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Fantasy Hybrids OOC

Umbra Regalia

There's no place like
Speak OOC in this tab~! Talk about whatever you want, but remember this is the place for it and not anywhere else!
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[QUOTE="Geek with Me]Nah it's all good. I changed it. I tried to keep it with the same back story only with magic I hope that was okay and did you get the question I sent to you?

just got it, but btw your character? Their likes and dislikes are a little flawed... Last thing I swear IM SRY

There's no such thing as skating in this era xD sorryyyyy also there's no police, just the guards... Sryyyyyyyyy, realllyy, I hate giving people crud about this sort of thing...
soon, promise. just working on my other character

If you guys would let me get to it *^*


[QUOTE="Kazu Kun]Wait can i switch Kano to human I read the notes and there are no humans

but y? That's why you SHOULDNT be a human
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[QUOTE="Kazu Kun]Well i saw the weapons hybrids use and they are very... Unlikely of swords and related

sorry what? They use the same weapons as humans more or less l:
:/ Idk, if we could do like Phoenixs and dragons i would be okay but regular animal hybrids actually creep me out?
[QUOTE="Kazu Kun]
:/ Idk, if we could do like Phoenixs and dragons i would be okay but regular animal hybrids actually creep me out?

l: then why'd you join..? Sorry to be rude, but seriously l: the story revolves around the two races
[QUOTE="Kazu Kun]
:/ Idk, if we could do like Phoenixs and dragons i would be okay but regular animal hybrids actually creep me out?

So is my red panda scary :|
Panda and bears im okay with

Cute and chubby

Forger chubby
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xD lol no that wont happen too bad tho


also one last thing - I may have to leave soon.......... I'll try to stay on, bu yeaaaah l:
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I'm gonna be offline for a bit, but I should be back soon! I think about 30 minutes to an hour.
I gtg guys, sorry! I'll try my best to be on tomorrow!! My mom's getting all pissy that I've been busy on here all day so she may just whine about it... Cya guys tomorrow! (Kano I give u permission to use Xillia if she's needed. I trust u, plus u already know the character xD )

Gnight everyone!

I'll probably get off after I reply anyways mostly to watch youtube and anime
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[QUOTE="Aurath Moonblood]Aura came up to the village. "Humans....?" He asked himself with a bitter tone

wut? are you in the human village or hybrid village? Because you can easily tell which is which, hybrid of human xD

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