental Illness/reason why you where committed.: Conversion disorder (Hysterical Blindness) and Social phobia


Height: 188 cm

Weight: 70kg

Persona: Alex used to be the perfect boy but ever since his traumatic experience he have been shut down, sort of speak he stopped going out and barely talks not to mention he became blind. Despite his friends and countless of therapist trying to talk to him, he refuses to say anything about what’s the cause of his blindness. A perfect day for him would be one where he is left alone with his dog to listen and make music.


People (when they get angry)


His dog leaving him


Listening/creating music

Being left alone

Having no responsibility

His dog


Crowded places


Having responsibility

People petting his dog

Habits/Quirks: Petting his dog when he gets nervous/uncomfortable

Power: Ability to “see” sound waves.

Biography: (Even though i hate them, at least one paragraph. )

You Need To Finish Your Bio.
Name: Reason Trellk

Age: 16

Alias//Nickname: Patient 1107, Red

Sexuality: unknown

Birthday: October 16th

Mental Illness: severe case of schizophrenia



Description: A very thin, pale boy with long unruly tousled dark brown hair. He has dark almost black eyes with under eye circles from uncountable sleepless nights. He is almost all skin and bones, with high cheeks and sharp features. His teeth are all very pointed like a dog's, and his nails are also very sharp and long. He always wears a straight jacket (unless it's free time) and a muzzle.


(He gets it taken off when he has free time so he can color, but the muzzle always stays on his face.)


Height: 6'3"

Weight: 126

Persona: Red has the mind of a six year old boy. He is severely emotionally delayed, and highly violent. He bites, kicks, scratches, and really just attacks any personnel who comes near him which is why he always wears a muzzle and straight jacket (more on this in bio.) The only things he won't hurt are animals, and actually really loves petting them, surprisingly very gentle with them. He is fearful of his peers, the other patients, and keeps to himself when he gets free time. Often, Red will whimper if another patient gets close to him, but the doctors have noted he won't hurt them. He is delusional, and believes his teddy bear can actually speak to him. Red is a mute for the most part, as he only mumbled things into Mr.Teddy's stuffed ear, but to actual human beings he just makes growling and hissing noises. Red really isn't violent, he's just scared of other people and doesn't know how to voice his fears to them.


Fears: people of all kinds, loud noises, knives, needles, straight jackets. Also has claustrophobia.

Likes: his beaten up teddy bear Mr. Teddy Fluffybottom, sweets, cloud gazing, any kind of fluffy animal, coloring

Dislikes: being touched, anyone coming close to him, being told he's crazy, having Mr.Teddy taken away from him.

Habits/Quirks: He often picks on his arms through the straight jacket as a nervous tick. Also, obviously, his violence and speech.

Power: Can create smaller versions of sonic booms around his own body as a shield, or can send a concentrated one out from his hands at people. Also uses them to strengthen punches and kicks by placing them at his ankles or behind his elbows when attacking, and sometimes will create them under his feet to get a boost when starting off running.

Biography: Red has no memory of how he ended up here, who his parents are, or why they think he's crazy. The only thing in his memory is him looking at a pile of rubble, holding Mr.Teddy as a small child.

Red got his nickname because he is danger level red in the hospital, being incredibly violent to both himself and staff, but surprisingly not the other patients. He has had multiple reports of attacking nurses, guards, and therapists if they ever removed his straight jacket or muzzle. He has removed chunks of skin with his fanged teeth, has tackled and scratched one guard's eye out, and the worst was when a nurse tried to take away Mr.Teddy. Trying to pull it from him, she tore off it's arm, and in a complete rage, Red almost succeeded in doing the same to the nurse.

There was only one therapist named Dr.Eisen who was finally making a breakthrough with him, getting him to say hello to her, but they moved her away from him because they believed he needed medicine and not a conversationalist. Red became even more violent after that, and since has been forced to be in a padded room every so often due to his aggressive behavior towards personnel, his claustrophobia only putting him more on edge in there.

He rarely has eaten, and can't even be sedated because he still finds a way to hurt the people who try to stick him. Red hates the workers, and fears the other patients.

(I present to you, my adorable psychopath! xD @LilyannaGaming )
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Cherrywitch said:
Name: Reason Trellk
Age: 16

Alias//Nickname: Patient 1107, Red

Sexuality: unknown

Birthday: October 16th

Mental Illness: severe case of schizophrenia



Description: A very thin, pale boy with long unruly tousled dark brown hair. He has dark almost black eyes with under eye circles from uncountable sleepless nights. He is almost all skin and bones, with high cheeks and sharp features. His teeth are all very pointed like a dog's, and his nails are also very sharp and long. He always wears a full body straight jacket and a muzzle.



Height: 5'9"

Weight: 110

Persona: Red has the mind of a six year old boy. He is severely emotionally delayed, and highly violent. He bites, kicks, scratches, and really just attacks anyone who comes near him which is why he always wears a muzzle and straight jacket (more on this in bio.) The only things he won't hurt are animals, and actually really loves petting them, surprisingly very gentle with them. He is delusional, and believes his teddy bear can actually speak to him. Red is a mute for the most part, as he only mumbled things into Mr.Teddy's stuffed ear, but to actual human beings he just makes growling and hissing noises. Red really isn't violent, he's just scared of other people and doesn't know how to voice his fears to them.


Fears: people of all kinds, loud noises, knives, needles, straight jackets. Also has claustrophobia.

Likes: his beaten up teddy bear Mr. Teddy Fluffybottom, sweets, cloud gazing, any kind of fluffy animal

Dislikes: being touched, anyone coming close to him, being told he's crazy, having Mr.Teddy taken away from him.

Habits/Quirks: He often picks on his arms through the straight jacket as a nervous tick. Also, obviously, his violence and speech.

Power: Can create smaller versions of sonic booms around his own body as a shield, or can send a concentrated one out from his hands at people.

Biography: Red has no memory of how he ended up here, who his parents are, or why they think he's crazy. The only thing in his memory is him looking at a pile of rubble, holding Mr.Teddy as a small child.

Red got his nickname because he is danger level red in the hospital, being incredibly violent to both himself and others. He has had multiple reports of attacking nurses, guards, and therapists if they ever removed his straight jacket or muzzle. He has removed chunks of skin with his fanged teeth, has tackled and scratched one guard's eye out, and the worst was when a nurse tried to take away Mr.Teddy. Trying to pull it from him, she tore off it's arm, and in a complete rage, Red almost succeeded in doing the same to the nurse.

There was only one therapist named Dr.Eisen who was finally making a breakthrough with him, getting him to say hello to her, but they moved her away from him because they believed he needed medicine and not a conversationalist. Red became even more violent after that, and since has been forced to be in a padded room, his claustrophobia only putting him more on edge.

He rarely has eaten, and can't even be sedated because he still finds a way to hurt the people who try to stick him. Red has been mostly alone in the padded cell for a while now, and has grown to hate anyone on the outside of the metal door.

(I present to you, my adorable psychopath! xD @LilyannaGaming )

((The only problem is there are no isolation cells for permanent use, would it be bad to ask if you could tone down his violent side...just a notch? so he is more able to interact with others?))


no slide
no slide no slide




Thick long ginger brown hair and bright blue eyes with, as her grandmother would say, angel kisses heavy on her nose and sprinkled across her cheeks. Emma stands at 5'4 and has alethic figure. Her lips are pouty and somewhat red tinted. She typically has a small line of eyeliner across her eyelids and heavily coated mascara but doesn't use foundation.




?120 lbs
no slide

Emma with her childhood friend Alex.

Mental Illness/reason why you where committed.:

?PTSD~When Emma was 13 she witnessed a school shooting, watching her childhood friend dying beside her and several students she knew and had grown up with in her small beach town. She was upset and this lead to her reaching out for alchol and skipping school. After a while she seemed to get better - she was going back to school, doing well, and stopped hanging out with the "trouble makers". Of course what her parents didn't notice was that her tendnecy to be easily startled, lack and difficulty sleeping, and brushed her angry outbrusts off as "hormonal changes". Which is not to say they were bad parents, they were just busy humans with other children too. It was only when her parents were called in because Emma beat up a fellow classmate that they started to keeping a closer eye on her. Things only went downhill over the next year and this is why Emma is here. Her parents had no idea what else they could do to help Emma and keep her away from trouble.


?When first meeting Emma you wouldn't know she had her mental illness. She is kind, talktive, and laughs often. She is often chatting people up and had an attention grabbing quality. Emma lacks judgement on bad people and tends to think the best of people. She trusts easily, too easily. She tends to understand people or trys too. While some completly change after getting their illness she did not. She still holds these pieces of her personality. Her mental illness didn't take anything away but it sure added a shadow to her. She now often has random outbursts of anger and is doing drugs to get her minds of flashbacks. Her work effort didn't disappear but it went elsewhere besides school work including finding her next joint or a place to stay away from home for a while.



?People who look similar to Alex

?Loud noises

?her nightmares/flashbacks



?being outside




?sour drinks




?talktive people

?chess & monopoly

?working out


being yelled at?

her nightmares?



what she does when angry?

bitter things?

goodie two shoe people?

being a disapointment?


?tends to touch and observe people and things due to her want to remember details since anything can happen in a moment, distraced easily



?Emma grew up in a small beach town with some forested area. Going to a small school, everyone knew everyone and often spent there afternoons playing outside on the beach after school. She exceled at school and sports. She enjoyed various board games taught to her by her father who worked at a nearby college. One she enjoyed no mattter how many times was chess and monoply. Her life was fairly normal with a mother, father, and three siblings (one older and two younger). Until of course it all changed in a day when the tragic event of a school shooting happened. No one would have thought of all the places in the world it would be here, but of course who ever thinks it will happen at there school? The shooter came in causing the school go into lockdown mode but as everyone knows the kids are no going to be gone on a Tuesday at noon. It just so happened that out of four halls and three rooms on each that he choose Emma's classroom. Shooting the handle off and going into the room he saw the children and begun to fire. The cops were quick but not enough. Emma laid beside her friend and held his hand as he died as blood came from the hole in his stomach. Of course, being the kid he was, he told Emma that everything would be okay and she just had to play dead. This was just another game he repeated to her and how she wished it was. Emma after that got into alcohol, hanging with some trouble makers. Only a few months down the road after what happened was no longer an "excuse" for her behavior she cleaned up her act. During this time she continued to have trouble sleeping, random outbursts of anger, and everything seemed to startled her. She kept it well hidden and her parents didn't think anything of it besides hormonal changes causing the random outbursts. When her parents were called at school due to beating up a classmate did her parents start paying more attention. This got on her nerves and she told them that they didn't trust her leading to more angry outbursts. Along with she started hanging out with the one trouble makers again and this time got into weed and some others occasionally to get rid of her flashbacks. Emma would crash at various people's places, avoiding her parents for weeks and causing the law enforcement to come looking for her. Soon even they put her towards the bottom of the pile due to how often it happened. After a year of trying to help Emma her parents have decided to send here to the one place that can help her or at least keep safe and away from her siblings who don't need that influence.


?She can cause herself or others to be in a high like state - they think slower, see things, tend to be agreeable, and often are just happy.



Both are a WIP


Jeremiah Rongo




Jerry, are also known to a few as Big Brother. However only a select few and his little brother call him this.






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/60d44c09eee16f3f901d642c728e5217.jpg.4a2981e8d4e1170e624f051add821218.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145314" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/60d44c09eee16f3f901d642c728e5217.jpg.4a2981e8d4e1170e624f051add821218.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




230 pounds


Jeremiah is considered thoughtful and courteous by the majority of the asylum. He is often very considerate towards the patients that live in the asylum and tries his absolute best to make sure nothing happens to them especially his little brother. He's often seen as "too nice" as if he seemed like hr was planning something every second of the day, but in reality Jeremiah just loves meeting new people and tries his best to help and protect the people in the asylum. He also takes heavy mental notes about each of the kids he encounters often changing how he acts around them to suit their satisfaction so they'll open up more to him.


Losing his brother

Harm upon the kids

Complete darkness


Talking to the kids

Helping his brother with his problems

Sports and theater

Board gamed

Smooth Jazz


Curropt Security guards

Spiders and Snakes

Being called old


Rubs the back of his neck when nervous

Always carries tissues on him for some odd reason


Growing up was pretty normal for Jeremiah other then his height making him one of the tallest kids in his school. He was athletic, strong, although his grades sort of couldn't keep up. He wasn't dumb or anything it was that he simply didn't try in his studies. He went to college for his scholarship in football, but eventually dropped out to become a prison guard. When he had learned of the institute to which his little brother was going to he immediately transfered jobs only to find out their were quite a number of suspicious guards at the institute. He's managed to get three fired in the past with help from a few psychiatrist but he fears everyday he won't be able to keep his brother, and the other kids safe forever.


Jericho Rongo




Little Jerry, Baby Jeremiah, Jason, Jaxxon





Mental Illness/reason why you where committed.:


Multiple personality disorder

Multiple assults and attempted homicide


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/be-mine-beautiful-blue-blue-eyes-Favim.com-2013073.jpg.2c9df025fa2792674221ab2aeaeb3e49.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145315" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/be-mine-beautiful-blue-blue-eyes-Favim.com-2013073.jpg.2c9df025fa2792674221ab2aeaeb3e49.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




185 pounds


Jericho like his brother is a kind and thoughtful person. Growing up he was the image of the "perfect student". Straight As, won in multiple UIL events, and so many other stuff. He was also quite popular with just about anyone he met. He was often seen in soup kitchens as well as doing voluntary community service.

Jason (his second persona) is another story though. This is what Jericho considered his other half. Jason is ruthless, cold, and nearly emotionless. Jason has harmed people, committed gun point robberies, and has even attacked his own brother in anger. Jason is the cruel person that Jericho truly is but doesn't want to be. His built up stress, anger, and intolerance.

And finally there's Jaxxon. Who seems to be a direct mix of Jericho and Jason. He has every bit of self control as Jericho, but also has the same raw emotion and bloodlust as Jason. Jaxxon is extremely intelligent as well as very manipulative often causing people to fight amongst themselves and enjoy the show rather then get involed himself. Although he is known for "finishing business" with most after everything cools down between people.


Losing himself to Jason or Jaxxon

Tight spaces

Losing his brother


Video games


Board games



His brother


Hurting others

His other personas

Tight spaces

The dark


Often fidgets with his fingers when nervous


Superhuman strength


In an attempt to prevent Jericho from succeeding in life like his brother he was pushed everyday and had little to no social life with anyone. He was already diagnosed with Schizophrenia at an early age and had what he originally called an imaginary friend. This imaginary friend was actually Jaxxon, and for the longest time he would just have conversations with him in private so no one would bother him.

Jericho growing up was bullied because of his grades and success throughout school, but never once did he fight back. Until one day he had a conversation with Jaxxon, and that Jaxxon wanted to introduce a new friend. Someone that promised to help with his bullying problem, a boy named Jason.

When Jericho had agreed to let Jason help all he remembered was blacking out and the next day the boys who had picked on him were in pretty bad condition and that plenty of stuff had gone horribly wrong for Jericho.

He wasn't able to hide the fact that he was responsible for this as multiple witnesses and cameras said otherwise. He was sentenced here to help learn to control his personas better and how to prevent then from manipulating him.



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Name: Cadence Damon

Age: 13

Sexuality: A bit too young/ inexperienced to have explored her sexual identity but she is open minded.

Birthday: July 15

Mental Illness: Agoraphobia // Aphasia

Height: 5"

Weight: 95 lbs

Persona: Before the incident Cadence was a fun young girl who liked to talk and play games. Now she has become secluded in her mind prefering the imagined for reality. The only time she is truly comfortable is while being read to in her bed, even then only fiction, only the made up stories. Cadence is still receptive of the other children whem they attempt to make friends. She will try hard to communicate with them using her drawing but when others want to do more than simply obtain friendship she will shut herself off. This mostly occurs when she is being asked questions about her parents.


Strangers // Being Alone // Being in unfamiliar environments // Dark Places


Her bed // Drawing // Parks // Animals // Music // Being read to.

Dislikes: Being touched // Having to communicate // The cold


Has multiple imaginary friends because she cannot be alone but doesn't trust most people to be around her for prolonged time periods. Constantly carries a sketch pad and pencil.


Ability to turn her imagination into reality. ((Not gonna be op. Just her drawings at first and then straight from her mind if their powers get stronger.))

Biography: Cadence grew up well adjusted with few problems. She was liked by her peers and teachers. Her parents made a good living and loved her and took care of her. She was cultured and educated. She spoke three langues before she was ten. She loved singing in church choir with her father and baking with her mother on the weekends. When she was 12 years old her parents took her on a trip to France. The authorities found her alone a week after their arrival on the day of Cadence's birthday. She was starved and ragged. She wouldn't speak or even be touched. Medical teams were brought in to sedate her. Her parents were never found and to this day the entire situation remains to be solved.

Cadence has now been commited for a year and shown little progress. Her doctors all agree that she suffers from both Aphasia and Agoraphobia. He phobia of being alone or in unfamiliar surroundings or situations was figured out rather quickly. She was never once comfortable in any hospitals she was in immediately after being found. Eventually one of her doctors took her to her parent's home and she was finally relaxed. This is when they realized she was criped with Aphasia as well. The doctors knew Cadence could understa.d them still and thought she was simply choosing not to speak on her own. While in her old home she attempted to thank the doctor for bringing her there but was unable to form more than a few stammering syllables. She couldn't even write out the words and to this day must communicate by drawing pictures. All of these issues are presumed to be caused by psychological trauma linked to whatever Cadence experienced in France.

Now that she has been commited to a secure and permanent location Cadence has been slowing becoming more stable. Though she has yet to progress with her speach, Cademce has developed a routine that eliminates her anxiety. The doctors do not know about Cadence's imaginary friends.



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Violet Dysfyon






13th May

Mental Illness/reason why you where committed.:

Talks to her Dead Friend

Aboulomania (only in social situations)

This means when forced to make a choice, even a minimal one, in a social situation can amuse her to shut down and become paralysed with fear.


4ft 9 (Yeah she's short)




She is a very sweet girl, who would love to have close friends, but her disorder know nod of prevents that. Sometimes, she has a group of friends, and when forced to choose a side in a trivial argument over something like who should pick the film, she can become paralysed or faint. As a result she is really shy and has a tendency to blush. If she has to make a choice, she may faint, become paralysed or simply run away.



The Dark



People Accepting Her




Being Misunderstood

Being The Centre Of Attention


She bites her nails

She blushes a lot


She can change her appearance at will, even becoming invisible. (Can't turn fully into animals, only giving herself maybe cat ears.)


As a child, she never had any problems at school or with friends. She was always very happy and outgoing, and promised to have a great future. She has a beautiful singing voice, and always used to sing for her family and friends. She was happy and her life was perfect.

Then at the age of 10, while at her friends house, her friend asked her whether they should go to the park or stay at home. Of course, she responded the park. On the way there, her friend was hit by a car. Violets mental health started to deteriorate and she blamed herself,for it. She can no longer make social choices as a result of her disastrous one. She stopped singing or going out. She sat in her room talking to the wall ,who she thought was her friend, and not coming out. When she fainted after choosing whets to go swimming or not, her parents decided enough was enough and admitted her.​
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Name: Jade Lauryn

Age: 16

Alias//Nickname: Jay

Sexuality: Pansexual

Birthday: 9/24

Mental Illness/reason why you where committed.: Aboulomania


Height: 5'4"

Weight:119 lbs

Persona: Jade can be very sweet and considerate if you talk to her at the right time. She loves spending time with others, and loves helping people out. However, Jade has extremely low self esteem. She doesn't trust herself and needs others to dictate her life for her. She can become very self deprecating. Despite all of this, she is very creative. She often finds herself painting or drawing to pass the time. She takes pride in the work she does, as it is the only thing Jade feels she can do for herself. She is extremely dependent on others, and hates being alone.

Fears: Being alone, unscheduled time, people leaving her

Likes: Music, art, the outdoors, food, people

Dislikes: Reading, exercise, traveling

Habits/Quirks: She collects random and mundane objects

Power: Hydrokinesis

Biography: Jade grew up in a prison of sorts. Her father had left shortly after hearing of her mother's pregnancy, leaving Jade to only know one parent. Her mother was extremely strict. She forced Jade to a high standard, claiming that she didn't want Jade to end up liker her idiot father. This caused Jade's mother to control every aspect of her life, from her friends, to her clothing. Jade was so dependent on her, she couldn't make a decision for herself. When Jade's mother died when she was 14, Jade left to live with her aunt. It was the first taste f freedom Jade had, and she couldn't handle it. Jade would have anxiety attacks when given a choice and even tried to kill herself once. Jade's aunt couldn't give Jade the proper care she needed, instead having Jade go to a mental hospital.


Alison 89921 Nightmare Nighting-Gale

Age: (12-17)


(Just turned twelve)






Birthday: (Month/day)

1 July

Mental Illness/reason why you where committed.:

1. Psychopathic episodes

(if some one irritates her, angers her or talks about her parents she gets made and goes into a psychopathic episode where she wants to kill everything)

(If some one give her a lollypop, she calms down xD )

Some one pissed her of so much she almost killed everyone in her school.


((Would prefer realistic face claims, but anime is fine for now.))



1.9 meters


51 Kilograms


(At least one paragraph or five Virtues/ and five Vices)

Alison is a very curious being. She likes to stick her nose in stuff that isn't for her eyes to see. Alison also likes to play with people A LOT! She may be 12... but she is like a seven year old some times. And some times... when no one has pissed her of, she'll be normal. But that doesn't happen very often. Alison has psychopathic episodes where she just goes all out crazy and wants to kill some one. This happens when some one makes her angry. And because of the bullies she has a shy personality at first, but once she trust you she is a bubbly bright person all round.


Some one killing her

Some one killing her spider friend







The Dark


rude people

Unhygienic places

People who hate her

People who make her angry


Always carries a spider with her


(Only one. Nothing over powered. If i ask you to change it. Change it. )


(she can control electricity of all forms but can't use it when wet or in water)


(Even though i hate them, at least one paragraph. )

When Alison turn 4 her parents left her at an orphanage. Alison never knew why. When she went to school all the kids would bully her for being abandoned and different from others. Alison... you see, always liked to talk to spiders. Spiders were like her. They were always alone in corners. But when Alison was 7 a boy came and killed the spider that she was talking to. Alison at that moment, went into her first psychopathic episode. She ran after the boy and pined him done with a pin to his eye. One of the maids on duty pulled Alison away and told the boy to leave Alison alone to her spiders. Alison had no friends after that. The only things that stayed with her were the spiders. Every one else left her because they didn't wanna end up like the boy from her orphanage did. But when she moved to high school. No one knew her, so naturally, no one knew about her psychopathic episodes. So one boy came up to her and teased her about how she cared for and carried a spider with her. When the boy saw she was ignoring him so she would stay sane (i don't know another word to say other than sane), he took the spider and killed it with a pen. Alison got so mad that she almost killed the boy with the butter knife she had in her had. She only stabbed his eye. She then went on to killing some of the boys friends but some teachers intervened and took her away. She was then sent to the metal institute because of the rareness of her illness and that no one at school or the orphanage knew how to deal with. Also when Alison was five she went swimming at the beach. She was having fun when all of a sudden a wave crashed over her face making her drown. She has feared swimming at the beach ever since.​
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Brooke Teres




Teres, Eyeless, One-Eye Wonder (but she doesn't even care)





Mental Illness/reason why you where committed:

-Fears light: tried and succeeded to dig one of her eyes out with a spoon



-Fears an open flame: screams her head off when she sees one



(Single eye- doctors tried to give her a glass eye but she kept refusing, wears a purple bandana to cover both eyes.)




107 lbs


Brooke is very calm but doesn't socialize too much. She thinks that they'll give up on her, just like her parents did. This also leads to her having issues with trusting people. She'll slowly get to trusting them more, but never fully. This doesn't stop her from making sure that everyone else is taken care of before her. She doesn't want them to end like her. She has a way with words that can get her out of most situations. She's convinced basically everyone that she's right. Except her parents.



-Burning to Death


-The dark

-Sweet Food


-Bitter food

-Most smells (she hates smelling things so she just stopped smelling things)


She would always wear a beanie so she could cover her eyes even more whenever she


Time Manipulation (only affecting herself and whomever she is touching)


She was just a normal girl living a normal life. She had enough friends to make her happy, her grades were good, and her parents loved and cared for her. Or so she thought. One night, she was about to fall asleep when she smelled smoke. Being one to investigate, she went downstairs, not bothering to turn on the lights. When she reached the kitchen, all she saw was a large flame, so then she flipped the light switch on.

Inside, both her parents were burning photosensitive documents. They were also completely soaked. They told her that they hated her wanted to rid themselves of her and destroy all the evidence of them being with her. She watched in horror as they burned everything. Soon enough, they finished burning it all. But they weren't done yet.

Goodbye forever, Brooke. Her eyes widened in fear as they lit themselves on fire, as well as the house itself. She ran out as fast as she could, their shrieks still ringing. The next day she was found alone and was put in an orphanage and only lasted a few hours before she tried to get rid of her eyes. She only managed to get one out before they rushed her to the hospital. The doctors tried to get her a glass eye but she screamed and kicked every time they got near her.

Deeming her too stubborn, they just gave her aa eyepatch to cover it up. She complied to that, but when she was back at the orphanage, she flipped to the other eye so she didn't have to see anything. The caretakers tried to get her to fix it because she was scaring the other children, but she was being stubborn about it. To make everyone happy, she took a bandana to covered both eyes. The caretakers thought she was still dangerous to the other kids, so they sent her away.

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[QUOTE="Phoenix Dixon]


Alison 89921 Nightmare Nighting-Gale

Age: (12-17)


(Just turned twelve)






Birthday: (Month/day)

1 July

Mental Illness/reason why you where committed.:

1. Psychopathic episodes

Some one pissed her of so much she almost killed everyone in her school.


((Would prefer realistic face claims, but anime is fine for now.))



1.9 meters


51 Kilograms


(At least one paragraph or five Virtues/ and five Vices)

Alison is a very curious being. She likes to stick her nose in stuff that isn't for her eyes to see. Alison also likes to play with people A LOT! She may be 12... but she is like a seven year old some times. And some times... when no one has pissed her of, she'll be normal. But that doesn't happen very often. Alison has psychopathic episodes where she just goes all out crazy and wants to kill some one. This happens when some one makes her angry. And because of the bullies she has a shy personality at first, but once she trust you she is a bubbly bright person all round.


Some one killing her

Some one killing her spider friend







rude people

Unhygienic places

People who hate her

People who make her angry


Always carries a spider with her


(Only one. Nothing over powered. If i ask you to change it. Change it. )



(Even though i hate them, at least one paragraph. )

When Alison turn 4 her parents left her at an orphanage. Alison never knew why. When she went to school all the kids would bully her for being abandoned and different from others. Alison... you see, always liked to talk to spiders. Spiders were like her. They were always alone in corners. But when Alison was 7 a boy came and killed the spider that she was talking to. Alison at that moment, went into her first psychopathic episode. She ran after the boy and pined him done with a pin to his eye. One of the maids on duty pulled Alison away and told the boy to leave Alison alone to her spiders. Alison had no friends after that. The only things that stayed with her were the spiders. Every one else left her because they didn't wanna end up like the boy from her orphanage did. But when she moved to high school. No one knew her, so naturally, no one knew about her psychopathic episodes. So one boy came up to her and teased her about how she carried a spider with her. When the boy saw she was ignoring him so she would stay sane (i don't know another word to say other than sane), he took the spider and killed it with a pen. Alison got so made that she almost killed the boy with the butter knife she had in her had. She only cut his eye. She then went on to killing some of the boys friends but some teachers intervened and took her away. She was then sent to the metal institute because of the rareness of her illness that no one at school or the orphanage knew how to deal with.​

There are many forms of that power. Specify and/or Limit.
Name: Connor Gaughan

Age: 16

Nickname: jack

Sexuality: male

Birthday: 9th of April

Mental Illness: schizophrenia after my parents tried to stop me talking to myself and to the voices in my head but after three years they stopped trying and applied me into the hospital.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/images.jpg.e5b672b515fa680643f988e54dc69eea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145691" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/images.jpg.e5b672b515fa680643f988e54dc69eea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Persona: he feels that the voices in his his head his head are his head are they're to help him and to his parents dismay he gets along with the voices, although most people call me a nice person I'm not afraid to stab anyone in the back for my own self interest, so in short I'm a wildcard.

Fears: my family

Likes: the voices, dogs

Dislikes: most people

Habits/Quirks: I get way to angry over the smallest things about religion

Power: being abil to break things apart in my mind, although they object is still intact I'm my mind I have broken it down into each individual part, this applies to anything and everything including people.

Biography: I was born to a johovas whiteness family with strict rules and even my father becoming violent if I got anything wrong, after the voices started and my power began my family became scared of me and even sead I was the product of satin, they tried "fixing" me themselves but ended up applying me into the hospital and left me they're.



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Mymonkey said:
Name: Connor Gaughan
Age: 16

Nickname: jack

Sexuality: male

Birthday: 9th of April

Mental Illness: schizophrenia after my parents tried to stop me talking to myself and to the voices in my head but after three years they stopped trying and applied me into the hospital.

Appearance: View attachment 322690



Persona: he feels that the voices in his his head his head are his head are they're to help him and to his parents dismay he gets along with the voices, although most people call me a nice person I'm not afraid to stab anyone in the back for my own self interest, so in short I'm a wildcard.

Fears: my family

Likes: the voices, dogs

Dislikes: most people

Habits/Quirks: I get way to angry over the smallest things about religion

Power: being abil to break things apart in my mind, although they object is still intact I'm my mind I have broken it down into each individual part, this applies to anything and everything including people.

Biography: I was born to a johovas whiteness family with strict rules and even my father becoming violent if I got anything wrong, after the voices started and my power began my family became scared of me and even sead I was the product of satin, they tried "fixing" me themselves but ended up applying me into the hospital and left me they're.
Please poof read your sheet.

  • Basics

  • Age: 17 Alias//Nickname: Shy Sexuality: Aromantic Birthday: 12/13

  • Illness n' Shit

    Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder/Paranoia and Intermittent Explosive Disorder -Continual paranoid checking of appliances- Locks, knobs, doors, lights, fire/water -To make sure nothing is left 'on'-etc. -Readdressing problems that may or may not exist- Re-reading papers hundreds of times before turning them in only to panic pleading to have it returned, insisting people continuously make it known if she had offended them -This is a form of criticism-, repetitively holding conversations with herself for hours to make sure things go right then panicking if anything goes not how she had imagined, re-reading lines in a book hundreds of times, etc. -Obsessive reaction to forces outside her control- Shaking of clothing to rid it of dirt/dust/skin cells every few minutes, rubbing hands together in panic at the idea of touching something/someone, refusal to go anywhere that any 'contagious' illnesses could be contracted, extreme cleaning for hours to rid herself as well as her surroundings of unseen 'demons', etc. -Lingering on things that aught not to be lingered on- Questions with no direct answer will be thought of or spoken of for hours until she can be thrown out of the fit -triggered by things like 'chicken or egg', 'God is real?', 'People born good or bad', extremely detached from reality when within an episode of questioning, etc. -Intense doubting of anything being 'true'- Never truly believes that people are their to help, continually doubting friendships or peoples intentions, etc. -Thoughts of violence- Obsessive fear of thoughts of harming herself or those around her, refusal to have anything sharper than a pencil if fears she would harm another, etc. -Classic need for order- Not much to explain-- Insisting on things being neat and orderly, obsessing when in an area that holds no order, needing quite a bit of resolve to not attempt to fix disorganized areas, etc. -Violent reactions- When triggered by stress, fears, or something as simple as being restrained violent uncontrollable outbursts are likely to occur, screaming is also often an effect causing her to fall into a void of rage or terror-- needing to be restrained before she hurts others or even herself.

  • Appearance Extended

    -Female- Height: 5' 3'' Weight: 103 lb

  • Personal

    Persona: Disorder aside nobody really knows just how Shiloh would act, her obsessive cleaning and paranoid checking makes her appear as a jittery easily shaken person. Though when under a episode of 'thought', 'rage', or 'terror' she seems to have a completely different persona-- transitioning quickly from jumpy to disconnected, fearful to monstrous, timid to terrified, and so on in a matter of moments. Cliche as it sounds, Shiloh's personality makes her seem as the epitome of the embodiment of a disorder-- her disorder. Biography: Having seemingly been born with OCD disorder Shiloh had very few friends rather having more enemies, her obsessive natures went against what ever other child would naturally do. This created a 'monster', not quite what you might be thinking it created both Shiloh's inevitable bullying situation that would ensue but also be the cause of her IED. Things would be made to trigger her outbursts as she soon was made to realize all her imperfections whenever the other students had a chance to fin them, this was everything from speaking (stuttering/pronunciation), to the very way she walked and breathed. Her triggers formed soon after, once she was put under stress or called out she would begin to react violently. Soon her reactions would go from something as harmless as breaking a pencil in the third grade, to wrecking a girls face by grabbing her hair and repetitively slamming it into a window. However these occur less than one would think-- her triggers being something considered 'petty' and all, her medications tend to keep her 'wild side' at bay-- for the most part.

  • Extras

    Fears: Criticism Anger Birds New people Change Likes: Coffee (caffeine) Cats Organization Dislikes: Loud noises Unorganized things/Places Dogs Habits/Quirks: Shaking her clothes Wringing her hands Talking to herself Looking around (constantly)

  • Power n' Stuff's

    Gravitational Manipulation (Can stop things from falling for about 30 seconds before it fails, lift things up to 150 lbs for a max of 30 seconds. Extremely strenuous/stressful.)


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